Pastor Jamal Bryant - Learn from my mistakes

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hallelujah God we thank you O God that you are everything we thank you O God that you loved us so much that you gave everything you gave your son Jesus the Christ to die for us and because of that we say thank you O God hallelujah is your name God we thank you that you are Jehovah Jireh you are the God the Lord who will provide we thank you O God that you are a God of covenants you said O God that bring you all the tithes into the storehouse that there will be meats in our own house and God we thank you hallelujah that we could test you in this that you won't open up the windows of heaven and give us a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it thank you O God for being a God of covenants god we thank you that the righteous have never been Forsaken and we haven't seen begging for bread God for bread godness the environments of a family comes out of the red we thank you that we will be blessed to be a blessing to others God we would give so that it be given back unto us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men and women give unto our bosoms God we thank you hallelujah God that you have not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and us onda mind God I pray in the name of Jesus for soundness of mind all today on this week in this earth in this world o God in the name of Jesus God I pray oh Jesus God I pray for our children we pray for our daughters that they will have strong self-esteem that they won't want to hurt themselves God we pray for our sons that they know who they are in God that they don't want to hurt themselves god we pray for the black community log on that we will seek out the therapy that we need will be needed Oh God we rebuke the spirit of suicide and death in the name of Jesus God you said that we might have life and have it more abundantly name of Jesus God I bless you I extol you for there was truly not like you Oh God we bright we pray pastor right now in the name of Jesus God gave him a Rhema word that was set free he'll save deliver and empower in the name of Jesus let someone come to know you like never before God I pray that people are saved and we safe to know that you are God and besides you there is no other all believe it so in Jesus name [Music] [Music] hallelujah please stand for the proclamation of our litany the words are provided to the screens on my left and to my right amen I am a part of the Fellowship of the unashamed I have Holy Ghost power the guy has been cast I have stepped over the line the decision has been made I am a disciple of Jesus Christ I won't look back let up slow down or be still I no longer need preeminence prosperity position promotions plaudits or popularity I do not have to be right first tops recognized praised regarded or rewarded I now live by faith lean on the Lord run with patience lift my prayer and labor by Holy Ghost power I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice hesitate in the presence of the adversary negotiate at the table of the enemy ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity altogether [Music] go to the comes give two large Rock hallelujah be seated in the presence of the Lord hallelujah we're grateful this morning we have a special treat for you our dancers we get a chance to see them every Sunday but every so often they have something special that they want to offer unto the Lord in terms of a song and in terms of ministry and what other place better than to do that then right here at home so we're giving God praise for the poetry in motion liturgical dance ministry we have ages 5 all the way up they rehearse every Thursday at 7:30 in the Charles Robinson fellowship hall and we're excited about them and excited about their ministry excited about the little ones like Taylor and Logan that you'll see ministering today we're trying to impact the next generations and we give God praise that there's so much as you can teach your child terms of the scriptural relevance and reliance upon the Lord even through the Ministry of Dan so thank God for sister Manisha counts and sister Destiny's Hawkins as they lead us in this area come on put your hands together empowerment let's thank God for what is uniquely ours poetry and motion come on let's show them some love one more time as they come you you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's thank God for poetry in motion come on impermissible let's show them some love one about five ways to teach black youth about money imagine you have a daughter named Shanae here's how you start first teach an a the best things in life are free but everything else cost money highly second teach in a to work for money pay her for her chores and what she does well tip her herd my personal favorite teaching me how to work for herself have for about cheap candy and strategize how to resell it for profit for may give spend and save envelopes and have Shanae write goals on the back like give $20 to Jesus spend $15 on the movies say $50 for back-to-school shopping fit teach her the value of once versus Neve if she wants them that she can't afford loan her the money would Archer interest this will teach her how painful debt can be we must teach black youth that we stroll because we do not own and I want to be rich is not a goal it's a wish may true by finessing financially [Music] to [Music] I've been captured by love I can't explain and now you have me and I'm forever change I have a bandana everything we are better known now I surrender my life is not my own to you [Music] [Music] to you - you say I've been captured I've been captured [Music] [Music] is a song of surrender let's sing it together say [Music] come on less of me and all of the old guy - you wore Chuck I've been captured [Music] by love I can't explain so now you have been got to level tonight [Music] [Music] come on lift those hands and say God what if you really dude come on I've been long [Music] and my life is not my own to you we do a better one who sing it together come on my life say my life is not mine to you I get my son get my dad I give my life to you [Music] I give myself my life I give myself I give myself a nice acquire this 46 [Music] everybody's staying come on let's sing it together I surrender [Music] [Applause] come on all the Jesus would you give God a Handclap of praise this morning come on you can do better than that bless the name of our God you may be seated in the presence of our Lord this week was traumatizing and unnerving on so many dimensions that we were inundated with news of influential and prominent people who decided that life doesn't worth living to people of high esteem of great net worth and in their lives this week met with the brutal reality that suicides in this nation have gone up by 33 percent it says to us that you can have money you can have Fame but if you don't have joy and don't have peace it's not worth any of it and I I don't want to be so reckless in this hour that I can not tell you this morning that it is possible to have Jesus and still need a therapist young and hear what I just said you can come to the altar and still suffer from acute anxiety and there are those of you who are in this room who are laboring through a heavy weight emotionally and you need God to help pull you through it feel overtaxed overwhelmed and you feel