Mind Your Business

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Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it if you're happy and you know it clap your hands or y'all don't sound happy I was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the Lord you secure your seats I want you to take one moment to think about how you would operate in faith if money was not an issue y'all didn't hear what I just said I said how would you execute and model your faith if money was not an obstacle all kids about all eyes are closed I want you to just internalize begin to think through what are the areas that you need God to address that you need him to handle how would your faith lean towards God if every fiscal liability would now be eradicated if he moved to every financial obstacle out of the way some of you can't see it because you don't have the faith for it but those of you who believe by faith that our God can do anything but fail I can't hear you I said anything but failed I want you to clap your hands just for the possibilities I can't hear you I said just for the possibilities the Bible says that the oil flows from the head and then goes down to the skirts of the road do you imagine just one paycheck a month we'll handle all of the bills of your house y'all didn't hear what I just said huh I'm trying to stretch your faith today one paycheck a month we'll handle all of the financial needs of your house and everything else you can save it you can invest it I can't hear anybody in here God will multiply it how many of you believe if he does it for the church house he'll do it for my house that's the kind of faith I want us to operate in that I want us to model and that I want us to execute the last Sunday in September last Sunday in September is gonna be a hallmark groundbreaking day for our ministry we're believing by faith above tithes and offerings beyond our tithes and offerings that we're gonna lend unto God a sacrifice of a half-million dollars in one day how many of you believe that God is gonna do it in one day y'all don't have that kind of faith I wish I was at Newport how many of you believe God can pay off your biggest bill in one day that God can meet all of your financial needs in one day I want you to prophesy and encourage the people who are on your row in just a moment tell me he can do it in one day hallelujah that that's the wrong neighbor find one more tell them God can do it in just one day we're asking all of those of you who are under the canopy of faith known as new birth that you will come into covenant agreement with us that we will put a mandate on heaven for that day we've asked you to fill out your pledge cards is not a year it's just one month from now the last Sunday in September is where it is that we're believing God to do it and there are droves of you who have already filled out your commitment we're already at four hundred and eighty thousand dollars in commitment come on I can't hear about it and we still got a month to go and I'm believing on one Sunday we're gonna reach that goal of 500,000 how God impregnated in my spirit Psalm 23 and 5 that your cup is going to run over how many of you know you serve in excess of God he he done do just enough he does more than enough are there are those amongst us who are pledging $2,500 for that last Sunday of September others 1,500 others one thousand others 500 others 235 but I want everybody to make a commitment it only works if we all get involved because there is power in agreement and power in unity if you do not have a pledge card I want you to please lift up that hand I'll do the four ushers I'm moving amongst you if you're absent of one we want you to have it my dear friends who are in our cyber on sanctuary we're so grateful for you out last Tuesday was the first day of our liquid fast we are fasting we're fasting together every Tuesday in August and September as a consequence this last Tuesday was our first prayer call you not gonna believe it would you believe and rejoice with me that 10,000 people were on the call with us are y'all gotta shout better than that 10,000 people when agreement with us since up last Tuesday over 20,000 have gone back to hear the replay of it on Tuesdays August in September as a fat as a church are we are on a liquid fast believing that we are going to be the embodiment of Psalm 23 and 5 that our cup is going to run over if you have not picked up your cup are from our call to conquer bookstore ask that you'll do that immediately after service those are you watching online just using a cup in your house it's still gonna work but we all want to be in the lockstep in uniform and in alignment for what God is going to do we've already prayed today but I want you to please put that neighbors hand in your hand for one moment I want you to put that neighbors hand in your hand for one moment that's what I want you to do [Music] you get ready to pray here it is for your idea get ready to pray for your dream get ready to pray for your goal you get ready to pray for your concept give me to pray over your business plan that God has give me to help it to come to pass here's the kids you're not just gonna pray for you you gonna pray for the person whose hand you're holding cuz in our church there is no spirit of competition no spirit of jealousy when one wins we all win come on all over the room would you open up your mouth and start praying for the person whose hand you're holding pray for them that they'll be met with success pray for them that they'll know no failure [Music] pray for them that they'll have a sweat list victory [Music] and he had new birth we believe their prayer changes things changes situations changes the way you look at stuff and those of you who come into agreement with the person whose hand you're holding loose that hand and give God your best shelter Thanksgiving now come on give God your best Sheldon Thanksgiving now I want somebody to shout out loud it's possible it's come on I can hear you shout it out now it's possible everything I dreamed sing imagine it is possible before we go further in service I wanted to take one moment to honor the life in the legacy of one of the most brilliant minds of our community I wanted to pause to thank God for the life of Toni Morrison it was an amazing gift come on y'all got to do better than that an amazing gift I want to ask you to be seated except for all of the writers all of the writers in our church would you please stand all of the authors those of you that have a book those of you that are going to publish your book those of you they got a book in you would you stretch your right hand to faith to whoever is standing closest to you we pray that God will remove every element of writer's block that God will line up the right publisher for your gift that the world will be better improved and empowered because of your gift of literacy pray that God will anoint your imagination your insight and connect you with people who will bring out the best in your talent and those of you your faithful lines up with the same god of Toni Morrison would you give God glory for all of these authors that are amongst us come on y'all got a shout better than that we're thankful and we're grateful I'm gonna hop scotch for just one moment medium ministry I'm gonna go somewhere else real quick I need you to arm yourself with a writing instrument those are your smart phone answers you'll go to that whether you I phone or Android the contest is over five visitors that's the inside joke amen this get ready to help somebody I promise you it's gonna help you eight money questions black couples should ask each other eight money questions black couples should ask each other brunch is gonna go a little bit different today help older person besides you tell them you better get this you better get this for those of you who are viewing in our cyber sanctuary it's going to be provided for you on our closest screen number one conversation that black couples ought to have with each other number one is how will we get to be debt free tell the truth shame the devil you can't become debt free here it is if you had the fact that you're in debt you got to ask him do you have a credit card how many what's on it are you making your payments on time how much you have in student loans where's your mortgage how much car loan debt what is your plan to getting to zero number one how will we get to be debt free number two how will we limit our liabilities you got to ask them do you have a shoe habit do you believe in retail therapy when you need real therapy quantify and qualify whether your spending limits stick to one number three what assets will we buy together what assets will we buy together the home you're in now doesn't have to be your death home we could just be your starter home home that you in now no longer meets the needs of your family how do we turn it into an investment property what businesses are we gonna buy together I don't want to buy the bar I want about a block number four what sacrifices will we make as a couple only two people claimed they argued on the way to church this morning will you all sacrifice taking vacations three times a year eating out every weekend what does sacrifice is you willing to make number five what generational poverty patterns do you have to break you married you dating somebody who doesn't come from a family that has financial responsibility and integrity saving sounds like a curse word number six is game read get rough nobody's gonna turn to their neighbor do we know each other's credits go up that's real intimacy write down number seven how this is so important I want you to write this all in capitals how much black tax do we have to pay y'all looking at me crazy with is black tax black tax is the money successful couples have to spend for less fortunate family members yatin got real quiet what is our cut-off limit for helping family members who show up every 60 to 90 days I won't go a step further even for grown children how long are you gonna let them be a long-term resident in your house what's the eviction plan yeah y'all gotta exercise tough love number eight how will you plan for your child's future financial wealth you know 18 years in advance that you want them to go to college want them to have a business what is the plan for their child you can't leave your child a job you can leave them a business I want all of our married couples will you please stand all of our married couples all of our engaged couples please stand you're married and your partner doesn't happen to be here I want you to stand anyway those of you who are viewing online I want you to type the name of your partner on the screen we want to come into agreement if that partner is near you would you take that neighbor by the hand lift that neighbors your partner's hand please your partner's not with you lift up both hands I'm gonna speak a financial blessing over couples connected to this church money is the number one reason for divorce in our community and tonight today we break the spirit of poverty that has tried to break our marriages and our families the Bible declares that if two or three touch and agree there I will be also I speak a monumental 1000-fold increase to god-fearing bible-based believing married couples that God will exceed your expectation and do for you what you have never seen done before and those of you who exercise the god-kind of faith' would you give God glory for what he's gonna do