For Richer or For Poorer

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i made a covenant with god and i'm ready to move on what god said [Music] i'm ready that's it come on let's do it together everybody move on what god said let's do it again i am an agent of i change a covenant with god and i'm ready [Applause] [Music] and ready agent of change i i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this morning [Music] [Music] and i made my covenant with god i'm agreeing with him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] this is the day that the lord has made we ought to rejoice and be glad in the fact that we are agents of change if you're excited about it lift your hands honk your horns put your thumbs up on the screen we are agents of change i'm pastor kervans ross and i'm with my sister from another minister mastercare returning hey family if you know you serve a covenant keeping god oh come on this morning we want to hear some horns from you can you give your father a loud noise this morning listen he is a covenant keeping that's good to my soul pastor ross he is a covenant-keeping god yes you get on my nerves fast [Applause] and it's the same way with our heavenly father hallelujah that he keeps a covenant that no matter what we do come on he's decided to be good to us and this sunday allows us to keep our word because our senior pastor has been on a outright tangent my goodness on the word is bonsai that series has blessed you put your hands together lift your hands blow your horns and give some thumbs up and today we're kicking it in high gear we're on the red carpet listen we on the red carpet this morning y'all but can i tell you you can be on the red carpet wherever you are because your covenant keeping god has made a promise to you to usher you into a new season of your life and not just usher you in but he's doing it vip style listen somebody type right now i have a reserved seat for what the father has for me listen if you've not liked this or shared this we want you to do that right now tell somebody to join us in the greatest virtual experience i'm just gonna say on the planet period if you're in the youtube campus i need you to hit the share button and put that link on the page our facebook campus i need you to use the at symbol and just type a and whatever number comes up or a letter comes up they need this just like you and i need you to share on the app on the page wherever you are make sure people are connected listen family we want to make sure that you are completely involved in this bond campaign have you been blessed weekly by what pastor has been ministering to us listen i didn't lost all my edges and my eyebrows every week because he has been killing us with the word but it has been such a blessing to us listen we want you to stay connected we want to make sure that you are following the church on instagram all of our social media platforms and listen do you all like our shirts this morning do you like these customs look at everybody in this church this morning listen if you want to grab one of these shirts you can do so at the station and you can go ahead and order those right from the bookstore at our church website and if you're here i want you to bombard the tent and make sure you one of these t-shirts and if you need to make this commitment it's not a if it's a win and today is the day i need you to text right now nb bond 700 and i want you to 71441 to make your pledges whether it is 70 whether it is 1700 whether it's 7 000 and some of you can do it at even 70 000. don't let us put a cap on your seven just put yourself in a place where your covenant changes your life and don't forget our children we want our babies to know what it's like to start sowing early do you agree and so have them pull out their piggy banks we want them to sow seven dollars so that they know that they are included and what their community of faith is doing as well are y'all ready to go higher into worship oh i can't hear nobody this morning y'all in these homes are you ready to go higher this morning glory to god let's do it let's go yeah come on let's do it again everybody we're moving together [Music] [Music] [Music] amen [Music] all oh oh ah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] the promise is [Music] [Music] the promises of god [Music] [Music] it has your name all on it [Music] [Music] it's already one would you lift up your hand out of your car on the lawn on this parking lot lift up the end today we lift up our hands we're mindful of all of our concerns all of our issues but today i wanted us to extend our prayers to what towards our brothers and sisters in haiti amazingly 15 000 were under the bridge in texas within 72 hours the government is saying they can't account for where they are but we know we serve a god who all day all night angels are watching over them i want you to pray for a hedge fence of protection for our brothers and sisters who are in need of food and need of shelter need of aid and need of health i pray not just for them but i'm praying even now for one million americans who last night slept in their car i'm praying right now for the missing teenage black girls who are unaccounted for who you can't find on any news reports no pictures in the post office we pray right now for all of our veterans who are not getting assistance we're praying right now for those who have been purged from welfare roles who are doing what they can to support and to sustain their families we're praying right now for those who are overwhelmed with stress and anxiety because of a pending legal issue we're praying right now for those who are in fear