shallon lester blocked me before i could get the truth out

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Oh yeah, I'm going through D'angelos back catalogue, and I've just watched this video. She is an utter scumbag. She needs to have her platform removed.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smc642 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Agree. Her platform should have been removed long ago and should be removed. She is irresponsible, destructive and that combination alone is dangerous to others.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dimpleduo 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hi, and welcome back to me talking about  whatever I want. Today, I want to talk   about Shallon Lester, not so much that I want  to talk about her, but I definitely feel like   I have to just because what she's doing is  inexcusable and I think everybody should   know this. I'm going to go ahead and skip the  shout outs and the pleasantries and all that,   and instead just start it off with a bit of a  content warning. We're going to be discussing   suicide, a range of mental disorders. And  unfortunately, it's going to be very insensitive,   hopefully not because of me, but because of  what Shallon's saying. Both that being said,   let's just discuss it already. So Shallon Lester is a celebrity   gossip personality, if that's what you  want to call her. As she'll constantly   tell you throughout her videos, she was the  editor for Star Magazine. And as you can see,   she was also on The Wendy Williams Show, along  with the Daily Mail. Basically just think of   the least credible places to do journalism and  Shallon probably had something to do with it.   So she built her entire career off of speculating  office celebrities personal lives, from there,   she transitioned into being more of an online  personality. You might've actually seen her in   those Howcast kissing tutorials that went viral. And currently, Shallon's uploading on her YouTube   channel, which has 364,000 subscribers  as of the time I'm recording this video,   she uploads daily and she's branded herself  as giving relationship advice and lifestyle   advice and all that stuff. She's pivoted into  providing psychology content and you can see   this in her Twitter, which oh, it looks like I am  blocked. So if you're wondering why I got blocked   actually before I made the video and after, it's  because I caught onto what she's doing, pretty   much immediately after finding her and I made  that public and she found that and blocked me.  I still got everything I need off of her  Twitter. But the reason that I wound up   in her Twitter in the first place is I was doing  research for a video that I'm making about Ellen   DeGeneres. And while I was trying to learn more  about Ellen, Shallon's video popped up. So I'm   just going to walk you through the series of  videos that I watched, and then the conclusions   that I eventually came to. So we're going to  start off with this Ellen video, how to spot a   psychopath, the truth about Ellen DeGeneres, which  honestly, it was really stupid of me to even click   into that video because you can't psychoanalyze  somebody and determine whether they're a   psychopath from television interviews or YouTube  videos, but, curiosity got the better of me.  So if you're new to this channel, there's two  things that I love, crazy people and celebrities.  Honestly, the video was starting off weird  because why do you love crazy people as you're   putting it exactly? Don't get me wrong, I do  understand calling people crazy as I have done   it on my channel before, but in the context of  determining whether or not someone's a psychopath,   to say I love crazy people is weird, but. Here's some things that I know about Ellen.   She is so mean to that wife of hers. Okay, so honestly I was not expecting   the video to just ... I thought it was going  to be analyzing Ellen's television clips,   but instead, I guess, we're dishing on  Ellen's personal life, for some reason.  What Ellen did to her allegedly,  allegedly that was always so bad was that   she refused to let this woman have a baby. So this was just such a weird point to me,   I guess, she's trying to show how bad of a person  is by not letting her wife have a baby. But,   the issue with that is that's just flat out  wrong. When she said it, it didn't sound like a   real thing to me, so I did a bit of research. Not  only did I find this clip from Ellen explaining   that her wife Portia doesn't want kids. No, Portia doesn't want kids. She doesn't   like the squealing when they're in a pool, that  high pitched squealing of joy that they have.  I also found this quote from Portia herself in Out  Magazine saying, you have to really want to have   kids and neither of us did, so it's just going to  be me and Ellen and no babies, but we're the best   of friends and married life is blissful. It really  is. I've never been happier than I am right now,   which doesn't sound anything like Ellen is so mean  to that wife of hers. So right off the bat, I just   find it really weird to present this information  as if it's true. And I am aware that she was like,   allegedly, but I mean, this isn't alleged.  