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Well damn that was a thrill

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OuterInnerMonologue 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank god for no commentary videos

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/reallytryingreally 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
good to see the stairs to hell are still blocked what's this another new massive indie horror game alright i'm interested what you got the indie horror scene hasn't done anything you for a very long time so when a new game comes around you know i'm gonna get excited for it everybody's been talking about poppy playtime i don't know what we're getting ourselves in for other than a very creepy picture that came with it top of the bars you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and you ready to get scared this whole this game's got the whole world of buzz right now and i'm very excited why would i play with you you look awful pretty soft looking as an ex-employee of playtime co you finally returned to the factory many years after everybody within disappeared i mean did you eat them your mouth is big enough you are about to see the most incredible doll ever invented her name is poppy and she is the first truly intelligent doll in the world red flags a little girl can talk to her poppy gives her ants red flags she is the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child it's hard to believe that's awful just watch oh that's alexa oh [Music] and she talks like one too hi my name is poppy i love you can you help me polish my shoes why of course poppy just like a real girl poppy always wants to look her best perfect thank you this is a doll from the 1920s dirty and won't come out when you brush it and smells just like a poppy flower is there anything else you'd like to say poppy i'm a real girl just like you hell no what's the time and if you've ever wanted to see how all of the nation's favorite toys were created playtime co is now offering factory tours at just 2.99 a person an entire hour and the most magical toy factory on earth what are you waiting for come visit the factory oh no reality is breaking [Music] well we are going back way after everything so maybe this was the 1920s puppy playtime i better not see that doll if that doll comes anywhere near me i'm gonna drop kick a child everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago we're still here find the flower i want to go home i want to go home whoa this place has definitely seen better days poppy if you're here come out it's the police oh poppy wants to play jack wants to stay away i never want to go near you good lord [Music] okay who are you then if you're not poppy you know what this isn't creepy enough already you guys are taking it way too easy thinking just come in here watch a video and not get scared nope i'm not into that not into that at all so much scarier now huh bet you're quaking in your little boots i got a tape oh i didn't get to read that you have information hi my name is late pierre and i'm the head of innovation here at the playtime code toy factory if you're seeing this then you're trespassing yeah we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day so trespasser just to make you aware while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent child care we also pride ourselves on our security for example this facility is full of hidden motion triggers once set off we'll turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities and that's one of the more tame aspects of our security i got no spoilers so you've got my warning it's not too late to turn around i just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it uh not really no i don't have any ideas of why i'm here or what i would be doing also you didn't give me colors for the door [Music] ah it was on the train you just gotta follow the train tracks of life baby i'm staff now let me in whoa you got some serious stuff going on in here how do i get i want me wanty okay i got another tape the blue tape goes in the blue vcr the grab pack that's the hands i need to get through the door only fire at small objects handles i'm gonna mess this up do not fire a co-worker oh this may cause decaffeination this is delightful so far why are people scared of this game very slow okay nice hi poppy what's on your eyes you got a little dirt in your eyes there can i turn this on from here boom dude i sniped that door oh oh my god you're horrifying you're way worse up close than you were on the menu huggy woogie ew with a bit of string and polyester our lovable blue bell huggy was brought to life huggy buggy has gone on to be playtime though's most popular and best-selling toys over eat it poppy hooky woogie is way more popular high five buddy oh god you're not gonna move when i pull this back are you oh god i got myself into a disaster it doesn't come back oh jesus i'll just let you go about your day mr huggy bring one home for the kids huh [Music] oh you better not move a key that wasn't there before oh god give me the key remember do be kind to others show up on time not hide behind doors to scare lathe pierre don't scare me either please don't stay past 8 p.m it's past 8 p.m isn't it i'll just sweep off i'll just clean the place huggy woggy stay right where my legs can where i can see your legs i'm all flustered this looks easy okay nice and then to this one is there any two he's gone okay now i am huggy woogie high fives to everybody auggie woogie sucks it's like when you swear and then you don't want your mom to hear us like yeah i hate you what'd you say i i said i had an itch candy cat yum eat ew jar jar binks ass tongue that was so creepy okay i may not have given this game enough credit i see now i get it i understand stairway to hell i ain't going that way i'm going to the caution do not enter this kind of feels like a hallway to hell do i have a flashlight or anything bring a block with you it'll help cam the shakes oh dude i'm epic if anyone's watching on this camera my name is sean and i love to high five top of the morning time of the morning top of the morning i'm not on edge you are i'm fine this is an easy hallway hi hookster oh i want the baby head hello remember to take breaks that's what a hooky says breaks longer than 10 minutes are not permitted that's stealing company time the heck is this okay i'm going in if i don't survive [Music] i don't have any friends that's how all the toys talk in my head okay two more just one left there why is there blood everywhere who died in here and why wait did i miss the yellow tape must be around here somewhere oh god i was like wait was he always there is that just an extra head and then he disappeared that's so creepy oh once i get my red right hand it's all over for you bud huggy muggy it's more like slappy whappy i didn't say any of that right but it's not because i'm scared i feel like he's watching me no matter what i do oh not down there not down there not down there not down here nice patty cake patty cake what was that okay the red hand goes on red and the blue hand goes on blue i don't trust you i don't trust anything around here i'm the least trustworthy guy you've ever met oh this is the stairway to hell dude serving the hell is fun eh ah never mind i see it was all a ruse okay and then if i bring can i not do that all right can i bring you all the way over here whoa i did it i'm so clever me and my two hands i don't trust this i don't trust this at all i don't trust this at all it's okay it's just baby heads i made it i'm gonna have a heart attack playing this this is cool i really like it so far i love that i mean that's the kind of thing with these games lately is that we had like bendy in the ink machine and it's a whole factory based around dolls and stuff