pulled in every side and I don't want to be met as pastor with a phone call this week that somebody who was in church decided they had nothing to live for how did friends I want to open up this altar it's not to embarrass you it is to equip you and to empower you I want to open up this altar for those of you who are saying pastor I just I just feel like I've hit a brick wall I'm I'm in a pup I'm moment I didn't took all I can stand and I can't stands no more I don't know where it is that you are but if you're saying pastors barely reach the point where I can barely breathe or I can barely see straight and I really just came to church for a lifeline for some help some assistance as a matter of fact I know what's something wrong cuz I don't know what's wrong if that's where it is that you I just want to pray for you this morning if you've hit that proverbial brick wall would you mind meeting me at this altar allow your pastor to pray for you in this hour come on I want you to come you overwhelm with bills with all of them waiting your family and circumstances that are beyond your grasp empower me clap your hands as they come I don't care if you're seventeen or 72 I want you to come on this day come on clap your hands they're still coming you can be depressed from no job and you can be depressed having a job you hate I want you to come on and meet me please you can be depressed because you don't have nobody or you can be depressed cuz you went to wrong somebody I want you to meet me at this altar please what's amazing is you can be unhappy why old people are jealous of you they have no idea what you're contending with what you're up against and they want to be in your shoes and they don't know you walking around with socks on whether you are in this room the two of you that I'm waiting on I'm willing to put the whole service on hold till you get to this altar I need you to come because your life is that valuable is that important I need you to meet me at this altar please sir please ma'am would you consider doing that stretch your right hand into faith Bessie's name i'ma pray in a moment but it's still two other people that need to be here I can't even move til you get here come on please don't need Mack like that you know you're supposed to be here [Applause] Nessus no you shall not die you shall live to see the salvation of the Lord hallelujah [Music] heaven is glad you're alive God woke you up this morning cuz you ain't done and you're not done cuz he ain't through right hand to fave to our friends who had this altar please I'm a pray for him but would you surround them with a cloud of witnesses come on all over the room open up your mouth and begin praying for them even my friends who are watching online they're on live stream on facebook on periscope I want you to be getting praying because somebody's streaming is suicidal somebody who's online feels like they're at the end of their rope come on lift up their voice for me please and you gonna pray for him are you gonna cover him are you gonna lift him up [Music] Satan comes to kill comes to destroy but I came that you might have life that you might have it more abundantly you ain't gonna die promise you you're gonna live longer name of Jesus for these your precious children I pray that you'll give them a new reason to live give them a reason to go on give them us a second win I pray dear Lord that you'll bless them in spite of them I pray that you'll give them another chapter I pray dear Lord that you'll help them to know that you still got blessings in store for them thank you I stand on paws shoulders they're forgetting those things which are behind we pressed towards the mark of the high calling God thank you that their future gonna be better than their past and for that we give you glory give you praise we give you Thanksgiving empowerment those of you who your faith is lined up with mine would you give God glory even now [Music] come on I say give God glory even now I [Applause] need those of you who are at the altar those of you who are in the largest sanctuary would you stand for me you don't know who's going through he'll know who's who's fighting for their lives you don't know who's struggling I want you to do me a favor move to this sanctuary find three people you don't know embrace them firmly and tell them you got something to live for come on go do that for me please [Music] keep fighting until the victory is won [Music] it ain't over until we end until God says it's oh it ain't over until God says it's done it ain't over until God says it's over until the victory is won you may be seated I want to do this please media ministry help me on all of you who are on social media on your closest screen you have a number I want you to scream shout it for me please I want you to update your posts whether that's on Facebook whether that's on Twitter that's on Instagram one of your friends is going through a rough time I'm telling you this post is not gonna get a whole lot of likes it's not gonna get a whole lot of comments but it's gonna save somebody's life it's gonna help somebody you got no idea who around you feels like quitting who around you feel like they have hit rock bottom I want you to put that number right on your screen for me please I want you to update your profile I want you to make that your post even now I want you to encourage whoever is on your row and tell them you're gonna live through this you all live through this Alleluia you don't live through it hallelujah I need to hear you serve thank you Alleluia thank you no not you him let me hear you please thank you roses thank you thank you let me thank you let me hear those cymbals just a little bit please thank you so very much sister Nikki if you'll help lift her up for me please thank you hallelu what it is that I shared with you these two previous services I was sharing it really out of general concern and pastoral compassion but I feel a level of specificity that's in this room bless His Holy Name breakthrough was in this room healing is in this room brem Franklin would you lift our help standing up for me get to y'all help up please ah [Music] [Music] I want to keep it right there thank you those of you who were just at the altar this weekend we're just at the altar a moment ago would you stand for me if you would just at the altar just one moment ago I just prayed for you [Music] would you stretch your right hand to face to what sir I was talking to you all that they alter a moment ago theoretically hypothetically potentially and to other people are getting ready to join her in just one moment and even for somebody else who's watching online I feel the Spirit of God in this room hallelu thank you because as I'm getting ready to stop there [Music] you're very silent and I gotta get the atmosphere right cuz I got too many spectators that I'm I just need about 500 intercessors that's what I mean I'm telling you I say to other people are gone join her in just one moment I needed Shawn hit me but soft at the same time annalee I hear God in this moment for this young woman who's behind me hallelujah God said I saw you this weekend try to take your life not even 24 hours ago hallelujah not even 24 hours ago he said the attempt failed because I can't fail god I can't hear nobody in here I'm telling you something get ready to be broken in this room but I got too many y'all with curious eyes I