Straight Up Bothering People

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Does anyone know what brand that shirt is?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
- What's up Greg, and welcome back to another episode of the Cloutyard, but I'm sure most of you are aware of the hype house, the content house full of all the world's biggest TikTokers. You got, there's so many content houses nowadays. There's the team 10 house, loud house, hype house, sway house. But what I haven't seen until now is a Content backyard. That's right today we're going to be talking about this TikToKer I just found named Sevan chess, Sevanchess, man, this dudes out here on another level, we're all out here playing 2D chess. And this dude's playing seven chess. I keep getting tagged in the comments of those dudes, TikTok's and I've never quite seen anything like it. It's like he has a group of friends that he's always making TikTok's with, but instead of hanging out at a house, they're all hanging out in a backyard all the time. There's just so many people in this dude's backyard that he makes TikTok's with. To my knowledge, he doesn't have a name for his backyard yet. He should call it something like the hype backyard or the cloud yard, or the backyard again, I don't know. But let me just give you a quick example of what his content looks like, (upbeat music) So if you're like me and you saw this TikTok just like randomly, your first instinct would probably be check the caption to try to get some context, because I don't know what's going on in this TikTok. The caption if you translate it to English, cause the original caption is in Russian. I forgot to mention this guy lives in Russia. The caption says, ''strange reaction in girls, which reaction did you like best?'' And I gotta be honest. I didn't really like any of the reactions. I think the only reaction I could tolerate was my own reaction. Can we get, can we get a playback on my own reaction? It's just such a confusing concept. I don't know. Is he supposed to know these people? or are they supposed to be strangers? I mean, I know it's all staged, but what are we supposed to think is going on? He's just like walking around putting candy in strangers mouths. And if you're a boy, you're kind of just like bewildered, but impressed. And if you're a girl, you have to make out with him now. I think only people who are subscribed to my second channel will get this reference. But I think I finally understand what the phrase ''candy for cuties'' mean. If you feed a candy to a cutie, they will kiss you or they'll do whatever this girl is doing. Just trying to lick the inside of your mouth. I want you to lick that little dangly thing that swings in the back of my throat. I genuinely don't know what I'm supposed to take away from this. How does he want me to react to this? What is the proper reaction to have? Is this the proper reaction? What I'm doing right now? Just amazement and confusion, and making a video about it. Maybe that is what you're supposed to do when you watch this. You're supposed to get so confused that you have no option, but to make an entire 15 minute long video about it. I do feel a little validated, cause all the comments seem to agree with me. What the actual fuck? what the fuck? What in the straight TikTok? I guess this is a pretty good example of straight TikTok. Isn't it? Feeding candy to people and the girls wanna smooch and that guys wanna leave. Okay, here's another example. This one is, he's kind of doing the same thing, but this time with Nutella instead of candy, (hiphop music) Everybody's got a different reaction, when that happens, a guy comes up to you with Nutella on a stick, just down the street. And he's like, I know, it's going in my mouth. Yeah, I don't know why everyone's so upset that they didn't get to eat the Nutella from the strange man. This girl is so upset that she, I guess, tries to kiss him. She's like, if I can't have the Nutella out of your hand, I'm gonna eat it out of your mouth, like a baby bird. Okay, So now you've got like a basic idea of what goes on in this backyard. At first, I thought when I started watching these, I was like, okay, is this just some public park or something? Cause it just looks sorta a weird, like a brick catio in the candy one, there was like a shopping cart in the background. But the more I watched these, the more clear it becomes, they're just in a neighborhood. This is someone's backyard. And there's just people standing around waiting to be harassed with candy and Nutella. I don't know if it's this dude seven chess's house, but it just seems like at all hours of the day, there's just people waiting around, hanging out in his backyard. And it's kind of a content house, because they're all there to make TikTok's. But it's weird, Cause