Nobody's saying this, you're just making this up.  What does that woman do all day? Nothing. She does  nothing. They probably have a billion servants and   cleaning ladies. She's not cleaning the house,  she's probably not cooking the dinner. All she   wants is just a baby. You have one person who  is essentially a tyrant, right? This is my way,   this is the highway, you're not making the (beep)  money, are you? No, so I make the rules. And I had   heard so many stories from behind the scenes  that that is exactly how she behaved at work.  So this is what she's basing her entire video  off of is this whole story that Ellen is so mean,   she wouldn't even let her wife have a baby.  And that her wife is just bored at home,   doing nothing all day, which is another flat out  obvious provable lie, because you can just look at   Portia de Rossi's IMDb page and see the myriad  shows she was in. I understand making a video   capitalizing off of the recent buzz about Ellen  not being a great person, because from what I have   Googled myself, I have come to the conclusion that  Ellen DeGeneres has some weird stuff going on,   but to build that entire argument off of a lie  that you're just making up to fit the narrative   and tell your viewers that Ellen is this really  awful person that you have no idea, really just   shoots down the whole purpose of your video. And  again, why am I acting surprised when the whole   purpose of your video is invalid to begin with,  because you cannot psychoanalyze people like this.  So let's go over the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.  So the way this works is there's bullet points and   you can get a score of zero, which this doesn't  apply at all. One applies to a certain extent   or fully applies, two points. So the bar for  clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher.   So maybe she's not Ted Bundy level 39, but do you  want to deal with someone who's even level 25?  Shallon Lester has no psychology degree that I  was able to see. And honestly, even if she did,   that wouldn't mean anything to me, because what  she proceeds to do throughout the rest of the   video that I'm going to show you is extremely  unethical. So studying psychology isn't really   a path to become an armchair psychologist  or psychiatrist or whatever you want to call   it. And probably the easiest example of why it's  not valid to call somebody a psychopath over the   internet by using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist  is if I apply this same checklist to Shallon,   I can very easily say that she meets the criteria. I mean, you can see it right here on her screen.   I'll give her two for superficial charm, two for  grandiose sense of self-worth, since she seems   to think that the stories she makes up are more  valid than what those celebrities are actually   saying about themselves. A two for proneness  to boredom, since she's uploading every day,   I can relate to that one. Definite two for  pathological lying, two for manipulative,   two for lack of remorse and guilt, because  you're actually going to see that come up   later. Definite two for shallow affect. I'm going  to give her a large two for lack of empathy,   because she starts making comments I'm going to  include later in the video that point to something   much larger than the general lack of empathy. Let's see, I'm going to give her a two for   parasitic lifestyle since her entire livelihood  revolved around making up lies around other   people's lives. Definite two for poor behavioral  controls. Obvious two for promiscuous sexual   behavior. You might be thinking, how do you  know that? I mean, it's in the very same video.  Oh, they just postponed the Olympics,  does not affect my life in any way. I   needed that extra year to train, I'm sure  I'll be at this one for the sexual arts,   is that an Olympic? I don't know. I can get  both of my legs behind my head if that helps.  I'm going to give her a zero for  lack of realistic long-term goals,   because I don't know her personally. Definite two  for impulsivity and irresponsibility and failure   to accept responsibility for one's own actions.  I don't know if she's been married or not,   so that's a zero. Zero on delinquency, zero on  revocasional conditional release. I don't know,   should I give her a two for criminal versatility?  If we're going to consider slander a crime,   I'm just going to throw that two in there  since I'm trying to prove that she is a   psychopath by using this test and I have  no interest in actually helping her. And   it looks like that brings her out to a clean 30. So she might not be a Ted Bundy, but by what I   just sat here from my literal chair and decided,  yes, she's a psychopath. Now, do I actually think   she's a psychopath? No, I don't know because I  know nothing about psychology. And even if I did,   I would only practice it in my respective  environment, but I mean, if Shallon can do   it and I could too, then I'll just go ahead and  say what she said, I'm sorry, but she simply   checks too many of these boxes for me. I'm sorry, but she simply checks too   many of these boxes for me. I, and this is not  documented, but I have noticed this throughout   my own personal non peer reviewed research  of psychopaths is a love for animals. Do   you know who loved animals so much that they  made a ton of animal protection laws? Hitler?  