aaron carter buys 600k followers, can't afford a personality

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I figured it would just die down and  nobody would care. And you know what?   It did for a couple of weeks, until Aaron  Carter decided to make everything worse.  (silence). Hi. Welcome back   to me talking about whatever I want. Today, I  want to talk about Aaron Carter, A.K.A, the most   embarrassing celebrity I've had the misfortune  of hearing about recently. I already knew this   guy was bad from some stuff that was happening  a couple of weeks ago, but recently, he's just   gotten even worse. However, of course, I'm going  to do a common shout out for my last video. I was   one goes out to Butterball Auto Customs who says,  "I'm convinced D'Angelo just doesn't sleep." Well,   as I'm sure you noticed, my bed is always made,  and that is, in fact, because I don't use it.   So who in the world is Aaron Carter? You know the  Backstreet Boys, right? Yeah, he wasn't in there.   Aaron Carter is the younger brother of one of the  Backstreet Boys members, Nick Carter. So Aaron   Carter also tried to join in the music scene,  releasing such masterpieces as Aaron's Party. That   was literally the name of the album. Basically, he  only got famous because his brother is famous, and   it became largely apparent that he was completely  untalented, so that's why he's not famous anymore.  But I guess he didn't get the memo, because he  has all the ego of major celebrity with none of   the relevance. And the results is just a sad,  sad man, doing sad, sad things on the internet,   which I can relate to, except he's using his power  to harass people. Enter JoJoesArt. JoJoesArt is   the polar opposite of Aaron Carter, mostly in the  fact that he actually has talent and is likable.   You may have seen some of JoJoesArt's art floating  around before because it's really good. He paints   a lot of lions, and space, and altogether, it's  just pretty epic stuff. Well, I guess Aaron Carter   thought so too, because this is why everything  went South. So apparently, Aaron's launched a   clothing brand, which I'm going to discuss in  a bit, but in promoting that brand on Twitter,   he used one of JoJoe's pictures. Now, this is  obviously not right, because he's literally   profiting off of someone else's artwork, but being  completely fair, I can understand seeing some cool   picture, and thinking it's cool, and using it  to share something that you also think is cool.  I wouldn't use someone's art like  that without giving them credit,   but if you're not an artist, I can understand  how you wouldn't see anything wrong with that,   until the artists politely lets you know. So JoJoe  politely let him know, "Hey, Aaron Carter, you're   using my artwork to promote your merchandise. I  have not given you permission to do so. My art   is being commercially exploited by people on  a daily basis. We artists have rights too. I'd   really appreciate if you could retweet this, so  he'll see it." I have to say, that's a lot more   polite than I would have been. I would have been  like, "Yo, Aaron, if you're going to steal my art   and try to make money off of it to promote your  lousy merchandise brand, could you at least make   sure the merchandise looks good?" I've never seen  somebody use a dollar bill to promote a penny,   but that's probably why it's a good idea that I  wasn't the one getting my art work stolen. So as   professional as JoJoe was, what do you think Aaron  did? Let's play a little guessing game, okay?  Welcome to my game show. Did he A, apologize  and taking the artwork down, B, block JoJoe   and refuse to stop using his art, C quietly  remove it without making it into a big deal,   or D, began insulting JoJoe and everybody related  to him in a desperate attempt to gain some quick   relevance? If you chose D, congratulations, you've  used the internet before. "You should have taken   it as a compliment, okay? A fan of mine sent  this to me. Oh, here they go again. The answer   is no. This image has been made public and I'm  using it to promote my clothing line. Guess I'll   see you in small claims court." Okay, one of  my initial questions is who exactly is going   to court? Are you assuming JoJoe is going to sue  you? Is that a joke about how he could only do it   via small claims court? Are you threatening to  sue JoJoe because you used his artwork? Do you   think that once something becomes public, that  immediately makes it public domain? Because that   would make all of your music free for me to  use without giving you any credit or revenue.  Then again, that one doesn't make any sense  because even Aaron should know that his music   was so trash, nobody would want to use it for  anything. Well, because this happened on Twitter,   of course, Twitter had a lot to say about that.  