I'm Pulling myself together

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[Music] thank you God thank you God God when it looks like we can't get out of the bed on another day when it looks like we can't face another day well it looks like we won't make it to another day we thank you O God that you have given us an opportunity to come into your house and bless your holy and righteous name have mercy on us O God for not appreciating every day that you have given us God we pray in the name of Jesus that you consecrate us to be more like you each and every day of our lives we pray O God in the name of Jesus that we forgive each other that we forgive ourselves that we has mercy like you have had mercy to appreciate each other each and every day in the name of Jesus now God we give this day we give this service over to you O God in the name of Jesus that you might be honored that you might be glorified that you might set free save heal and deliver by your Holy Spirit's Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place show up and show out o God God in the name of Jesus we pray for our pastor we pray for our leaders we pray for every member either in the cyber sanctuary and anybody who comes to those doors let us know you like never before in the name of Jesus God I pray that we have faith like Ezekiel who said Lord only you know if these dry bones can live God I pray in the name of Jesus that we obey when you touch the prophesied and speak those things that are not as though they already are we thank you Lord Jesus that the government is upon your shoulders God we don't always understand what's going on in the White House but we know that you are ruler you are king and you are Lord God we thank you for these your minstrels we thank you for these security Oh God we thank you for this your choir Oh God but when it's all said and done we thank you for being God have you a oh Jesus in Jesus name we pray amen hallelujah will clap your hands one more time in the presence of the Lord can you lift up your voice and say god is great and greatly to be praised come on saying one more time god is great and greatly to be praised sisters janista Williams is coming to take us a little further in worship come up with dance like this [Music] [Music] [Music] enjoy enjoy [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] praising nation come the brazen [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the Lord this is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and are glad in it I was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the Lord while you yet standing would you just embrace three people around you and tell them God's got you covered God's got you covered [Music] hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of our God I could joy when I think about what he's done for me hallelujah anybody in the room just glad to just be in God today come on smile with all the teeth you got left if you're glad to be in God on today I want to ask even before we go another inch further in worship I want to ask all of the employees of the government to please stand all of the employees of the government I want you to please stand we are really in a season that we've got to pray for our people and particularly those who are standing amongst you for those of you who are unaware our government shutdown on Friday the one party running everything the House the Senate in the White House and still can't get legislation passed President Trump said on Friday it probably will be good if the government is shut down for three to four weeks or what that means is the people who are standing around you will go without a paycheck for three to four weeks but I don't know who you all serve but I serve Jehovah Jireh how many of you all know God is a provider I want you before we go another step further in worship would you extend your hand towards those who are standing extend your hand towards those who were standing hallelujah I want you to know God has not forgotten about you hallelujah I want you to know that God is a merciful God and he has a blessing with your name on it Lord in the name of Jesus I pray that you will in fact touch every person who's standing I pray that their family won't be absent of anything I pray their law that you will supply all of their needs I pray dear Lord that they will in fact know that your grace is sufficient I pray the Lord that even as you bless their house god I need you to send every available angel to the White House I need you to interrupt every spirit of confusion I pray dear Lord that you'll redirect the enemy's arrow in Jesus name Amen empowerment for those that are standing remain standing I need you empowerment I need you to overwhelm them with love on this morning come on would you please give them a good a real good hug and just remind them God's got you come on remind them God come on come on I want you to go out of your way to bless them let them know that you're standing in the gap for them that you're believing that God is gonna do absolutely anything but fail on their behalf and even in this hour I am so grateful I really feel like God is gonna do something significant something substantive and something strategic for the people who were standing on you're seated on your own on today I in just two Sundays from now I'm believing God is gonna honor our faith how we are believing God for 100 souls to be saved in one how many of you believe that God is gonna do that 100 souls saved in just one day and the thing that's beautiful is this call happened even outside of these four walls huh aren't you glad that God doesn't just save in the church house but that God can save absolutely anywhere we are in need of your participation and your buy-in it won't work unless you work it I want you to please help me you've only have one Sunday left that's on next Sunday for you to bring cans of soup to church we're going to be moving out through the corridors and sectors of Park Heights in three different waves are going to happen this coming Tuesday at 6:30 just in this balcony we'll begin the training I'll be a part of it I want you to meet me here so that you'll know the the tools that are needed for soul-winning and evangelism I can't thank you enough my heart has fluttered that a hundred and fifty of you have already volunteered to be a part of our street witnessing campaign somebody give God a hand clap of praise for that those of you that have not yet registered to be a part of our Gideon 300 of volunteers as that as soon as service would have concluded that you'll make your way to our volunteer table and be a part of it if on this Sunday morning you bought a cans of soup with you on this morning would you bring them to the altar now please those of you are there brought cans of soup on this morning I need you to please bring them now give God a hand clap of praise thank you all so very much you don't even know how you make your pastor proud and probably keep clapping as they come keep clapping as they come hallelujah come on keep clapping as they come I