I don't really know how to respond  to that. I think I'm just not going   to because I'm sure everyone can see  that that's just not ... Moving on.  And so, all of this adds up to a profile  of someone who's very scary, very scary.  Ironic for her to say that because the vibe I was  getting just off of this video was very scary,   but. Honestly, just what she did was wrong in  this video because you can't just throw around   psychology terms and try to make somebody  into having some disorder or shortcoming   or whatever you want to call it. Honestly, even  the fake narrative that she created that Ellen   is mean to her wife, doesn't really correlate with  psychopathy anyway, because this quote right here   from Psychology Today and an article written  by an actual doctor with a doctorate says,   like healthy people, many psychopaths love  their parents, spouse, children, and pets in   their own way. But they have difficulty in  loving and trusting the rest of the world.  So honestly, even if let's say Ellen was a  psychopath secretly, that doesn't mean that   she's just mean and evil to her wife, that's  just ... What was the point of this video,   I guess, you know what I mean? And  seeing as it got almost a million views,   I do think it's important to counteract that. So  I went in to see what she had to say about some   other people and it just got worse and worse.  Next video, we're going to watch Prince Harry,   Meghan Markle Divorcing, Why The Pandemic Will  Ruin Their Marriage. I'm all here for a bit of   clickbait, but pretending like somebody is getting  divorced when there's not even rumors is a lot.  I called this from the beginning, I have a very  low opinion of Meghan Markle and it's sad because   I started out loving her. She's so beautiful, and  she's shaking everything up. She's a divorcee,   she's biracial. She's doing things her way.  And then I realized what a manipulator she was.  All right, so you may already be picking up some  similar themes starting off the video of like,   oh, I said this from the beginning is a very  Shallon thing to do, which instills this false   confidence with her audience thinking, oh yeah,  Shallon's right about everything. So she must   be right that Megan's a manipulator, right?  Another common theme that we just saw in the   last video is that she just, she decides that  these people have these negative traits like   psychopathy or being manipulative, which is just  bad. And so, she'll decide that this person has   them and then she'll start doing everything  she can to reshape their narrative to prove   that this person is that way. And even if that  means filling in the plot holes, because it's a   lie with other lies and she'll just invent them. She is a woman who took a man away from his family   through her own manipulation and machinations. She  was in his ear, Markle, sparkling him and being   like, "You're the true King. You don't need any of  them. You're no one's puppet. You're a man all on   your own. Look at everything you've accomplished.  Look at everything you have to give to the world,   step away from them and towards me,  the only person who sees that in you."  Does she just watch Megan and Harry while  they sleep? Was she there when their son   was conceived? Because, that's honestly  how she's talking about them. It's just   so weird. But again, like I said, it gets worse. The first thing an abuser wants to do is get their   victim alone. Whether they're just going to take  them out in the field and shoot them, or whether   they're going to spend five years gaslighting them  and removing them from their family, so that they   have complete opinion control over them. I believe  Megan has ... I believe she's a morally corrupt   person for removing this man from a family.  Imperfect though it was, it was still his.  Yeah, an abuser. She literally called Meghan  Markle an abuser. Yes, the narrative of this video   is very much that Meghan Markle is this abusive  manipulator who did everything within her power   to tear Harry away from the royal family, which  by the way, is pointing to some things that are   going to come up later in this video, which  is that Shallon has really, she has a strange   worldview about the power dynamic in relationship.  She'll tend to just put all the problems onto one   person like Prince Harry is an object that Meghan  Markle picked up and stuck in her pocket. To call   someone morally corrupt over something that they  didn't do, what is there to say about that really?  