forget about her and you ought to be thanking God that God cut your rope down you you ought to be thankful under God [Music] would you be seated for just one moment take that neighbor by the hand hallelujah I'm talking about Friday or Saturday what am I talking about Friday Saturday Friday say it again they let you out the hospital yesterday you tried to hang yourself I want you to stretch your right hand into faith right here y'all think I'm playing with it I need you to stretch your right hand to faith right where it is that I am hallelujah only if you know that God is a healer oh my god only if you know that he's the waymaker God I can't hear nobody I need you right where you are hallelujah I feel like we need to travail right through here I only need a hundred of you to just open up your mouth and the gold in the Satan's territory you let them know we shall not die but we shall live [Music] softly son I'm coming I told you it's two more of you there's a teenager I'm looking for I need you to come quickly there's a teenager in this room and need you to come quickly they're just in the last 72 hours you are contemplating taking your own life I need you to come meet me at this altar right now you're under 19 years of age I need you to come right now even if your friend needs to walk with you I need you to come even if your parents need to walk with you I'm looking for a teenager in this room who almost lost it this weekend hallelujah I don't know what happened here she comes I need somebody god I can't hear nobody idaten lift up your voice I can't hear no worshipers right there yeah I need you to cry out loud like you know that God is in the blessing business I want you to lift up that hand right where it is that you are hallelujah I'm still waiting on another person to come hallelujah there's still another person I need to come I don't know what happened Friday I don't know what happened Saturday I don't know what happened early this morning but the enemy tried to get into your mind to make you feel like you had nothing to live for if that's where you are I need you to rush to this altar I don't want you to let nothin or nobody stop you but there's still the third person and I'm waiting on I need you to come and I need you to come quickly you shall not die here she comes I can't hear no about it I said here they come I need you to open up your mouth come on I can hear their body hallelujah I'm waiting on a young man in this room there's a young man in this room I need you to come to this also quickly there's a young man stay right here for me sir there's a young man I need you to come meet me at this altar I don't know what you're dealing with I don't know the stress you've been under I don't know the pressure you've been under but there's a young man I'm waiting on I'm telling you as soon as you start walking the weight is going to start falling off for you as soon as you start moving in this direction everything that's been coming up against you is to be under your feet I need you to stop moving wherever it is that you are I don't care what's the pressure here it comes I need y'all to shout right now I need you to lift up your voice [Music] [Applause] I need you to stretch that right hand to faith to this altar now hallelujah ministers give me the oil bread quickly shut your right hand to faith would you just begin praying for those that this altar I'm a Basha God hear me I feel a storefront unorder if you got your prayer language I need you to start flowing in it if you know how to charm a all I need you to begin calling on them come on lift him up open up your mouth come on I give him call me I give him up that force has to be blessings over your life that's me healing over your life has to be Greg to over your life ask me call this over your life I can hear the worst of us I give you back your mash I give you back your blanket you gonna be able to sleep that night kids don't give you peace his cutting threads out of your life you're greater than what they say it you shall not be bully you gonna live the Rumba but Y is not true God is speaking victory over your life a big deliverance I speak all this I speak peace over your life listen shut your right hand to faith hallelujah thank you I want you to lift up that hand lift up that hand for me sir both of them hallelujah thank you give me some space from him step over for me just one what's the doctor saying now [Music] huh yeah lifted hand he got stage 4 cancer hallelujah lifts us holdin a how old are you how old are you 28 which stage four tents oh god I can't hear nobody in here she'll be at the prime of his life hallelujah I wish I had just a few prayer warriors in this room I want those of y'all that got family members that are dealing with cancer wave that hand you've had a family member died of cancer wave that hand if you're living with cancer come on wave that hand hallelujah tell me your name again sir Brandon just lifted hand as high a chicken I speak healing over your life where's the cancer colon cancer hallelujah Lord in the name of Jesus completely like how the new you do what the chemo damp do I pray right now dear Lord you'll increase his faith thank you dear Lord for the midnight cry thank you for what it is that you heard in this secret place now God give him a reason he promises he's gonna serve you for the rest of his life by the power of the Holy Ghost I can't so be a serial by the power of the Holy Ghost I canceled his funeral but the power of the Holy Ghost I can't so his funeral and let the redeemed of the Lord open up your mouth where you give God glory hey I said give him glory [Music] hallelujah I want then get ready to go back but listen I want anybody in this room not just had cancer but even when all the way to stage four you're in this room would you meet me at this altar please whether you got it or you live through it I need you to come and stage four cancer hallelujah come stand right in front of them Haley come say thank you right here thank you staying right in front of them anybody survived stage four cancer apparently I need you to come quick come stand right in from come on faith come saying right behind them y'all should be shouting right now come on Harlan survive Stage four kids hallelujah I can't hear nobody I bet I hope y'all a shout in here hallelujah yeah stay right behind thank you where's the oil please thank you give me that hand as for you and for him come on it's for you and for him come on is for you and for him Stage four tents in the name of the Father come on thank you in the name of the son I can't hear nobody in the name of the holy I know you're the strategist I'll tell you though manage my data lift up your power lift up your poise Hey [Music] [Music] not I give your glory I give your prize hallelujah you may go back to your seats [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah I've been doing something peculiar all day today I'm going to the word in a minute if God releases me to do that I'm gonna disrupt my appetite and flow of worship for just one moment hallelujah cuz I believe healing is in this room Alleluia I believe breakthrough was in this room I want those of you in this room they have a loved one a family member who's suffering suffering struggling through cancer hallelujah how much you to get an offering in your hand just for those of you got a loved one dealing with cancer or you