in your marriage oh come on you can do better than that come on y'all gotta shout better than that hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm neglected to tell you that while we're doing that call on every Tuesday on media minister if you'll put on the screen that call it your number we had 10,000 as last Tuesday I want to do more than that this week I want every person in this room every person online I want you to be a part of our prayer caller on Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. Tuesday morning at 6 a.m. this number is on your screen I'm music ministry under the direction of minister Tiffany is going to prepare our hearts and minds and spirits for the Word of God while they're so doing would you invite somebody to be a part of our worship experience the reality is you can't explain it they can only experience it for themselves we're live right now new birth org or they can watch us on our app at new birth Atlanta our God is gonna bless them the same power that is in this house is getting ready to come to their house give God some praise 5 music ministry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] somebody shout out loud he's working it out would you get your Bibles in your hand [Applause] you need incurred somebody look at him and tell him he's working it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give God glory would you travel with me to Luke chapter 17 if you don't have a Bible be kind and Christian enough to share with the person next to you Luke chapter 17 [Music] Luke chapter 17 we commenced our reading this morning at verse 12 and find our way down to verse 17 Luke chapter 17 verses 12 through 17 as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourself to the priest and as they win they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at Jesus's feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan Jesus asked were not all ten cleansed where are the other nine you may receive it Jesus is gone into a village he encountered ten men who had leprosy they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus master have a pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priests and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice threw himself at Jesus's feet and thanked him he was a Samaritan Jesus asked were not all ten cleansed where the other nine I want to preach for a little while this morning about the talented tenth the talented tenth my dear comrades as a transplant resident transforming into an Atlantian it's been nothing short of interesting hailed as the epicenter of the civil rights movement revered as the incubator for dr. King celebrated for the achievements of the Atlanta University Center studied for the minority economic development strides under Maynard Jackson the opening of the International Airport by ambassador Andrew Young I find it peculiar event in the eight months that I've been here nobody has mentioned the Atlanta exposition in 1865 when Booker T Washington delivered the hallmark address entitled the Atlanta compromise the esteemed president of the Tuskegee Institute along with other Negro leaders of their time made an agreement with the white establishment to submit without resistance to their policies in exchange for a basic education that would be limited to trade and vocations they will get reasonable due process of law and in return they vowed to never retaliate against racist to never demand equality or expect integration with absolutely no conversation of higher education that would lead to a college degree the Atlanta compromise reeked of a contract against consciousness and I am afraid from 1865 to now 2019 somewhere sprinkled in the residue of the oxygen of this city has in fact become the spirit of compromise there is nothing biblically they can never substantiate God issuing a basic blessing what it is that God has for your life has for your family has for your future is not synonymous with compromise God wants you to take the road that is less traveled that is in fact exemplary of the spirit of excellence that takes you away from that which domani acts would allow you to compromise basic-cable only comes with channels that have commercials when you've paid for the premium it means you expect not to be interrupted the basic model of a car comes with no air and no sound where it is that God is give me to take you comes with a premium package you have to live at a place where I expect God's best in this hour in this season of your life it has to be all or nothing you gonna have to handle me coming with God or you don't want me there is no compromise I will no longer hide my brilliance my intelligence or my creativity just to make mediocre people feel comfortable there will be no compromise either you gonna take all of my personality all of my charisma all of my effervescence or you don't want none of it you can't just have me when I got kids y'all ain't saying nothing there will be no compromise you can't like me on Friday but don't want to be with me on Sunday morning there will be no compromise when God unleashes what he has for me you cannot take it in portions you've got to eat all of it because God wants me to be whole and you can't love me in pieces I need somebody who has come to the place of their own consciousness and their own moral compass that I will not compromise just for public affirmation I'm too old to do it for the gram I cannot do it for the likes y'all ain't saying nothing I cannot do it for the Philo's and so if you got unfollow me because I stand for righteousness say it's all right cuz I know you looking even if you never liked my page I will not compromise rising rising and righteous indignation to the Atlanta compromise with the erudite WB