I'm trying to take a bath, but Twitch Chat keeps assassinating me. (Red Dead Redemption 2 Mods)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SdK0 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey this is doug doug where we solve problems that no one has normally in red dead redemption 2 taking a bath is very easy but today i gave my twitch chat access to godlike powers in the game and i'm going to attempt to take a bath before they murder me to set this up i wrote some code like in my gta 5 video where twitch chat can now control three different mod menus in the game basically they can type messages into the chat and these can open up the menus select from the hundreds of possible mod options like spawning vehicles or changing the weather and these will modify the world around me while i play the actual game and try to take a bath now for this bathing challenge i'm gonna start at arthur's camp here and i have to run through the heartlands valley over to this little town of valentine and take a hot bath without the gang of twitch chat viewers stopping me good luck okay here we go i'm gonna go for my horse first and then go through the lowlands [Music] horror spawns to dutch oh crap wait where's my horse i thought one of these is my horse [Music] oh crap is that oh no this one right this one all right you guys haven't done anything crazy yet which is good i had to say something okay uh [Applause] you know i was feeling pretty confident after the gta 5 video but in 15 seconds twitch jet had teleported me to a completely different state or very far from valentine they also gave arthur like a tummy ache what did you do to him [Laughter] at this point i'm now so ridiculously far from the bath that i basically have to reset fortunately the teleporting isn't as easily accessible so this shouldn't happen super frequently all right round two [Music] where's my horse there's my horse okay get my horse first god i hate uh why can't you run in this game it's so dumb just let me run through camp okay [Music] in only 12 seconds this time twitch chat teleported me again first to a desert then to a tropical island and then to this railroad okay who's this guy [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's this guy come on for the record i don't know who this guy is you can't just spawn dudes to in the middle of now within just a few minutes it was quickly becoming clear that twitch chat actually had a plan because despite hundreds of mod options at their disposal they were consistently choosing to teleport me around and now twice had sent me to tahiti which is the special island map that is incredibly far from my bath now i found a friendly ship captain he's willing to take us to australia or tahiti and yes technically this island is named guarma but twitch chap kept yelling about tahiti so i assume they think it's tahiti before the year is out we are going to be harvesting mangoes into heating unfortunately if dutch chat ever succeeds in sending me to tahiti it is an automatic loss for me and i have to reset because i'm in [ __ ] tahiti so well played chat here we go again i'm trying to get on the horse okay this one was not mine i didn't think but whatever so i don't want to jinx it things are going pretty great for me right now and he took a screenshot so i have to get up over this hill to valentine menu three or spawning dudes i think [Music] oh my god oh my god okay sorry i was looking at the menus did you make it foggy why is it like so dark no no who's this what the [ __ ] i still do not know who this guy is he just needs some time i just started some time dude come on okay whatever i'm running i'm running for this guy i just need somebody to buy me some goddamn time one of you who is this [ __ ] [ __ ] okay jesus we're going to valentine i'm still doing okay where is there's valentine's there's valentine okay i gotta take a hot bath you guys are stuck in like the the object spawning menus or something which just isn't doing much or the pedestrian models i'm almost there here we go i have like five more seconds why is you have to walk here come on come on come on come on come on i've officially taken a bath why why are my clothes on [Music] doing our laundry at the same time oh yeah let's let's get that yeah let's scrub that and that my friends is how you take a bath in red dead redemption 2. we even got some help from the local hotel staff but then midway through the bath what [Laughter] where the [ __ ] are we what happened oh we're taking a bath on t.e.d we're back indeed twitch chat had teleported me to tahiti again you said you had to complete the bath this doesn't count why no that's [ __ ] and this actually posed an important question does a bath still count as a bath if you're teleported out during the middle of it and also if you're wearing clothes there's not like a clear definition here so it sparked some heated debate and we eventually agreed on some house rules for a bath to count as a bath you have to enter the tub wash your body and exit the tub yourself if you never leave the bath then you never took the bath but we also agreed that arthur doesn't have to be naked if he's wearing clothes that just means he's shy and he's wearing a swimsuit but it's still a bath that does mean though that the last bath didn't count so that's another point for twitch chat but i am getting closer and closer and i will take a goddamn bath [Music] okay that was so fast god you got where can you teleport why are we in a boat what was that