need every part every person to be a part every person to buy in to help us or not last Monday we begin our training for those that wanted to be licensed and certified in senior care I was amazed if not blown away that the Charles Robinson fellowship room was at full capacity from bosal willing to serve and to extend themselves to be a blessing for our senior Saints so those of you who are interested in doing so other classes that begin officially on tomorrow last week was just the orientation above those of you that are interested in working in senior care I need you to be a part of it on next on tomorrow actually I'm gonna ask all of the men would you please stand every man in the room I need you to please stay and empowerment would you give God some praise for these strong a steadfast focused brothers brothers just as you were standing the first Saturday of every month your pastor is having a one-on-one with you in the Charles Robinson fellowship hall at 9:30 the first Saturday yesterday I was in Detroit Michigan and had a similar session with 1,000 black men in Detroit Michigan and I said to myself if they can do it in Detroit we can do it in Baltimore I want you to please brothers mark your calendars the first Saturday of every month you're gonna meet the pastor right here in the sanctuary at 9:30 9:30 on the first Saturday this coming Wednesday we have a special prayer men from 23 churches meeting in our sanctuary this Wednesday for intercessory prior this coming Wednesday men are coming from 23 different ministries just to pray with the men of empowerment temple brothers I need you on the front line because I believe their prayers still works and prayer still changes things give God a hand clap of praise for all of our brothers brothers you may be seated we only have two weeks left to ignore revival when I tell you Tyrone Thomas and charity Baptist Church came through here like a whirlwind and an earthquake last Tuesday in this coming Tuesday will be hitman hitman Donte Hickman and the Southern Baptist Church is going to be with us on this coming Tuesday at 7:30 but you'll already be here for evangelism training at 6:30 so as that you'll please spend this time in revival with us will you all know that next Sunday is our prayer for those who are in need of an organ donor I an organ transplant I need you to bring those family members out with you on next Sunday you ready yeah come on help me I was looking for you you made it thank you so very much I want to give a prayer on next Sunday for your family your relatives and your loved ones who are in need of an organ donor either one of three areas if in fact they are moved up on the list I will be number one number two will be that the organ that they receive will be a good match and fit and the third area of prayer is that they won't even need the surgery at all because we believe that God is a healer the young lady who's standing with me I commandeered her a couple of weeks ago in the back she's my best friend that comes to church on time every Sunday and I'm just so grateful for her but I asked her on this day to share her testimony on why what it is that we're doing is so valid is so urgent I end it so necessary would you give God a hand clap of praise now good morning my name is t'keyah Lee 14 years ago I was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease called focal mariya cirrhosis my huh it's one of the really rare in the state of Mississippi I was the only case with it so I'm really nervous I um I was able to find someone in my family that was able to give me my kidney transplant and which was my aunt we went through several doctors we don't know what caused the infection overtime we still don't know to this day but I'm so thankful to still be here 20 years later I attend the prestigious cancer University as a sophomore my mother was able to see me graduate high schools she's gonna be able to see me graduate college and I'm able to go around and tell people my story because me it's a rare case not with doctors not understanding how to take care of the disease not knowing what to do I'm able to tell my story and help them out for next people to come and as of right now there's another child in the state of Mississippi with the disease they're using my story my background my history to help this child further in their process time to thankful thank you come on would you give a big hand please come on y'all gotta do better than that y'all know how hard it is to stand in front of y'all amen bless the Lord thank you for sharing your testimony can I ask if there are any other people in the room who are organ recipients would you please stand if there any other organ recipients one over on this corner somebody else I want you to give God a hank leper praise I just for their survivability just just because they're still here I've been mindful that on next week we're going to have all different partnering agencies with us as it is the conclusion of our series I and so you're gonna be signing up to become organ donors next week you're gonna be able to make blood donations the Red Cross is going to be here you don't know whose life you're going to be able to impact whose life you're going to be able to improve because of your act of selflessness today before we go to the Word of God our music ministry wants to give special tribute brother Eugene I'll yield to you and then not what it is that they would have concluded I ask that you would please direct your attention to the Old Testament book of 2nd Kings Old Testament book of 2nd Kings asset you'll invite somebody to worship with us albeit online well we're grateful and thankful thank you pastor Bryant we're thankful for the life and legacy of one Edwin Hawkins who went on to be with the Lord this week at the age of 74 how many often remember the song oh happy day you better remember it come on can you stand and let's give God praise for the life and legacy of Edwin Hawkins come on stand and let's sing this song together all over the sanctuary let's give God the praise and the glory for our day of salvation was a happy day come on put your hands together like this come on four-time Grammy Award winner the brother of Walter Hawkins who went on to be with the Lord in 2010 we thank God for the Hawkins family and the Harkins legacy it goes like oh happy day [Music] or happy day or with Jesus washed Jesus watch [Music] Oh happy when Jesus washed Jesus watch [Music] to I don't pray come on and live rejoicing every day when Jesus wash with Jesus wash over Gladney wash this you wash my shirt [Music] he taught me how - water [Music] never choice Oh every day think about the time you gave your life to Jesus see a change Oh with me Oh [Music] Oh Jesus wha when he won Oh Oh for an incredible life I want you to help me give God some praise come on come on [Music] second Kings chapter 13 houses and holds our text today second Kings chapter 13 thank you music ministry a beautiful tribute for a beautiful man of God 2nd Kings chapter 13 so we continue our series do not resuscitate the life of an organ donor second Kings 13 verse 20 and 21 once you found it won't you declare I have it if you can't find it say lord help me if you're in first Kings you haven't gone far enough you're in third Kings that's not a Bible please get to second Kings 13 20 and 21 here now the word of the Lord Elisha died and was buried now more by graders used to enter the country every spring once while some Israelites who are burying a man suddenly they saw a band of Raiders so they threw the man's body into Elijah's tomb when the body touched Elijah's bones the man came to life and stood up on his feet you may be seated in the presence of our God I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I'm trying to pull myself together I'm trying to pull myself together but you look at the person beside you and tell them would you please pray for me I'm trying to pull myself together my dear friends it wasn't too many Sundays ago after doing three services here I flew to another city to minister for a fourth time in one day when that service was concluded I immediately felt depleted and felt like I needed to rest but our roles in the middle of the night realizing that I was dehydrated stumbled out of my hotel room down the hall in search of a vending machine in order to secure a bottle of water to my surprise and dismay and it a sign taped on the machine there's it out of order I was perplexed and perturbed because of the ambiguity of the announcement out of order what does that mean out of order was it out of product or did that mean how out of order was it unable to dispense change out of order what did that mean out of order with the refrigeration aspect on the brink out of order or was there something undefined going on here this on the inside because the outside of the machine looked just fine I didn't know all it said was out of order for far too many of us feel like a vending machine you don't know exactly what's wrong but you sense something is broken you been contending with unscheduled depression so dramatic the variables that is not mood swings is a mood rollercoaster yet those suppress thoughts of hurting yourself it's hard to convince you that you are worthy of being loved you have to vacillate between warning the pain to stop and warning and longing to feel anything at all some of us are documented and others of us have had no diagnosis but there can be no debate that something is out of order God despises chaos to such a degree that in Genesis one being in the midst of it caused him to speak when the world and the earth was void and full of darkness and chaos God said let there be and he did so with one thing in mind there would just be order in it amazing friends that is chaos that causes God to talk when things are out of order God can't buy this tongue Sam this morning simply to alert you of the fact that God's about to bring order and structure to your chaotic life God's getting ready to move because he can handle seeing you live in Caen fusion you are not supposed to be a citizen of disarray so in the in coming days God's given Betty to do something to bring your life into complete order there is a structure to success had he made man first we would have died had he made man first we would have died why because theirs would have been no son to sustain us no water to rejuvenate us no vegetation to nourish us no stars to guide us no rain to replenish us we were created last because there had to be everything in order first so when you realize that we were created last it helps you to understand the expression he saves the best for last and I want to say this to the person who's sitting behind you it may be taking you longer to get what you need because God's building a complete world to house you he has to make sure that it's structured correctly before he plants you in it don't get in a rush for God to move he's working on something and he does everything in decency and in order the problem is you want skin with no skeleton says I'm a God of decency and order so watch me build a structure first the infrastructure of our creation I don't think is appropriately appreciated when you consider the detail that it takes just to keep you together do you know how much it takes to keep you together let me go a step further day of leash I'm time I'll just a shot it takes a lot to keep you together we have 270 bones at our birth 270 bones at our birth and by the time you reach 30 you're down to 206 which means that divine the inception there are some things I hope you'll get it 3 of you I hope you write it down there are some things God designed for you to outgrow and you don't even know that it's missing it is my prayer for those of you who are watching online those of you who are in this room I pray that God will so develop you that wind you grow you won't even know what you're missing there you'll be able to function without it and feel no pain the brilliance of bones is that they are constantly remodeling and changing shape to adapt to varying demands and pressures they don't even ask for your attention because structure knows how to move in silence whenever it is that there is no structure there'll always be no ways when there is structure he can move seamlessly I want you to please our arm yourself with a writing instrument I want you to go to the appropriate place in your tablet and your smartphone I want to talk to you for just a few moments on the functions of bones the functions of bar it's going to help you I know you don't think you need it but you need it function of bones the first one I want you to write this down please is support is support bones provide a framework for the attachment of muscles and other tissues broken bones here this is nothing more I want you to write this down broken bones is broken support or broken family or broken self-esteem or broken dreams means something has happened with your support system my bones are supposed to give me support and when that's broken it's hard for me to stand on it first thing that bones do is offer support second thing I want you to write this down class please second thing I want you to do is write down that bones are for protection bones specifically the skull and riched ribcage protect the internal organs from injury the skulls only job is to protect your mind the rib cages only job is to protect your heart maybe you miss that I wish I was in a Christian Church if I was in a Christian Church you would know that when Jesus was crucified he was crucified in a place called Golgotha and that translates to mean the place of the skull can y'all put that together 7:30 please Jesus died to protect my mind man mental health was sacrificed on Calvary and because I am in fact covered in my mind everything the enemy is doing is to undo the work of Calvary and drive me to insanity I know many of you only want to shout over material intangible things but the reason why I want you to give God glory is with everything you under you haven't lost your mind he's covering your mind and not only covering your mind but you thank God watch this for the bones that