I don't think she has any particular ties to  her family. Where's her mom been lately? She   only trotted that woman out when she needed the  PR before the wedding, where's she with the baby?   It's just, it's all just very sus. It was Megan  who leaked to the press that William had had   affairs so that she could put Kate in her place  and not make that (beep) quite so uppity. This is   all stuff Megan has done, right? Megan, Harry have  been behind the scenes trying to beg to Instagram,   it's like, well, if we start a new account,  just move all our followers over there. And   they're like, no, we don't do that. We  don't do that anymore. And they're like,   but we're special. That's literally what Megan has  been saying, but we're exceptional. We're special.  So that was just three lies in a row. What  were they? One, Megan only interacts with   her mom for PR. Two, she leaked stories about Kate  Middleton or something, I don't know. And three,   they're trying to force Instagram to transfer  their followers to a new account. None of this   is true. Google is free. I mean, first of  all, it doesn't even sound true. But again,   I think it's just crazy how she can do this with  such a straight face and it's not parody. She's   not even saying allegedly, you obviously heard  her say these are all things that Megan has done.  Your father is very possibly going to die  from a virus that's sweeping the world that   there's no known cure for. And your wife is  like, "But Instagram. But our Instagram." I   imagine this must be an incredibly lonely and  isolating time for Prince Harry, and I do feel   sorry for him. He got taken in by a con man. That is literally how I feel watching this   video. This is happening right in front of me?  Wow. All right, so by this point I was starting   to build a better picture of Shallon Lester.  From the Ellen video, we get that she lies,   okay, whatever. From this video we get that she  doesn't just lie, but she creates narratives   around these people to fit her worldview of how  these people are that she decides for them. So I   decided to see how she tackles mental health. What if Shallon Lester's view of somebody   contradicts their view of themselves? So I  watched this video, The Truth About Pete Davidson,   Ariana Grande, When Guys Play The Victim,  which this is already a weird title, but then   the thumbnail says, how beta males manipulate  women. So already we're seeing this thing where   it's all on Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande  is just a child, I guess. Not like there's two   people in the relationship, right? That's crazy. We're going to talk about Ariana Grande today,   and not just Ariana, her garbage fire of  an ex Pete Davidson. The thing that I had   a problem with, with Pete was not that  he's bipolar, not great. Not that he's   got borderline personality disorder, also not  great, but that he doesn't care to fix anything.  All right, so hitherto I've been pretty, I guess,  easy on her because what she's doing is weird, but   definitely not harmful. But, now we're crossing  over into the harmful category. First of all,   that's one of the stupidest things I've heard  all day. That's a lie actually, because I've   already started editing this video, so I heard  everything else she is about to say after this,   but you don't fix bipolar disorder. You don't  fix borderline personality disorder. And to even   imply that it's something that you can choose to  fix is ridiculous. It's literal victim blaming,   which fits you calling him a victim  in the title of the video. Weird.  Unless Pete Davidson was out here in the  interviews like, "Oh yeah. I just, I don't care   if BPD winds up driving me over the edge then so  be it." Okay, sure, you can very easily say that   somebody is not trying to fix it. Even though, you  should still be very concerned over that person.   But, to call somebody a garbage fire and say  that you have a problem with them for not trying   to fix their mental illness is harmful and ugly. So Pete went on Charlamagne tha God's radio show.  So this whole video of hers is her reacting to  Charlamagne tha God's interview with Pete. But   she didn't watch the interview. And I know  she didn't watch the interview because of   something that's going to come up in a second. His doctors are always adjusting his medication,   I mean, for bipolar, you can't be medicated  for borderline personality disorder because   it's your personality. There's no cool pill. So  he's going to rehab in service of getting more   drugs. That's what that means. I go to rehab so  I can con my doctors into giving me more drugs.  