elliott hulse helps me become a misogyn- i mean a "man"

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women remain inside where they create life support life grow a future for society and men stay on the outside work on the outside where we protect I'm sorry what makes you think that I want to protect anything I guess I'll be inside with these metaphorical women and what women is he even talking about that's what I want to know hi and welcome back to me talking about whatever I want today I want to talk about Elliot host because oh no what are you doing why are you the way that you are you know what I mean but first Chris I'd like to do the comment shout out from my last video this comment actually goes out to Ali's marks who says D'Angelo is well-spoken in touch with his emotions and his skin is glowing wow what a superior human well I do appreciate it but I will say I'm not superior to other people I just have a very intense skincare routine which primarily involves taking they just mix it but and yeah that's pretty much it it's pretty easy stuff I would recommend it you should try it tonight actually but all jokes aside thank you for the comment I will say I'm actually more excited to see the comments on this video though because in this video we're gonna be talking about women and men and what that says about our society you know all the videos will be reacting to today's start off with this guy saying so I just got a question so I got a question here from a young man today who says yo Elliot and Wow who knew Q&A videos could go so wrong so the guy we're talking about today is Elliott Hulse and he's a pretty big youtuber he was like a giant in the Fitness YouTube world in more ways than one I mean he has over 1.8 million subscribers on his main channel and 800,000 on his second tier part of what helped Elliott blow up at the time was he would makes like fitness advice with life advice I mean the workout advise seemed pretty standard it's like lifting fasting other things like people who workout do I want to know but the life advice has always been if you I mean if you look back a year ago you'll find videos about make tau and red pills and ask you an uprising the rebirth of men what what does that even mean it sounds like a softcore video from the 80s just featuring nothing but men so honestly his cringy life advice videos were pretty easy to ignore because his channel was mostly fitness but recently he switched to daily uploads and they're just all life advice and even the titles of these videos are very questionable when your woman disrespects you don't be friends with women how to be a dominant man in a world full of sissies men don't get in touch with your feminine side I was honestly just so amused that's not the right word with these titles I just I screened shotted them all and posted them to my Twitter and they said I feel like I became misogynistic just from reading these titles and their replies to that tweet we're so good I knew that I had to make a video about it okay I'm gonna watch all four of the videos I just listed I mean these are like man videos for men and I am a man so I guess I'm in the target demographic all right so let's go ahead and kick this party off with don't be friends with women so I got a question here from a young man today who says yo Elliott my question is I get the guts to say hi to a girl I just saw in person that I've been following online if you had asked me that question I would just say do it weakling no I'm just kidding I don't talk to people I don't believe that men and women are supposed to be friends really what you're looking for is sex okay that's that's a lie I'm not even a woman but I feel like if I was and I was just hearing this man say hey the only reason guys want to be friends with you is because they're trying to sleep with you you need her to ultimately appreciate you or to accept you or to like you to quote-unquote be friends with you because she's got something that you long I would be terrified if you have no interest making this woman your wife then what else do you want from her I'm your what Humphry was it the original question just about messaging some girl and now we're talking about marriage so so so so let me get this straight the only context and it makes sense for a man to talk to a woman is if he wants her to marry him really interested in her it's not about being friends because there's no reason for men to be friends it's because you want a wife her and so you have to have a standard for that hope that helps dude talk some done why is there always people like this giving the advice why is it never people who have like normal human thought pattern seems like a prerequisite for giving advice on YouTube is to just be insane all right so that was a great start off to a great start next we're gonna watch a video called how to be a dominant man in a world full of sissies I'm sorry these titles are sending me so I've got a question today from young man who says yo Eliot how can I be more dominant as a man and more respected I feel like the question itself is weird because if you need a tutorial on how to be dominant doesn't that just make you like not dominate by defaults dumb and that's something that you have to learn I don't know my guy I do think that men need to learn how to be men okay well there you go it's something that you have to learn but here I was thinking you just could just be a man by being male but apparently I I skipped out on the tutorial number one and protect the border if there were no men to protect the perimeter there would be no safe space you know we got all these safe spaces today safe space for women in children oh okay so yikes all of those like female police officers and military personnel and Border Patrol age they're just they don't exist women remain inside where they create life support life grow a future for society and Men stay on the outside work on the outside where we protect