are enacted watch this just to protect your heart you ought to look back over your life and look at all the times you were wounded and played and manipulate it and yet you are not bitter yet in spite of all of it all you live with no regret Wow cuz he covered your heart hallelujah and some of you ought to be thankful under God with everything that has happened to you and the way that you should be treated you've been traded you should be cold and honoré you should be repulsive Trenton you ought to be vengeful but you ought to say God thank you for covering my heart and in spite of the way that people treated me yet abused me me thank you my heart is still the intact here you protects my heart further ladies and gentleman the bones are there for movement did you write that down please bones are there for movement bones the enable body movement by acting as levers and points of attachment for muscles you break your bone you you you can't you can't move it it is the diabolical into Inchon of the adversary to break your bones simply because the enemy wants you stagnant god hallelujah in it amazing that it was in fact the intention of the Roman Empire to break the bones of Jesus hallelujah but they could not do it why pastor because you can't stop a move of God and I'm here for 50 of you that ought to know even in this moment God is getting ready to move in your direction hallelujah I don't know how you feel about it but I feel like that in this season of your life you are getting ready to experience an unparalleled move of God hallelujah God's get ready to move why because he's got to move me out of some stuff but not only does he have to move me out of some stuff he's got to move my entire family out of some stuff I don't know where you are but I speak to a legion of art angels to begin moving on your behalf then wherever you are right now this is not your last stop but God has given ready to help you bust a move hallelujah movement is getting ready to happen on your behalf I need you right where you are to just look down your row and tell them get ready for a move of God forth I want you to write this down please is mineral storage mineral storage bone serve as a reservoir of calcium and phosphorus for cellular activity in the body so that it's called what runners have is a second wind somewhere watch this in the middle of your day even when you're beginning to feel lethargic how you feel the Bur stir energy you have him here goal he had coca-cola it's because you've had some stuff in reserve I never forget a few years ago I was with a dear friend of mine who has a has a rolls-royce we were on the highway and I happened to look over on the dash and the gas tank was leaning towards the empty and we on the highway I said bro we're gonna have to pull over soon IIIi don't feel like pushing I don't feel like pushing we gonna have to do something and it's hot out here he said Jay don't worry about it I said no man look at look at your dash and saying empty he said no I understand that he said that's for the first tank oh god I wish I had somebody in here that's that's for the first thing but how about the thing that makes my car so valuable is that it has a second tank hallelujah so that when the first one runs out is able to switch into the second one some of y'all don't know good preaching when you hear it that there are some people who've been riding with you who've been anticipating your breakdown and and and they thought you were gonna lose it last year and don't know how it is that you keep going and you gotta let him know what you've been looking at was my first tank but the anointing on my life is a back up debt even when it feels like I can't go another in further I got a second tank that tells me they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength anybody get her laid this morning know the only way you still moving here's you got a backup tank everything that you've had to deal with last week you woke up this morning with your minor because your reserves have got mineral storage but um not only a mineral swords you have an energy storage hallelujah we deal with the functions of a bone what is the first one please come on class what's the first one what's the second one what's the third one movement what's the fourth one the fourth one the ears that what would you say the fourth one was the fifth one write this down please is energy storage energy storage for lipids such as fats yellow marrow this is your energy reservoir I'm tired and I'm drained watch this and still working did you hear what I just said I almost in a pup i moment I can't stands no more hadn't I done took all I can stand you you almost like Fannie Lou Hamer I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and here's what's amazing y'all is you don't know for the life of you how you keep going you you got a time mixer narnun you can take a lickin and keep on tickin here's here's what's crazy about the splendor of God on your life is folk don't even know how drained and depleted you are cuz you still got a smile on your face and still can laugh I can't hear anybody in here but all you can say is that God must be keeping me together hi I know some of y'all don't know about that but I I need those of you who are really frazzled down to the core of where it is that you are you don't even know with the pressure with the stress with the weight that you have been under you should be biting your nails you should be drinking Hennessy I can't hear nobody in here you should be rolling up a blunt you should be living under a bridge you should be on a bus to Atlantic City but somehow or another God keeps you together and I'm talking to suck up science I'm talking to those of you that don't eat the right stuff you don't exercise but your body is still intact and you are not caught just stuck up in the insulin do not ona oxygen Tigers you ain't leaving here going to dialysis she's keeping me together you ain't gonna get a 5 o'clock tomorrow morning for chemotherapy appointment he's keeping you together in spite of everything that you've gone through there is no trace of dementia or Alzheimer's she's keeping you together your child um broke your heart your marriage ended up on the rocks but she's keeping you together your finance have been in the toilet but the lights are still long he's keeping you together [Applause] decide for corporate worship this is personal praise would you do me a favor please just for God keeping you together would you just give him the sound the worship God here come on you got to do better than that the only people worship him uh those who are surprised um had a breakdown those that you better worship in a maze you haven't lost it both of you that are shouting right now no you came out of it by the hair on your chinny chin here you ought to be praising God he kept me together his heart then for you to survive so for you to survive and function without all of the appropriate entities intact so try to live without them what do you think you would be without bones how you gonna live with no support no