the very creepy issue surrounding millie bobby brown

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I mean he's talented, but the way he's feeding  into these disturbing conversations about Millie   by purposely making her look at least 10 years  older than she is, trash. Hey welcome back to   me talking about whatever I want. Today I  want to talk about Millie Bobby Brown and   this really creepy situation surrounding her on  the internet that I don't see too many people   talking about. First of course, I want to give a  quick comment shout out from the last video. This   comment from Honey says, "I'm convinced Angelo  is an alien, trying to understand humanity,   and we are all failing him. On behalf of the human  race, I'm so sorry." Honestly, this person might   have just predicted the future because if this  video isn't an indication that the human race   failed a long time ago, I don't know what is. So for those of you who don't know, Millie Bobby   Brown is a 15 year old actress and she is most  popular for her role as 11 in Netflix's hugely   successful Stranger Things. I feel like most  people have heard of Millie Bobby Brown or at   the very least seen her, especially back when  Stranger Things was first premiering. Well,   because she's a huge celebrity. There's a lot of  discourse about, what kind of person she is, the   kinds of things she wears, this, that the other.  And to a certain extent, this conversation is   pretty normal, pretty standard stuff. But recently  some really, really disturbing conversations have   been popping up surrounding Millie, Bobby Brown  and the things that she does on the internet.  Now, I just want to give a quick disclaimer, this  video is not criticizing Millie Bobby Brown at   all. First of all, as I said, she's 15 years old,  but even more than that, she doesn't really choose   how she dresses. Because she's a celebrity,  there's a stylist behind her, there's a team,   there's people with money trying to brand her  a certain way and give her a certain look. So   there's really nothing I have to say about Millie  Bobby Brown specifically, other than that she does   a pretty good job on Stranger Things. So this  conversation reached its peak when she wore this   dress to the Screen Actors Guild Award. So as you  can see from these pictures, it's this white Louis   Vuitton dress. And by the way, this is a custom  Louis Vuitton dress, which I think is important   to point out. She didn't just pick this up off the  shelf. Her stylist had this created specifically   for her. The dress features this plunging  neckline. There's a whole lot of this visible. And   as you can see from this closer look, I'm going to  insert these people applied her makeup so heavily.  They basically dressed her the same way you would  dress an actress who is like 24. But of course,   Millie Bobby Brown hasn't even turned 16 yet.  That's where my personal opinion on the dress and   the look and all that. I just, I thought it was  weird. It was to the point where I didn't think   it was Millie Bobby Brown. The picture popped up  and it said, "Millie Bobby Brown." And I was like,   "I don't think so." I mean, once I looked at  it, I can obviously see that as her, but they   are working so hard to make this girl look so much  older than she is. And it really makes me question   what the intentions are behind wanting a 15 year  old to look like an adult. As for whether she's   allowed to wear the dress, that's really not for  me to decide. I mean, first of all, I'm not even   enough to afford a Louis Vuitton custom dress,  let alone a personal stylist. I mean, she didn't   show up to the awards in a bikini, thankfully,  but I can't pretend like this design wasn't   purposely created to accentuate certain features. That is specifically what the point of a plunging   neckline is to draw attention to this area. And  personally, I think drawing attention to that   area on a 15 year old is the worst thing I've ever  heard in my entire life. But again, that is not a   reflection on Millie Bobby Brown, because she did  not create this stress. And ultimately if she did   and she wanted to wear it, that's really on her.  But no, she looked 30. Okay. I do not know why   they did her makeup like that. It makes me feel  bad for her because I can tell what they're trying   to do. They're trying to give her this mature  older look, but all it's doing is making her   look strange and a little bit scary mostly because  I think it's upsetting to the average person to   see someone who you know is 15 and registered them  as seeming like they're 30 years old. Because of   this and of course sparks some controversy online,  I'm only going to read these three tweets from it.  This person said "Millie, Bobby Brown stylists  should be sacked. She's just 15 years old,   but looked at least 30 at the Screen Actors  Guild Award last night. So dis-serving" And   this other ones said, "Millie Bobby Brown is  15 years old. Everyone who's responsible for   this look needs to get fired." Now, just so we're  clear, I completely agree with these tweets for   the sole reason that they are not attacking  Millie Bobby Brown or the way she looks,   which I think is good. These tweets were very  specific and saying that the stylists and everyone   behind her look needs to be addressed. And that  is 100% my stance on it. I, as a 21 year old man,   I'm not going to sit on the internet and dictate  what Millie Bobby Brown should or should not wear   as a 15 year old girl. But I sure as heck am going  to criticize the people who put her in that dress.  