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hallelujah do you know he's wonderful testify to your neighbor say hallelujah that's the way we give praise to him hallelujah [Music] [Music] shout out hallelujah can i get you the shout out hallelujah he is he's wonderful [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] when i'm happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're really expecting god to do what he said he was going to do just open up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] would you grab your bibles and go to judges chapter 14 judges chapter 14. as you'll stand for the reading of god's word judges chapter 14 we're going to read it together with uplifted voices verses five through nine judges fourteen verses five through nine once if i don't want to say i got it if you can't find it say lord help me it's a whole lot of y'all if you don't have a bible would you be kind and christian enough to share with somebody close by if neither of you have a bible get new friends in the next seven days judges 14 verses 5 through 9. let's read it together with uplifted voices samson went down to timnah spirit of the lord came powerfully upon him so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as mighty but he told neither his father nor his mother would he had done sometime later verse number nine he scooped out the honey with his hands and ate as he went along when he rejoined his parents he gave them some and they too ate it but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the lion's carcass i want to crawl back to verse number 8 judges 14 verse number 8. come on let's read it again sometime later and then he saw a swarm of bees and some honey verse number nine so he scooped out the honey with his hands and ate it as he went along when he rejoined his parents he gave them some they too ate it but he didn't tell them you may be seated in the presence of the lord i want to preach for a little while today as we uh close out this series i want to preach using as a subject i'm not going to sugarcoat it i'm not going to sugarcoat it look at the person beside you and tell them in this stage of my life i ain't got time to be phony look at me now tell them i am not going to sugarcoat it i really thought one of the most crass sections of scripture was proverbs 26 and 11 where solomon talks about a dog returning to its own vomit that is until i stumbled onto a study from the university of bordeaux in france where rats were given a choice between sugar or cocaine and overwhelmingly at 94 percent the vermin chose the sweeter substance over the hardened narcotic the academy now had fueled to feed the assumption that for some people sugar retreats could be as pleasurable as an addictive forming more than any controlled substance the brain according to the book beyond sugar shock by dr connie bennett beyond sugar shock by dr connie bennett argues that there is a higher reward for the white crystals over the white powder the addictive yearnings is not just in rats but probably resides in the person sitting to your right getting free from sugar addiction is as daunting as rehabilitation itself i don't mean just in your diet but you would be amazed how many people are addicted to sugar in the sanctuary they are addicted to the sweetness of life and they nod off when they can't get it and so we shout over the prospect of life being sweet not realizing that you are going to have some bitter episodes life will not always be a box of chocolates sometimes it's gonna be chopped liver our predilections may be in response to our acculturation evidence is even hidden in our negro national anthem in the second stanza of the road we trod bitter the chastening rod it is the misappropriation of our stress that has many of us eating in unhealthy ways in order to alleviate the pain the national institute of health conducted a study that showed that blacks have greater biological risk factors for diabetes and leading the list is the weight we carry around our abdomen diabetes occurs when our blood glucose is too high blood glucose is the body's main source of energy stays in your body and if it's too high it doesn't transfer to your cells over time it can cause heart problems nerve damage eye problems and even kidney disease we are twice as likely to die from diabetes than any other ethno demographic in this nation we are 60 percent more likely to be diagnosed with a phys with diabetes by a physician than anybody else that's being tested what is amazing about diabetes is that it is a disease you control it is not passed down to you it is how it is that you handle what is given to you you have to shift the narrative of your psychosis that you understand going forward you have to eat to live and not live to eat very critically i need you to hear this and hear me well people who don't master what they put in their mouth will never master what comes out of their mouth because it is a reflection of the presence or the absence of discipline thomas edison the originator of the light bulb an 1100 other patents when he interviewed for new research assistant positions he would always present in front of them a bowl of soup and if the candidate added salt or pepper without even tasting it they were immediately disqualified edison was of the mind that he did not want people around him who assumed because if you assume you are an enemy to innovation so they applied salt and pepper before tasting it they assumed it wasn't right in this season of your life you cannot afford to be around people who need you to sugarcoat everything if they are easily offended and take everything personal they got growing up to do and your tolerance level is thinning and waning out from always having blood coming down your chin from biting your tongue you have swallowed hard long enough trying to appease people who act like everything is just going to tip them over they do not realize that you are an authentic and legitimate friend and this generation has miscategorized haters because i disagree with you don't mean i hate you because i don't like what you doing it don't mean i'm a hater because i think you've got room for adjustments it don't mean i'm jealous what you don't even realize is i'm your real authentic legitimate friend and i'm trying to help you get to your best station and season in life in the u.s added sugar accounts for 17 percent of our