protection no movement no energy no strength no nutrients how you think you gonna make it there are people who are trying to bring some semblance of balance back into their lives and all they need you to do is to donate one of your bones because they're living a vulnerable life they're living a meagre existence and yet you are so absorbed that even in death you won't support other people even in death you don't even feel like you should protect somebody else from feeling vulnerable you have to go after living a stuck life you still won't help somebody else get movement the process is called bone grafting it's a surgical pursuit procedure that replaces missing bones in order to repair bone fractures that are extremely complex this is for people who are in a place that pose a significant health risk and feel like their health is getting ready to fail and they just can't heal properly because they're missing a significant bone I want you please if you'll free your hands of your phone even of you have your pen even of your tablet would you lift up at hand please I want to prophesy over your life for 2018 I gave this to me while flying to California this week and I'm gonna give it to you now that hand is lifted I am praying over every lifted hand that not one day for the rest of this year will you feel unsupported god I wish I had some people that hand has lifted not for one day for the rest of this year where you feel unprotected I speak over every lifted hand not one day for the rest of this year will you feel like you can't move now for one day for the rest of this year are you going to experience burnout not one day for the rest of this year are you gonna feel like you have no strength I speak only for those of you whose hands are lifted up I speak over you with apostolic authority with the sealing of the blood of Calvary not one day for the rest of this year will your life be order because all things are working out for your good simply because you love him and if you believe with me that God is going to see to it that you are supported that you are protected that you have your strength you have your energy and you are able to make movement I need you right where you are but you thank him for it hallelujah I got spectators here but just a few of you that need that word over your life will you give God all of the glory right now come on I'm almost the way I need to go but come on I said not one day are you unprotected y'all ain't gonna give him glory not one day are you gonna feel like you hit a brick wall not not one day are you gonna feel like you are in it by yourself God is bringing divine order to your life [Applause] I'm in 2nd Kings chapter 13 the man of God who performed more miracles than anybody in the Bible except for Jesus y'all hear what I just said as a man in the Bible he he performed watch this more miracles in the Bible over everybody except for Jesus his name is Elijah and here's what I want you to know about him is that Elijah was anointed he got a double portion of his mentor Elijah and I need you to hear this I need you to have it is even maybe for somebody who's watching me today from from a hospital room he is anointed and did what God asked him to do y'all stay with me and became gravely ill one of the false proponents that are afoot amongst prosperity gospel practitioners suggest that if you have faith you won't ever feel sickness that you won't ever deal with disease but I want you to know that you can live for God and still go through bouts of physical challenges God I can't hear anybody in here just just because you're going through and your body you don't mean God has forsaken you hallelujah you are anointed even while your ailing God's hand is on your life even when you don't feel your best he became sick so sick what's this that they don't even know what's wrong with him they can't even put a label on it and much like the woman with the issue of blood rather than getting better he got worse and that sickness ended up in death and he died anointed a full life serving God he didn't get caught up in clouds world winds or angels he died because his body failed does that mean God for sukham does that mean God abandoned him and left him says no my commitment was to your soul all this can perish even when Satan was going up and down seeking whom he can devour he gave Satan a provisional license and said you can touch his body but his soul belongs to me hallelujah I'm telling you there was nothing like a worshiper that don't feel good but still feels God or y'all didn't hear what I just said it out nothing confuses the enemy more when your body right but your soul is lined up I'm getting ready to confuse the adversary today I don't need you to shout right now if everything in your body is tip-top but if you can praise God even while you're taking medication if if you can praise God even why you gotta schedule doctor's appointment if if you can praise God well you can't jump about that bed like you used to but you made the commitment I will the law I gotta leave this week and make my way to Phoenix Arizona a dear covenant friend Bishop Alexis Thomas 50 years of age died this week after preaching at his church on last Sunday y'all not gonna believe it and paying off the mortgage wife went off to work came home to meet her husband dead at 50 god I am did God fail them or did he do what God told him to do I don't know where you are but I'm gonna pause right here Bishop Thomas II won thousands upon thousands of souls in the City of Phoenix Arizona largest church in net City two locations and God watch this helped him to live out his assignment in the earth and then said come on home he died at 50 I got a pause my younger people are coming later in the day but those of you in the room that have already passed 50 and God has kept you alive I'm gonna say something and some of y'all ain't gonna appreciate it but others of your hope your value with God don't owe you another day but if you are still here and God has kept you alive I need you to give God glory here here's why you are the shout folk you grew up with a dad you you snap now with a dead you with the store with a damn but God has kept you together Oh God [Applause] hallelujah you really don't know how to give God glory till you see your friends die god I need some real people right through here with when the paper think you're psycho stop going on to be with the law you ought to be giving God glory the late dr. Gardner Taylor said I used to read the obituaries every day just to check to make sure my name one there every day you ought to be giving God glory that he woke me up this morning [Applause] great man of God and he died they throw him in the grave what's this and when they throw him in the grave here comes the enemy I want you to look at what the text says text says in 2nd Kings chapter 13 verse number 20 the enemy comes watch this on schedule I need you to see it in your Bible the Bible says 2nd Kings chapter 13 verse number 20 what did it say pastor if the enemy comes watch this every spring so what your Bible