That was creepy enough, right? But of course  the internet can't leave well enough alone. As   I was searching for discourse about this whole  issue, I found this article from,   but this is where things get creepy. This Pop  dust article is called "Millie Bobby Brown is   allowed to be hot." Now here's the thing. I don't  want it to take this article out of context. The   reason they put hot in quotation marks like that  is because this article is supposedly addressing   this exchange between Paris Hilton and Evan  Rachel Wood. So Millie Bobby Brown posted this   picture of her in this cheetah print dress.  And the one that only Paris Hilton commented,   "That's hot." To which the actress, Evan  Rachel Wood replied, "She's 15." Now I   think this is like a gray issue because if you  know Paris Hilton or you're familiar with her,   you'll know that her catchphrase is, "That's  hot." I was watching her do this cooking   video. And like she pulled a spoon out of the  drawer and was like, "That's hot." So I don't   personally believe that Paris Hilton meant that  in a creepy way, when she commented that's hot.  However, it's still creepy because Millie Bobby  Brown is literally 15 years old. Like Paris   what were you thinking? So I don't think Evan  Rachel Wood was wrong for just reminding both   Paris and the general viewer that Millie Bobby  Brown is in fact, 15 years old. Well, this Pop   dust article is... Why am I calling it Pop dust?  This publication is just dust. That's what your   website is. This dusty musty article suggests that  Millie Bobby Brown is allowed to be hot. And that   it shouldn't have been weird that Paris Hilton  was saying Millie Bobby Brown's outfit was hot.   So again, for full context, I don't think this  article is completely with bad intentions because   this part right here says, "To shame Millie  Bobby Brown for dressing, how she wants to dress,   how many teenagers dress is definitely the wrong  route. Women, even 15 year olds should be allowed   to wear what ever they weren't without fear of  backlash, shaming, or unwanted objectification."  So obviously I'm not going to disagree with  that. I would hope that's common sense,   but sadly it's not. And if this is all the article  was, I think it would be fine. The thing about   creepy people is they can't hide their creepiness,  right? They might mask it behind intentions like,   "Oh, well, I'm just standing up for Millie's right  to wear whatever she wants without being ashamed."   But if they're creepy people, the creepiness  is going to jump out in the other things that   they're saying and that is what's going on here.  Listen to me read some of my favorite favorite   quotes from this, dust bin article, "The world  has watched Millie Bobby Brown star of the hit   Netflix show Stranger Things, transition from her  prepubescent child with a shaved head to a young   woman with 30 million followers on Instagram." Why are we using the word prepubescent let's not.   "In an age of hyper objectification and teenagers  getting plastic surgery, Millie Bobby Brown feels   like a reminder of America's lost innocence."  Okay. First of all, she's not American. So   I'm not sure what this is supposed to be. But  secondly, this whole innocence angle is really   creepy and putting Millie on this sort of weird  pedestal that I don't think she's ever put herself   on the hold on. But hold on you didn't think  those were the only creepy quotes did you? No,   this article just gets worse and worse the more  you scroll down. "In recent months, a change   has begun to make itself known on the actress's  Instagram account. Her posts have taken on a more   sultry, even adult nature. For example, the post  Brown shared on October 29th shows the actress   in a satin leopard print, mini dress, looking  defiantly at the camera with her mouth slightly   open. The second photo in the post is a mirror  selfie in which she pouts at the camera as light   falls, flatteringly on her torso." Can't do this. Just say she wore a dress and people started   criticizing her for it and go, we do not need  these verbose descriptions of how the light was   falling on this kid's torso. Now here's where,  in my opinion, this article gets absolutely   inexcusable. They start playing this. What if  game? "It's interesting to consider whether if   Kylie Jenner had posted an identical picture  at the age of 15 and Paris had commented,   "That's hot." Would anyone have raised an eyebrow?  Was Evan Rachel Wood so defensive of Brown because   of legitimate altruism or because like the rest  of us" that's very telling by the way this person   says, "Like the rest of us" in other words like  me, "She wants our precious 11 to stay a sexless,   innocent child in order to keep with our  uncomplicated cultural view of her." Did   people criticize her look for her sake or  because it made them uncomfortable. Of course,   it made people uncomfortable. She looks 30  and she is not. And it is not her fault.   It is because people are doing this to her. So yes, that makes me very uncomfortable in   the same way that it is absolutely inappropriate  to objectify Brown. Is it not also inappropriate   and unfair to forcefully ignore her completely. So  when I read the absolute mental gymnastics that,   that article was going through, I started to  realize that this might've been a larger issue   than I first anticipated. So in my searching for  like the things people were saying about Millie   Bobby Brown, I encountered this subeditor. Now  here's the thing. It's not like the subeditor is   like names secret, hidden Millie Bobby Brown  fan club, subeditor is called R/Millie Bobby   Brown two. Like it comes up if you type Millie  Bobby Brown on Reddit. So this isn't like some   sort of secret society. It is right there.  