total calorie intake 17 of what you ate yesterday was laced in sugar very quickly i want to give you this morning three reasons three reasons i want you to write these down i want you to have them three reasons why you gotta stop sugarcoating everything three reasons well you got to stop sugarcoating everything the first one please get this the first reason why you got to stop sugarcoating everything number one is because it starts weighing on you it starts weighing on you our forever first lady michelle obama waged war on childhood obesity because so many of our children no longer play outside but spend all their time inside and on her birthday president of he's yet to be united states donald trump who should be impeached this week decided to shift what it is that first lady obama instituted to save our children now under president trump ketchup is a vegetable now under president trump chocolate milk is considered a dairy product one of the main instruments of our obesity is sweetened drinks soda juice i'm here in georgia sweet tea the added sugar impacts leptin which regulates hunger so the more soda that you drink the more juice that you drink the more sweet tea that you drink and consume it takes the breaks off so you don't know when to stop eating people who drink these beverages tend to weigh more than people who don't as an asterisk i've got to remind you that belly fat leads to diabetes you'll notice in this sermon i've not asked you to turn to your neighbor belly fat leads to diabetes number one you got to stop sugarcoating everything because it starts weighing on you number two hear this the reason why you got to stop sugarcoating everything number two is uh it starts draining you as quiet as it's kept some of you should write this in a heightened font as quiet as is kept your diet impacts your mood your diet impacts your mood large doses of sugar and processed foods contributes to developing depression a whole lot of people are unhappy and miserable and anxious because they live their life out of a white paper bag you get that immediate energy boost but soon you come down for a crash you gotta learn how to exchange chocolate for apples the other got real quiet hey i ain't heard new birth disquiet all year number one it starts weighing on you number two it starts draining you number three write this down it's killing you it's killing you i know i'm born some of you i'm just trying to save your life rates of diabetes has doubled in the last 30 years obesity is the greatest contributor to diabetes every 150 calories of sugar raises your risk of diabetes by one percent so imagine as critical thinkers what is happening to your body from you drinking a soda a day and how that is raising your risk level write this down i want you to have it excessive sugar elevates your risk for cancer excessive sugar elevates your risk for cancer it spawns inflammation that makes the body resistant to insulin study link added sugar consumption use added sugar consumption use raises your risk for esophageal pleural and intestine cancer cancer has killed more people in the black community than crack cigarettes cognac and crooked cops combined did y'all hear what i just said cancer has killed more people in our community than crack cigarettes cognac and crooked cops combined and you have heard the church extol sermons and altar calls against crack against cigarettes against cognac against injustice with cops but not once have you heard one sermon about your consumption about sugar and yet y'all sitting there mad somebody's sitting here today saying pastor i didn't drag myself in the church and you talking about sugar i don't see god in this come with me to judges chapter 14. in judges chapter 14 we meet a young man who is anointed and set apart at birth he's anointed he set apart at birth he's placed on a strict diet that takes him away from strong drink he is endowed with uncanny strength he's anointed stay with me he has a strong body here's the catch but he has weak flesh he's anointed he's set apart from birth he has god-fearing parents who have an active and viable prayer life he has a strong body but he has weak flesh the evidence is in who he's attracted to he sees this philistine woman and when he sees this philistine woman he knows nothing about her dreams nothing about her aspirations nothing about her goals he is drawn to her simply by what she looks like at the time that we find samson he has not even engaged her in a conversation he just sees her and then goes back to his parents and say i wanna he is the picture for us of sanctified lust because he is anointed he is a gift from god but he wants something in which does not have covenant with god goes to his parents says this is who i want and then we find where his parents are found guilty of aiding and a building uh aiding and abetting a broken child because they do not stand up because they understand what the calling of his life is but they go to assist him in getting what they know he should not have i didn't expect y'all to shout right through here but many of you parents got blood dripping from your hands because you have contributed to the brokenness of your children because you refuse to correct them or challenge them because you are so committed to being their friend that you don't understand your caller is not to be your child's friend i better say it your children are not supposed to like you your children ought to have a fear of god but you keep giving them everything that they want without putting any mandate on them y'all are crazy you spending 200 on tennis shoes for a negro they can't read what's wrong with you you you allowing them to have flat screen tvs in their bedroom and they don't do any homework something is wrong you keep upgrading their iphone and the little negro won't vacuum won't do dishes won't do their homework and they talk back you gotta stop sugarcoating it it is the child's anointing that is disrupted watch this because of his weakness he wants a woman i want to shift now from the children to the parents who are sitting behind you you got to be careful when you are connected to somebody when the only thing they can offer you is sugar god i can't hear nobody you are too gifted to need a sugar daddy you got to understand my father is rich in houses in lane if you think i gotta sleep with you to get the bills paid i'm anointed awake there's gotta be somebody