yourself are dealing with it don't you get an offering in your hand hear me even whether you giving it by cash yet whether you giving it by gibla fire you're giving it on either side this is not my morning offering this is specifically I'm coming into agreement that God has given me to beat back that demon called cancer even if it is the cancer runs in your family and you need it to stop because you don't want it to in fact visit your children and your grandchildren or even yourself hallelujah I'm telling you them the Bible said they went to at the Pool of Bethesda and that the troubling of the water whoever jumped in they got healed and immediately something stirred up in them I want those of you who are coming into agreement as this pastor I know that this is a season of series that we're dealing with financial debt but I just felt released in that way I don't care if you're giving it on cash yep to be empowered as our address there or whether you're giving it on gibelove fire whether you're giving it in this room but I just want to give a seat pastor why am I giving it I'm telling God thank you in advance before the healing ever happens before the doctor's report ever returns I'm thanking him for how long those of you that need God to do that come on he's in the room he's visiting us in this moment would you get that seed and just come bring it to the altar very quickly it doesn't have to be for you is for your heart so your grandmother's for your brother even if you giving it on either side you're saying pastor I've got it I gotta stop that spirit of cancer that's running in my family running in my house hallelujah I need you to do it now hallelujah if you don't fit that bill you ought to be thankful talking to a friend of mine last night whose mother has cancer in four different areas four different kinds of cancer at the exact same time but I believe that God is a healer I believe that God is a waymaker I'm crazy enough to believe that God can do anything but fail come on even if you gotta use your cash Shep I want you to do that even if you're going by give Allah fire hallelujah and have to be an exorbitant amount it could be five hundred fifty $20 but I want to give something on now God friends would in a series called getting out of the red ridiculous economic decisions everybody in the room from this pastor to the person you sitting beside has made some bad financial decisions and we're gonna need God to help us get out of it we're going through this month a a book that we're going to read together and I want you to get it the book is called you should not live talented and broke should not live talented and broke how many of you believe that you got a talent come on how many of you believe you're gifted how many of you know your finance doesn't match your gift finance that match your gift as a consequence I want you to get that book it's gonna help you to marry both of those so that they'll be able to in fact coexist together I don't want you to be gifted and struggling I want you to be gifted and soaring hope that you have that but secondly I want you to be mindful of our website of the month that we're patronizing is Chino it's a website that helps you by all of your household supplies and all of your personal effects you'll be able to get it from black-owned manufacturers from laundry detergent and deodorant to toothpastes and everything in between manufactured from black companies black corporations I want you to please support it over the course of the summer as well as I want to encourage you that you share it with loved ones and co-workers and friends alike if you have your Bible I want you to go to Romans chapter 8 and I want you to stand roman chef de very familiar passage of scripture and I hope all intents of preaching purposes their familiarity does not breed contempt Romans chapter 8 verse 28 as is our custom I'm in the NIV Romans 8 verse 28 once you've found it won't you declare pastor I got it come on let's read it together and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose come on let's read it again like you believed that Scripture is tailor-made for you everybody and we know here's the remix all things work together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose you may be seated please I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument I've encouraged you you are welcome to bring your laptop your tablet or even your smart device if you have a smartphone there is an app that is provided for you for free they came with your phone that allows you to take notes as that you'll go to it there are a couple of principles points keys and principles that I believe are going to serve you long after this day is over my 10th grade teacher told me that the shortest pencil is more depends of more dependable than the longest memory I know you think you don't remember but by Tuesday you'll forget but if you have your notes you'll always be able to go back to it I want to teach I want to share I want to preach today using as a subject I've learned from my mistakes I've learned from my mistakes would you look at the person beside you tell them that for me please I've learned from my mistakes they don't believe you look at the person on the other side and tell them I hope you've learned from your mistakes my dear friends in the National periodical called nature communications it was published how an MRI disclosed that making a mistake can make you feel good making a mistake can make you feel good only if our brains are able to learn from that mistake the scientists conducted three trials one that followed avoidance based learning another that followed reward based learning and the third they're tested whether people learned from their mistakes the defining discovery was late to avoiding a punishment interestingly if we make a mistake but learn from that mistake we treat it as a reward by our brains because on some level we expected to be punished for it John Maxwell said this you must be big enough to admit your mistakes smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them would you repeat that after me and must be big enough to admit my mistakes smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them come on let's say it again every person that's in this room I want us to have it together come on declare it I must be big enough to admit my mistakes smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them far from the university but in urban centers there's a colloquial expression utilized to admit a mistake and apologize without an apology to join you there to apologize without an apology the street terminology is my bad so I step on your shoe my bad so I'm not apologizing I'm just acknowledging it is flipping it is course it is casual and it's not even meaningful but there is something to be said from a believer that is mature enough to acknowledge their mistake address it and then learn from it think about Ruth Wakefield I don't know have you ever heard of Ruth Wakefield she was the owner of Toll House Inn and her in became popular because people always came to her little Inn for chocolate cookies while mixing a batch of cookies she realized that she was out of baker's chocolate but found in her purse in her purse a chocolate bar she broke up pieces of that chocolate bar put it in the cookie dough and she expected the chocolate to melt and make chocolate cookies