There were a lot of people siding with JoJoe for   obvious reasons, but I was shocked and appalled  to learn that apparently this Aaron Carter guy   has stans. "You do realize that once an image  is out publicly, that it can be used by anyone,   right?" Where do I begin? It's not even like  I would say this person has no understanding   of copyright law, it's just like this person has  no understanding. If something doesn't belong to,   generally, you shouldn't be using it. But even  at that, at the point where you do use it,   and the original creator is asking you not to  because they don't appreciate being profited   off of, why would you react this way? This  person said, "I've actually seen this photo   many places. Just saw it attached to a quote two  days ago on Facebook, so maybe you should start   tagging your art if you don't want it 'stolen'." I really appreciate how this person puts stolen in   quotes as if to imply that it was less stolen  than it actually was because it was, in fact,   stolen. Yes, officer, I guess I did break the  law because I stole that stuff. That aside,   it was tagged, JoJoe put a watermark there, right  on the bottom, just to avoid situations like this,   so really don't know what this person's talking  about. "Wait, so he's not actually using your   artwork on his clothing line and selling it?  He just happened to tweet out a pic of it   on the post about his clothing line because he  liked it? This seems like a huge overreaction,   bub. It's Twitter. People share random pics all  the time." Mindy Robinson, way to let everybody   know that you have no talent and no creative bones  in your body. I think if you had even a shred of   creativity, you would understand that the things  that people create are not just random pictures,   especially something as detailed as an  illustration. I really don't know where she was   trying to go with this, but she didn't get there. So thankfully, there weren't that many tweets in   his favor. It's just such a shock to my  system that an artist Aaron Carter would   not see something so wrong as cheating another  artist out of his rightfully earned revenue, but   that just goes to prove that Aaron Carter has no  musical talent. If he cared about artistry at all,   he would immediately understand why the situation  is wrong. I think even if you don't draw,   you would understand why they situation is wrong.  Thankfully, there were some good tweets in there,   like, "Who's Aaron Carter?" That's my favorite one  because honestly, same. "I have a huge issue with   you referring to Aaron Carter as a celeb." I never  really hear Aaron Carter's name brought up unless   it's some sort of drama. I guess he's famous  enough that when he does bad things, we care,   but he's not famous enough for anybody to stream  his music, so that one's on him. This person said,   "Okay, so if I use an Aaron Carter song in a  video, don't copyright claim the video because   the song has been made public." To which this other person said,   "Why would you want to ruin your video like that  though?" Seriously, if you think I'm exaggerating,   go listen to this man's music. It's a  reminder of a dark time. Ultimately though,   my entire opinion on this situation is summed  up by this one tweet. "I can see retweeting the   pic in the first place. No harm, as I see it. Not  like he's going to start searching all over Google   to see who the creator was. Where I find the  problem is when the creator made himself known,   and the artist chooses to ignore him, and even  mock him." And the thing about it was this blew   up, it went super viral, there was even a  Forbes article about it, and I chose not to   talk about it just because I didn't really have  anything to add to that situation. Thankfully,   it was very cut and dry who was in the  wrong, and I figured it would just die down,   and nobody would care. And you know what?  It did for a couple of weeks, until Aaron   Carter decided to make everything worse. Did you ever square that away with that   artists with the lions? Or did you- No, no, no. I will not acknowledge   anybody who has that kind of attitude. He  told me, oh, I need to buy a canvas of his,   from him for $10,000, hang it up in my house.  They're going to try to keep using it because   they want to use me for clout. His little story  that he got on his Instagram is the most attention   he'll ever receive for the rest of his life. "His little story he got on Instagram is the   most attention he'll ever receive for the  rest of his life." Well, now, I'm mad. How   in the world are you going to say that when  you're the most irrelevant person I could   name? His little story that you're talking about  that's the most attention he's going to receive,   got more attention than anything you've done  in the past ten years ever has. At this point,   a new generation of people knows who you are  because of JoJoe's art. You owe him any shred   of relevance that you have right now, half  a shred, a shred of a shred. So this little   livestream that he was doing that 300 people  were watching, by the way, I guarantee you,   if I go live right now, more than 300 people  would watch it. If I go live on Instagram,   more than 300 people would watch it. JoJoe could  upload a video of him sneezing, and it would get   more intention than your live streams. At what  point can we just call it what it is? Slander.  