How I beat the Hardest (and Dumbest) GTA 5 Challenge Ever Made

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hey this is doug doug where we solve problems that no one has today i created a custom gta 5 race for my youtube audience i challenged them to drive through five different checkpoints across gta 5 as fast as possible but you have to play with a custom mod that i made that violently boosts all nearby cars forward or backwards every 10 seconds and it'll blow up your car if you take any damage now i designed this challenge for my viewers and i gave everybody 10 days to complete it and see who could do it the fastest but while i was waiting for the submissions to come in i figured i would try this challenge myself and see how hard it actually was it didn't seem that difficult plus i could let my viewers bet their twitch channel points money on whether i would win or lose people were saying this would take me like five or ten attempts and i was feeling confident so here we go [Music] the prediction is if i can beat it in ten attempts i'm saying five go all right best buchi is easy i make a left up here and then i make a right okay we're good is this challenge actually hard it doesn't seem that hard wait wait i gotta get out of so look i just stay out of this guy's way and now i'm safe so i only made it halfway to the first checkpoint so let's try that again this one has the doug dog guaranteed oh this is don't go forward jesus christ how did that hit the problem here is clearly my car oh that yeah that's good handling it's good handling right there all right i'm gonna shoot right in between so even if they go backwards they don't hit i'm kind of [ __ ] nuts right now how long do i have okay six seconds i'll get through this intersection and then stop right here no no i'm going yolo don't hit me all right so i have to get to golf course next uh do i risk this no i cross the street go over here go in between these two signs dodge that go right oh god damn i missed the parking lot my money is feeling pretty safe so far douglas does it does it feel safe because i'm doing [ __ ] nuts right now no god damn it i jinxed it go [Music] i ca there's no space no i what i believers this is for you time i'm going to try to look at the timer a lot actually see when when the boost is going to be happening like here and play it slow are you [ __ ] kidding me so the first 10 attempts that we bet on showed me that this is ludicrously hard but i did get pretty close that one time so the viewers put down another bet i definitely got it in the next 10. i better see more believers this time last time there was 16 believers it's got to be at least like 20 this time come on come on look at how far i got i didn't even hit anything think about it like this there's five checkpoints right it's basically like one two three four five so it's like a circle right or no it's not a circle pentagon you can remove one of the segments of the pentagon right you don't have to do all of them because if you start here you go one two three four and you don't have to like do the last leg right you don't have to like come back to where you started if you can pick one leg of the pentagon to not have to drive i would say it's this one of going through downtown right i'm gonna be really safe here believers need to win stop here i wait safely god damn it we gotta slow this down why is this guy in the room what is wrong with why is the police here uh-oh uh let's we can get out of here i think when i get shot that'll blow up the car no i'm alive oh doubters are shaking and screaming right now get out of the way now i dodge these by going over god damn it counters making stops no i have four more attempts go [Music] yeah i was reading i was reading that message i do an easy god damn it we all saw it doug don't worry that tree jumped in front of you thank you finally i get some support okay this should be fine if i'm in the bike lane yeah perfect no my god you [ __ ] get out of the road i think i can i'm safe here right right here holy [ __ ] no okay this is fine what i'm gonna do god damn it so that's 20 attempts down but the next 10 i've got it for sure kind of [ __ ] cracked right now you got lucky why did he turn to the bike lane should still be safe i wait here he's those moves back i move forward this is checkpoint number two there's gotta be a faster way to do this [ __ ] how long have people tried this how long did it take you to beat it the first time i'm curious ten like ten tries you had 500 attempts uh-oh maybe i've just been going the wrong direction i need to be like a salmon swimming upstream well that was stupid i got caught by a bear hold on how many people did salmon strategy this feels like this could be way better or literally no different at all what that's not how cars work i can't go on the cur okay right fine did he turn i was fine jesus christ that's not fair look ever since i became a fish i've played better right i've just had bad rng all in on believing though i've been believing this whole time so it isn't much but it's gonna feel so good when those two points turn into eight i go to the end of the dock and then i'm gonna flip a super cool spin like this check this out [Music] what's up jesus doubters [ __ ] shaking and vomiting right now there's a lot of cars around though this is checkpoint number three i'm three out of five okay okay okay i can do this i can do this the only issue is i have no idea where to go now it's it's like here this is still part of my time [ __ ] i think we can uh i think we can all agree it's kind of time to wrap this up this one's not happening sorry everybody we'll kind of give up just [ __ ] kidding we're doing it ten more believers this is gonna happen okay i'm going max bet my man i haven't lied before i don't plan on starting now i go over the middle i dodge jesus christ boss boss i have a question can i drive through a bush does anybody know you can damn it dude okay well that's actually really good this one's for the believers i wait here i let them all go i move forward i'll get past this intersection before the next boost as i do i move into a safe spot on this right side this looks safe yeah [Music] fine wait you're gonna go backwards no okay no what are you doing get out of the way this guy why are you stopped in a stop light he's just dry he's i lost all of my 30k points today i don't know if i will ever believe again i'd go for it yolo try playing as jesus use jesus car what does that mean look enter name manually jesus car i'm sorry guys they don't even have the jesus