Free Britney.

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Oh shit, is D'Angelo considered Breadtube? Am I just out of the loop lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ramsestherocker 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s Britney, comrades!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Infinite_Camel_2841 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
So, what are we about to  do right now? We are going   to look into the twisted world of Free Britney.  So, the reason I wanted to talk about this is  because a documentary recently came out talking   about the situation, and now everyone's talking  about it. We have Britney Spears on the one hand,   American superstar singer with a tragic turn  of events in her career. And on the other,   there's a list of people, her fans claim  are controlling her behind the scenes.  And so, this documentary that just  came out, Framing Britney Spears,   is designed to look into that. So let's look into  that. But before we do that, let's do our comments   shout out from our last video. D'Angelo is the CEO  of cat ears. I would accept this title any other   day, but unfortunately I don't have the cat ear  headphones this time because I lost the other ear   in a tragic fight against MrBeast. That's a  joke by the way, legally. I will fight MrBeast   in hand-to-hand combat after the pandemic. So, now that we've got that out of the way,   let's actually talk about today's sponsor.  Today's video is sponsored by Raycon. You   want wireless earbuds but you don't want to pay  wireless earbuds prices, then Raycon is just for   you. They design premium wireless earbuds for  half the price and all the quality. Plus they   come in whatever color matches your vibe.  Personally, I would go with all of them.  Raycons are good for a reason. The  company was founded by musician,   Ray J and the earbuds are loved by other musicians  from Brandy, to Melissa Etheridge, to Snoop Dogg,   just to name a few. But to top it all off,  they still have a 45 day free return policy.  My biggest personality trait is never facing the  music, but always listening to it, and Raycon   makes that perfectly easy. I can take the vibes  with me, no screens, just me, good audio and my   overwhelmingly sad playlist. So, if you're ready  for six hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth   pairing, a more comfortable and compact fit,  plus noise isolation, then click the link in the   description or go to  to get 15% off of your order today.  What do we want? Free Britney.  When do we want it? Now.  So, we started watching the documentary,  which was about the Free Britney movement.   The movement wants to free Britney from  her conservatorship. A conservatorship is   an agreement that lets another party control your  finances and life. Why do conservatorships exist?   I understand that they've literally just said  this for elderly people. I'm not talking about   being able to help somebody who needs your  help. It should be more limited than it is.  So the documentary basically started off by  taking a look at the early life of Britney   Spears. Same as always, they talk to  her childhood friends. By the way,   she was the only wholesome person in this  documentary. And they looked at her early talent.   How? When I was 10 years old, I was a  broke, no-money-having, no-job-having   ten-year-old, and I should be ashamed. You have the most adorable, pretty eyes.   You have a boyfriend? No, sir.  Why not? They're mean.  Boyfriends? You mean all boys are  mean? I'm not mean. How about me?  What? Did he just, "not all  men" a literal ten-year-old?  Mom was just so sweet, so proud of her daughter.  And her dad too, was very proud of Britney. He was   more concerned with the financial aspect of it.  How was he going to be able to make this happen?  Encouraging your children to pursue their dreams  and providing them with the tools that they need   to do so, is good. But approaching it financially,  I don't know about that one. Just because you have   a talented child, do you need them to then  get record deals and drop music, and enter   what literally everyone already knows is a toxic  world? Or could you just encourage them to learn   how to sing and be their best outside of that? The  documentary then goes on to talk about how Britney   Spears was sexualized on her early career. Teenage girls want to be adult women,   but they also are kids. Why are we acting   like this wasn't an image put onto her. She signed  the record deal. They made her this way. They were   literally like, "Wear the schoolgirl uniform and  let's do this song." She was being sexualized.   She was a child. I find that very strange. She comes in the midst of the Clinton,   Lewinsky scandal. President Clinton had an affair.  Sexual relationship with a  former White House intern.  Who do you watch? The nice girl, the pretty girl  you can take home to mom, or the chief slutty   girl you know puts out? Everybody goes for Monica. It doesn't even matter what time period that was.   When would that have not been super gross? Next,  the documentary looks at the factors that played   into Britney Spears's mental breakdown, which they  largely attribute to the paparazzi. And I see why.  It's hard to get out of it once you start making  the kind of monies that these guys were making.  Is it Britney Spears's fault that you were  not making money off of your actual artwork?   