All right, so again, we're back into stupid  harmful idiot territory. The whole idea that   you're scamming your doctors out of drugs by  going to rehab and getting them readjusted is,   I don't understand how somebody can believe  that. And I'm going to ... Does she believe   it? Because clearly she says things that  she knows aren't true. If you knew anything,   anything about bipolar disorder, for example,  or similar disorders, then you would know that's   not something that you just get a prescription  for, and then you just keep taking that medicine   for the rest of your life. And wow, you've  fixed your disorder. No, that's what somebody   who's ignorant about mental health would think. If you could do the slightest bit of research,   then you would know that getting your meds  readjusted is a huge part of staying on track   with a healthy treatment. But yeah, people with  these disorders already struggle with feeling   like they're a burden on other people. So then  to go and say, oh yeah, you're also scamming   the doctors out of medicine, it's like not  just a lack of awareness, but just ugly.  He also said that he's a cutter. He cuts his  chest, and then he hides the cuts with tattoos.   I was a cutter for a while for a few years and  it is truly one of the most shameful chapters in   my life. And I don't just speak about it, and  I wouldn't just speak about it to Charlamagne   tha God when I don't believe Charlamagne asked. I can pretty confidently say I've never heard   anybody say, nobody asked in response to someone  sharing their journeys with self-harm. Up until   this point in my life, I didn't know that there  were people who thought things like that. I didn't   know that people could be that cruel. That's  the only word that's coming to mind to say,   hey, I don't even think Charlamagne asked so why  are you talking about this in the interview about   Pete Davidson. But, going back to my earlier  point of me saying she didn't watch the video,   yeah, Charlamagne did ask ... What does cutting look like?  And let's say Charlamagne didn't ask, what is the  implication here? That Pete is just supposed to   keep this to himself? That is just so stupid. Pete, on one hand idolizes his mother and his   sister, but he's got borderline personality  disorder. So something bad happened in that house.  All right, here we go again. You  want to say Ellen yells at her wife,   that's cool or whatever, I don't think that's  ... Whatever. But, to come out here and say,   oh, hey, you have a mental disorder, so that  love that you feel for your family members,   that's great, but obviously something happened  in your household. Does borderline personality   disorder relate to trauma? Yes, obviously, but  I just don't think it's in any handbook or guide   that it specifically has to be from your family.  You love your mother and sister, but you have   borderline personality disorder then, oh, they  must have done something. That's ridiculous.  And so, she's not just making up lies like,  oh, Megan is whispering creepy things in   Harry's ear. Now, we're getting to, well, Pete  Davidson has borderline personality disorders,   so clearly his family did something to him.  This is definitely in the territory that I   would call unacceptable content. He said he has suicidal thoughts,   but insisted he would never commit suicide  because he has a mom and a sister and doesn't   want to hurt them. You know what him bringing  that up smacks of to me? Revenge, revenge. If   you're not going to commit suicide, that's just  not in the table, why would you even bring it up?  I have never heard anything worse than this.  I don't think I've heard anything worse than   the phrase, if you're not actually going  to commit suicide, then why even bring it   up. That's ridiculous. And if you struggle  with suicidal thoughts, as she said she has,   by the way, in this video, it's a little  weird. And I'm not saying she hasn't,   I'm saying, I'm not sure why she's taking this  into account or why she's not taking this into   account. The feeling like you can't tell anybody  about this because you would be a burden on them   is a huge part of suicidal ideation. And on top  of that to invalidate Pete's reasoning for why   he's not going through it, which is because  he doesn't want to hurt his family members,   that's doubly harmful because that is an enormous  factor in keeping so many people on this earth.  The feeling that you don't want to cause  irreversible harm to the people in your   family. So nobody has, first of all, let's get one  thing straight, nobody has the right to prevent   you from bringing these things up in the first  place like Shallon's trying to do right here. But,   how could you say this? I guess, I'm getting ...  The only reason I've been able to make this video   so far is because I've had to force myself to  detach myself from what I'm talking about, because   I have struggled with some of it. So, no I'm  not ever going to let something like this stand.  If you are thinking about it, if you don't think  you're going to do it, then it doesn't matter,   you don't have to hit a certain criteria for being  suicidal before you are allowed to bring it up.   And obviously there are some people who say,  oh, well, hey, if you don't do this, then I'm   going to come myself. But to try to pretend like  that equal saying, yeah, I have suicidal thoughts,   but I love my family too much, so I'm not going  to do it, is disgusting and shaming suicidal   people. But, Shallon doesn't have respect  for people, any kind of people. She doesn't.  