Dubois penned an essay in response entitled the Negro problem his counterclaim to refute Washington's position was that there had to be room for the talented tenth his theory maintained that one in 10 blacks would rise to the top of their fields and impact the world he opined that the best and brightest blacks which compromise of the talented tenth must be afforded higher education if progress was to be made the 10% would lead the charge for change that the country needed Riley it must be mentioned that there is a surge in inner cities with a 79% high school graduation rate yet he contends even from the Crypt that even with 79% graduating from high school it is 10% that will excel and make the difference you probably really don't understand why you are in the see you are in in this sanctuary or why you are tuned in from the cyber sanctuary is the only reason why you are here on this particular Sunday at this particular time is God needed you to know that you are in his designated 10% y'all just missed it maybe I've gone too deep on a Sunday morning what God has put on your life 90% of other people wish that they had it but it is not endowed upon you so that you would be arrogant and have a big head you are anointed so that you can bring other people out of bondage and the into the place where they are supposed to be the reason why the attack on your life is so great is because you are not a part of the running run of the MIL the status quo you are not average you are not like everybody else but you stand out for such a time as this the call on your life is so pronounced that even when you try to play the background God always pushes you to the front what God has put on you even when you don't want to be recognized you keep being drafted for assignments because most people can't handle what it is that God has put on your life I am talking to 10% of those of you who know I am fearfully and wonderfully made there is something different about me and the evidence is I don't even match the other people in my like I don't even sing like the other people that I grew up with I don't even have the desires that excite other people there is something about me that separates me from other people it is hard for me to be impressed hard for me to be excited because in this season of my life you don't even understand I had the bags the shoes and the trips now I wanna make a legacy I want to leave I impact I want to do something for generations that are yet unborn and those of you that are glad that you are not like the rest of the population would you give God glory that there's something different on your life be seated please be seated I want you to lay hands on yourself and declare out loud I'm not like everybody else and I'm glad about it [Music] [Applause] some people around you I'm not shouting clapping or responding no where you about and we gonna come back and get them later the only people who are giving God glory of those who know I'm uniquely gifted what God put on me I didn't get it out of a book I didn't get it out of a classroom I woke up like this God gave me this anointed to do what no other power can do what I find interesting if not shocking is that Dubois aah-ha betraying humanists co-founder to n-double-a-cp is not the actual originator of the expression but Israeli was birthed out of a Caucasian by the name of Henry Lyman Morehouse found of my beloved alma mater Morehouse College this man said seven years prior to divorce a speech he proclaimed that the talented tenth would be the tenth of those who have superior natural endowments who are symmetrically trained and highly developed may become a mightier influence and a greater inspiration to those who are in the nine you don't even understand that what God has put on your life has shaped you to be a history maker and a world changer there is something definitive about your whole journey of life that separates you you knew that there was something special but your own family didn't know how to foster it and develop it your your own church didn't even know how to maximize it and shellac it you had to learn it through ups and downs and through heartbreaks and through disappointment you are able to look yourself in the eye and say I'm bad in this I don't know how would here zombie in this lot but God's gotta have something else please est warns us that there's nothing new Under the Sun so if W he be divorced in and discovered the talented tenth if him Realignment Morehouse didn't initiate it where did the talented tenth come from I'm glad you asked I want to suggest to you umbly that the talented tenth is birthed out of Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem and while he's on his way to Jerusalem he encounters a colony of lepers leprosy is a communicative degenerative disease that causes the body to fall apart you can be scratching your head and when you scratch your head a pinky or fall off Pecha hell fall off it's a communicable disease here it is it was not hereditary you only caught leprosy by who you associated with it was not nature it was nurture so in order to cloister them apart those who had leprosy had to live separate from other people for compromise here it is was the cause of their calamity they couldn't live in general population because nobody wanted to catch it so these ten lepers are far from where Jesus is and they are falling apart every part of them is not stable but while they are still far from God they stop calling after him they start crying after him is what Luke says son of David have mercy on us every now and again when you come to God's house and you feel like you are distant from him that is not the time for you to be quiet but you got a call-out under him why because I feel like I'm about