says don't take my word for sin chapter 13 verse number 20 pastor why does the enemy come in the spring the enemy always comes when your harvest is about to be ready god yeah yeah y'all just missed it huh I'm gonna say this just a 17-yard my time is grossly over but you know you are hallelujah in divine timing when the attack on your life comes use it as a indicator my harvest must be ready hallelujah if I weren't getting ready to yield the crap the enemy wouldn't be coming in my direction but because everything I sold is getting ready to come to me that's why the enemy is coming after me the enemy came in the spring and trying to take the harvest of those who had worked through the winner and at that time ladies and gentlemen Elisha is in in an open grave and they get ready to bury somebody with no name with no reputation with no pedigree and because the enemy is coming in mass they're trying to figure out what to do with this dead body I wish you would just take time and start reading your Bible if you fall in love with the Bible I'm telling you you won't need HBO today the grave is open what's this and they throw the body of a dead man on Elijah's here it is bones God y'all gonna love this when they throw it on his bones something crazy happens yes the dead man comes back to life hallelujah y'all miss your shall die hallelujah I wish you would have had coffee first before you came here because you would have been able to receive this better they throwed the dead body on anointed man's pounds they didn't even know what they were doing god help me in here is because what they didn't realize the empowerment is that his anointing is in his bones hallelujah it ain't on my skin hallelujah because you can strip me of that hallelujah but my anointing is in my structure hallelujah that's why the enemy is trying to bring confusion to your life is because you live a life of order and whenever the enemy is coming he's trying to disrupt the order in the structure of your life but would you give somebody a high five until your neighbor I'm bad to the bone hallelujah is that wind that man who was there to touch Elijah's bones the Bible says that he jumped back on his feet because he touched his and on the reason why the enemy can't stand you is because you are anointed what is dead or alive okay you're no party in here because even if I was dead I'd still be more anointed than my haters case you're no party in here would you grab somebody real quick by the hand and tell them I'm anointed down mmm my bones is there anybody here that understands now that I'm anointed from the top of my head to the sole of my feet that's why I had to tell the animators that you can take my house because my anointing ain't in my house you can take my car because my anointing ain't in my car you can take my money because my anointed ain't in my you can take my clothes because my anointing a NEMA clothes on the inside is where my anointing is and that's why that protect Sarah I need you to help or your neighbor and tell them the anointing on my life yes protecting me from dangers have seen and unseen the anointing this on my life is supporting me even when family walks away from me the anointing on eyes is giving me movement and that's why I can't sit there like a bump on the law but we're not fake of the goodness of Jesus he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm trying to let it go but I feel like lifting him up and this joy the well been given and the world can't take it away give somebody I have had and say you are anointed now to your bones you are jointed every area of your eyes you are anointed nothing that the devil can do about it kiss your I feel my grandfather didn't give it and the world can't take it away glad somebody and second real good and say neighbor government shutdown just opened up here when I said government shutdown but just opened up shut up in my bowl like Jamaa it just won't get just watch and shall slow get job think about what he's done for me to me you better praise here which you open up your muffin shop like you are anointed to your boat I said you got movement you are not be sitting still if you got activity on your lip what you move from way huh like I still got movement I still got movement I still got movement come on Emma ooh yeah [Music] lift that hand please did you lift that hand as high as you can [Applause] [Music] how much it lifts your hand like you feel like you're protected I can't hear nobody if you can't say nothing you oughta just wave your hand will you just thank God you still got your strength just feel about you that hand has lifted I want to pray for you if you'll let me please I'm thankful for the god of our salvation [Applause] [Music] I'm praying to God anoint you down to your bones because of the unknown and that's on your life get anybody who comes in connection to you will feel like they get their life back you can hear what I just said I said anybody who comes into connection with you will get their strength back God in the name of Jesus I pray over every lifted hand I prayed their Lord that you'll bring order that you'll bring clarity I pray that you'll remove everything that's been draining us pray that you remove everything that's been debilitating us pray dear Lord that you'll get the full glory out of our lives I pray dear Lord that every person we encounter over the next seven days will feel your anointing just by touching our hand those of you your faith is connected to the faith of your pastor would you do me a favor would you give God glory even right now come on [Applause] [Music] come on I can't hear anybody I said give God glory like you know God is able orchids abound all eyes are closed I am I'm praying for revival in this city weren't you done to stay and please hear my heart a new police chief ain't gonna solve the crime you finds many people that you want but until people got a different man frame on the value of life God I can't hear nobody you want to stop crime in this city open jobs in this city open opportunities in this city all for Jesus Christ in this city I'm telling you Jesus is the answer for the world today if you're standing to your feet and I pray that you are I want you to pray with me today all over this sanctuary I want you to pray here it is you're gonna do a macro prayer than a micro prayer the macro prayer what's this is I want you to pray for two Sundays from now that God is gonna bring a hundred souls into the kingdom come on open up your mouth would you begin praying people on street corners people on bus stops people on the basketball court would you begin praying for them even right now people who are in houses with no heat people who are in apartments with no love people who are sleeping in cars people in your family I want to see them get saved the first Sunday in February whoever sits in your sea in the next two services if they're not saved they can't find Jesus Christ today those of you who believe that God is still in the soul saving business I want you to give God your unparalleled praise come on give it to