of their lives because they are subject to domestic violence we pray right now for those who are contending with emotional brokenness we're praying why because we serve a prayer answering god we know that our god is ear is not heavy that he cannot hear and his arm is not showing that he cannot save and every person today who knows for yourself that god has answered prayers and this is a week that your prayer is gonna be answered would you give god glory and thanksgiving for it come on i can't hear you clap your hands like you know god is gonna answer your prayer like you know god is gonna meet the need like god is gonna exceed the expectation come on clap your hands on you people serve the lord with gladness for he alone is worthy i need you to do me a favor please i want you to share i want you to text somebody tag somebody call somebody tell them new birth is in the parking lot but you can watch him right there in your living room in your dining room even in your car something amazing is going to happen today a new birth i want you to join me in a chorus of thanksgiving for how god has kept you this week as god has blessed you this week would you clap your hands even now joining us today is uh the naacp because atlanta in particular we are in the midst of voting and because we're in the midst of voting we want you to know that absentee ballots are beginning to start i am grateful that new birth we raise leaders maybe y'all didn't hear what i just said new birth we raise leaders i better say it so y'all can hear me i said new birth we raise leaders and i want to thank god that two of our members have offered themselves for public service i need your prayers i need your support and i need your push i'm behind dr barbara hall who's running up for the fifth district in stonecrest come on would you give god some praise for her representing the third district is sister alicia washington come on let's give god some praise for both of them i need you to cover them in your prayers and in your support those of you that know people in stone crest i need you to push people in their direction as they are moving how many of y'all are ready to go back in the sanctuary how many of you ready to go back y'all don't sound like it i said how many of you are ready to go back in the sanctuary it's easy to do we can go back in the sanctuary if we just get your neighbors vaccinated as soon as we can get your cousins and them vaccinated we can get that taken care of uh today friends uh we are offering free vaccinations uh in our family life center i asked that immediately after service uh that you would make your way down the hill uh and go into our bell center so that you can get vaccinated call and text of people who are connected to you uh and let them know we want to go to church you holding up our service all you got to do is go and get vaccinated on today would you help me thank god that uh worshiping with us is praise 102.5 come on praise 102.5 has been hanging out with us all day today and they've been getting the word out for all of us i'm telling you i've been all over the world and there is not a worship experience not a worship encounter like new birth how many of you all believe that i must be talking to strangers the reason why it is that i am appreciative about new birth is not just what we do in church on sundays but how it is that we serve the community monday through saturday uh yesterday as was our tradition and culture uh we opened up our doors and thousands of families who were contending with food insecurity came onto our campus and was able to get groceries to sustain their family for the week somebody give god and praise for that [Music] i'm appreciative not only for yesterday but in the pandemic new birth we have fed 750 000 families come on somebody give god glory how we would be deceiving ourselves if we thought we were the only ones doing the work i'm thankful that we've got organizations in this community that are doing heavy lifting and because this is the month that we focus on community i wanted to share with you uh five organizations and whom we are proud of and whom it is that we stand with on today give god a hand clepper praise for them as they come and not only are we uh proud of them we're sowing into them because a new birth we are a giving church i better say that again i said new birth we are a giving church and so today we want to give a blessing to five community organizations so that they'll know that they are not in it by themselves but there is a church in dekalb county who is putting their money where their mouth is i tell you there is no church that will out give what new birth does and so today new birth i need y'all to hunt your horn i need you to scream i need you to yell we're giving 5 dollars to miller grove middle school so oh come on make some more noise than that five thousand dollars to miller grove of middle school we're giving five thousand dollars to the king center come on give god some praise for them we're giving 5 000 to the atlanta union mission somebody give god glory for them we're giving another 5 000 to the teen parent connection helping teenage parents come on add another 5 000 to the african-american association of georgia somebody give god some glory now the reason why i wanted you to see this reason why i want you to see this we are giving hear this while we are still owing did y'all hear that softly musicians i need you to hear this we are giving while we're still in debt we are still giving while we have an amazing mortgage because we stand on the principle that if you give it's going to come back to you how many of you know god loves a