much to her amazement the chocolate didn't melt it stayed in the pieces and out of that mistake today we have chocolate chip cookies they're people that expected you to melt under the pressure they broke you into pieces put fire under your life and anticipated you not be able to keep it together but they had no idea that your resilience helps you keep it together with the little pieces you got left because there was something to be said about the anointing that's on your life I don't know whether you've ever heard of Sir Alexander Fleming he was trying to discover a one drug that would cure all diseases but it wasn't until he threw away his experiment that he actually found what he was looking for slimming notice that a contaminated petri dish he discarded contained a mold that it was in fact dissolving all the bacteria around it and when he grew the mold by itself he learned that it contained a powerful antibiotic that we now know as penicillin he founded what's this by accident I want to say to you that your enemy's biggest mistake was leaving you by yourself not realizing that after you got discarded is when you were get developed they thought when they threw you away that would be the end of you but they had no idea that your potency was in your rejection it was only after you left me that I discovered Who I am and you gonna have to live with your biggest mistake in 1905 there was an 11 year old boy in San Francisco his name was Frank Epperson he was outside drinking soda and he left for stirring stick in it his mother called him inside because he was late for curfew and in his lace he left the soda outside left it outside with the stirring stick in it and now because it was left overnight it froze by accident he discovered the popsicle it needed no utensils and was completely self-sufficient this happened to him when he was 11 years old and he'd never applied for a patent until he was 34 because he thought in all that time somebody else would alert from his mistake but nobody did I want you to know it was a mistake leaving you out in the cold because where it is that they left you you learn self-sufficiency you learned that there you are not going to be rescued that there gonna be some days you gonna have to travail by yourself but by the time you meet me again you gonna find that I picked myself up because God gave me all the internal tools in order for me to survive my dear friends I hope that you'll go to that place where you're able to take notes because there are three ministries that God has given to your mistakes three ministries that are in your mistakes they're three things God is going to use your mistake for that will be valuable to your ministry your mistakes number one write this down your mistakes mold your mind your mistakes mold your mind dr. Jason Moser from Michigan State University suggests that making mistakes allows you the opportunity to pay more attention making mistakes helps you incorporate new information that improves performance I'm telling you all this weekend the Cavs are gonna be looking at them games what went wrong who dropped the ball who ran in the wrong direction your mistake is a wake-up call to identify your error had it not gone wrong you wouldn't know what to improve lazy people except the mess up did y'all hear what I just said lazy people except the mess up please whatever it is that you do don't fall in love with somebody who can't own up to their mistake because if they cannot own up to the mistake and they'll find a way to blame you I'm preaching better than y'all of responder mode your mind it molds your mind so that you are able to figure out how can I make this better how can I make it stronger how can I improve the area that is a deficit a liability and an obvious place of vulnerability the first thing that mistakes do is they mold your mind the second thing that mistakes do watch this write this down mistakes motivate your mission mistakes motivate your mission would you repeat that after me my mistake motivates my mission in the Social Psychology Bulletin is said watch this students have greater sense of self-awareness after failing students end up doing better if they failed before people who have always been successful have a problem finding motivation after failure somebody's motivated will then come to themselves and say I'm smarter than this I'm better than this God knows if they pay us I should have passed y'all they never been there come on now you know you ain't no idiot you may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but you ain't that dull the greatest thing that can happen is understanding your failure I was let in the Morehouse College I was led into Morehouse College on academic probation letting on academic probation because I had no SATs had never been on Honor Roll and I got a GED he said your standard of whether it is that you can stay in this honorable institution is you got to be able to meet the need and cut the mustard so while the rest of the people in my dorm are out in the club turning it up I'm trying to finish that paper why because their parents were writing a check I'm on probation if I don't pay us I'm kicked out if they don't pay us they get scolded y'all are missing it see sometimes you got to have a greater level of understanding what I'm up against so people who don't understand your drive don't understand the failure you climb down dog so I work this hard not for stuff but because I'm scared of being broke again and I can't ever go back to how I used to live cuz I know that nobody gonna rescue me nobody is gonna show up I gotta learn how to do it for myself cuz I'm depending on me and because I'm depending on me I got no room for failure you see anybody in this place that understand I gotta make this work I gotta come out on top I gotta cut the mustard because there is no plan B it is my motivation to be able to do it third watch this his mistakes remove the mystery mistakes remove the mystery the first ministry that comes out of a mistake the FIR one is mistakes do what come on class y'all slept in this morning y'all the last class of today the first thing that mistakes do is do what come on the second thing that mistakes do what do they do the third thing that mistakes do tell me please they remove the mystery now that you failed what's done what's this now that you fail you now have experienced your experience and you know what it's like and because you have the experience the experience has taken away to feel taken away the fear helps me to understand this is doable and it's achievable my mistakes take away the fear of the unknown so I'm gonna try it again failed tests failed business failed marriage but I didn't fail life Oh somebody ought to thank God for that Michael Jordan said famously many years ago a missed shot is better than a shot you never took the joke hear what I just said a missed shot is better than the shot you never took it is better for you to go for it and fail than to beat yourself up for never trying sometimes I'm gonna help somebody sometimes failure is success y'all forgot that Jesus was walking on the water when he walks on the water Peter says Lord if that's you let me come to where you are and Jesus said if you got that kind of faith come on come on out here so Peter starts walking on the water watch this and the people that are talking about him the that are laughing at him are