people are literally starting fires for tik tok views.

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Clout and kids don't mix really. And if  you just put both of these elements in   an uncontrolled environment, I have a feeling  arson is going to be the least of your problems.  Hi, and welcome back to me and talking about  whatever I want. Today I want to talk about   TikTok challenges and how they're ruining my  life. Well, not my life but most of the lives of   the people trying them. It is however, ruining my  day. But before that of course, I'd like to give a   comment shout out from my last video. Yesterday's  comment shout out goes to Marble Water, who said,   "Plot twist, D'Angelo isn't as old as he says, his  stylist is just making him look older." You know,   I wish that was the case because if I wasn't  this old, I wouldn't have to pay taxes. This   baby face right here works on everyone  except the IRS. But that comment was of   course the reference to my last video, which is  doing super well. The whole channel was doing   super well. We just passed 69,000 subscribers. Seriously, if you are a bored, go look at my   Social Blade. It is popping right now. And since I  like to keep it that way, I'm going to talk about   TikTok. But to be honest, I'm kind of tired  of like the typical TikTok reaction videos,   where you find someone really weird on  TikTok and then you just talk about them   for 10 minutes. I enjoy watching them every now  and then, but I feel it's been done, right? We   get it. There's a lot of really weird people on  TikTok with a lot of followers. So while this   is most certainly going to be a TikTok reaction  video, I'm not going to be reacting to specific   people. I thought what if I reacted to specific  challenges. See, I don't use TikTok frequently   but I do read a lot of articles and anytime TikTok  pops up in the news, it's not for a good reason.  So allow me to present these TikTok challenges,  which I have curated, curated, curated from   my various news reading adventures. The penny  challenge. Oh boy. Where do I start? So basically   in the penny challenge, you take a foe... Oh wait,  wait, wait, wait, let me clarify something. Do not   try any of the challenges that you see in this  video. I know most of you are intelligent enough   to not even want to try this stuff but every  single challenge I'm about to go over is extremely   dumb, just beyond dumb, like mind-numbingly  stupid. So please do not try this stuff.  But anyway, the pity challenge involves a phone  charger and you basically take the phone charger   and you plug it in but not all the way and then  you wedge a penny in there between the charger   and the electrical outlet in the hopes that you  will create sparks. Now, I don't know about you,   but when I was a kid, heck I feel my whole  childhood, my parents were telling me, "You   do not play around with the electrical outlets."  Like, is that just me? Is that something we're   not doing with generation alpha? Because last  time I checked, staying away from electrical   outlets was just common sense. But of course that  didn't stop anyone and we got videos like this.  In here. No no no no.  In the hole at the top. From the top. I'm nobody's parent yet, but I'm just   trying to put myself in the headspace of if I  walked in on my kid doing the pity challenge   for his TikTok, I think in that moment,  I wouldn't be disappointed with the kid.   I would be angry and disappointed with myself  because clearly I failed as not just a parent,   but a human being. So the way I discovered this  TikTok challenge was via this article from this   local NBC station. And this article brings  up a pretty good point, which I didn't think   about it's arson. According to Captain Jonathan  Evans, with the Myrtle Beach Fire Department,   it's just arson. Basically what they're doing  is starting a fire. Whether they think it's fun   or not, it's arson and that's a big penalty that  could ruin their lives. Now that he mentions it,   if you are purposely trying to cause sparks then  your pretty much purposely trying to start a fire.  In other words, this TikTok is literally illegal.  Why the way the start? So of course it wouldn't be   the year 2020 if people didn't run into illegal  challenges because of a TikTok. According to   the CNN article two, 15 year old boys are facing  charges of attempted arson and malicious damage   to property under $1,200. And the reason for this  is because they tried this at their school and so   authorities at the school found the electrical  outlet and it was like burned and there was a   penny melted into it. So I guess the kids' parents  are being charged for them destroying the outlet.   But everyone involved is really lucky. Those kids  could have burned down that entire wall. In fact,   they could have burned down the entire  school. So the fact that the damages   totaled under $1,200 and both of the kids made  it out alive. It's a pretty big coincidence.  