cheerful giver that god will outdo your giving at every turn and so today 5 10 15 20 25 we're giving out 25 000 while we're in the middle of a campaign y'all ain't saying nothing 25 000 while we're in the middle of trying to lower our own debt and so i want you to pray for these organizations these schools these non-profits that they will continuously lift up the light of christ and do the work of god a city planted on a hill cannot be heard and i'm believing that god is not going to allow us to remain anonymous because of the work that we are doing in the body of christ give god a cheer for these partner organizations as they go forth thank you so very much for all that you do and for how it is that you let your light shine i knew yesterday i was uh with a group of uh entrepreneurs in uh in florida and they had a speaker who absolutely blew my mind his name is uh mr brown i'm going to be bringing him here uh soon he has over 5 billion dollars in assets he has 5 billion in assets and he was talking to this group of some 400 entrepreneurs and he said something that really just rattled my brain he said there is no reason in the world for the lion to be king of the jungle so there's no reason for the lion to be the king of the jungle why hear this new birth because the lion is not the biggest in the jungle that would be the elephant said it is not the fastest in the jungle that would be the cheetah said it would not be the smartest in the jungle that would be the orangutan it wouldn't be the wisest in the jungle that would be the owl said the lion is the king of the jungle hear this because of mindset because he believes he is the king everybody else falls in alignment with it many of you need to change your mind about who you are but all the more you got to change your mind about who your god is how many of you know that my mind is clear that if god before me who can be against me my mind is clear can nobody do me like jesus nobody can do me like the lord my mind is clear but i am more than a conqueror my mind is made up that i can do all things through christ which strengthens me so you may not be the smartest you may not be the richest in your estimation you may not be the prettiest but you have to have the mindset that i am the best that god has to offer in the earth if you know i'm talking to you would you clap your hands would you haunt your horn it becomes abundantly clear why a lot of people do not tithe while a lot of people do not sow to church because they have the wrong mindset when it is that i am giving i've got to have the mind of the kingdom that i am a lender and not a borrower i got to have the right mindset that my father is rich in houses and land i got to have the right mindset that in my father's house of many mansions and there's a room with my name on it i got to have the right mindset he will supply all of my needs y'all are real bible church i wonder who your pastor is y'all really know the word of god i want to challenge you those of you who have the right mind towards the serving of god's people the right mind for the embeddement and the empowerment of our community the right mind that jesus is the answer for the world today i'm going to challenge you those of you who like nehemiah looked at that wall but he made up his mind that it's got to be built it's got to be accomplished it's got to be challenged and it's got to be changed i want every single one of you please sir please ma'am i want you to begin tithing right now your giving options are provided for you on the lower thirds of the screen those of you who are here i would you just take out your phone let me see your phone please lift up that phone lift up that phone you're giving on on giving the fire you're giving up on push pay you're giving on text to give i want you to give god loves a cheerful giver i don't want you to delay in doing it i need you to do it right now don't trust your memory you ain't gonna remember later i want you to do it right now give in accordance to what god has given to you because we are a tithing church what percent of our income goes to god come on because we are tithing church what percent of our income goes to god god is asking only for ten percent when it is that visa wants 17 mastercard wants 19 american express won it all at the end of the month and god is saying all i've asked for is 10 and in 2021 years the rate has not changed with inflation i want you to give that best gift i want you to give that best seed i want you to be mindful that in one month in one month august the 24th october 24th how we're going to raise 700 000 above our times and offerings and new birth we're going to do it in one day y'all don't have that kind of faith i said we gonna do it in one day seven people are gonna sow seven thousand two hundred are gonna give seventeen hundred a thousand of you are gonna give seven hundred one hundred of you are gonna give seventy i need you to make a covenant with god god you can trust me i'm gonna do it i'm faithful over a few things but god i know that you're gonna make me ruler over many if you're excited about what god is gonna do in the life of your family in the life of your bloodline today we ain't talking about generational curses how many of you all are ready for generational blessings y'all y'all don't want a generational blessing with your name on it i'm excited about what god is going to do and how he is going to move my sister is here darlene come on come on come on she all the way from paris georgia come on you all know darlene come on get make some noise for darling good morning how y'all doing man y'all look good y'all look real good out there listen i