i'm literally terrified of kim kardashian's kids' playroom.

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What would it look like if somebody  with a fashion sense that unyielding   decided to design a room for their kids? Hi, and welcome back to me talking about   whatever I want. Today, I want to talk about the  Kardashian family's playroom, because words cannot   describe how unsettled I am by this literal  kid's room. But, first, of course, I'd like   to do a comment shout out from the last video.  This comment actually goes out to Emma, who says,   "Every time you say 'Welcome back to me talking  about whatever I want,' I feel empowered through   you." I actually like this comment, because I feel  empowered too. There's something nice about being   this laid-back and being able to just kind of talk  about things that weigh on me. Sometimes, it's   extremely serious situations that are bordering  on illegal. And at times like this, I just... You   know what, let's just jump into it, and I'll  let you decide how you feel. How about that?  So, I feel like Kim Kardashian is one of those  people who I don't have to give an intro for.   Multi, multimillionaire, massive reality TV star,  married to one of the biggest rappers in the game,   and probably most notably, she looks like this.  There's not much to say about Ms. Kardashian that   hasn't been said before, so I'm just not going to  say anything. But just as strange and disconnected   from reality as I think Kim Kardashian and  Kanye West both are, I have to give them props,   because they have a really beautiful family.  They have four kids, named Psalm, Saint, Chicago,   and North. Holy crap, I knew their names off  the top of my head. I might be becoming one   of those people. To be fair, I just saw it  in these articles I've been reading, okay?  The Kardashian-West family is no stranger to  finding itself in the news, usually for mildly   harmless things, but this time they're in the  news because Kim K went on Snapchat and showed off   her kids' playroom. First off, like millions of  people, thanks to H3H3 and Architectural Digest,   I'm already quite familiar with the inside of  the Kardashian family home. But just as a little   refresher, I pulled up this Architectural  Digest article, which imagine spending so   much money on your house, that you get an  article about it in an architecture magazine.  So, as you can see, this is their house. It  was designed by Axel Vervoordt and Kanye West,   and a couple of other people who have too much  money. And it's what I would call oppressively   expensive. It's rich to the point where I would  feel bad living there. It's overwhelmingly   pristine. Here's an image of them just playing  on, what appears to be a pillow shaped like an   octopus or a snake, or perhaps a snake that  ate an octopus. Oh, apparently this misshapen   pillow is installation art by Isabel Rower,  because why wouldn't it be? But as you can see,   they're dressed in all white, the sculpture is  white, the floor is white, the walls are white,   and the painting off to the side is also white. Now, before you all hop into my comment section   and tell me that I'm not one to talk, because  everything in my room right now is gray. My   walls are gray, the mirror is gray, this chair  is gray, the paintings on my wall of gray,   I'm wearing black and gray. I have these black  headphones right here, but I also have these   other headphones right here, which are gray. I  don't have a problem. I can stop anytime I want,   okay? I'm not addicted to getting everything  in the same color. Not going to lie to you,   chief, even my curtains are gray. But, my  excuse... All right, fine, I'm a hypocrite,   I don't have an excuse. But you know what, at  least my room is nice, okay? And, it feels like   somewhere that somebody can live in, I hope. I just realized you can see my books in the   corner, and they're all gray. You know what? Maybe  I have no room to talk. But then, I go back and   look at a picture of the house, and I immediately  feel justified for calling them out. Their house   just looks empty. It looks like nobody lives  there. Look at how tiny these kids are. That baby   right there is going to think that he never left  the hospital, that is how white the walls are.   This hallway in their home looks like Monument  Valley. Have you ever played that? That's what   this hallway looks like. Their living room looks  like an unfinished blender model. What is wrong   with the window in their kitchen? It has no sill.  It just dawned on me, this window has no sill and   no curtains. It's just a square hole in the wall. Okay, their pool is nice. Yeah, the pool is nice,   I don't really have anything to say about  that. They have heads on pillars next to,   yet another window without a sill. So, wait,  is this how you can tell I'm not a millionaire,   because I have a window sill? Should I just cut  this off, and then the value of the home I'm in   will instantly double? I don't even know what  kind of room this is. Who puts a table in front   of a couch? Oh yeah, I think this place right  here is actually an installation piece. It's   called depression. Okay, I do have to say, the  outside of the house is actually really nice.   I would do anything to be surrounded by that many  plants. But yeah, that is the Kim Kardashian slash   Kanye West, monastery, art installation,  museum nightmare that they call home.  If I woke up in that place, I would feel like  I was in a nightmare. Even if I lived there for   three years, every single day I wake up, I would  freshly think I've been kidnapped by a psychopath.   And then, I remember that it was my house and  I'm just rich enough to unironically have that   look. So now that we've explored the glory of the  Kardashian-West home, I want you to ask yourself,   what would it look like if somebody  with a fashion sense that unyielding   decided to design a room for their kids? Now, what I thought at first was that they   just made the kids play in these white rooms.  It's like, "Daddy, can we paint the walls?" "Oh,   sure." Just pulls out a can of white paint. It's  like, "No, I mean a different color." "Yeah,   this is an even brighter shade of white."  I thought they made the kids live in these   hospital corridors with all white sheets and  no toys. But, without further ado, here it is.  So, I'm cleaning up for the night, and just  because you guys always say my house is so   minimal, well, you guys haven't seen my playroom. Hold up. She's cleaning up for the night,   meaning she cleans her kids' playroom every single  day? Also, do you honestly expect me to believe   that Kim Kardashian, the Kim Kardashian,  has cleaned the room in the past 39 years?  So, we have our stage here,  where the kids often have a band.  