it seems like he's the only one who makes TikTok's. Everybody else just kind of stands around and dresses fashionably, but they're not all about him feeding sweets to strangers. So let's watch one that's not about that. (upbeat music) Damn. The caption says, ''stop. Are you really happy with your life now? if not take action.'' With an explosion emoji, if you're not happy with your life now, you gotta start making explosives in your basement dude, you gotta take action. Damn. So he walked away thinking he was fine, but he's really dead. So he's a ghost now, Shit. But now how is he gonna harass people? How is he gonna go up to people and fit and put candy in their mouth? Well, maybe he can still pick up the candy with his ghostly powers and it'll just look like it's floating, and he can just put it in their mouth. But now, how are the girls gonna know who to kiss? Also, I like his shirt. It says, ''I am not perfect, but I am limited edition.'' What does that mean? He's not perfect, but he is only going to be available for a short period of time. He's not gonna last long. You know what? I might not be perfect, but I do have one thing going for me. I'm gonna die pretty soon. (upbeat music) And you know what? I guess his shirt was right. He was gonna die soon, Kinda prophetic in a way. (hip hop music) Okay. So there's that one. What is he trying to convey with this one? The caption is, ''what will happen if you hug in this state, do you understand what's the matter?'' I'm not really sure what he means by this state, but I feel like he means in this social climate, this is what will happen. If you hug people from behind hugging. Hugging people from behind dude? and this economy? I don't think so, in a pandemic, not good. I feel he's trying to say, people are so sensitive nowadays. I can't go up to people in public that I don't know and just hug them from behind. I should be able to hug whoever I want from behind, without them knowing who it is. Friends, family, strangers, hospital, patients, anyone what's the big deal. Just give daddy a hug, but actually don't give him a hug. Just kinda stand there well, daddy hugs you. I miss the good old days, when there were no consequences for hugging random people from behind. You could just waltz right into the white house and right up into the oval office and spoon, the president of the United States on the spot . Snaggling with the leader of the free world himself. What's so wrong with that. Yeah,look at him, he's so confused. He was like, ''what did I do?'' I feel like he really thought he was doing something with this TikTok. He was really saying a lot about society. (upbeat music) I don't know what the scenario is to begin with, this girl just walking around, dropping her Panda at people's feet and making them pick it up. This is something that happens in Russia? Do I have any fans in Russia that can confirm if this is something that happens often? Not really a comment on the TikTOK, but more just on the Russian language in general, look at this caption that has many words. Lot of letters. I can't read it cause I don't read Russian, but when you hit translate, it just says, respect others, all that just boils down to respect others. I'm not really sure what that has to do with this TikToK, as I don't really follow what was happening here. It's like a girl, who just keeps dropping her Panda and making other people pick it up. So maybe, I guess it's telling her, Hey, you should respect others. And then she gets her come up and send the end. Cause the dude just absolutely punts her Panda bear. But then I feel like the dude also isn't respecting others. Cause he just takes this girl's property and hacky sacks it into oblivion. I just feel the girl kinda got her come up and set the end, cause she got her Panda kicked away. But the dude was also kinda in the wrong, right? Like he shouldn't have just kicked the girl's Panda. He probably just should have told her, ''Hey, what you're doing isn't cool.'' So I feel like there should be another dude next to him that kicks him off screen, but then he would need to get kicked off screen. And then so would he, and then just that would just have to keep happening. So I guess this works, (upbeat music) This one's called, got goosebumps. I've got gross bumps. It also says, ''did you like the yak reaction more?'' I don't know which one was considered the yak reaction, actually, probably this girl that's like jumping up and down. That seems kinda a yak reaction. Yeah, well anyway, what the fuck is this TikTok? I've done those things before and they feel good, but not that good. The first girl is doing so much. Oh my God. Hopping up and down, and honestly it seems like he massages the other two girls head's pretty good. He really gets in there and gives them a good massage. He barely