just want to just say thank you first of all from all of us at praise 1025 for keeping us the number one gospel station in the absolute country yay thank you and then i gotta say a personal thank you for keeping the nightly spirit the the top-rated gospel show wow wow thank you awesome cause folks i thought folks don't listen to gospel at night but you do it i say thank you but how many of y'all love praise 102.5 let me hear you listen it has it has been the absolute lifeline for so many people that are just looking for inspiration and looking for hope and looking to be encouraged and looking for for some direction and from some guidance so i thank all of you for for going to praise 102.5 for that right there during the week and i want to say to y'all that praise in the park is going to be next saturday on october 2nd at the solaris amphitheater and it is the biggest praise in the park that we've ever had wow now how do you have the biggest one you've ever had in a pandemic huh that has got to be god listen pastor mike jr is going to be there we've got cece winans coming israel and new breed will be there we've got so many people i have forgotten we got anthony brown in group therapy car of course he's gonna be there and here is here's the thing about kiara shearer kelly she is recording her live album at praising the park wow okay now i heard now don't now don't quote me on this i heard she might be bringing her mama and her aunts together just saying so i want you all to make sure that you come to praise in the park get your tickets please get your tickets and i'm going to see you there erica campbell is going to see you there jacqueline carr is going to see you there willie moe jr is going to see you there but we're gonna see each other and have a great time so we love you so much thank you so much for embracing us and we'll see y'all next saturday is that all right thank you for having us for praise come on tiffany boom hey everybody listen listen my best friend is here can y'all give a shout out for pastor mike junior no no no that was for me can you get a little bigger pastor mike jr i don't know about you but i am so excited to celebrate jesus with him and his team dude has already won five stellar awards he hasn't been billboard for i don't know how many weeks so listen we gotta rock hard come on down to the front a little closer if you ain't scared come on a little closer so we can rock our heart with pastor mike jr let's give a shout out a new birth welcome to pastor mike new burp you got to make some noise if you know god is a good guy i said make some noise if you know god is a good guy if you favor tell your neighbor [Music] [Music] somebody make some noise if you love god let's go if you're blessed if we can't do and he always made a way if he came and he turned your life around yeah if you know [Music] it's already [Music] hold up verse [Music] let's [Music] go every survivor ought to make some noise [Music] [Music] ain't nobody [Music] [Music] when [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] it you got it we got it we got it [Music] god [Music] [Applause] i'm a living witness that can't nobody do me like god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i don't see nobody dancing this is a praise party ain't it [Music] i want you to look at god and say [Music] [Music] we got it we got it [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] i don't hear nobody [Music] tree [Music] look at your neighbors they give me some room right now every time i turn around [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] every [Music] [Music] special to me this is the first church that invited me to sing my song big the first church that believed in what god was doing and two years later five step awards later artists of the year later i had to come to new birth to birth something and god told me you're pregnant with possibility [Music] if you're doing it big in 2021 i need you to make some good [Music] if you do god got a blessing with your name on it i need you to see it with me say god is a victory [Music] [Music] if you want it [Music] god [Music] [Music] that the pandemic doesn't change the promise [Music] god [Music] is [Music] the [Music] i need you to lift your hands say god i am ready for the next thing that you're doing in my section i still believe it's gonna be woke up this [Music] winners [Music] [Music] online i need you to put hands up in the comments let's prophesy god's gonna [Music] somebody shout i receive that i said shall i receive that can we sing it as one choir i believe it's my season and i can feel joy yeah i'm anticipating god's get ready to move i need you to lift your hands before i know [Music] come on i need you to say it [Music] yes [Music] if you lord it's just for you you wanna throw your head back and and it's gonna be there's a miracle in this room and it's got your name on there's a blessing [Music] that's a breakthrough it's in the room go your head back [Music] don't say it if you ain't trying to give birth to nothing why you looking me up and down like there's something wrong with me look back at your neighbor and say i don't know what you feel i don't know [Music] look at another neighbor and say i don't know what you feel [Music] sometimes i don't have the proper words to properly articulate what i feel in my spirit so every now and again i got to say hey i don't know what you you didn't feel like it was here you didn't shout like it was here i don't know what you feel i don't know what you feel i don't know what you feel i don't know what you'll do i don't know what you feel i don't [Music] i'm getting ready to go god