one thing why were we in a boat no i need the horse where where is this [Music] okay just let me have the horse that's oh no okay can i get on one of these [Music] why is there a shark why is there a shark we are on dry land okay this is no you did the thing again okay spawn option spawn as i do how did you do this how did you do this you're spawning horses this is the worst bath i've ever taken boom your life wait you guys are literally starting on the teleport no oh okay i gotta get you out of there you're literally in the teleport you just teleport immediately that's not fair where are we and we're in tahiti okay you have literally 50 options to teleport from how do you go to tahiti every time i got a plan this is a good luck this is my horse right okay you're changing the weather that's fine i'll take it wait how do i okay we're good it's nighttime now okay you're spawning off horse what the [ __ ] is happening you're spying so many people into the camp who i'm murdering just because no they're shooting at me dude you can't spawn people in front of me have them oh my god have them get run over and then shoot me what [Music] that's not my fault if i'm riding a horse and 30 people appear in what why did we start okay this is still a live attempt you have not no no you have not stopped me yet okay we're fine we're fine the alligator's going for the horses spawn okay give me this horse just just get let me get on this horse here we go okay okay even the horses you spawn attack me nothing you guys create is chill and just lets me go on my mission to take a bath here we go here we go here we go all right all right we're live still sam attempt i'm in it [Music] why won't my dude run there it is [Music] you can't you can't set the time you can't just wait out the clock dude you set the game to move at like 100th speed that's cheating oh no you just bought yourself like two hours to stop me i don't care how long it takes i will take a bath are we about to hit why are there two badgers [Music] why are there badgers we're learning about physics what the [ __ ] what wait wait okay [Music] we are scooting along like a cannon caterpillar right now we're leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that are all machine guns look at how slow he's moving i've been holding w for the past 20 seconds and he's still taking out his gun oh okay we're at alligator now we're a few alligators now so things go really badly if they teleport me to tahiti or if they stop time but as long as those two things don't happen i will take a goddamn bath here we go three two one all right good start from me good start from me you're changing the weather i don't mind i love a nice sunny day all right you guys are healing my horse i love it okay you did change it to nighttime okay oh oh i can see okay we're good we're good we're good legitimately making great progress right now god please don't teleport me somewhere stupid i'm so close wait did i go too early oh crap i'm so dumb i don't know where i am i don't why'd the horse okay whatever i don't need the [ __ ] boat right now how do i please live please don't get out of the [ __ ] okay we're good oh oh my god there's valentine go go are they open for baths as long as they're open for baths i'm fine i think it's only 12 right now what did you just do why did it it got all blurry for a sec what did you do okay i'm at the bathhouse okay yes ordering a bath ordering a bath [Music] go into the bath come on come on [Music] i bought it getting in there okay okay we're good i need to scrub arthur's naked body and then get out of the bath and i win hurry up delete all objects no no what is that get out of there why am i wearing clothes again that's fine still counts as a bath okay scrub left arm i need i need this scrub and one more scrub and i'm good two she's rubbing his boots fully clean so there's no excuses and now exit back exit back exit back i'm pressing the button exit pass get out of there get out of there arthur yes i'm so clean after nine dirty failures i had successfully taken a hot bath and arthur looked clean as hell but let's be honest here right this bath in valentine it's not that big of an accomplishment because everybody knows that the fanciest bath house in the entire country of red dead redemption 2 is the saloon in the capital city of sandini this saloon is insanely fancy and high-end and i'm not going to feel like i've really beaten a hot bath challenge until i have taken a bath here which means it's now time for round two of the hot bath challenge i'm so ready for you guys to spawn a bunch of alligators in this in this fancy hotel i'm gonna start here at the outskirts of sandini i've gotta run through the roads up the main city path into the saloon and then take a hot bath before twitch chat kills me here we go you versus me round two i'm booking it the whole way unless i see a strong reason to go for a horse i'm not going for a horse arthur is hoofing it uh-oh where are you whoa what are you doing oh i'm a bear now [Music] uh can i still take a bath i'm actually much faster this is great all right change me back into a human once i'm at the salon this is great oh i'm so fast oh excuse me jesus he's so fast this is so much cooler than driving like a big car in gta 5 this is how video games are meant to be played all right i'm almost at the swan the main question is once i get to the salon can i buy a bath here we go [Music] let me in let me in let me in but it turns out bears can't take baths okay you