All right. All right. All right. All right. Before  I move forward, look at her face right here. And   I'm not typically one of the people to be like,  oh, look at this person, they look so evil and   creepy. But in this case, look at the smile she  has on her face. Look at her expression she's   making while she says what she's about to say. Do you Charlamagne tha God asked what kind   of IV drips he gets for Crohn's disease? I  bet he didn't. I bet he didn't. I bet Pete   volunteered this just like he volunteered  that he has anxiety, maybe because you're   stuffing your body full of things like  acid. He brings all this up for victimhood.  She's honestly just sitting here spewing hate  about a man with borderline personality disorder   and bipolar disorder and suicidal thoughts.  And I find it just crazy that she's gotten   away with this. Honestly, it's so ugly. And I'm  not talking about visually because she has the   ugliness. The ugliness I'm talking about  is something you can't see, you just feel   it. And that's what Shallon Lester is, honestly. I have so many problems. I have so many problems,   well, are you doing a lot of really  intensive therapy? Are you staying   sober? Are you doing yoga meditations? It's  like "No, party is back on." I hate his voice.   I can't imagine him on top of me snorting. To say the words, I can't imagine him on top   of me in the context of a conversation about  his struggles with mental health, I have so   many problems. Well, are you going to therapy?  Again, if she had watched the interview that   she's reacting to, then she would already know  that he said he's been going to therapy multiple   times a week. So she is actively not listening.  She didn't even bother to watch the man speak   before she formed an opinion about the validity  of his mental health and his right to share it.  So I was really just getting the vibe that she  hates men sharing their mental health journeys,   not just Pete Davidson. And the reason I'm saying  this is because she specifically singled him out   as being a male victim in the beginning of the  video. But before I came out and said that,   I knew I would have to have some further  proof, so I clicked into her latest video   that she has on her channel at the  time of recording and she said this.  Maybe your partner doesn't have Lyme disease all  at Justin Bieber, but maybe he's depressed. Oh,   I'm so depressed. He suffers from anxiety. Oh,  that's interesting. A white man, most of them are,   a white man on planet earth suffers from anxiety  and depression. I'm not saying that they don't,   some people do, absolutely, but you know what?  They need to get the (beep) out of the way and   stop dating. They need to get the (beep) out  of the way. They don't get to keep dating.  You're not allowed to be depressed because you're  white. You're not allowed to have anxiety because   you're male. And to even imply as she did that, A  that's not true because of those things is evil.   But then to imply that these people suffering  don't deserve relationships is doubly evil. If   you're in a relationship and you're at the point  where you can't function in a way that's fair to   both you and your partner, then sure, definitely  hold off on getting into a relationship.   But to just, your sweeping statement that all men  who suffer from anxiety and depression need to   stop dating, that is wrong and just nasty evil. So yes, clearly she does have a huge issue with   men not only sharing their mental health  journeys, but having mental illnesses. I've   never seen so much animosity directed towards  people who are suffering from anxiety and   depression. Never thought that I would go on my  channel and have to make a video about somebody   who's discriminatory against people suffering from  anxiety and depression. The last two videos we're   going to look at both focus around Selena Gomez. Now, the reason I'm bringing her up is because   this is where it was revealed to me that not  only is Shallon just a hateful person in general,   but she has specific issues that I didn't, even as  just nasty as what she was saying so far has been,   I did not see this coming. So this video is  called, The Truth About Selena Gomez Bipolar,   People Who Make Excuses For Bad Behavior,  which this is already an awful title because   it's implying that Selena has tried to say  I have bipolar disorder and that's why I did   these bad things, which she hasn't. But, the  thumbnail says, lying for attention. So this   is obviously implying that Selena Gomez  is lying about having bipolar disorder.  We're going to talk about our favorite  whisper ghost, our mortal enemy,   Selena Gomez. Realization in her own words that  she is bipolar. Now, before we get started,   I just want to let you know that I'm not  here to shit on people with bipolar disorder.  Yes, you are here to crap on her for having this  disorder, but let's go ahead and hear you do it.  She doesn't seem to care about herself.  