him we are not just hearers of the word but we're doers also amazing Testament about Elijah is that even in death he was still saving people as amazing he did double the miracles of his mentor Elijah in the one they forgot to give him credit for is the one he did from the grave telling what an incredible attribute an asterisk to your obituary is that even after you died you were still helping people yeah god I can't hear nobody with somebody give God glory just on that possibility that even in my death I gave somebody my bonus who couldn't stay on who couldn't walk who couldn't open doors they're using my bones in order to do it it's amazing ladies and gentlemen there's somebody in this room who's not saved somebody who's in this room watch this who's never given their life to Christ and they don't even understand that the reason why they're able to have access is because Jesus was a donor after death hallelujah we talked about all of the water turned into wine and the to fish and the five loaves of bread but his greatest miracle is what he gave through death was access to salvation I don't know where you are but you all know that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life I want to open the doors of the church in two Sundays from now we're all going to the highways and the byways of this community but you can't do it in the street if you ain't gonna do it in the sanctuary come on y'all we got to be a soul winners Church I'm excited I'm telling you I am telling you we're gonna defy the odds for the Baltimore annual conference well we'll be able to announce bishop we're able to bring 100 souls in one day and we didn't even do it in church I want you all to help me please because I don't want you to think for one moment that soul-winning is just the job of the pastor hallelujah dr. King coined the expression called the priesthood of all believers which means everybody who saved has a role in the ministry everybody who calls themselves a Christian ought to be soul-winning I need you to help me please I was in Los Angeles this week in revival and I'm coming out my hotel and the doorman recognized me and said dr. Bryant what you doing here I said I'm preaching he said have you heard about this restaurant I said no I haven't heard about he said you got to go there before you leave here's what's crazy y'all I didn't tell this man I was hungry I didn't ask him for recommendation he liked it watch this and wanted me to have the experience ladies and gentleman that's how you ought to be about your church and how you want to be about your guy have you been the empowerment temple have you tried Jesus or you ought not leave this earth to you do that you gotta have an impoundment temple experience it can't be explained it can only be experienced I want everybody in this room could you move from where you are come on let's do soul-winning how much did you find out if the people around you are saved would you find out if they have a church on come on y'all help me find out if they've given their life over to God for the world [Music] everybody is talking to somebody find out if they say Jesus I want you to give God some praise as they come are y'all not shouting good enough for me I need you to turn the volume up right there Jesus is if there's somebody else I need you to come resist the temptation don't you day ally in church you know you got to get saved you know you got to give your life over to God I don't want you to leave here the same way that you came if you don't mind please would you just do a road check ask the people on your row are you sure you saved I'm not asking do you go here I'm asking are you a member here are you serving here come on wherever it is that you are come on Jesus [Music] bless his name the Bible gives us evidence that the Angels rejoice just when one is found I'm thankful for this beautiful brilliant young sister who has come I need you to do me a favor would you rejoice come on she's anoint it down to her bones shut your right hand to faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the only church and I know that's right if you know right come on give God some praise you may be seated in the presence of our conquering king ladies and gentlemen I want us to have in our minds that God watch this haste confusion he's a God of decency and order how many of you all believe that y'all don't believe you serve a God of order hallelujah for God to bless you with a hundred percent of everything that you have and you not be a tither friend you are out of order can a man Rob God sure at one hundred and ninety-nine other churches but not this one and this one we gonna give everything that we have to God because we realized without him we would have nothing hallelujah I am so grateful that God is the giver of every good and every perfect gift I went on periscope last week talking angel about the school system in Baltimore and about schools not having heat and about our children having to be in classrooms with jackets on and freezing and some somewhere in orbit of a hundred thousands and people watch that video our group called me this week from win on Wednesday from Dallas Texas from Dallas Texas named pastor we saw your video and we want to do something to help so do you have any storage space I say yeah I got storage space said how much of it do you I said I don't know how much you need that they said we need storage space for five to ten thousand square feet so I don't know if I got all that now as I thought I had it I don't think I have all that says well we've been collecting since your video and we're sending you heaters for every school in the city of Baltimore god I can't hear yelling shouting said not only are we sending you heaters we're sending you jackets not only are we sending you jackets with sending you calculators for every Middle School in the city of Baltimore not only are we sending your calculators we're sending you back packs for every spoon y'all a Sheldon I can't hear nobody I didn't ask for none of that all I said yes i express the need I'm telling you gotta be in the place ladies and gentlemen that God will bless you hallelujah and God will use strangers to pour into your bosom how many of you all believe this week needs are gonna get met this week needs are going to get met I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen I promised God I promised God with all that he has given me to do I've been praying all week on Senate Lord you gotta let me live past 50 you don't think i'm joking i i i i i need i need strength in order to pass the black people in baltimore I need strength to do that I and I want you to know that your church is in need your churches in need and I should not have to wait for people in Texas to respond the people in Baltimore ought to be able to step up to the plate for what it is that God is calling and compelling us to do those of you who are in this room who know that this is a ministry that acts in random acts of kindness you never know what God is gonna do when you come to our church how many of you all know I'm