car in this game rigged it's a ford focus why like a sedan at twitch chat's suggestion i swapped over to this jesus car it's much slower but it's much smaller just like jesus used to drive excuse me oh that worked i can make this i did make it too much i'll be safe [Applause] okay honestly the believers kind of working now i cut across here i'm going to dodge the stop sign honestly honestly this might be the meta the believer car is kind of working i stay right here and i just believe this is actually the meta you're just supposed to drive in a slow ass smart car i'm about to make the believers so [ __ ] rich i'm shooting this gap why did i do that i'm a busy little beetle shooting upstream oh my sweet god i'm the greatest and i didn't take any damage somehow oh my god i'm swimming upstream all day dude look at this i'm so poor but i still believe which makes me feel rich doubters of dirty blood money every believer dollar that you get just means a lot more you know which is important because you only have three or four of them all right no i wait i wait i wait and i parted the red sea okay i go really slowly oh my sweet god i'm alive the car's on fire i think the engine's shutting down how is the car not damaged it's literally falling apart and on fire i feel like something's not working correctly [Music] you know what you must do do i you can't just say that what do you i don't we don't have some sort of like thing between you and me where you can like lean in close and whisper that i don't know what that means man you need to give more information you know you're saying i pull out this [Music] this jesus battle tank is gonna rip some ass dude i move to the middle away from everybody i scoop right here beautiful you would think that this being really really slow and big would not be helpful at this point it was now several straight hours of the believers losing every single bet all right believers i know you don't have a lot of money left but we're gonna have to pull this together okay we've gotta scrounge some money for this next round lift up your couch cushions see if there's a few quarters in there go to the local arcade check underneath the seats really just jam your arm into all that like gross gum covered dirty gunk that they never cleaned see if anybody dropped a token this is gonna be the one and all of our wealth will come back it'll all flow back we can put a big old believer pile together and make fat cash dude i made it legitimately eighty percent of the way no 80 uh no 75 we'll say 80. right we'll round up and honestly 80 like you round that up to the nearest like 90 90 of the way there basically 95 right essentially a hundred percent of the way i made it so it's gonna happen this next time statistically i have literally zero points left see there you go you know you gotta sell off your kids for a little bit of believer money do it because if i win you could buy back your kids and eight more kids why did that car slow jesus christ that's not fair that's not that's not fair currently selling my kidney i believe so hard right now you can buy so many kidneys once we win this i move to the sidewalk the sidewalk is safe i trust the sidewalk sidewalk is always good to me it never has any problems at all i move up here i wait at this intersection and now i go as long as i don't [ __ ] it up like a dumb idiot i'm good no you goddamn [ __ ] do you need both kidneys no one can live without both kidneys unless he undergoes almost daily treatments on a special machine called a dialysis machine doug you got to take it slow please my children can't handle losing more organs whip out your dialysis machines believers we need just a little bit more money one more round and then we're all filthy rich vital or non-vital we don't need a gallbladder get rid of your gallbladder that's probably 15 bucks lift up the couch cushion see if someone left a kidney in there we can scrounge just a little bit more and we're going to be swimming in organs by the time this is over you don't need both lungs you don't need your laryngitis larynx whatever this is and once we once we win we'll take it all we're gonna move to tahiti farming mangoes we just need a little bit more money i'm kidneyless what do i do you probably got extra blood you don't need all the blood in your body don't stop being selfish honey why are our kids intestines missing uh look you don't need you don't need the small intestine the big one you can just stretch out that's why it's called the big intestine kids are so selfish with intestines these days why is everything going dark i feel cold that feeling is from blood loss because your belief is fully erect that way here is not safe flipping oh my god this is it this has to be it crossing here didn't take damage let's go let's go let's go i'm getting over this intersection i still have five seconds and moving to the sidewalk over here and the sidewalk's always safe i have to hit the pier and i have to get to the middle of vespucci canal oh no only three seconds next to the tree i use the tree first oh my god safety we stay on the sidewalk oh my no no this is so hard jesus christ now at this point many hours in i actually had a rough strategy that was starting to work where i start downtown i head across the freeway and then i hit the police headquarters golf course pier sign and vespucci bridge while avoiding as many congested areas as possible i also had the perfect shitty car so at this point it's just a matter of playing the best gta 5 of my life all i'm saying so maybe your neighbors have a kidney in their couch it's probably it's night time for a lot of people you probably break into your neighbors without them noticing maybe take some of their copper wires all i'm saying is that this time will make us rich think how much has changed like remember the part remember i think jesus rigged this challenge for our sins jesus definitely rigged for ourselves i wasn't paying attention [Music] okay i i know look some of you guys at this point like i i feel like i'm getting worse and worse i probably need to just call it there so thanks for watching just kidding come on believers one more bet and just because i've been getting worse you think about it like um maybe you should change the route no no no there's a clear life cycle of a dug dug challenge okay this is time and this is fun at the beginning all fun right very fun because it's just goofy but then it starts to get a little bit repetitive it goes down a little bit okay so this is like the first section of the dug dug challenge life cycle where