She doesn't seem to care about her health,   about her reputation and about her future, and  her behavior points to that. So we've talked   about Selena so much in this channel and here we  call her the whisper ghost, because that's what   she sounds like when she sings, (singing). Just,  is she going to come chasing me? I don't know.  Honestly, it would be funny if it was in any  other context, but to start attacking people's   livelihood right after you say they don't care  about themselves or their health and that's   reflected in their actions, it's just so cruel,  to follow that up with, oh and she can't sing.  I think I'd rather fight Selena Gomez than  a goose, because geese have that dewclaw,   right there, they can swipe. Selena doesn't  have that, she just has a bunch of bad tattoos.  I looked into the bunch of bad tattoos that Selena  Gomez has, and I realized that one of them was   the semicolon tattoo. The semicolon tattoo is  literally an affirmation of solidarity against   suicide, depression, addiction, et cetera.  So of course Shallon would think that that's   a bad tattoo. You know what I mean? Because we  know how she feels about people with suicide,   depression, et cetera. But wait until we learn  about how she feels about people with addiction.  Well, we do know that Selena has an issue with  alcohol, and she started ramping, re ramping up   her drinking after her kidney transplant. Selena  was spotted doing shots at the Four Seasons hotel.   I actually worked for the company that broke  the story at the time. I know exactly who the   source was. It was a photographer, they weren't  lying. She was downing shots, when? Right after   Justin and Hailey's engagement. Oh (beep). All right, so this is just a lie. It's not   true. That's simple enough and  it's not something that happened.  I could probably help you. I'm not going  to, because you annoy me and bore me at   the same time, which is a deadly combination. You're just so ugly. You're just ugly, ugly,   ugly, just the ugliest thing I've ever heard. Oh,  I could help you, but I'm not going to because, I-  Selena, I just, I could probably help you. I'm  not going to because you annoy me and bore me at   the same time, which is a deadly combination. Imagine if somebody said that about you when   you're trying to share a problem with them? It's  like, oh yeah, well, I could help you with that,   but you're annoying. And the thing that you're  calling annoying is the problem that they have.   And it's not like people who suffer from mental  illnesses are not already struggling with the   feeling like, oh my gosh, I am annoying and  nobody wants to hear this, and nobody cares.   So just for her to go on such a large platform  and verbalize that is despicable. My final video,   I watched, Selena Gomez Boyfriend Reaction.  And this is going to be the first time you   see a song review video turn into a hate video. We are going to talk about Selena's new song,   Boyfriend. I can't stand Selena Gomez. Why? Not  because she's got an autoimmune disease. Not   because she struggles with substance abuse issues  and she continues to still drink and do drugs   probably, it's because she lies. So if you're here  to be like, oh, leave Selena alone (beep), she   is alone. She is alone. When she overdoses and  she will, you all can thank yourselves because   you didn't hold her accountable for (beep). Doesn't seem like something that's allowed on   YouTube to say, oh yeah, she's going to overdose  and it's you guys' fault. I definitely don't   think that's within the guidelines, but if  it is, hey, more power to you. But no, yeah,   she went on her channel and said,  Selena Gomez is going to overdose   from an addiction that she's putting on her. First-line, I want a boyfriend. I keep hitting   dead ends. Try to take a shortcut, but get cut  again and again. I want a boyfriend. Tell me,   are there any good ones left? Not for  you beau, they want their kidneys. Selena   doesn't need a boyfriend, she needs another  drink. She needs a fix. She needs some maybe   vital organs. How's your pancreas doing beau? Okay. So if you're wondering where this is coming   from, due to lupus complications, Selena Gomez has  had, I think a kidney transplant. So yeah, this is   Shallon mocking and just attacking Selena over the  kidney transplant that she had to have because of   her a lupus that she was suffering from, so. Okay. Selena has said in multiple interviews, she   continues to drink, whatever, it's my life, let  me live. It's not your life, it's Francia Raisa's   life. It's her kidney that she has given to you  so that you may live and that's how you repay her.   And this is why, I mean, she makes me insane. Hey, it's Selena Gomez, listen to my new song,   Boyfriend on the deluxe version of  my album Rare right now on Amazon.  That girl is drunk. That girl is drunk and or  high. It looks like four Xannies just kicked   in with a shot of Jack to cool it out. That is  not a sober person. They latch on to one little   loophole to enable their behavior. And if you guys  keep doing that, she's not going to make it to 27.   