TikTok's terrifying vegan teacher lives a double life

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just a weird person who happens to be a vegan activist

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AbyssVatcher 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

There is no heaven. There is no hell. Remember it. So, I don't care.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RaspberryBeneficial7 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Vegans are very dangerous

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Alarmed-Spread2798 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can already tell the left lady is vegan without even watching the video

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dickylonajoe2 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

See you in hell da ambi!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SPKPremOP 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
So, what are we about to do right  now? We are about to look at   That Vegan Teacher on TikTok. And  we're probably going to regret it.  This is not going to be a "meat-eater bro dunks  on crazy vegans" video. This is more so me   just being extremely concerned about the actions  of an individual who has amassed a rather large   audience on Tik Tok, That Vegan Teacher also known  as Miss Kadie. She has 1.6 million followers, 32   million likes. We have smaller content creators,  even some bigger ones who have been calling her   out. They definitely frame her as like, "Oh,  she's a crazy vegan." And she totally is,   but it has a lot less to do with veganism and a  lot more to do with this individual person. Kadie,   if you're watching this video, I just  want you to know, I truly have no   beef with vegans. I'm here to call out some  other behavior which I think should probably   stop. The first point I want to talk about when  it comes to looking at her Tik Toks, the fact   that she seems to think non-vegans are evil. Jesus is vegan now, and God is too. If you want   to get to heaven, you better be vegan too. Apparently Jesus and God are vegan. I'm   starting with this one because to me, this is very  satire-y, but then I found this other Tik Tok. For   the record here, she's responding to a comment  that she got that said, "My girlfriend is a   vegetarian, but at least that's better than eating  meat." And this was That Vegan Teacher's response.  It's not good enough just to be vegetarian,  not even close. Somebody who drinks milk,   eats cheese, and eats yogurt is paying for murder.  You need to stop lying to yourself and dump her.  Not only is she advising that this person dumps  their girlfriend. She also included this little   caption where it says, "Don't date abusive  people. We have confirmed that non-vegans are   going to hell and that they are also abusive and  should not be dated." This person's girlfriend,   according to them, literally is already  vegetarian. I thought her mission was   to turn people vegan, but if we're abandoning  them, how is that going to turn anybody vegan?  Are gay people going to heaven? Gay people are going to hell.  So is it true? Are gay people  going to hell? Ping, ah.  First, she's talking about LGBT and then  we're randomly shoved into veganism,   except I guess she's just going from for you page  to for you page like, "Knock, knock, guess what?   You're actually slated for eternal damnation." Vegan phobia on this app is very strong.   And if we can get rid of racism here and  we can get rid of homophobia, surely we   can get rid of the cruelty that animal rights  activists are exposed to on a regular basis.  She got tagged in a video that she didn't like,  and they immediately compared it to racism,   homophobia, and sexism. Clearly you have never  experienced racism if your first thought is,   "Hey, this is just like racism." Being vegan  is definitely a choice. It's definitely not   in the same level as other forms  of bigotry. She very much frames   it as a choice to be oppressed, just listen. LGBTQ, we support you, but if you don't like   oppression, why the fuck aren't you vegan yet. How was that not a red flag? How have you not   realized you have just lost the message so  hard at this point? So one comment said,   "Coming out as vegan is not as special as  coming out as gay/lesbian. I am lesbian myself.   Vegan is a diet, not a sexuality." She responds,  "Coming out as a member of the LGBTQ community is   an entirely selfish act." Whoa, this is actually  homophobic. I didn't read the whole thing. Coming   out as an animal rights activist is talking  about the animals. Others, not just you. In fact,   it is a completely unselfish thing to do. So  she's fully homophobic. So let's talk about   TommyInnit. So you do need to understand that  Tommy is a child. He's a 16-year-old Minecraft   streamer person. I'm pretty confident in saying  TommyInnitt is one of the few wholesome people   on the internet. But for some reason, That Vegan  Teacher has started this TommyInnit saga. What   she does is she'll take something that Tommy  said out of context and turn it into veganism.  Hello? Tik Tok. I'm out in the dark. You don't have to be in the dark anymore, tommy.   Just Google watchdominion.com  and you will see the light.  So that wasn't creepy. Watchdominion.com is  literally a landing page for this documentary.   This is very graphic, by the way, that's a  really weird bait and switch in my opinion.   