need to turn me back into a human you didn't win you didn't win i haven't given up i need to be a human why is he a bear good question i need to get into this building somebody turn me into a human why does nobody care that there's a bear waiting outside the salon that's a police officer what is he doing no okay fair enough i should not have been so confident despite the fact that i won the first bath challenge twitch chat is still like weirdly coordinated way more than they normally are with all due respect dutch is this tahiti plan really gonna work out you tell me arthur is it have some god damn faith you blocked off the whole path to the saloon and now i'm in [ __ ] tahiti with the irishman you guys just haven't gotten any juicy parts yet but this is fine i shouldn't get cocky i shouldn't get cocky [Music] okay made a few pigs that's fine no no issue there i love pigs who is this guy why do you always spawn this one dude and you get a lot of fish this guy is still chasing me can you get this [ __ ] [ __ ] out of my face all right no no no no no no no no stop that how many hats did arthur just have wait wait wait wait stop get out of this custom thing okay dude i can't play if you're in this thing all right so this sandini bath challenge is really not going good at all but here's the thing i know it is doable if i can get to the main city streets before twitch chat summons this dude or sends me to tahiti and look i am stubborn as hell and their little plan will fail eventually [Music] [Music] dude i was gonna take his horse and he spawned a ball there are so many armadillos or is that a rat i don't know can you no i need if you could give me a horse i would appreciate that [Music] uh not quite dude you turned him into a bear i was gonna i was going i was going for the horse doing something to the weather okay it's it's a blizzard now this is fine come on arthur [Music] find over matter no not that guy i hate this dude he just chases me wait is he gonna punch me in my bath i might have to kill him i might have to kill this dude that you guys keep spawning me i'm sorry i can't let you stop my bath okay got him i can't let him stop my why is there a hot air balloon please what did i pass it [Music] wait did i pass it did i pass it stop stop there it is i did pass i did pass it okay [Music] there are so many hot air balloons okay this is it i'm taking a bath there's no people in here really i need [Music] i swear to god if you turn the bartender into a hot air balloon bath yes i bought a bath oh my god oh my god please what is happening in the roof just let me take a bath okay there's a horse there's a horse and carriage in the stairway but if i can squeeze past oh my god i just needed to take a bath no arthur please why is he walking so slow that was clear danger no no oh it popped okay the hot air balloon popped there is a carriage why is he walking so slow please okay there's a carriage in the doorway the bath is right there if i can get through this helmholtz please please this is the bat this is the best is that let's go i have to take a full bath i have to wash four appendages and i have to get out and then i win we finally made it into the goddamn bathhouse now i have to fully wash arthur's body and then get the hell out of there one out of four give me something else game game uh sure except for that that's fine come on come on [Music] oh wait we're still taking a bath where are you we're still in the back he's in that hot water i got a lady helping out i am taking a bath let's [ __ ] go best bath of my life i have three more grab left arm small talk [Music] scrub left bike am i in the back still i don't see arthur it's still giving me back props this is three this is my third i might still be taking a bath not it's not clear to be honest exit wait [Music] wait hold on no no at the very last second twitch chat had teleported me into the street and now standing naked on the street with my movement controls disabled for some reason and a cannon i had never felt dirtier in my life and you know like i tried to keep my spirits up and do this one more time but twitch chat immediately spawned 30 of that irish dude and then teleported me to tahiti again he's drinking the sand from t i was officially delirious twitch chat had utterly destroyed my dream bath and as i stood there on this goddamn island again with the waves lapping at arthur's dirty feet i realized that i would never ever take a bath in sandini and that's when it hit me twitch chat was not trying to stop me from taking the best bath in the country they wanted me to take the best bath in the world because there is no bath more soothing or beautiful or utterly cleansing than a bath in the crystal clear waters of tahiti oh my god this whole time twitch chat really did care everything is coming together exactly as i planned and as i stepped into the warm tahiti ocean and rubbed arthur's sweaty body i knew in that moment that you can take a bath in red dead redemption if twitch chat controls your mods [Music]
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 3,571,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, red dead redemption 2, doug doug, red dead, dougdoug red dead redemption, dougdoug twitch, dougdoug twitch chat, doug doug twitch, doug doug twitch chat, twitch, twitch chat, mods, modding, twitch plays, funny, dutch, arthur, plan, faith, bath, hot bath
Id: FPybJCLeDpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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