bless y'all but look at your neighbor say neighbor that's the wrong somebody find another neighbor say neighbor give me about six feet because i'm about to praise god but what he's getting ready to do i need appraiser i need a praiser i need a pleaser who will praise god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i don't see no place [Music] who's gonna dance with me it's gonna be dead [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i got a feeling it's gonna be [Music] [Music] i'm getting ready to go but who waiting on god to do something who's waiting on god to make a way can i be baptized for about 30 seconds break it ah is you better blazer like it's already done come on i need everybody [Music] it's gonna be your pastor's about to bring the word last time i need you to declare it's gonna be [Music] y'all give it up for pastor mike [Music] how many of y'all believe it's gonna be big [Music] bless the lord [Music] [Music] come on shout like it's gonna be big we've been in a series called word is bond i want you to go quickly to matthew 19 matthew 19 verses 21 and 22 matthew 19. verse 21 and 22. matthew chapter 19 verse 21 and 22 jesus told him if you want to be perfect go sell your possessions and give to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven then come follow me when the young man heard this he went away in sorrow because he had great wealth i want to preach for a little while uh today continuing our series i want to preach today for richer or for poorer for richer or for poorer professor kevin cost from the university of minnesota said in a briefing that love may bring two people together but too many times it's money that drives them apart love can bring two people together but too many times it's money that drives them apart data collected from suntrust bank found that money is the lead point of contention for couples and the second leading cause of divorce after infidelity the truth of the matter is the crux of the conflict is not cash itself nor is it connected to secret bank accounts or online gambling it really whittles down to trust money can become the real matrix where in marriage the red and blue pill boiled down to values and honesty so the person who i'm involved with who i'm dating who i'm marrying i gotta ask them can i trust you to have delayed gratification so that we can have a secure future can i trust that you will not put aesthetics over assets can i trust that you have a financial plan and you are not living for zappos in amazon it can become toxic especially if they come from a family tree that eats all its own fruit or if they are just instinctively selfish that's why many aren't sure how to behave many people don't know how to handle you they don't know how to respond or to react when they discover that you actually don't love them for their money we're living in a culture where currency has replaced identity so people treat you based off of how much they think you are worth a lot of people are about to lose their minds because they lost their job as if they don't have confidence that god will give them another one the american academy of matrimonial lawyers have reported that divorces oddly enough hear this divorces oddly enough pick up in periods during economic growth the bible says unless two agree how can they walk together i was astonished to discover that there is a higher divorce rate amongst the affluent than there is amongst the destitute a lot of couples who have a lot coming in also have a whole lot more going out frequently a high income earner is married to a non-worker in addition the higher income spouse can find themselves with inflated time away from the home because of travel or occupational demands by an almost two to one margin the lawyers who were polled saw a decline in divorces during economic downturns which means that when things got tight marital bonds got deeper when things were going well it was easier for people to leave that underscores therefore why in the marital vows it says richer before it says poorer because your greater temptation is how you will act when you have money it's actually harder to stick in there when you are richer al green said let's stay together whether good or bad happy or sad but you'll notice that reverend al never said richer or poorer i got to ask you a critical question today whether you're in the lawn whether you're on a folding chair whether you're watching from your home i got to ask you how does your economics inform your discipleship have you ever thought about why is it there are more churches in the projects than in the suburbs psalm 34 and 1 says i will bless the lord at all times but seriously though which times do you bless him more when do you pray more at what point do you worship more fervently you asked him to make you richer but can he trust you when you are poorer so sometimes to get that old thing back god has got to make it like it was because god discovered in high level observation that you were more faithful when you had less can god trust you with more i hate to reign on your parade but i got to tell you that sometimes when you lost money it was not the devil sometimes when you were going through financial hardships it was not the enemy and it was not a curse sometimes you went through financial trial because god needed you to pray more god needed you to worship more god needed you to be more faithful because he saw when you got money you started going to brunch when you got money you started playing golf when you got money you started spending more time online shopping so god said i need to see how will you trust me when you got less the bureau of labor