Tommy was literally not talking about veganism  at all, but she just pieced his video together   into a promo for Dominion. And then. I'm not very strong.  Of course, you're strong, Tommy. If I'm  brave enough to watch earthlings.com   and then to become vegan, so are you. I'm not saying she did anything wrong where she's   harming Tommy, but it's creepy. She has creepy  vibes. This is literally some 16-year-old and   she is flipping them into these creepy cult-like  vegan documentary ads. Anyway, Tommy was like,   "I'm in college surrounded by women." And she  says, "Don't be scared, Tommy. Just follow   @thatmeatteachermisstofu, she'll help you find a  nice vegan girl who will teach you what to do."   It's a no for me. I really want to know  what is in this video. I'm just going   to go ahead and guess it was from one of  the TommyInnit videos that I just showed.  4,000 comments on my last video. I don't want to  force you to be vegan. If you don't start shoving   apples down your throat, you will go  to hell. Heaven is for good people.  So did she basically confirm that she was  not kidding about meat eaters going to hell?  So I did a video, also, I try to encourage this  guy, TommyInnit, who I don't even know who hates   vegans or something. So I'm like, "Okay." Tommy does not hate vegans. She must think Tommy   is a grown man and not a 16-year-old boy  that she has started internet beef with.  Veganism is a moral baseline for any kind-hearted  person on this planet. And anyone who thinks that,   that's not true, they are simply  one of the tiny minority of people   who are psychopaths in this world. I definitely do believe people,   unwittingly, support animal cruelty without  realizing, but to say that we're psychopathic   for doing so, what has this turned into? The other things are just bonuses, but being vegan   is about being the kindest person you can be. I'm getting irony vibes right now. So the last   thing we're going to do is look at That Vegan  Teacher's, Alt TikTok. You may have noticed   that there's a lot going on here. This is an Alt  version of Kadie that's super nice where she LARPs   as this nurse. And just so we're clear, I don't  personally believe she's a real nurse. This is   a really weird cosplay I'm about to subject you  to. This is her intro to the world, if you will.  I just wanted to say hi, it's my first video. So  I'm really a little bit nervous, but I just wanted   to let you know that I was inspired to start this  TikTok channel because of That Vegan Teacher.  She's literally what people who don't  like vegans think vegans are. She already   had such a strange brand as That Vegan  Teacher. This is like the version on drugs.   I'm not saying she's on drugs, I'm saying  she took her concept and put it on steroids.  And you know, y'all are going to learn  all about your health and your nutrition.   And we're going to learn about the animals. This has zero comments, by the way. She turned   those off. Let's see what she said about voting. [inaudible]. I don't really know him. So,   guy, you call me, text me. Tell me who you're  voting for. Let me know, okay? Give me some   ideas because I'm really not sure, but I know  it's my duty. Just let me know. Thank you  What was that? I feel like I need to delete  the history of my brain. I'm okay with   losing all other knowledge as long as I also  forget the memory of what we just watched.   Let's see what she has to say about Gordon Ramsey. Oh, hello, Mr. Ramsey. It's so wonderful to see   you. I went on your site to try and learn  a little bit more about you. And I saw that   the last video you posted was just of some  squash and some potatoes, which is great   because that part is vegan. But then you went  and used butter and cream and those things are,   they're just so harmful to the cows. You know what  they do to cows, eh, they take their babies away.  Did she just said, "You know what they  do to the cows, eh"? Canadian spotted.  Hi, everybody. Happy new year. I wanted to  talk to you a little bit about organ donation.   By donating your organs and tissues when  you die, you can save up to eight lives.  I'm sorry. According to this medium article,  where she literally said she's no longer   an organ donor because humans are too evil to  deserve to continue living. And then she says,   go sign your organ donor cards. I do be  concerned after watching her videos. I feel bad   for vegans at this point. Other people who are  not looking into her so closely might just think   this is veganism. It is Miss Kadie on  TikToK. She is awful. She truly does not care   about using racism and homophobia and other forms  of bigotry as a cheap clickbait so she can talk   about veganism. So what have we learned from this  situation? If anything, I think it's safe to say   that for a vegan, Miss Kadie has entirely too much  beef with the rest of the internet. I'll be here   all week folks at 2:00 PM Central Time. If it's  Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I'll be uploading a new   video here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,  that means I'm going live on Twitch. See you   tomorrow, unless tomorrow is Sunday, in which  case, just watch this video again. Okay. Bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,838,366
Rating: 4.968811 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: mugjI0N_Zo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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