Fire Chief, Edward Bradley of the Plymouth Fire  Department says, "I do think students comprehend   the reality that they can be electrocuted or  start a fire. Parents need to talk to their   children and tell them if you see this stuff,  don't try to imitate." It's scary to think   that the desire for TikTok clout could override  the basic programming that every kid has, which   is not to stick metal objects near electrical  outlets. So yeah, that's the penny challenge.  The flash challenge. So if the penny challenge  was sticking a penny in the electrical socket,   then what does the flash challenge refer to? How  about shining a bright light directly into your   eye with the intention of changing its color.  Now, if that sounds insane to you, it's because   it is. Basically someone posted the TikTok to the  platform where they claimed that if you shine your   camera phones flash into your eye and then put  that video on TikTok and put the S5 filter over   it, then it will change the color of your eyes. Now I don't think I even have to explain why it's   a terrible idea to purposely shine light directly  into your retinas but why would that stop anybody.   So like the others, I found out about this from  an article. So yeah, apparently they started on   TikTok, but now it's making its way through  Twitter, according to this Daily Dot article.   And people think that it's helping them find  their true eye color in these TikToks(silence).   The camera flashes brighter than I remember.  Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch Ouch. Ouch.   Would you look at that, my eyes are still brown. Oh, the bleach challenge. Now this is a name that   I'm giving to it because it doesn't really have  like a hashtag, but if shining light directly into   your eye, wasn't enough eye strain for you. How  about the bleach challenge in which you mix leach,   jelly, hand sanitizer and the shaving cream in a  plastic Ziploc bag and then hold it up directly to   your eye in the hopes that this will, you guessed  it, change your eye color. Now, if you're hearing   this and you're thinking, Hmm, yeah, it will  change your eye color to red because it will be   irritated. That is exactly what happened so much  to where the person who created that original one   recorded a new one in which they showed that the  original challenge caused them to get puffy eye.  So that little magic in the original video is  just that it's edited. Obviously this is not   changing anybody's eye color. However, that  didn't stop more people from doing this. So   the way I discovered this was actually via  this Newsweek article and something really   disturbing popped out. So the person who  originally posted this caption, according to   this Newsweek article is actually an adult. This  article says that he's a college student. And so   he posted the original TikTok not the one where  he admitted that it was fake with the caption,   "Tell me you guys used to do this to #foryoupage  #viral #brighteyechallenge." You tried to tell   me that we have a fully grown man coming onto  TikTok, app full of kids and trying to pass off,   putting in harsh chemicals near your eyes as some  sort of challenge that everybody should be trying.  You know, it's one thing if kids are coming  up with this, but if we have adults going onto   the platform and disseminating this dangerous  stuff throughout the app full of kids, I mean,   you should just be ashamed of yourself or is  it likes that you get on TikTok where if it   was that worth all those kids who wound up with  puffy eyes? I sure hope it was, but yeah, that's   the bleach or the bright eye challenge. It's like,  you couldn't even come up with a good name for it.  Oh me. Oh my, the cereal challenge. Just a  bit of a warning. This one's really gross.   Basically involves two people and one person lays  back on the platform like a counter or whatever   and this other person pours a bowl of cereal  in that person's mouth and then begins to eat   it like this. Look, I don't care if we're in a  committed relationship or not, I am not about   to eat cereal out of your mouth. Literally the  most disgusting thing I've heard today anyway.   And it's gross enough with people doing this,  but someone posted this one TikTok with a dog.  I care.I cut it off before it got really gross.  But yes, it does keep going. And yes, it's exactly   what you think it was. So of course, again, I  discovered this via this New York post article,   actually, you know what? This article actually  brought up a really good point that I didn't   immediately consider this entire challenge is  an enormous choking hazard. Like you are at an   angle with liquid just sitting in your mouth. If  you make one wrong move, something is going to go   down the wrong pipe. In fact, this New York post  article actually has one of the serial challenge   entries from Bretman Rock of all people. Oh my God.Oh my God Bretman  He tries to pass it off as a joke, but that is a  really dangerous situation. Laying on your back   coughing up liquid? You know what, it seems  like the lower your chances of survival are   for these TikTok challenges, the higher your  chances of them going viral are. So if that's   not an indication that we just need to burn the  entire app, I don't know what it is. And you know,   as much as I think Brentman Rock is kind of  funny, I have a huge issue with doing stuff   like this to your giant audience and not  disclosing at least at the very least how   dangerous it was and how much of a bad idea  it was. But nevertheless, he can't pass up on   those hashtag serial challenge views, now can you. All right. So according to this USA Today article   which also briefly touches on the other challenges  that we talked about, we have the soy sauce   challenge in which you dip... Hold up. You know  what guys I think I'm done with this video. No,   but in all seriousness what's I guess the point  of this challenge is that there are receptors   down there, but they're not taste receptors.  