and then the other thing that we do is we provide I'm sorry what makes you think that I want to protect anything I guess I'll be inside with these metaphorical women and what women is he even talking about that's what I want to know most of the women I see are out there living their lives you know they have a job they are getting their education even the ones that choose to stay at home they're still protecting their families [Music] I think a huge issue he has going into these videos as he seems to see such a huge difference between men and women but so much what he's talking about just boils down to your personality not your gender all I'm trying to say is you're gonna catch me inside how about that he talks about effeminate men in the book or men that are effeminate like pansies girly men and he says that a big part of the reason why it's just innate to sort of cringe at girly men even today is because inside we kind of know that this guy's not trustworthy because a girly man's not going to act like a man on the front line he's much better off staying at home in the inner circle with the ladies braiding hair or something like that why okay now I'm just straight-up confused so girly man which he's defining in such a weird way are not trustworthy because girls are you know it's funny because as weird as this is I keep forgetting there's an underlying message of misogyny here right because he's putting all the negative traits that men have and he's associating them with femininity so women are untrustworthy and women are the ones that you can't depend on and if a man is like that then he's like a woman basically what year is it again sorry I'm a distracted by freaking text messages part of the problem with filming on my iPad no that's not part of the problem with filming on your iPad the problem is that you are filming on your iPad why are you filming vertically in 2012 then again a man who thinks that women should stay inside and have babies while men protect the perimeter is probably the exact kind of man who would film vertically on an iPad in 2020 never mind what am I saying a lot of people might not like what I'm about to say but manly men are what created society all Society civilizations all the great things come from manly men who protect and then conquer I just yeah it's like a giant sword on the wall behind him is why is that sword so big and then to the other side there's a bow you know between the sword and the bow in the background I should have known from the beginning that I was no match for Ali a horse in fact I'm surprised I even am man enough to know what a sword is and so one of these ideas is that here in America Europeans stole a mare from the natives that was here that's it that's a wrong way of thinking about it if you're an American man that's the wrong way of thinking then what happens exactly must ever check that's exactly what happened and it's in recorded history this country wasn't stolen from anybody was conquered because that's what men do the stronger man conquers the stronger smarter more dominant men conquer right oh okay maybe if they didn't want their land taken they should have been able to fight back against centuries worth of warfare development I've never heard a dumber argument in my entire life like that I'm really curious if he feels the same way about slavery right like what slavery just bound to happen because everybody in Africa got conquered I can't any way that that's how to be a dominant man you just you conquer everything around you now let's find out what he feels about getting in touch with your feminine side I think it's a horrible idea for men to get in touch with their feminine side and I'll tell you why Wow I never saw that coming now in this world where we are swimming in a feminine sea when I use that term I use it based on the definition given by st. Thomas Aquinas which is the unwillingness to let go of that which is pleasurable comfortable sensual yummy all right petition to ban all human beings from using the word yummy and now okay so it's not just being untrustworthy apparently the feminine is also the easy way out and enjoyable things because no woman has ever suffered there anything right testosterone alone does not make you a man men become men through the mental you can tell he thought about that really hard before saying it like he was practicing well like he moved his sword first and then he stood in from the mirror men become men through the Mint's hole and then turned on his iPad vertically and started recording this video that's what needs to be integrated into our culture and integrated men a hunger for an appreciation for sacrifice suffering and growing stronger well if you have to grow stronger to be a man and I guess I'm a freaking woman what happened here a lot of people think I'm misogynistic because I have these conversations these days but it's only because we live in this gray lukewarm world where all the sex has been inter inter - integrated - intertwined don't you just hate in 2020 how so many borders between men and women that society as imposed on them have been broken down now and finish are just intertwined black and white hot and cold male and female we're not all transgenders all right I know I don't have that no now let's move on to the next video this next and final video is called when your woman disrespects you relatable so I got a great question here from one of my Instagram fans he goes on to say yo Eliot my question is when we were dating my wife used to respect me it's one of the many reasons I was attracted to her but as we got married and recently had a son this respect is all but disappears what causes this and what can I do to fix this how much do you want to bet he's substituting the phrase respect for attention imagine having a whole family and just running to the chipper and being like my wife doesn't respect me anymore after we had a kid what should I do with her I am grateful that