it's just like oh look at all these fun things that are happening oh explosions and we like try lots of different spots and different cars right and then it starts to get a little bit less fun and so we start mixing it up right we'll add something else back in to make it more fun again like oh new spots for example like switch up the route maybe switch up the strategy we do new things here now we're not only mixing it up based you know even after this dip we're starting to mix it up more and it's fun because i'm starting to get better at it which is exciting but then we hit this phase okay this is where i almost do it this is where i'm like 80 to 90 percent of the way there and the instant that this happens i am not willing to change anything and i'm just going to stubbornly beat my head against the wall for several hours and as this goes on it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse you are here and this will continue to go down until i beat it at which one it goes back up to fun once we've hit this spot in a dug dug challenge life cycle there's no rerouting there's no changing anything to make it more fun i am going to beat it in this fashion i've seen that it's possible i'm not willing to change i'm too stubborn i'm not even willing to take a break i just wanna beat the [ __ ] challenge i just need new viewers who come in and don't realize where we are in the dug dug life cycle they're gonna come in and be like oh this is what the stream is this guy doesn't talk and he just looks miserable they don't realize all the data that backs this up okay doug please go back to the old days of bleeping out the swear words this channel used to be so family friendly this is a good christian virgin channel okay doug's a virgin no no no i lost my v card but i'm gonna add a new channel point reward for 50 million points which is doug and twitch chat go on a heist to steal back my v card we gotta get it back chat i've never felt the same without it god damn it if you're here and you're still a virgin okay here's what i'll say never ever let somebody take your v card seems fun at the time but if you keep your v card and you reinvest it every year with compounding interest you can make a ten percent yield it's worth one v card when you start be worth like 15 by the time you're 80. then cash in have sex eight times and die exactly my wife threatened to divorce me because i refused to invest my v car dinner needless to say i need a divorced lawyer is pox available i'll text him hey man one of my viewers lost their v card he wants to sue to get it back can you help no not with additional contact information also if he is actually really gonna sue then your viewers should stop getting in the habit of asking me for legal advice uh i'll say he porked his wife and he wants it back park sir i just googled v-card is he trying to sue to get his virginity back yes what should he do i appreciate that he answered initially without knowing what what a v-card was he can't get back in his virginity but if he lost it through coercion then he can file a civil suit for damages uh didn't even consider a heist no i was looking the wrong direction oh my god this is the part of the dug dug life cycle when you realize the chart actually looks like this where you thought this was like the six hour mark you're like that's the limit it won't go farther than that and it turns out it can go much much farther down i need to not look at other stuff if i can narrow my fov to stop getting distracted [Music] now we're talking [Music] looking good stop right here [Applause] oh my god [Music] what the [ __ ] is that man this honestly isn't helping doug i'm undergoing an operation and the doctors won't give me anesthesia until the stream ends what kind of [ __ ] doctors are you going to that is severe malpractice [Music] i'm gonna take a smaller road i'm gonna go left over here any one of these people could kill me this is not better i don't like this chat stay on the grass i'm gonna stay way out here i am at the fourth checkpoint i just have to get to the middle of vespucci canal if i get over the second hump we're good i stay in the middle i don't where to go it's two more blocks no i'm alive here i stay here please let this end this ends now i see it i literally see the ending i was here right here and the ending is here use the alleyways what alleyways are dangerous because if there's anybody in them which there always are like if there's any vehicles in it it's like a death trap oh recall so interestingly there's some alleyways here that could provide a safe passage through the final turns of the challenge because there aren't any cars that spawn here which means that after eight hours of practice i am ready to win it for the believers dude i feel like i am like dreaming i'm also very sleepy are you [ __ ] kidding me i need to eat food no all i've had for 12 hours is olive oil i'm so [ __ ] okay i immediately have a headache that didn't help dude i've gotten so close twice this is brutal break yourself out of this limbo duck make us believe us proud to get a new part-time job just to afford to be a believer economy's rough these days uh this car is gonna [ __ ] me if i go farther so i just have to like wait here this is not good now i have way less time to get to the grassy knoll oh come on just one just give me one okay this section is basically a three-pronged attack this is prong number two if i survive this we're okay uh unless that car floats right in the middle i should be able to get into the middle here safely [Music] i just have to get to the goddamn venice beach [Music] vespucci beach thing i wait one here now across [Music] it's that it's the second hill if i survive not this hump if i get to the next hump [Music] please please yes [ __ ] gas time four minutes and 24 seconds and that's how it took me nine and a half hours to beat my own gta 5 challenge and it's how the believers finally finally won a bet it's also when i realized that i had done something highly unethical here by challenging all of my viewers to beat this so tune in next youtube video when i show the literal thousands of human hours that were collectively wasted in the effort to solve this gta 5 problem that no one has next time on dug dug
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,919,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, gta 5, grand theft auto, gta V, mods, modding, race, street race, challenge, v card
Id: dhgMzwXhAGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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