And you're about to be really creeped out,   that something this creepy is this public. So  basically the Millie Bobby Brown two subeditor   is just a bunch of pictures and videos of Millie  Bobby Brown. People are taking them from her   social media and re-posting them to the Reddit. Now right off the bat, I wouldn't say that this   is creepy just because she's famous. And people  have always been, infatuated with celebrities. But   oh boy, I was able to very quickly piece together  why the majority of the people in that subeditor   were there just from looking at their comments.  This person commented under one of the photos,   gorgeous exclamation point. It can easily be  said that this comment is just from a fan girl   or a stan or some kid who wants to look like  Millie Bobby Brown. That wouldn't be weird at   all. However, I went to this person's profile  on Reddit. And as you can see, they are in all   not safe for work subedits like just all kinds  of inappropriate photos of celebrities. That is   what they use they're Reddit account for. Every  time you see that little red tag, that's a not   safe for work marker. It's not even like this  person engages on those subedits every now and   then their whole account was that. And they are  also posting on the Millie Bobby Brown subeditor.  Here, we have this person that commented just the  heart eyes emoji. And again, that by itself is not   really great. However, I go to their profile.  It's all not safe for work just talking about   various body parts and various celebrities.  This person says beautiful heart eyes went to   their account. They are only in not safe for work  Reddit communities, and what I think makes it even   creepier is that they put that same beautiful  comment under an Emma Watson pic. And they put   that same heart eyes emoji under I'm not safe for  work image. So like they are commenting on Millie   Bobby Brown, subeditor the same way that they were  commenting on all these, not for work celebrity   subedits. This person says, "Stunning" that by  itself is not creepy however, bam, it's all not   safe for work account. So this is legitimately the  most upsetting conclusion I could have come to.  I did not think that this was going on so  publicly, but someone has to say something   because I don't see people talking about this.  Someone should be talking about this. It gets   worse though. Another thing that people post on  the subeditor are videos of Millie Bobby Brown,   dancing on Ti Tod or doing various exercises.  So as you can see right here, someone uploaded   a video of her working out. And I can see in the  comments that someone used a tool to download this   video. So I really, really, really want to know  what you need a video of a 15 year old working   out, downloaded to your hard drive. And then  that was just me digging. If I just look at it   as a whole, you can still find creepy stuff right  off the bat. This person commented "Sweet Jesus,   drool emoji, heart eyes emoji" Someone posted her  Screen Actors Guild dress, and someone commented,   "Too adult uncomfortable." And then they got  down voted into the negatives for saying that.  That someone followed up probably because she's  a child and this outfit accentuates her chest,   which in my opinion is a perfectly valid reason  to be uncomfortable. And then this person says,   "I'm not complaining." So yeah, basically I found  a secret subeditor that's not so secret. That is   completely devoted to inappropriate context  pictures of Millie Bobby Brown. Now just to   wrap this up and reinforce the fact that this is  not a criticism of Millie herself, I am going to   call out the person responsible for most of this  person is named Thomas Carter Phillips. Now Thomas   Phillips is a celebrity stylist. From looking at  his website I can see that the most high profile   client he has right now is Millie Bobby Brown.  So many of these pictures are of her looking   way older than her age. Like look at this glamor  picture right here. Look at the way he does her   makeup to make her look like an adult. Look at  this lacy get up this makeup he has her in right   here with this red off the shoulder sweater thing. Like every time he gets his hands on her wardrobe,   she comes out looking like an adult and not  a child. He does her makeup so heavily and he   chooses outfits that look like something a 24 year  old would wear. Look at Millie Bobby Brown, how   she looks in Stranger Things versus how she looks  when Thomas Carter Phillips is involved. Now, I   don't think any of the outfits Millie Bobby Brown  has worn have been particularly devious. It's not   like she's dressing like Mikey Cyrus used to, but  everything is controlled. So this whole disturbing   conversation she has surrounding her and the way  she dresses and how objectified she is, that is   controlled. They are purposely making her look  older and they are feeding into that conversation.   They are making no effort to dispel the sort of  thing. And that is my issue with all of this.   So yeah, the article trash, that subeditor  trash Thomas Carter Phillips, he's talented,   but the way he's feeding into these disturbing  conversations about Millie by purposely making her   look at least 10 years older than she is trash. This is such a deep rooted issue that I'm not   going to make a difference just by making this  one video about it. It's not going to dry up   overnight, but it's definitely not  going to start changing unless people   do start talking about it. So even if this  video doesn't work, ultimately who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 3,022,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, the very creepy issue surrounding millie bobby brown
Id: cpXrH9sfslo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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