He claims that JoJoe tried to extort him for  $10,000. First of all, do you have $10,000? I feel   like if JoJoe did extort Aaron Carter for $10,000,  that wouldn't work in the first place. I'm not   going to go try to extort Burger King for a Big  Mac. That's just not something they have. And see,   I like this JoJoe guy because he showed up with  actual receipts. So I'm going to put the tweets   up on screen, where you can see that JoJoe was  calmly asking for compensation for having his   work stolen. There were no demands. There was  no mention of $10,000 whatsoever. If anything,   Aaron Carter is lucky that he's not being sued  right now, because if this was me, we wouldn't   even be having this conversation on Twitter. We'd  be having it in front of a court. Thankfully, at   this point though, Twitter was completely against  Aaron because how can you justify outright lying?  Then again, they didn't seem to have an issue  with justifying outright stealing, so I'm not   sure I have any faith in these people at all.  It's very evident at this point that the only   person in this situation begging for attention is  Aaron. Still, he struggles with common decency,   and apparently as selective memory, I feel like  this is a level below lack of common decency. He's   just talking about things that didn't happen. "I  can't take this video seriously. All cozy in bed,   being a grump reminds me of a toddler that doesn't  want to go to sleep." This person actually brings   up a good point. Why are you live streaming in  bed? What level of laziness is this? And I say   this as somebody who makes very basic content on a  daily basis. I guess I should just turn the camera   this way. Hi. Welcome back to me talking about  whatever I want. That would be absolutely tragic,   and yet, somehow, it wouldn't be nearly as tragic  as Aaron Carter's entire internet existence.  This person says, "This man's ego is out of  control. I just want to know where it's coming   from. You have never been talented. You have  always been Nick Carter's little brother. I could   somehow find it within myself to understand, had  you ever created anything of relevance or worth   in your entire life, but you haven't, because  you're incapable of doing so. So I really don't   understand where this ego is stemming from, when  everything about you is fake." If I go to his   profile right now, I can see that Aaron Carter  has 625,000 followers. I can also see that he   gets less than two hundred likes per everything.  How do you have 600,000 followers and less than   200 likes? Imagine if I was making the videos on  this channel with my subscriber count right now,   and I got less than 200 views. Now, usually, I  would say, "Oh, I can't say for sure if this is   bought." No, he bought the followers. Either Aaron  or someone on his team is desperate to keep the   internet from realizing just how inconsequential  everything he does is at this point.  I personally believe 600,000 of those 625,000  followers are bought. 600,000 minimum. If you   do have thousands and thousands of followers,  where are they? How could you fall this far   from relevance, and then find it within yourself  to treat other people badly? Another thing I've   noticed is, I think this man is running out of  money. Now, here's the reason I say this. Selling   merchandise isn't always an indication of running  out of money. Speaking of which, this Nobody Cares   hoodie is coming out soon. I actually designed  this. Designing merch can just be something fun,   but I took a look at the hoodies on his website.  They're just embarrassingly bland. They're clearly   just there so people can buy them and he can  get money. There's no artistic thought behind   it. It's not remotely funny. Another reason  that leads me to believe he's running out of   money is he follows people who donate to him. If you have to follow people for them to donate   to you, if you are following people for them to  donate to you, how badly do you need donations?   Even his latest music is irrelevant. He hasn't  put out an album since 2018, but I'm really   confused by how one of these songs has 87 million  plays, and a lot of the other ones don't even have   150,000. There's something really weird going on  with Aaron Carter's numbers, and it rhymes with,   they're all bought. I'm on his Instagram right  now, and a lot of the pictures are just him in   bed, unironically. If your entire existence has  devolved into lying around in bed live-streaming,   and angry tweeting, and stealing other people's  work to replace the lack of artistry in your own   work, I'm glad that the entire world knows what  kind of person you are right now, but I'm sad   that you had to get any shred of attention  in the process. Ultimately, JoJoe is still   10 times more popular and talented than Aaron  Carter will ever be, so ultimately, who cares?
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,182,344
Rating: 4.9412951 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, aaron carter buys 600k followers can't afford a personality
Id: m_dyAB3c6wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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