I have a wife that has always shown me respect and gratitude as the father leader and the provider and protector of my home call me old-fashioned but I was raised to take care of my husband make his plate every night watch his work clothes for him make sure he's up for work the next morning always have a clean house for him to come home to it's cetera and that's exactly the life I will be while she's pregnant you ain't gonna get the goodies that you used to get and that's okay you're not gonna get all the adoration and all the love and all the attention that you used to get and that's okay okay but like honestly which one is it Herman strong and we're supposed to suffer through everything and blah blah blah or do we need attention adoration that way we don't have a complete meltdown and run to our favorite youtuber and tell them that I'm life's not paying attention to me anymore honestly you know what this guy who as soon as she do he should just be stronger I had four kids so I understand this first time my wife disappeared and I'm like what happened like I became nobody you begin to lose your self-esteem your sense of self and your position in the relationships you should always be the leader and that's another weird thing that happens in our culture we start to think that a woman who's pregnant is a victim oh oh you had a baby oh you're pregnant oh is that morning sickness that you're suffering from and like cramps and swelling and pain I can't anymore like I've checked out I may be sitting right here before you but I am not here anymore I've decease Elliott Hulse took that sword off of the wall and drove it through my head that's what I feel like just happened so you start being a nice guy right it seems like the right thing to do it is the right thing to do but it's where you start to lose your frame she didn't marry a nice guy honestly what kind of what that's bad if your wife doesn't marry a nice guy I see the picture of me on Instagram when I'm pushing a car with four kids I mean I I look jacked and tan I look like an alpha male but you can see these guys with the bent back pushing the car and the woman's walking out in front and you could tell that he's on the freakin leash oh hi insecurity hi good to see you again you have to follow up the nose that you were pushing a stroller with the fact that you're an alpha male holy crap I'm sorry like how he uses I looked tan like you are literally tain't that's like if I said I look so tan in that picture yeah no no no kidding because we live in a feminized culture is not gonna have you think that way naturally so you got to be red pill he is red pill number one read the Bible Elliot host just called me out this bed said read the Bible you were being nice to your wife because she was pregnant have fun in Oh men work in hierarchies unless they're passive-aggressive half female men which that's what we live in most men are mostly like woman most men are like women everybody you heard to hear first passive-aggressive half female okay so let's let the man by the man I mean the only man to ever exist give us instructions for what to do when our women disrespect us if she's used to you giving her a kiss when you walk in the door walk in the door and walk right by her what kind of advice is that is it just me or is that not the most passive-aggressive thing you've ever is Elliott Hulse half woman I trusted him he had a sword on the wall she asked you to do some goal change the baby diaper you let her know I'll do it when I'm ready in fact one of the greatest tools you can use is to wait to respond that's terrible wait if she's telling you to go change the baby's diaper regardless of the tone shouldn't you go help the baby owl is a baby you have to lay there in a dirty diaper just crying cuz you don't like the way your wife asks you to change his diaper what level of nonsense have we reached we've like exited the Earth's atmosphere okay we are landing in cloud world next thing you do you start pulling your time away a little bit and that means you gotta go to the gym Wow Elliot you just you spend all your time at the gym and you don't talk to me anymore what do you even do there shut up woman me and the boys are recording the next episode of masculine uprising the rebirth of men by and by you start pulling yourself away little by little and what happens is in her she'll start to have a sense of dread these are all red pill terms a sense of dread oh he's not he didn't give me an it's a small thing he didn't give me the kiss when he walked in the door hmm maybe he's kissing somebody else that's abusive honestly just right okay somebody's doing this to you and making you doubt leave these are going to save it for you brother I really think this thing's gonna work out for you if she was a good woman to begin with this is just a little bump in the road I think you're gonna be all right done Matteo I'm also done I can't take any more of this you know it's no wonder his videos are actually getting views at this point it's because the whole world has moved on so far from your stupidly outdated views that like your channel is one of the only places you can find these stuff in the mainstream honestly men follow Elliot's advice if you want to but good luck finding a girl who wants to follow his advice with you now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go aggressively attempt to forget everything I just heard in the last few minutes I mean hey I have a different opinion than this guy and it's all well and good but ultimately he has a sword behind him and I just have a freaking guitar behind me so I'm obviously still on that stuff so who cares [Music] you
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,795,681
Rating: 4.8823647 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, elliott hulse helps me become a misogyn- i mean a man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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