statistics latest survey of consumer expenditure found that the poorest fifth of american households contribute on average 4.3 percent of their income to charitable organizations whereas the richest fifth gave on average just two 2 of their income we've got data that shows explicitly the broker you are the better giver you are [Music] it's like rolling up toothpaste you've got to get the best you can from the bottom the reality is most people don't know poor people intimately unless they work for them but god put you in a place in poverty to remind you of who you used to be he needed to see how would you respond when you see your old self but it becomes a whole lot more strenuous to give to people especially when you know them how pastor do i give to my child who has no initiative how do i give to my friend who is always in crisis how do i give to my mate who does not know how to manage and today i'm not telling you to give to them what i am saying to you is stick with them the same way god stuck with you do you remember how god blessed you when you had no discipline do you remember how god supplied all your needs when your priorities were out of order do you remember when he showed up when you spent your income on that which was frivolous in matthew chapter 19 some church officials rolled up on jesus and they asked him about divorce and they asked the master what are the excusable grounds for divorce that is acceptable in your sight verse number nine jesus responds sexual immorality and then something happens just a few verses later in that same chapter a young man walks up on jesus when he walks up on them he asks what must i do to have eternal life and after jesus summarizes the ten commandments he extends to him one last test the last test was go sell your possessions and give everything to the poor i want to say this i don't know whether you're sitting in your car whether you're standing on the grass but i need to say this to you whether you're watching me sitting up in the bed you needed to know that poverty was your last test that god needed to see how would you serve him when your hours got cut he needed to see what would you do when you had to live out of your savings account he needed to see what you would respond with when you depleted your 401k and if you can hear my voice you ought to be shouting why because god sent me to tell you you passed the poverty test you want to be giving god glory because when you didn't have money you didn't become mean you didn't commit suicide you didn't lose your mind but you said i will trust god even when i don't have finance the only reason you ought to be shouting this morning is in the pandemic you discovered that favor was better than money that god has never left me or forsaken me don't worry about these folk looking at you crazy they don't know the days you had to drive with no gas in the car they don't know how it was when you were scared to open the mail they don't know how your nerves were wrecked when you didn't know whether the debit card would go through but you're able to say through it all i learned to trust in jesus i learned to trust in god the problem is this young man heard what jesus said sell all you have and give to the poor and the bible then exposes his emotion that he went away sad and then gave us the reason why because he had a lot and i'm not exactly sure why the young man went away sad and i'm not sure whether you know why perhaps it was because he couldn't honor the vow being rich and he didn't know how to trust god being poor you didn't hear what i just said he didn't know how to honor his vow being rich and he didn't know how to trust god being poor what part of it bothered him the most was it the selling or was it the giving see jesus is talking to a businessman and the businessman knew that when i sell it i'm going to get a profit for it that it's going to be more for me in value in the sale than in the purchase i'm not talking to everybody i'm talking to entrepreneurs right now god said whatever you sell it's going to be taken care of whatever investment you have for your idea for your concept for your business for your llc for your book he said you ought to take delight because whatever you sell it it's going to sell what was this problem was it selling it but knowing after he sold it with a profit that he would have to give it away and i want to argue to you this morning that a lot of you have soul ties that are not sexual a lot of you have soul ties to things that are tangible that you don't know how to give stuff away you got a closet full of clothes you can't fit and you ain't ever gonna be that size again but you so connected to it that you don't know how to give it away you've got so much that it's hard for you to decide which thing to move on because you don't know how to give it away hoarders will never be receivers are you you just miss what i just said hoarders will never be receivers and god is saying i understand how it is that the young man was answering how do i give it away when i paid for it how do i give it away to somebody who doesn't know my sacrifice how do i give it away to somebody who does not have my work ethic and god is telling me to give it away if it was free i could understand it but how did you give it away when i paid for it and those of you who are shaking your head those of you who are saying you can identify those of you who say that is a hard thesis for you to argue today i want to say that's how god looked at you last night how did you give your body away when i paid for it you've been bought with a price don't you know your body is a temple holy and acceptable under god but you