A stage? Okay. Okay. When I was a kid, I wanted to  be a singer too. Considering the fact that I sound   like trash when I sing, it's probably good that  that dream didn't work out for me. Then again,   have you heard some of these people on the  radio? I mean, I might've stood a chance. But,   when I wanted to play pretend, I might've gotten  a cardboard box, usually a toilet paper roll,   but maybe a toy microphone if it was a good  Christmas. These kids have a stage, a drum   set. Bro, this isn't Fisher-Price, this is Yamaha.  Where do you find a full drum set in toddler size?  And, over here is our projector. So, they  watch movies while they sit in the playroom.  I was allowed to watch TV. But, if I wanted  to watch it, I had to clean my room first,   and then go ask for permission to maybe watch  my parents' TV. And, they usually said yes,   but apparently, I could have just had a projector. We have our singalong microphones and violins. The   kids play instruments. North plays  violin. We have Psalm's section   over here of just all the little toys. You know what's getting to me? She talks   about the full set of drums and the custom  stage and that projector in the ceiling,   the same way she talks about Psalm's little toys.  I think that these people have so much money,   they don't see a distinction between  a little toy and a full drum set. I'm   not even going to lie to you that's goals. ... he likes. And then the dollhouse is here.  Okay, so why is the dollhouse bigger than  the house I'm in? That shouldn't be right.   That's not right, is it? But it happened. North's OMG dolls that she's obsessed with.   And then, all the baby carriages for Chi. That was a whole stroller. What? All the   baby carriage... Even when my siblings were  babies, we had... I feel like I'm going to be   thinking about this video for a long time. The whole paint section, this is where they   do their homework and the little paint cart. Did you see how sharp that table was? Okay. Okay.   Okay. I'm not going to tell them how to parent.  Well, yes, yes, yes I am. When my brother... Well,   now here I am exposing him without his permission.  When he was a little baby, maybe two years old,   we had this coffee table, and my dad was  actually really proud of this coffee table,   because... I don't remember if he had bought it or  he found it, but it was nice. It was solid wood,   it was kind of heavy, and it had this glass  middle. There's no middle of the story, okay,   so that's the beginning. And, the end of the  story is that my brother ran head-on into the   corner of that and we had to throw it away. That's  basically how it goes when you don't baby-proof   sharp corners on your furniture. But, here we have  a table in the kids' playroom that looks like...   I think it cut me just from watching this video. All in here is organized, educational stuff for   their homework, that they sit and do here. Now, this is where we're bordering on, I   didn't know if creepy is the word, but why are the  books color-coded? The books are color-coded, the   pencils are... The toys are color-coded. I don't  know how much experience you've had with kids,   but if you present them a system, they will turn  it into an art installation for all intents and   purposes. So, either she is making the kids keep  everything color-coordinated, or she is having   her people go back and recolor-coordinate every  single thing, every single night. I don't know   which one of those is more insane. Wait a minute,  those toys up there, aren't those several hundred   dollars? What kid is even going to know that these  exist, let alone want to put it on their shelf.  Every drawer here has LEGOs, color-coordinated. The LEGOs are color-coordinated. So,   is he not allowed to use them?  Hold on. Kim Kardashian kids' ages.  The first two are four and nine months old. So, first of all, that's the creepiest   question I've ever asked Google in my  entire life. Secondly, Saint is four,   so why are his LEGOs color... She's not letting  him use them, that's my only conclusion. He's   not allowed to play with the LEGOs. Either  that, or she's just lying and pretending like   the LEGOs are always color-coordinated, which  is equally likely, but honestly, kind of sad.  This is Chi's world over here. You have  her ice cream parlor, her grocery store...  They have a grocery store as a toy? They  have a toy grocery store. Poverty exists,   but some people have toy grocery stores. This is Chi's world over here. You have her ice   cream parlor, her grocery store. I have  to show you, in her little grocery store,   you have to see, look, it goes down the  line, and then you ring things up. And then,   once you type in whatever, you go on this side  and you have to sign your name for the products.  It's a functioning grocery store. I think I'm  losing it. No, I think I lost it before I decided   to do this video, and I'm only realizing that now. So, there you have it, people. There's color.  Okay, she sounds really offended. There you have  it, people. There's color. In other words, "Hey,   we may live in an all white house, but I swear  there's color in the room. We put color in the   kids' room and it's coordinated, and all the  stuffed animals have X's in their eyes like   they're dead, because that's normal. I gave my  kids a dead Elmo for Christmas. Big bird is dead.   And, it's definitely because that's the one my  kid wanted, and not because I needed to throw   some color in my kid's room real fast, so I just  bought the most expensive Elmo plushie I could,   not realizing that it's a dead Elmo, which is  am art installation." They gave their kids dead,   Sesame Street, stuffed animals. I am terrified. Slime, bubbles, and crayons, it's all   color-coordinated, at least it's  supposed to be. We try to keep it clean.  So, she uses the words clean and  color-coordinated interchangeably.  And then, the costume section. So, we have  an entire costume section. Everything like   this is just all headpieces and crowns.  This is our Moana, Hawaiian section.  How rich are you, that you have a  kid's costume collection separated   by... Wait a minute, Moana is not Hawaiian. It's a pretty organized... Puzzles. It's   a pretty organized area. So,  this is where my kids have fun.  For such a short video, she said the word  organized so many times. She said the word   color-coordinated so many times. I think Kim  Kardashian would really like my room. Anyway, that   was the Kim Kardashian room... There was supposed  to be a point at the end of this video about how   money can't fix your insecurity, and she's trying  way too hard to prove to everybody that... But,   they have a store in there, the store works.  It had a card reader. You know what? Who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,598,179
Rating: 4.9151454 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary
Id: 009wZrogjm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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