So wait, what do the challenges look like?  Just went and got some soy sauce and we are going  to do this little science experiment together   and don't be nasty in the comments. This is the  human anatomy. Oh my God, I can taste this soy.  You know what, I don't think I want to  talk about this challenge.All right, so   the last One I have up today is of course the plan  B challenge also known as the morning after pill   challenge. Now, if you don't know what a plan B  or the morning after pill is, I'm sure someone   in the comments will be happy to let you know,  but basically this show started off innocently   enough in my opinion, someone just uploaded a  TikTok of them dismantling a pregnancy(silence).   someone answered that it was a plan B pill. Now I  can only assume that the people saying that we're   joking or at least I can hope that they were  joking. But for some reason, people started   believing it, like, look at some of these TikToks. No, wait, there actually is... there is   a plan B pill. Oh my God. Are   you serious. Wow! Didn't believe it. I think the worst thing about it was that these   people weren't just saying, "Ooh, what's this,"  they were straight up just putting in the caption,   "Oh, hey, pregnancy tests have plan B pills in  them." So I was alerted about this challenge   via this Daily Dot article and here's the thing.  These plan B challenge videos were spreading so   far that Clear Blue, the company who manufactures  those little pregnancy tests has to come out with   this statement, "Clear Blue pregnancy tests do  not contain plan B pills. All our tests have a   small tablet, which is included to absorb moisture  and should not be eaten. If accidentally ingested,   we ask people to please seek medical advice."  So the thing is, it's dangerous on two levels,   right? To think, oh, I don't need a morning  after pill because there's one in my pregnancy   test is obviously terrible. But then to  encourage people to ingest things that   are not designed to be swallowed is just as bad. So yeah, the plan B test is just a grim reminder   of how quickly misinformation spreads on TikTok  and among a demographic of people that are so   young and quick to believe everything that they  see, it's a mess. So none of them brought up   these challenges. I just kind of went wrap it up  by calling out TikTok for allowing this stuff to   happen in the first place. Now I am in no way  suggesting that TikTok has a responsibility to   sensor the users on the platform. However,  I absolutely believe there's nothing wrong   with disabling these hashtags. If you know  that the penny challenge involves arson,   then maybe you would just disable the penny  challenge hashtag that way those people   when they get views and they wouldn't have an  incentive to start fires for TikTok, maybe you   could just put a little text box, "Hey, do not  ingest these because they're not real pills."  Again, I don't think it's TikTok fault that  these things started and that they were   spreading so quickly. But if it's gotten to the  point where fire departments and pregnancy test   companies are releasing statements about this  behavior, I really don't see why TikTok can't   at least contribute a little something here and  there. But honestly, what would I expect from   what has to be the shadiest company in the  entire world. In conclusion clout and kids   don't mix really and if you just put both of  these elements in an uncontrolled environment,   I've a feeling arson is going to be the least  of your problems. But I can't really say I'm   surprised. I mean, in previous years we've had  this cinnamon challenge, the ice salt challenge,   we even had the fire challenge. It's just going  to keep getting worse and worse and more and more   out of pocket until eventually we have, I don't  know, the coronavirus challenge or something.   You just go pretend to have coronavirus  in a public area. That can already be   real and a thing that somebody has tried, right? You know what, humanity is not really that great   anyway. So if we're all going to fall out the  hands of TikTok challenges, honestly, who cares.
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,011,335
Rating: 4.9786015 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, people are literally starting fires for tik tok views.
Id: LF2dukxEWkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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