that knows the cow that's on my life gotta stop sugarcoating so he gets his parents and when he gets his parents you'll understand that he is now dating beneath him he's dating beneath him why because the bible says they went down to timnah you got to be careful this does not mean that you are arrogant but god is not calling you to date somebody who is beneath you some of y'all are in trouble because you married a ministry you were supposed to help them you weren't supposed to fall in love with them you can do bad by yourself i can't hear nobody what you look like tying a grown negroes tie what you look like you going to work and keep driving your car in this season of your life you gotta have a standard of what you expect [Applause] he's on his way to timnah on his way to timothy to go pick up this woman who is not sanctified who is not consecrated who does not have any vision or any goals he's on his way with his parents to go pick her up y'all ain't gonna believe it and without warning a lion comes out the lion comes out to attack him i don't want you to miss this samson is anointed and a lion comes to attack him when pastor when he's on his way to get somebody he ain't supposed to be with [Applause] maybe you forgot first peter 5 and 8 don't you know your enemy is like a lion seeking to devour you notice this that samson never had an attack until he was on his way to the wrong person preach jamal i'm trying to do the best i can sometimes the attack you go through is not to destroy you it's to block you from somebody toxic stuff sometimes god will unleash the lion just to get you away from somebody who is not healthy for your future and will not help you in your destiny you want to thank god for the attack because sometimes the attack help you separate the chair from the wheat so you'll know who really got your back and who was really there just for the sugar [Applause] i'm in judges chapter 14. i'm in judges chapter 14 and the lion comes to attack samson lion comes to attack samson and watches something crazy happens when the lion comes to attack samson that's when the spirit of the lord fell on him this game may blow your mind he'd been anointed his whole life but he had never experienced the power of the spirit of the lord until he was under attack he needed the attack to activate that which was laying dormant inside of him some of you got your attack all wrong the attack on your life was just to help expedite the oil that's on your life had you not gone through that hell in 2019 you wouldn't be where you are in 2020 you need it [Applause] y'all know uh by now y'all know by now i uh i went to morehouse and uh uh my roommate my freshman year was a guy by the name of jermaine and uh jermaine was from compton and uh y'all laughing jermaine was from compton and uh i mean real real compton he was not crenshaw he was really from compton and uh i'm trying to adjust to having a roommate from compton and uh he scanned all of my visitors nobody want to come to my room because jermaine jermaine we saw school in august by by october jermaine looking crazy he looked crazy his hair is just matted it's uh he ain't even got dreads but it's just uh in patches it's it's it's matted and i i said bruh uh what what what's going on i i i give you ten dollars to get a haircut what what is what is happening he said no bro i i can't get a haircut i said i said why uh he said uh i gotta wait till i get home i said uh bro we ain't going home uh till november uh you you can't walk around campus uh looking like this what's what's wrong with you he said uh i got a jerry curl i said oh i said i said i never seen a jerry curl uh look like that why why why look like that he he he said because i'm i'm struggling here i ain't got a lot of money uh what i need what i need is activator y'all y'all stay with me the chemicals are all in there i i just need an activator to make it come alive y'all ain't saying nothing all i'm trying to tell you the attack on your life is just activated all i'm saying is whatever the enemy is trying to do to you it's just activation the spirit of god watch this spirit of god fell on samson but it didn't fall on samson until the lion attacked i speak over the life of 500 of you in this room that this week you're gonna feel the power of god on you like you ain't never felt it before the enemy thought you were regular but he didn't know that there's an anointing that's bubbling inside of you and this next attack is what's gonna push you over the air i need somebody who knows the power of god is inside of me would you shout like it's about to be activated will you praise him and the line the lion pounces on samson and samson does something crazy he tears the lion apart watch this he tears the line apart with his bare hands he tears it apart like it's a goat he he don't pull out a flask oil he don't lay hands on it he tears it apart with his hands god heal me i wish i was that new birth god told me to tell you when you clap your hands today don't do it yet he said when you clap your hands today you are tearing apart what's been attacking you god i can't hear nobody in here hey that clap sound like the choir that clap sound like for the praise team but if you turn something apart hey i'm almost there i'm almost there i day to grab that neighbor's hand real quick grab that neighbor's hand and pull on them pull on a hallelujah everything that's been attacking your children been attacking your health been attacking your body the power of god is in this room that when you pull on that neighbor you tear it apart pull on that neighbor the attack is coming to an end the attack [Applause] hey i don't need everybody maybe just this section i need you to shout the attack is over there the attack is hope [Applause] be seated please [Applause] hey some of y'all ain't been going through warfare but i refuse to let 2019 follow me into 2020. the attack is off [Applause] he tears the line up with his bare hands and when he tries to line up with his bare hands something crazy happens that i want you to be aware of the text tells us and he didn't tell his parents i got a problem with it read the sequential order of the text and you'll notice that his parents were walking with them they're walking with them so how didn't they know the lion attacked god help me either they were walking too far ahead of them or too far behind him but he went through it through the