still on the boat he begins to sink and Jesus takes him by the hair I want you to commend yourself on the fact at least I tried it may not have worked out in not as head still a results but at least I went for it and all the folk that are scrutinizing me are still on the boat but is there anybody here that I'm glad I died trying because I did everything in my power I am not intimidated by what I've already endured I'm not intimidated by what I've been doing because I have already experienced the worst from failure you can't hurt me I already been hurt I go in expecting you to leave y'all ain't saying nothing so that may make me cold and may make me a disconnected and detached y'all pray for me I'm not where it is that you are but I got experience with Negroes so in this season I know that some folks will like you today and walk away from you tomorrow but if you can just get two or three real people that got your back in our in your corner you say you are just a bonus but I don't need your affirmation to make it because I learn how to encourage my the Centurion soldier Centurion soldiers at the foot of the cross and after it is that they nailed Jesus's hands and nailed his feet pierce him inside do you know what that soldier said that's okay at the foot of the cross there I think we killed the wrong man he acknowledged his mistakes I want you to know Satan owes you an apology he should have never tried to wipe you out he got no idea that I look good while I'm bloody that that I still got favored even after I've been beaten that the hand of God is on my life even after I've been rejected I don't care who's if you destroyed you are not gonna mess up my you owe me an apology Vonda estimating the value of Who I am the Roman chef day the Apostle Paul is pulling points in this passage as to why it is you got to be patient one of the liabilities of being anointed is that when you are anointed you have no patience I just said something heavy and you just let it slip through your hand I said when you are anointed you lose patience because God gives you the vision and you want it right now he shows you the vision but never shows you the process so you don't even understand why it don't look like what God showed you I'm talking to those in y'all you know you're anointed but you need some more patience how God told me to take the race and given to the Swift nor to the straw but to those that endure to the end I'm talking to just a few people that know he may not come when you want him to come but he's an aunt I'm dark and I shout you real quick be not weary and well do it for in due season you shall reap if you're faint not I need patience honey patience coz God showed me some stuff and I needed to come hallelujah I just need you to encourage your neighbor hallelujah you ain't got a quote no scripture hallelujah I said you ain't got a quote no scripture I just need you to look at your neighbor tell them he's coming he's coming hallelujah now how your neighbor knows better than you what they waiting on how but God told me to tell you everything you've been praying for everything you've been working towards everything you've been expecting if you don't remember nothing else I told you today God told me to tell you stuff and this is coming the Bible said that Daniel prayed unto the Lord and the angel showed up said I should have been here but there was a fight in heaven because Satan didn't want your prayer answer but your plan is about to be fulfilled by Helena Helena Lucius somebody shout out real quick is coming the job I've been waiting for is coming the man I've been waiting off he's coming the woman I've been praying for she's coming the check I've been working to war yes cometh the house for my children is climbing for we know hallelujah I mean preaching I'm just teaching this morning be seated for we know hallelujah when it is that you got faith you gotta act like what he promised is guaranteed I need you to lay hands on yourself and declare I know it's coming huh I know everything he spoke over my life I know the prophecy shall come to pass I don't know everything but I know that God is a God that cannot lie that whatever he speaks it shall come to pass the blessings of the Lord are yay and amen I need somebody to shout his coming his coming pressed down shaken together and running over his stomach he's preparing a table yeah the presence of my enemy my job is about to run over this car man commercia he anoints my head with oil sure goodness and mercy shall follow me is coming is coming hey is common i day to give three people a high five and tell him it's on the way it's on the way [Music] [Applause] how mama be seated please [Applause] be seated please [Applause] hallelujah I was out of town this week I was out of town this weekend able to slip on my door so slip on my door how'd they say we made two attempts to make a delivery at your house hallelujah but we couldn't leave it cuz you weren't here I have been waiting on this package so I called Federal Express I said I get envelopes left at my door every week why didn't the delivery man just leave it here she said because this time what was said was in short and because it was insured you gotta sign for it it can't just be left there I came to tell somebody your blessing is on the way and all you gotta do is just sign for will you just open up your mouth like you believe it's supposed to come behold I stand Ghidorah and I'm not yes here we know oh [Applause] thanks be seated please oh my god oh thanks not just good things oh thanks sickness and health richer and Oh again ready to work together for your good look at your neighbor and tell'em is getting ready to happen he's don't use your bad stuff so something good can come out of a bad situation god help me huh lord help me be be seated please be seated please if you can't sit I just need you to shout it's coming it's coming god help me about ten years ago about 10 years ago I went through a divorce and when I went through that divorce 10 years ago you've missed up all of my finances I mean all of my finances got messed up in this divorce god help me in here I'm going through the divorce my speaking schedule come to a screeching halt finances of the church come to a screeching halt rush is my private our equities come to a halt and I'm saying Lord high in the world am I gonna be able to survive when my resources are drying up she said Jamal write a book about it so I wrote a book called world war me I need y'all to stay with me here I wrote a book called world war me watch this with no publisher God hear me I already ain't got no money but I got to publish it myself cuz I got dropped from my publisher cuz I went through a divorce stay with me please and so by myself I sold a hundred thousand copies I need y'all to stay with me right here I find myself with this book about my mistake it became the black book of the year following after Steve Harvey y'all ain't saying nothin to me god help me in here all of my bills got paid from a book about my mistakes see sometimes when you trust God God will bless yes spy we see the place um you make your bad stuff what for your good stuff so then all things work together for good but this ain't for everybody yes for those that are called if you ain't got a call on your right you don't matter what happened to you but if God's hand is on your life nobody said the road would be easy but