keep giving it away to people who don't understand covenant he had a problem and he walked away why because he didn't have confidence that he would get it back what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine until it isn't in kindergarten you learn that caring is sharing but you forgot that principle by the time you got to seventh grade you don't ever need to be on a team with somebody who is only with you when you win you don't need anybody on your team who doesn't know how to stand with you in defeat i better say this to somebody chill are only needed when the team is losing if you don't know how to affirm and push and support who you are with they are not supposed to be on your team but i need you to do me a favor for whoever you standing beside today would you cheer for them like you believe they're gonna win come on would you cheer for them like the last quarter of the year god is going to give up the desires of their heart cheer for them that even though they've been tackled they're still going to have a touchdown cheer for them [Music] you got to make sure they're chill for you when it looks like you ain't winning that they cheer for you when it looks like your back is up against the wall that they'll cheer for you even when the odds are stacked up against you [Music] holly back in 2013 i uh i went to uh the miami heats uh championship game against the san antonio spurs i go to the championship game and um he is looking pretty bleak because the clock is is winding down clock is winding down and i need you to understand that the san antonio spurs have a five point lead they got a five point lead against the miami heat and uh i said you know what this uh arena is packed to capacity let me get out of here before it's a traffic jam in the parking lot i got myself because only five minutes left in the game and they down by five points i walk out of that arena when i start walking out i don't know because i'm anointed for leadership people just start walking out behind me it's just it's hundreds just walking out behind me and we're walking out of the arena and i get maybe a half block away from the arena and i start hearing the sound of cheers i couldn't see because there were no screens out there but i heard a sound and the sound indicated to me that the game had changed that there is something about the sound of a worship of when they are down that even when you don't know what's happening even when you can't sense it you believe something is about to shift i don't know how you feel about it but i believe between now and december everything in your life is about to change everything in your economy is about to change everything in your bank account is about to change [Music] i heard the sound of everybody cheering and me and all those that left early ran back to the arena y'all ain't saying nothing to me we ran back to the arena because we had no idea god help me that uh that lebron had just hit three three-pointers in a row and security told us something that messed me up that i didn't think about till i started writing this sermon they said everybody who left cannot come back in i want to say the five of y'all that don't mind shouting whoever left you when you were broke whoever left you when you didn't have your money whoever left you when they didn't think you were gonna survive lock the door they cannot come back in [Music] i have paid the ticket but i couldn't come back in god help me because i left when i thought they were losing i had to stay outside and watch on somebody's phone to see even though they were down they came back up and they passed the enemy that was ahead of them this is a word for 50 people that don't mind shouting god said if you give me glory today all your money is coming back he said if you praise me everything that the kanga worm store is coming back to you he said if you lift me up it's going to be pressed now shaking together and running over would you look at your neighbor and say neighbor look at me this is the brokest i'm ever going to be in my life but beginning today god's going to give it back to me if you need god to give it to you give god a shout like you know it's coming back every dime that is old every dollar that is old every check that is old god said because you were faithful i'm giving it to you i got to show you this i got to show this i need you to lift that hand [Music] the bible says whenever you give to the poor you are loaning to the lord he didn't say give it to your friends your fraternity brothers your sorority sisters say give it to people who can't pay you back and watch and see if i will take care of you the pandemic has been hellified on your money but how many of you believe something is getting ready to change we're not asking god for something tangible but i need enough to sustain my family and to take care of my children and to take care of my grandchildren i need you to lift up that hand by faith like you believe is coming back i need you to open up your mouth like you are convinced you gonna get everything that you swallowed everything that went in the wind god said watch me restore it back to you i pray over every lifted hand that you will not have to chase down one dime [Music] every asset every piece of property every contract everything here this your former job owes you god i can't hear nobody in here everything that was promised you that did not come to pass everything that was rightfully yours that you shouldn't have to fight over god said i am gonna release it to you in the last quarter of this year and those of you who are standing in need of a financial breakthrough would you give god your best shout