She's just not, that's not how the human body  can function. But, it gets worse. And by worse,   I mean infinitely better, infinitely better. Yeah. So she said Selena Gomez is going to die,   but it gets worse. And by worse, I mean  better than Selena Gomez dying at age 27.  Oh, I forgot to say that her teeth  look like dentures. She looks like   George Washington with wooden teeth. So, that was all I could take from her   channel. And the reason I didn't upload yesterday  was because I was feeling like this, so yeah,   she definitely has something against Selena Gomez.  And through just looking at a couple of tweets,   I very quickly determined a correlation between  another disturbing trait. So it brings me no joy   whatsoever to report that Shallon Lester is a  pedophile, surprise, that's the underlying thing   under all of this. She's just a literal pedophile  and has been since the age of 25. Obviously,   I could get in humongous trouble for saying  that. So, I'm just going to outline some things.  By pedophile, I'm going with the literal  definition off of Google, which is an adult   who has sexual attraction to minors. The reason  I'm calling her a pedophile are because of these   tweets, this first tweet saying, Justin Bieber's  sex dream, don't mind if I do. And by the way,   this tweet is from 2010, so Justin Bieber was  16. And like I said, Shallon was 25 at that time,   so pedophile. I'm not going to sit here and  say, oh, she's just a creepy woman posting   creepy things, because if you don't call it what  it is, that's how these people get away with it.  Now, it is worth noting that this tweet is deleted  off of the website for obvious reasons. And I   tried to find some more screenshots of it than  this one I'm showing you, it was getting too hard   to verify if that specific tweet was real. Well,  guess what? This one is still on Twitter. It was,   I screenshotted this. It's from 2011 when  Justin was what? 16, 17. February. Oh,   so he was still 16. And she said, am I  going to try to make out what a gay guy   who looks like Justin Bieber? You're goddamn  right I am. For context, Justin Bieber looked   like this at the time and like I said, Shallon  was 25. So yeah, you're just a huge pedophile   and sex dreams about children, et cetera. And then, the other thing that I think I'm   almost forgetting at this point, just because of  how absurd this is, is Justin Bieber was, I mean,   he's still here, but he is a real person and was  an actual kid at the time. This is a real person   she's tweeting about. This would be the exact  same thing as if some man went on Twitter and   just tweeted, I'm going to make out with a lesbian  who looks like Millie Bobby Brown. So the reason   I'm saying this is connected is because some of  you may have already put two and two together,   but Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were  actually an item. For several years,   they were together. And so, for the last 10  years, at least, ever since Justin was a child,   Shallon Lester has just idolized him sexually,  and she hates Selena Gomez for obvious reasons.  And beyond that, you can find more sex dream  tweets later into the years after Justin was   already an adult at the time, but still 18. He  didn't turn 18 and then she decided, oh, I feel   this way now. She had been tweeting like this for  years and her hatred for Selena Gomez is just so   extreme at this point, she's over here saying  she's going to die at age 27 over an overdose,   but it gets better. So yeah, that's the  kind of person that we're dealing with.  I'm looking at my notes right here and I have some  things here about her audience and the overarching   issues with this, but I can't keep sitting here  and doing this right now in this moment. So I   think I've presented all the information I  have. I can't wrap it up with a tidy little   bow right now and I'm sorry. I know I was a lot  less coherent in this video than I typically am,   but this is attempt three at recording this  and I'm putting myself, I feel like I've been   putting myself through a shredder every time  I tried to record this. And then I tried to   piece myself back together and do it again.  So this is as good as we're going to get,   but the information is out there. The tweet I talked about is still   on her Twitter. She blocked me before I got  this video out, but it's still there. Yeah,   this is a person just running loose on YouTube  and somebody had to say something about that.   Ultimately, I'm going to be okay because  I'm just going to go play Animal Crossing   or something like that and hang out with people  who are not like this. So ultimately, who cares?
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 3,168,937
Rating: 4.9289927 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, shallon lester blocked me before i could get the truth out
Id: V-4NPyqpTOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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