he didn't bring it this far to leave you now be seated please says i'ma make all your mistakes work for you your mistakes have been unemployed god help me your mistakes don't have a job and so your mistakes have made you lazy so God said imma use every mistake you ever made and put it to work god help me in here so when I look back over my life Carly and I think things over my good days [Applause] they outweigh my bad days had I made no mistakes y'all don't like this if I made no mistakes I wouldn't be in ministry but God needed my mistakes not to disqualify me but to validate me she said I need your mistakes so fokin see I can use the anybody's in spite of what you build through and in spite of what you're done it is no secret well God can do what what is done father's your do it for you with arms wide open he'll care for you it is no secret well God can do hallelujah I am my young my late uncle and whom I'm named after Harrison Bryant is in the Hall of Fame at Baltimore City College at 33rd and Alameda stellar student scholarship to Oberlin University voice and theatre and here comes his nephew that carries his name and I get kicked out the same school here in the Hall of Fame for god help me as I'm feeling embarrassed ashamed dejected how in the world I don't let down the family name I'm gonna get us booked aware of Records I don't know if you all know it I'm gonna get us Book of World Records I'm the first person in America who got a high school diploma after getting a doctorate degree [Applause] they put me out of City College watch this put me out of City College I went up to Liberty Road and got a GED from CCB and went to Morehouse and then after Morehouse went to do after Duke I went to Oxford and got a doctorate degree and then after I got a doctor degree City College brought me back to give me my high school diploma that really didn't excite me I want to tell you what excited me what excited me is that they gave me the diploma y'all ain't gonna believe it then they put me in the Hall of Fame and they put me in the Hall of Fame next to my uncle that was on a 4.0 student on a row but they had to put somebody who didn't come the right way and I can't even tell you how many weeks have gone by student stop me and say pastor I saw you up in the wall at City I said if you can make it I know I can make it went to Morehouse College having no SATs just having a GED I'm the first person Morehouse College ever let in with a GED and then they turn around and let me be the youngest person since dr. King to speak at the baccalaureate said Lord Amla God will help you do that like some of y'all I didn't graduate magna laude I graduated thank you Laurie and after I got out of Morehouse y'all ain't gonna believe it my sister got me in the Duke University sister was at Duke University on a full ride doing the bachelor's master's and PhD was Cornel West's understudy she got me in the Duke University I graduated from Duke University watch this again one no magna laude thank you Lord the reason why I had to give God the glory in the praise you all know my paternal grandfather you don't know my maternal grandfather my maternal grandfather forty-five years before I got to Duke was the head cook and only could come through the campus through the back gate shucking peas bacon chicken mowing the lawn because blacks weren't allowed at Duke University and I graduate across that stage knowing I'm standing on the shoulders of somebody who never had the opportunity and God says I'm a usual mistake god I can't hear nobody come out of Duke University and my girlfriend has a child parents the whole AME Church says Lord how in the world this AME bishop son I messed up like this I don't know world he think he gonna go anywhere hallelujah today my daughter's a sophomore at Georgia Tech he's preaching the gospel all over the world because God says in spite of what you think is a mistake I can still put my hand on you I'm saying all of that cuz I'm sick of church people thinking you gotta be perfect God say come to me with your mistakes and and watch me bless you until a miracle happens is is there anybody here that knows God only produces miracles when you a miss that's what God has get ready to do for the people who are in this room how much you lift up that hand please I'm not even talking about spiritual mistakes I'm really talking financial mistakes God says I'm gonna use those for my glory you cosign for a man you ain't even wit no more you don't took out student loans so did you go buy bags and shoes stir your flat-screen TV you got a car cuz of what it looked like and never investigated the upkeep and the maintenance you ended up buying the house during the era of predatory lending you lapsed in your taxes after the divorce and ended up taking somebody else's dead you had to shoulder the responsibility of your entire family cuz you got siblings that ain't responsible you took out two and three phone lines with Sprint when you were 19 20 21 it's still on your credit report God said I can still bless you in spite of your mistakes how much you lift up that hand if you know you made some real mistakes until my note oops upside your head I'm talking about I could have had a v-8 I had a real mistake that hand has lifted Lord in the name of Jesus I pray over every lifted hand I pray dear Lord that you'll do something they have never prayed for monetize their mistake let them make money off their error I pray dear Lord that they will have financial gain behind their failure I pray to your law that you'll give an increase into their income I pray that you'll exponentially expand all that they make for the rest of this year I pray dear Lord that they'll learn what not to do so that they don't repeat the same mistakes again god I trust you for it not only that but I believe that it's going to get done and those of you who are in this room and your faith mirrors mine and you believe that God is so crazy that he'll bless you in spite of your mistake but you do me a favor would you join me and giving God glory for it now come on I need you to give God glory I want you to stand to your feet please I want you to stand to your feet up here in this room and you've not given your life over to God I need you to come I want you to give me your hand I want you to give God your heart if you're in this room you're saying pastor you don't even know you were talking to me I never even thought about it that way that God will bless me in my mistake if I only be disciplined enough to learn from it and if I can learn from it according to John Maxwell then I can profit from it whether you are in this room come on please the biggest mistake you'll ever make is leaving out here the same way you came the biggest mistake that you make is thinking you can do it by yourself the biggest mistake you make is thinking you can live without God you're here in this room and you're saying pastor I need this kind of church I need to get saved I'm gonna give God my heart and I'm gonna give him my mind if that's who you are that's where you are would you just come come on please don't play with it come on come on I want you to sit be saved I want you to give your life over to God where you are in this place I need for you to come if you help me please expand the parameters of this ministry would you move from where you are and talk to somebody and find out if they're saved come on