And so you decided to just stalk her instead?  I don't think so, but let's just keep going.  You could tell she enjoyed it.  She would give it up the shots.  She liked it because she sat there  basically, and took it. Okay, cool.  It was like she needed us and we  needed her. We both needed each other.  You tell yourself that, buddy. Whatever you  need to tell yourself to sleep better at night.  I feel like I've been missing out. Okay.  I feel like I've been missing out on life.  Like what part of life? Life.  So, they go on to explain that the paparazzi  starts stalking Britney Spears's new family.   Oh, come on. She can't even get married. The baby, that's very exciting. Now you have   to be really excited about that. Oh, oh, oh, aw.  Everyone wanted a piece of Britney. The  tabloids were paying a lot of money.  Unironically, how would this level of  stress not have some effect on you?  And almost immediately there's the perception  from the tabloids that Britney is an unfit mother.  Britney Spears must be paying  the babysitter overtime.  Britney Spears went out and her baby was safe at  home. Bad mom of the year. So things are getting   so bad that Britney Spears started lashing out.  She shaved her head. She attacked the paparazzi.   And people started getting concerned. I got a call from Britney's family law   attorneys. And asked me if I would speak  to Britney because her father was trying   to establish a conservatorship over her.  Britney was able to make the judgment,   "Hey, I get what's going on. I get that I'm not  going to be able to resist this conservatorship   or avoid this conservatorship." Right. So that's  a pretty sound judgment. The second thing was,   she said, "I don't want my father to be  the conservator." That was her one request.  We don't have proof, but I believe it. Especially  considering her dad was barely in this.   All of a sudden she was making money  and then he appears out of the blue.  The day that I went to court for her, the judge  said, "I've got a medical report and you haven't   seen it, Mr. Streisand. And I'm not going to show  it to you." And it shows that she's not capable of   retaining counsel and directing counsel  on her own. When the judge told me,   "Mr. Streisand, I'm not going to let you  represent her. I'm going to appoint somebody,"   I felt that was not the right decision. Let's say Britney Spears has a disability   that severely impairs her judgment, does  not then give you control over her life.  The next several years promised to be very  lucrative for the conservatorship estate.   This conservatorship should be viewed  more as a hybrid business model.  We got them out here in 4K, admitting that  this was never ever, ever, ever about Britney   Spears's wellbeing and that it was always about  the money. Not to protect you or to help you,   but because they were like, "This is business."  So her father continued to have control over   her while she was obviously capable enough to  perform and make him money. But then, she suddenly   canceled all of her shows and disappeared. But  people think they actually know where she is.  Finally, the Instagram, which had been  dark, there's a meme. The caption says,   "We all need to take time for a little me time." Britney has been in the mental facility   since mid-January. Of course, I'm just a  paralegal, I haven't had any contact with her,   but what I understand, this  was not a decision she made.  The Free Britney movement believes Britney's  being held against her will in a mental facility,   which I kind of believe, and that she's trying  to leave hints on social media. I'm not saying   Britney Spears is posting bizarre messages or  some sort of secret code, but that is weird.  The other thing that I think we're seeing for the  first time is that she's sort of acknowledging   the outside phenomenon of Britney Spears fans  coming out against the conservatorship. At   this point in her life, Britney welcomes and  appreciates the informed support of her many   fans. Britney herself is a vehemently,  opposed to this effort by her father...  Wow. To keep the legal struggle,   hidden away in the closet as a family secret. Isn't that crazy how Britney Spears could only   say something through a legal document? And  unfortunately this documentary has no happy   ending. Britney remains under the conservatorship  as a "high functioning conservatee". Ew.   What? What does that mean? So honestly, at this point,   I just hope Britney Spears is happy. And if  not now, at some point in the future. I think   everyone involved in this story is disgusting,  for lack of a calmer term. I just hope it has a   happy ending at some point. There's not  even a joke I can really make about it.  Anyway, I will be here all week at 2:00 PM Central  Time. If it's Monday, Wednesday, or Friday,   that means I'm uploading a new video here. If  it's Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, that means   I'm going live over on Twitch. Basically, what  I'm saying is, I'll see you tomorrow. Unless,   of course, tomorrow is Sunday, in which case,  just watch this video again. Free Britney.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,139,759
Rating: 4.9770508 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace, Britney Spears
Id: GegdKMHnxxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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