even touches the first girl's head with it. And she's still just off to the races. Yeah, Look at him. He doesn't even get a good grip on her head. He's just kinda of stabbing her head with these metal prongs. Honestly. I guess I've never tried doing it like that. I've never really just poked at the top of my head with one of these things. Maybe I'd be doing the same thing if I was her. (upbeat music) Okay. I think I get the first reaction and the last reaction, a stranger comes up to you in public and kisses you on the cheek. There's two ways to react. You either love it and you give them a piggle hug, or you hate it and you hit him on the head with a sucker. Those two make some amount of sense to me. Although I kind of feel most people would do the second, but the middle one, What is she giving him? Is it a candy bar? I don't really know if I can relate to that reaction. Getting kissed on the cheek and being like, well here's the candy bar. Hey, Oh thank you. You're a sweetie little man, but I'm sorry. I should tell you. I'm spoken for. You know what? Here have a crunch bar. (upbeat music) Hey, today I may not have won well, but I want something better. I want a crunch bar. And also, It looks kind of it could be an envelope too. It's like an envelope full of money. This is a prearranged kiss that she paid for. Thank you for the kiss on the cheek. You're welcome, that'll be $10,000. Yes, here you go. Thanks. Okay. And then there's this one, which I don't think I can show and I don't think I should show and I kind of wish I didn't see. Yeah, this one I will not be showing. I'm gonna keep it blurred out. I cannot in good conscience show this on YouTube. If you would like to imagine what is happening here, don't. (hiphop music) Okay, this one is just as confusing as the rest of them. It looks like he's punching a pregnant girl stomach. I don't know if that's what's supposed to be going on here, but it looks like he found a pregnant woman and he's just flat out. He's just going to town on her tummy. (murmurs) I don't know Russian. So I don't know what she's saying to him, but I got to imagine it's something like, ''Hey, quit punching me in the stomach.'' Right? Caption doesn't help. It translates to, how are you in the rocking chair guys? Hey, I'm just punching this pregnant woman in the stomach, but how are you guys doing in the rocking chair? You're doing good? Everyone watching me punch this woman in a rocking chair. So as crazy as this TikTok are, it actually seems like his Instagram might be even crazier because he posted this promotional video for his Instagram that says, ''see this content on stories on Instagram.'' it's just even crazier. (upbeat music) Hold up a second, What was that clip? The clip where you had a girl tied up in the trunk of your car. Can we go back to that clip? Yeah. What the fuck is that? Can we get any context on that? So I actually wanted to get some context to find out what that clip was all about and get a little bit more clarity. So I went to his Instagram, and there was no mention of this clip. There was actually no mention of any of these clips. He's got like six pictures, and they're all just normal pictures of him. And his story was basically nothing. So I don't know what that was all about. Definitely a wee bit concerning though. Isn't it? Well, that's enough of that, which means now it's time to talk about our sponsor, Express VPN. This video is sponsored by one of my favorite brands to work with express VPN. Guys, I use express VPN pretty much every day. I've got it on my laptop, that I'm reading these lines off of. I've got it on my phone, I've got it on my desktop computer. And I use it for a variety of things. First off, a VPN can help protect your information when you're online. This is like, if you're out in public, Express VPN encrypts your data. So if you're on a public wifi, it makes a lot harder for hackers to Snoop on your information. It also helps to keep you anonymous online. 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If you're new here and you're not subscribed yet, make sure you subscribe and turn them in notifications to join. Greg. I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video, where I get all wrapped up in those curtains. And I pretend I'm going to a ball. Bye. ♪This video is over now. ♪ ♪ Over now ♪ ♪ You'll find something else to watch ♪ ♪ or just watch this video. ♪ ♪ I know we had a lot of fun, ♪ ♪ A lot of fun ♪ ♪ but you can't say on this end screen forever. ♪ ♪ This video is over now. ♪ ♪ Over now, ♪ ♪ So why are you still watching this. ♪
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,486,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: lZFb-1owQKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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