everybody move move move ask them do they have a church arm ask them have they given their life over to God every person [Music] come on I seen him do it I've seen him do oh yes I've seen them do I've seen them do if you're here in this room will you please let me be your pastor will you please let empowerment temple be your church that's where you are need you to come I want you to come we're good Church but when you join will be a great Church you the only thing that we miss it you the only thing that's blocking us from greatness come on give God some praise [Applause] here come another family would you give God some praise they're still by chance maybe somebody else that needs to come somebody else that needs to give their life over to God I don't know who you are I don't know what you've survived I don't know what you've endured but I want you to come into the house of the Lord today I want you to join this church I want you to be a part of this ministry I want this to be the last Church you join I want everything you need spiritually to be right here Churchill if your right hand to faith to these super bad sisters that have come just brilliant young man that has come stretch it right hand to faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time joning the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know I'm right give God some praise please you may be seated in the presence of our triumphant Lord hallelujah how many of you are willing to admit you made bad financial decisions put that hand down here's the real test how many of you all have learned from them bless the Lord the Bible says what's the sickie first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you here's what I want us to do friends ambassadors if you're in need of an envelope would you lift up that hand you're absent of an envelope I'm telling you one of the best financial decisions you'll ever make in your life is becoming a tither telling you one of the best financial choices you'll ever opt for is to become a tither our ambassadors they're coming amongst you they're so excited about the privilege to serve you please don't rob them of that if you're absent of an envelope I want our dear friends who are watching online how grateful we are to be one of the very first churches to partner with kashyap how far Millennials who know how to in fact do finances that way I want you to please take full advantage of it you upshifting $40 around to your friend 20 to your sibling but today I want you to give your tithe through cash app and for those of you who don't have that app not for me with that technology as that you can in fact go to give liffe I go to give Allah five your drop that mobile app onto your smartphone whether your Android or in the iPhone circle it will help you to be able to give no matter where it is that you are in the world I was amazed friends I was at the back door shaking hands today couple came to me from Austria came today from Austria for a 9:30 service said we were the only English thing on TV in Austria they was watching me by accident because they couldn't find nothing else in English said I don't even know who pay for us to be on in Austria but I'm grateful that God opened up the door whether you're watching today from Austria with you watching from Canada whether you're watching from Jamaica whether you're watching from London whether you're watching from catonsville I want you to please give you don't have give laughs I don't have cash app go to empowerment temple org I want you to make a smart and a shrewd investment God is so confident of his capacity that this is the only place he gives us permission to test us he said give it to me and watch what I do in return I'm gonna give it back to you but it ain't coming back the exact same way come on every person I want you to get that seed in your hand I want to challenge you every person every person to get that best gift hallelujah you ought to be tithing your tithe there's 10% of whatever it is you earned this week whatever it is that you were given this week that's what you ought to be tithing how dear friends are watching online as that you will please give that your bare minimal you ought to be giving 40 or 50 dollars on today why that much pastor we saved you on gas you watch me from the bed amen I want every person would you stand to your feet please every person stand to your feet lift up your gift above your head would you do that lift up your gift above your head repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you gonna do before this week is over amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin coming now from the last row let's love somebody give God a hand clap of praise I'm appreciative for the presence of all of you a special commendation allow me to introduce to you the Democratic candidate for Baltimore County Executive brother Johnny oh won't you please stand I'm honored to have you today for those of you in Baltimore County as that you'll please be mindful of him today we're doing our registration for our summer intensive for our business leaders and for those of you that want financial literacy you have been coming out strong and for that I am grateful 6:30 we're doing our class intensive for those of you that want to understand the stock market and foreign exchange and Wall Street that class is growing stronger every Tuesday night at 6:30 our financial literacy class is doing the exact same as well as our class our celebrated class for minority of small business owners as that you were please please please go and register in the lobby is going to bless you in in comfortable ways amazingly empowerment temple has been designated to be the headquarter host for the last two debates on June 13th which is this Wednesday at 6 o'clock is the debate for those running for the 40th and 41st districts respectively for the 40th and 41st districts respectively then guess what y'all on June 20th empowerment temple will host the last gubernatorial debate for the state of Maryland all of those who are running for this for governor are coming to our church on June the 20th at 6 o'clock and be broadcast live on local subsidiaries but I want you to come and be a part of it the whole state will be watching and what other church could they have come to but the most powerful place on the planet so make sure that you please mark your calendars for June the 20th I'm excited if nobody told you today please know that your pastor loved you I pray for you every day I'm gonna see you get everything that God has for your life Tuesday at 6:30 is our financial literacy classes as well as I stock market training and then at 7:30 is our Bible study would you mind standing to your feet all over the sanctuary stand to your feet would you lift up that hand as high as you see your credit score going come on there ought to be real high repeat after me walk with God and you'll walk with me talk with God and you'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me love God because He first loved me now when the hill looks absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 5,119
Rating: 4.8561153 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2018, learn, mistakes
Id: vf8BEbpFiLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 39sec (6099 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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