to lose it I need you to look at the person beside and say don't let these church clothes fool you this has been a hella fat week for me I've been through some stuff that has almost made me go crazy I almost killed myself or killed somebody but the only thing that kept me together yes I learned how to call after him and I need somebody in the room that can admit ain't got everything but I still got enough sense to call on the name of God to keep me together before I lose I'm calling out to God be seated please I'm I'm calling out to God because I don't want to fall apart I'm tired of crying tired of being depressed tired of being unhappy I ain't calling him for no car for no house and no money god I need you to keep me can I give it to you now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling apart I'd tell you to give God glory like God don't keep you together no matter what you are dealing with so those levels start calling out to God because they feel like they losing it feel like that they're being unhinged that they're losing their core can't find their setting don't have any grounding and so they just start calling out under God there is no quiet no praise team no organ no drums no cameras all they know is I need God and I need them now I don't know how you feel about it but there comes a place in your real relationship with God where you ain't gotta come to church to give him glory but sometimes you ain't even got the strength to get out of the bed you gotta sit on the side of the bed and say Lord if you don't intervene right now I'm gonna do something I'm a regret you you gotta do something to show me and Jesus sees him calling out from afar and he yells back to them go show yourself to the pastor says I need you to go to the church so the church can see how you got restored [Applause] why is Jesus sending them to the church because when they were sick the church ostracized y'all ain't saying nothing to me I get sick of pretentious saints who act like they too good to help people like they'd never fallen apart before themselves I need a real church that won't judge me but will love me back to wholeness since I need you to go back to the church cuz ever since you started falling apart you stopped coming ever since your head church heard you act like you can't come in there ain't talking to y'all I'm talking to people watching online ever since you lost your position you felt as if that the church was defined by people and not by me but he said I need you to go back to the church and let them know their little committee didn't do this but in my private worship God put me back together again I gotta get out of here but would you do me a favor would you just strike a pose right there shy couple why cuz I need them to look at me not look at how I made it in spite of what you said about Matt Striker pop [Applause] be seated come on polls on them this I look in my new car yes I look in my house this is how I looked at free strike a pose on them hide us God [Applause] he says I need you to go to the church and show them what you look like so um the strength that you have received show up how you been restored y'all the slow I can tell you I haven't eaten yet let me help you he said go to the church show them that you made a rebound that you got a full recovery that everything you lost is coming back to you go to the church and shout until they can't take it scream until they get a header to dance until they roll their eyes and tell all of them I gotta get out of here I need you to shake that neighbor's hand I feel like preaching today I said I shake that neighbor's hand and say neighbor you just miss what happened the miracle didn't happen while they were in church the miracle didn't happen when they left church but the miracle happened while they were on their way to church and somebody on right now that whatever you need is already whenever you've been praying for it's already here whatever you trust him to do he'll know what's wrong with y'all would you be seated what's wrong with y'all why are you screaming like that what's wrong with shop you better not let nobody [Applause] in verse 13 there crying unto the Lord Jesus have mercy on us but after they get the word from God they are no longer crying the Bible says they're praying y'all get ready to miss it God told me to tell you your season for crying is over every time you see me you gonna be able to testify that this joy that the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away give somebody a high five and tell them I'm happy I'm happy about where I am I'm happy about what he's doing I'm happy about my future I'm happy about my children all right god help me hallelujah do me a favor please this this ain't for y'all this just might get fresh crew up front they do this for me just those of y'all who are up front which I'll just start walking for me I'm telling you where to go just start walking I gotta show you what the Bible says the Bible says a when they started walking everything that was out of order fell in the place this ain't for everybody but those are the need job to put some stuff in order I gotta just walked in your side walk in your prophecy walk in your gift walked into what is promised I'm not falling apart but he's keeping me alive you ought to tell say Donna no but that is formed against me shall [Music] come on walk it out he's sidewalk tada body care and walked out I'm gonna walk him out Detroit oh wow if you believe it open up your mouth and tell them thank you thank you gotcha find you [Music] [Music] and after they started walking and notice that their skin was now healed the epidermis is now restored follicles of the hair starting to be restored ears are growing back toes are now back in