of expectation hey i said give god [Music] give god i can't hear nobody give god your best shout of expectation god you were with me when i was poor you was with me when i had nothing you were with me when the lights were cut off you were with me when i had to apologize to my old children you were with me he can trust you in poor can god trust you when he makes you rich i'm gonna challenge every person every person who has lived through a financially strapped season more than once waved that hand at me every person who knows for yourself it ain't no slogan but i know god as jehovah jireh [Music] god i can't hear nobody every person that can stand on the testimony i've never seen the righteous forsaken or a seed begging for bread i'm asking god to bless you exponentially i know that you've already tithed but my grandmother my late grandmother paul pauline lucas williams say you'll never go broke helping the poor you'll never go broke helping the poor i'm going to challenge every person right now to sow a seed here it is and i want you to sow a seed in accordance to your remembrance of your broke season of your strep season those of y'all from the hood let me hold something till next tuesday y'all ain't never had one of those i mean let me just hold a little piece of something till next friday i i got you when i get paid y'all ain't got no real cousins i can't hear nobody i'm gonna challenge every person who can every person who will i want you to get your best seat as close to 35 as you can as close to 35 as you can i'm going to do it on push pay on zell on text to give i want you to mail it if you have to but i want you to they see god i remember having to eat with sandwiches i'm y'all ain't saying that enough i remember having to do my own hair and burning my neck with the curl line i can't hear nobody i remember having to paint my own nails and having to put a towel underneath of it i remember having to make kool-aid and whipping the sugar down at the bottom i remember having a big peanut butter and jelly and cutting the edges off y'all don't y'all don't remember that i want you to give at that level those of you who are not saved i need you to know the greatest gift you can give god is not your money the greatest offering you can give god is yourself if you're here you're not saved forever to god you're hearing you're saying i don't have a church home that will cheer for me when i'm losing i don't have a church that will stick with me when i got my back up against the wall i'm telling you new birth is your arena this is where god wants to prosper you this way he wants to flourish you this is where he wants to develop you and this is where he wants to make you at your highest level you have walked out poor i can't wait to see you run with god rich how many of y'all know i'm talking to you right now i'm talking to you i'm believing that god is gonna do it uh mike mcclure is coming back come on y'all mike mccloy's coming back uh but real quick before he comes i'm so glad my uh sister is here michelle williams where you are come on come on real quick come here come here i know it just come just come i'm so glad to have uh michelle michelle williams from destiny's shout out with us real quick real quick while they setting up you got a book out tell me the name of the book i'm trying to help you oh thank you so much y'all um pastor jamal bryant i love you so much um yes i do have a new book called checking in about how getting real about depression saved my life and how it can save yours too it's a topic we don't talk about much in church but one day i'll have to come back and we'll talk about it thank you so much checking in mike mcclure it's gonna be medium come on y'all make some noise for mike mcclure hold on right quick hold on i don't know what you're going through and i don't know how difficult life is but i'm crazy enough to believe that god is still amazing somebody declare he's amazing come on give me some more right here somebody shout he's amazing can we try something and y'all tell me how you like it come on let's go [Music] i'm a living witness that god is still a good god you ought to just lift your hands [Music] can i testify the goodness of god i remember when i remember i remember when he saved my life everything before that was just a blur i was wild living real far i just want right [Music] sick to heal from broke to bless now i can testify that i'll never be the same [Music] god is amazing simply amazing he is amazing believes that that's why i believe the truth is that's why [Music] who believes god is still working miracles [Music] [Music] anybody survived [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] but i still understand [Music] [Applause] grandmamma said the devil don't understand when you're born [Music] i need your help right here your hand back and say my god [Music] [Music] i should be crazy and even when i'm feeling all the pressure yeah [Music] god [Music] i should be crazy and even when i'm feeling all the pressure yeah the one that i can live here [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i remember when i remember i remember when he picked me [Music] see you can't shout about that if you ain't never been down see negroes get amnesia when they get blessed but if you ever had a valley season you wanna just thank god i remember when i remember i remember when he picked me
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 17,033
Rating: 4.9530516 out of 5
Id: LKSftPZmobU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 2sec (5402 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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