right about it you never know who was gonna be blessed who God is gonna step up in the play step up on the plate for I'm gonna challenge you even our dear friends who are online come on I need you to be a blessing to the ministry I want you to be a blessing to empowerment temple God wants to do something amazing in your life that late layman brother Melbourne till has told me when I was a kid that we give God all the glory but give him none of the cash hallelujah we we want to thank him but we don't want to pay up but on today ladies and gentlemen I want every person who's in this room every person who's in this room I want you to get this seed in your hand how those of us who grew up old-school you didn't wait till Sunday to figure out what you were gonna give old-school y'all I ain't saying nothin to me that head your tithing box at home you fill that out on Saturday night anybody in here will grew up like that Amen because you understood I am intentional about what I want to give God I've already thought about it why because God is a God of order I'm not waiting to be emotionally swayed because I am that committed to the things of the kingdom I wanna challenge you ladies and gentlemen how many of you don't like living in chaos can I see your hand I mean chaos lurks you it gets under your skin ain't man you don't even have to be your mess you don't even like to be around it you'll need more wanna ride in somebody else car that's dirty amen they just taking you down the street and you by the window cuz you Eve you only wanna step over to McDonald's amen I I want you to operate in order on today and the order of God's blessings is that you first have got to be obedient unto Him I don't know how it is that you keep wanting God to bless you and you are out of order in your giving I'm gonna ask every person please get yourself together would you help out a person beside tell them get it together now get it together you don't hurt enough messages on tithing you know you know what the benefit is you know what the blessing is and on today I want you to operate as if you are in the order with the body of Christ called church ambassadors would you come to come those of you who are in need of an envelope I want you to lift up that hand if you're in need of an envelope I want to challenge you to tithe today to tithe means I am giving God ten percent of my income I'm giving God ten percent of my income you ought to be thankful under God thankful under God watch this that your job didn't shut down this week God y'all ain't saying nothing to me can you imagine working 40 I was last week and they telling you no check after you worked y'all ain't saying nothing to me you are shut down on Friday give me my check first I'm asking you I'm asking every person because we do not know how long this shutdown is going to be and as a consequence when the government shuts down the church got to step up did y'all hear what I just said I said when the government shuts down then the body of Christ has to step up you don't know what's this I do not know if two weeks from now that the cans that we've collected I gotta give to people that work at Social Security y'all I ain't saying nothin to me we got no idea what it is that God has in mind but I'm telling you that you've got to build up for yourself a reserve tank just in case the president gets crazy he already crazy he don't need no physical he need a mental amen I need every person right where you are I want you to get that seat in your hand my dear friends who are watching online from around the world I'm gonna challenge you to tie the own today I wanna see if your tithe just from here up until Valentine's Day and I'm telling you that your love for God will not diminish your love for God will only increase those of you who don't know about tithing or you I'm not there yet it's alright I want you to give God your absolute best I want you to look at your offering and ask yourself is this commensurate to how God has kept me together this week is this reflective as how he's protected me this week and moved me this week and gave me strength this week is this gif I'm giving God reflective of what I think about him or what I think about Jamal you ain't giving this to me I wish you weren't but you ain't giving this to me you gotta give God this gift to let him know how can I say thanks for all you've done for me the voices of a million angels can express my gratitude all that I am or ever hope to be those of you who are in this room as we move towards a cashless society there are many of you in this room who didn't bring your checkbook with you don't worry about it don't trip on either side you're able to give electronically through your debit card I want you to be able to give that way every person is standing every person is standing I want you lifting up that gift above your head please repeat after me lord thank you for keeping me together in gqr if you were blessed by being in worship today would you give God a resounding sound of Thanksgiving [Applause] bless the Lord I want to introduce passionately as I can on next Sunday I need you to bring mounds of soup on next Sunday we're running a wolf Li behind and I need your help in order for us to complete this mission on the first Sunday in February and said you'll please on next Sunday be mindful to bring relatives who are in need of prayer because of organ failure or they are in need of an organ transplant and need them in church on next Sunday I want you to please make sure that you register and sign up to be a part of our Gideon 300 can you imagine what it will look like first they have 300 urban missionaries on the street going through Park Heights winning souls for Christ and giving out food to those that need it on the same day I'm believing that God has given ready to bless us in a magnanimous way I'm thankful for all of you who have come already and I hope that you will be a part of our New Year's revival on Tuesday dr. Dante Hickman will be here the entire Southern Baptist Church family is gonna be sharing their choirs gonna be singing as a consequence I want you to be here to join us for our revival Wednesday all of our men I want you to join us for you necessary prayer 23 churches are sending their men to be a party and I want our church to lead the way would you lift up that hand right where it is that you are if nobody told you today please know that your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you lift that hand as high as you can repeat after me walk of God and he'll walk with me talk of God and he'll talk with me listen to God and you'll listen to me love God because he [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 10,890
Rating: 4.7343173 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, jamal bryant preaching, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, together, pulling, i am pulling, pull
Id: AqhgmjMHQXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 4sec (5644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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