position only one came back the one that came back fell at Jesus's feet and begin to praise Him for restoration Jesus asked him a critical question that I gotta ask you this morning he has some way out of the other nine that man didn't even understand I know I took the long way home that man didn't even understand he represented the talented tenth that only one out of ten would understand the principle of giving God thanks giving him glory he said cuz you came back to me other people that just got healed but you were getting restored so I'm gonna make everything connected to you better I apologize I've realized I'm jumping you from the back disseminating about what you think it is discernment really exemplifies for all of us in glaring detail that the talented tenth is another word for tithe [Music] [Applause] my tithe is 10% of my income act of tithing is giving over to God but I know that he is due living in a culture in an age and in a season where humankind has moral leprosy that started with Adam and Eve eaten other forbidden fruit sin is the cause salvation is the cure and the tithe is the prescription when I give my 10% it breaks the cycle and the curse of poverty over my life Matthew 6 and 33 says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things be added unto you the 10% goes into the hand of God in case you missed it in case you were daydreaming you forgot leprosy as a communicable disease it's a transfer so whatever hallelujah whenever God puts his hand on the 10% if then begins to touch the 90s god I can't hear nobody God ain't gonna just bless my gift in this house but I need God to bless the rest of my resources so that my finances I never sick again the grace of God because of the obedience of his call makes pha-4 contagious you just miss without your said I said it makes favor contagious I need you to lift up that hand not everybody just the timers I'm speaking something over your life the rest of y'all design for you come back next Sunday I'll have something for you but I pray that as you give there 10% that God now will multiply your 90% god I can't find a church in here [Music] this ought to be the best shout you've given this year God said whatever was the amount of your last paycheck whatever was the amount of your last paycheck by next year this time whatever was the amount of your last paycheck by next year this time that'll be the amount of your time god I tell you nobody I said whatever was the amount of your last [Applause] lift up their hand I'm gonna speak something over you I declare decree of every lifted hand there not another moment of your life will you feel like you're falling apart I pray that God will keep you in perfect peace then he'll exceed your expectation I pray that God will connect you to like-minded believers who will not talk you out of your blessing but walk with you to your blessing and those of you that believe that this is the season where God is gonna bless the Tigers would you open up your mouth and give God glory right now [Applause] [Music] come on open up your mouth I want you to do this for me every person is standing every person is standing I want you to do me a favor no preaching is complete without a practical can't just be hearers of the word we got to be doers also when is on you the favor that's on you is now contagious this is a hot zone I want you to embrace nine people nine people don't stop till you get tonight I want you to embrace nine people and tell them the faith of God is on your finances [Music] the five of God [Music] the five of God the five of God [Music] [Music] I'm on every person standing there far from God but they realize they need to be close to him that the proximity of their relationship it's got to be short and they can't have that level of distance softly Michels right off the rim right off the RIP nine of you without any prompting coercion none of you wherever it is that you are in this room you know that for some reason you've drifted far from God and you need to get close to him you need to get reconnected none of you don't wait on no neighbor don'twe don't know deacon no elder Amnesty International tell you there's more leniency if you turn yourself in none of you same person it's the kind of church I need to rock with just the kind of ministry I need to be a part of this kind of preaching I need to sit under that's where you are none of y'all just need you to start walking I want to tell you that while you are walking you getting healed nine of you I need you to come right now I'm coming to God I'm joining this church I'm getting saved for some of y'all you need to come back home come on I need you to give God glory here they come [Music] y'all a something good for me I said here they come [Music] [Applause] new birth what's wrong with y'all come on [Applause] [Music] after that first group came back Jesus asked the question I got to ask what y'all step up for me just a little bit come on give God glory for this beautiful family coming come on I need you to give God glory for this millennial coming Jesus asked almost rhetorically because he doesn't even wait for an answer one day all cleanse weren't they all heal how come they not at this altar I gotta throw out this lifeline again yelling don't believe it but new birth again you would I need another name to come I need another kind of another nine to come I'm telling cuz they covered by the blood they're not contagious don't worry about it I need you to talk to the people you hug man people I want you to go to five of them and ask him how they saved Eskom do they have a church on ask him have they given their life over to God come on quickly would you do that for me here there come on y'all gonna shout for black men getting saved [Music] unless his name everybody if you're physically able can I ask you to stand please I don't want anybody to crawl over you get to this altar come on I need you to give God glory for this mother and children coming you're making my heart happy glad [Music] everybody in the room everybody in the room repeat after me it's a terrible thing repeat after me is a awful thing repeat after me is just a bad thing to do to lie in the house of the Lord look at the person beside you tell them I'm not calling you a liar I just want to be sure you show up look him in the face ask him are you sure you saved you sure you got a church home if they're not sure I need you to bring them to me come on quickly I need you to bring them to me if they're not here you wasted enough of your life come on God to keep you together do I have any witnesses here their God to keep you together even those of you who are watching online and you want to be a part of what it is that God is doing in this house I want you to go to new birth org I want you to join the even online come on y'all a shout give God praise for [Music] y'all see these whole families coming I can't believe y'all disquiet come on the more you praise them the more they'll come come on come on [Music] shut your right head into faith the 3-yard is holding up our service and easy to come Elzy odd has slipped in here late you time the server's wrong I need you to come now come on sir-sir right hand if a new perfume know how we do search a right-hander favorite beat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right show you're right come on would you give God a hand clap of praise for our family members they came as friends they're leaving as family here come two more somebody give God as that you'll follow us out this way we want to give some information to you come on new birth make some noise for Maya happy to hear I want you to be seated the last Sunday of this month lesson day of this month is our demonstration Sunday all of us are tithing together I want you to give your attention to the screen just so that you can get snapshots and glimpses of how powerful the mechanism of tithing is give your attention to the screen please [Music] tithing is just a sacrifice that we give back to the one that gave us life you know God made a sacrifice when he gave everything he had which was his son so when you look at tithe in that way that was the biggest tithe that he could give he gave everything so that we have life and we have it eternally eternal life we have it abundantly and we have it exceedingly so when you look at it that way everything that we have we have to return a portion of that back to the kingdom of God you know so he can use it for that purpose so that's taiidan for me tithing has blessed me he has blessed me with great health my wife with great health he gave you children that's got great health and just all the financial blessings our home and everything else so that's the most important thing that tithing has done for me yes and for me it's just that you know just to think about the word tithing it's what you're going to give God bag it's just not just that 10% it's that extra because not just with me and my husband we're celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow and we're here to celebrate with God and his people so therefore when you're tithing you're not just giving your money you're giving your sacrifice and with that been saying what he do with that is he will bless you and your family more abundantly all you can actually think okay I've been with this guy for 30 years and you know that's a blessing and we have three grown children plus the secure old granddaughter so it's just a blessing once you obey God he will bless y'all and you're looking at it cuz we're a blessing Titan has blessed my life because I have seen that more things come to me when I just follow the word of the Lord I've always been the one to say you know well maybe not this week maybe next week I don't have it this week but once I realized that if I follow the word of the Lord all things that I need will come to me how tithing has blessed me is through God's Way of saying I trust you or I'm there for you no matter what so you gotta trust no matter if it's your last dime you have to trust that God is there no matter where when you tithe it's one is your spiritual responsibility so there's a peace that comes along with doing that each and every time you are paid to give your ten percent back to that and therefore back to the church I know for me being a new member of new birth I know my money is being put to good use and for the use of God's work and that brings me comfort and peace as a member of this church I think timing is important because you have to give back to God his heresy and I feel like my like example is because of it somebody give God a hand clap of praise my topic is giving unto God 10% of what he's given to us God has to give up every good and every perfect gift if it ain't good it ain't from God did y'all hear what I just said if it ain't good it didn't come from God I want us to be a 100 percent tithe in church as a consequence our Usher's are moving amongst you they have envelopes in the event that you do not have one those of you who are part of our cyber family as that you will please already yourselves just as we're giving here we want you to give right where it is that you are give through cash app love live lead you can give text to give if you have the platform gift laughs I open that up go straight to new birth or you can give directly on our secure site at new birth or god loves what kind of giver what kind to giver hallelujah how many of you know you are part of the talented tenth lift up that a.m. for me please want