attack and never told his parents i'm telling you there's getting ready to be a release in this room god said if you give me glory don't do it yet he said if you give me glory i'm going to free you from stuff here's your shout your family don't know about it i can't believe y'all ain't shouting right through here i said jesus get ready to handle stuff and keep it private i i need you to shout your siblings don't know your children don't know your parents don't know god said i got this i will bless you in christ he leaves the lion now he leaves the lion there and he comes back comes back a few days later and when he comes back a few days later the line is still there in the middle of the road and now bees are swarming over top of the land trying not to cry feel the glory of god getting ready to hit this place and he takes his hand and takes his hand and he starts eating honey hallelujah i don't know who needs it but god told me you were going to be here today this word ain't even for nobody else it's really for you he gets this honey out of the lion's carcass and do you know what he does he goes ahead and gives it to his parents i felt an anointing while i was in prayer this week and god had you come you ain't even know why you were coming you didn't even know why god had you tuned in he he went got honey out of the lion he ate it and then gave it to his parents i don't know who needs it but when i give you this i'm telling you your spirit ought to go through the roof in this room he got the honey out of the caucus line and then took the honey to his parents 300 of y'all need this word and you'll need nothing else i'm going to say god told me to tell you watch what happened happened samson took honey out of the lion and gave it to his parents god told me to tell 300 of you this year i am giving you the resources here's your shout to take care of your parents god i can't hear nobody he said if you open up your mouth your mother won't need nothing your father won't need nothing i need you to cry out loud god said i'm giving your parents everything that they need to be able to rest in comfortability that didn't help you that didn't help you that didn't help you some of y'all let me flip it real quick god said if you give me glory i'ma bless your children so your children will have a heart to take care of you i can't hear nobody he said if you shout you'll never be in a nursing home you'll never be in hospice you'll never need dialysis you'll never be waiting on a nurse i'ma bless your children to take care of you [Music] hallelujah we see that please be seated please please would you be seated i'm begging follow me hallelujah i don't need you to shout if you ain't been worried about your parents god i can't hear nobody but god said i need to hear your voice i'm getting ready to bring honey to your mother i can't hear nobody in here she said i need you to open up your mouth your mother is not going to be on them pills she is not going to be on dialysis she said if you shout i'm bringing her memory back if you open up your mouth your father's getting out of that bed he's getting out of that chair i gotta hear you open up your mouth i [Music] hallelujah be seated hallelujah be seated unless you've got a parent that's dealing with infirmity be seated be seated unless you got a parent dealing with infirmity whether biological or psychological hallelujah he had no idea that that attack was not for him attack on his life was to disrupt the promise god made to the parent oh god i can't hear nobody the enemy has been attacking you to frustrate your parents faith but god said if you can hear my voice your parents will not die until every prophecy smoking over your life is able to come to pass god is getting ready to respond hallelujah be seated please be seated be seated please my time is up i gotta show you something i need you to trust me i was in prayer for you all this week hallelujah those of you at the altar i need to take three steps back for me i was praying for you this week knowing that god was gonna make you get here man god knowing that god was gonna orchestrate your steps to be in this place i'm getting ready to call people to the altar and i need you to hear my voice i need you to hear it well god is getting ready to do a perfect work in the life of some people in this room and i'm trusting god maybe you all didn't even understand the affirmation i gave you over the next seven days and how it relates to what's getting ready to happen those of you in this room who have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 diabetes right on the risk of diabetes whoever it is that you are i need you very quickly i just need you very quickly to come touch this altar god say watch what i do for your numbers in the next seven days god i can't hear nobody i can't hear nobody i said watch y'all shouldn't be spectating you want to be worshiping god watch what he gonna do in the next seven days he get ready to turn it around y'all don't see all these people coming you better open up your mouth and lift up your voice he's getting ready to turn it around you ain't gonna be pricking yourself the rest of your life you ain't gonna be taking needles the rest of your life i just need 500 worshipers right through here those of you who are viewing virtually write your name on the screen i'm coming into agreement with you right now i need you to open up your mouth new birth come on he's getting ready to do a perfect work in this room stretch your right hand start praying for him as they come first [Music] is [Music] everybody connected to you is turning [Music] the report is going to change you gotta believe what the word of the lord says is turning around healing is yours right now it's [Music] it's turning around it's turning around it's turning around this is your moment right now it's turning around god hears [Music] come on you won't know [Music] me the lord [Music] turn by [Music] is i'm believing it over the next seven days listen jonathan's gonna sing it one last time all i want you to do would you just turn around right where you are i'm believing everything connected to you is getting better to turn in the next seven days [Music] [Music] is is
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 17,674
Rating: 4.8677044 out of 5
Id: 9xlKBKEp1tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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