you to get that seed I'm telling you God's gonna keep every area of your life together lift that envelope as high as you see your income going come on lift it up repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen bless the Lord our oceans are moving amongst you as is the custom and culture of our church if you want to sow your seed for yourself you're able to do so even while they're giving as that you will please be mindful of our morning announcements and now new birth you know what time it is time for your video announcements first we'd like to thank you for joining us on our corporate printer call Tuesday and your obedience to fasting as we believe God for more than enough we will continue our prayer and fasting Tuesdays during August and September and our prayer call Tuesdays at 6 a.m. so dial in number is seven one two seven seven five seven four three eight standard long-distance rates apply it's back that's right starting this Tuesday meet us for group therapy this Tuesday August 13th dr. Bryant and message series will be it's hard to believe the difficulty of faith we pray that our sabbatical was restful and relaxing but now it's time for us to share together weekly we look forward to seeing you and please invite a friend ladies of new birth please join dr. Bryant for our circle with the sisters meeting Monday August 26 at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary you don't want to miss this dynamic encounter have you been baptized new birth we're hosting our mass baptism Sunday August 25th at 9 a.m. sharp before our 9:30 a.m. worship service if you'd like to be baptized please visit new birth bath or to register for more information we hope that you've enjoyed our movies on the lawn series this summer for our last movie on Saturday August 24th we're featuring the hit movie Black Panther gates open at 7:30 p.m. and donations are accepted bring the family and your friends and enjoy the fellowship food trucks will be on site for all your concession needs the Bible declares in Malachi 3:10 that we bring all the tithes into the storehouse Sunday August 25th we will our 100% Tyler's day we will corporately present our seats to the Lord let's watch God pour out a blessing because of your obedience we'll see you August 25th and that's gonna do it new birth [Music] [Music] amen somebody give God a hand clap a praise if you know God is open I wish I were shout better than that [Music] Kenyatta where'd you go we are you where oh yeah come on back now you hear the Bible says rejoice with those that rejoice I'm just thankful for her faith Kenyatta Bell one of our new members I in beckoned December she was homeless we're driving here commuting from Southeast Georgia right outside of Jacksonville Florida since December we started applying the tithing principles and she just told me just now that because of her faithfulness even when she didn't have just as weak she has received an inheritance that will shift everything [Music] somebody faith ought to be stretched right now [Music] come on give God some glory for maybe see that in the prints of the Lord this coming Tuesday we resume our Bible study we've been on sabbatical I'm starting a series that I so desperately want you to be a part of starting a series called it's hard to believe it's hard to believe talking about the difficulty of having faith over certain things how many of you all are trying to keep your faith over a certain area where's about your health about your child about your business about your finances I need you here on Tuesday night you have five weeks to sleep in we back y'all ain't met so I need you here as quickly as you can on Tuesday night at 7:30 I'm believing that God is going to do some monumental things in the life of our believers now I got to do this because I've been working towards it and we're gonna get there I promise y'all we gonna get there it is 5:00 after 11:00 and we finish y'all y'all ain't excited I'm tellin ya it done took me eight months to get to this Amen but we want to be good stewards of our time I'm good stewards of your time because it won't always be that we have just one service [Music] [Applause] I just spoke something y'all ain't got the kind of faith for it I said it won't always be just one service sometimes God has to see how we're good stewards at this level before he escorts us to the next level would you please stand I'm trying to make up something to keep you here ain't got no shoes to collect doing nothing for Bennett College just stand up no canned foods no iPhones no androi amen bless the Lord if you are glad that you came to church today would you make some noise to God even as we leave this place and never from God's presence if nobody told you this week if nobody told you this week I need you to know at the very least your pastor loves you not only do I love you I'm praying for you I want to see you get everything that God has for you if you believe with every fiber of your being you are a part of God's talented tenth would you make some noise if you believe as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and you'll walk with me talk with God and they'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me build for God and you'll build for me love God because He first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going my dear Morehouse brother pastor Kevin first lady thank you our family bless you now under him who's absolutely able to keep you from falling apart may that God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 25,777
Rating: 4.8680658 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, mind, business
Id: 1GOfqtU-TV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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