too and now this one clearly inspired by like five nights at freddy's and bendy it works really well can i pull these i want dolls easy easy give me a challenge game don't i don't like looking foolish oh wait was that the start one over here yes um [Music] what if i there you go huh just just stick it just go nice did it excellent let's head on down and find out what murderous thing i just accomplished i feel like i'm being watched by a huggy wuggy somewhere nobody leaves without a toy except me apparently all right let's power this on jesus don't do that where's my toy i want one i'm stealing oh i can use these now yeah i'm stealing i'm stealing everything and you guys can't stop me there you go productions in full swing make the toys christmas to save children all thanks to jacksepticeye look at him go you're going to a better place i'll see you on the other side let's put you in the hole i have a toy friendship good to see the stairs to hell are still blocked i don't know if it's supposed to be here i didn't find the ding tape ah there we go get away from him oh he's in here with me he's quick what the hell run jesus god that is legitimately terrifying look at him go holy crap okay go go go we're going to survive this time no messing around just keep moving you got this you got this you guys always right in my tail oh lord i don't i don't even see what it what's written on the walls go go go go go go go go go go oh was i supposed to take a turn am i supposed to take any of these turns okay this is lit up take this turn oh god oh god ah what that what what i'm okay jesus oh i'm so slow oh mama [Music] what what do we do nailed it see you later huggy woogie we're like bizzy wisey's damn messed him up i don't think that's the end of him but whoa that was scary see him like crawl through the vent with his big gangly arms oh that was awesome i love that it reminded me of um here's the it follows the big guy shows up or it chapter two when the big granny comes walking the scene something that's like just way too big for its environment but not too big that it's ridiculous very very scary also this reminds me heavily of portal what do you got final log in relation experiment one zero 1006 the prototype coordination and cooperation is evidently within his skill set as well as the skill set of all other experiments of his type experiments still missing today's events are no doubt in relation to him his absence was a flaw in the scientific process which should have under no circumstances been left unaccounted for that's why i'm making this log so that the same mistake won't be made twice any future experiments will need to be contained and disposed of in a secure location i'm not worried about myself one breakthrough and i'll be back we must forge onwards in the name of science whether those who are beneath us understand it or not end of cool man hey developers if you need somebody else to do a log i have a voice i'll i'll gladly work for free i love being in games like this no run no stop go back danger turn around well i can't read that i'm stupid um are we in a bungalow what is happening have i got mad probably i did almost just die [Music] there's doors behind giant dressers and doll houses what is going on he's gonna show up again isn't he there poppy is [Music] no i knew it i knew it that was bad news somehow i think she's gonna be worse [Music] you opened my case ah oh so cool excellent really really good this makes me excited for the rest of the game damn because a lot of these types of games come around where you can tell that they're inspired by other things in the indie horror scene but sometimes ones like these come along and they're just so well fleshed out they have a whole universe they have a whole story lots of different very colorful very very well designed characters level design puzzles all of that was great sound design was great graphics are great just a cut above the rest that was phenomenal i had a great time playing that i can't wait for chapter two that oh man that hooky wookie design is so awesome seeing him come through the vent like that i can see why this game is so popular now recently really really well done thoroughly impressed i mean it was a paid game as well so it's not like a free ichio game or anything this is like a paid thing on steam so it's definitely uh trying to go the distance i like that i want to find the other tapes though ah there it is it's hidden on the shelves back here okay nice yeah wait i still think i'm missing one of these whatever whatever let's go look at the tape rich were they keeping the huggie boxes i don't know i couldn't tell you remember when maintenance left in a sweep of this place no exactly nobody in this stupid company knows what they're doing oh i swear i haven't seen a single box in its place since they started flooding the storehouse with orphanage chunk right i get it it's a nice program and lot of brand but it's just hard to be happy about it when manufacturing's on our necks about it because we can't find stupid hockey foxes rich you're right you're right it's it's for the orphans or the orphans i just wish there were less boxes anything less would be more evident is that even a word abidable so it seems like they're doing something with kids and this are they turning kids into dolls i feel like the police would be called about that all right we need to find a pink tape oh i almost fell off oh wait there it is oh how did i miss that the first time stinky i think his last one anyway so stella what made you want to work at the playtime co factory playing with toys when i was young was so magical i could go straight for my bedroom floor to anywhere in the world it was such a great feeling and being able to work at a toy factory somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience that's a pretty great feeling too sometimes though i really really wish i could go back to being a kid i mean and it's weird because adults are just kids but older i don't think anyone ever really feels like an adult but your body just gets older and older and then you die poof human bodies just can't stay young forever there's things though like some trees that can stay alive even while being way older than a person i mean the oldest people to ever live are still younger than those so i guess everyone is always young relative to something right all right i think we're getting a little off track interesting so are they turning like orphaned kids into immortal dolls because the poppy doll said that i'm a real girl but it didn't sound like i'm a real girl just like you it was like people don't believe me but i'm a real girl so is she actually a girl trying to turn everybody into dolls that's interesting i think that's all there is to see in chapter one so far but that was really fun i am all in on this i'm excited to see what the next chapters have i wonder if it's going to be a different character then every time this really does feel like like the next big thing doesn't it we had five nights at freddy's come out and everyone was obsessed with that and then some things came here and there then bendy and the ink machine came out and everyone was super obsessed with that and then all this stuff kind of came and went um and now this comes along i feel like this is going to be massive there's going to be people playing tons of this and theories everywhere and i like that it's cool to see a game come along and kind of like shake up the scene again really dope excited to see where they go good job developers anyway thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it don't forget to smash like use the blue hand and like and use the red hand unsubscribe i'll see you guys next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,898,837
Rating: 4.9753909 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, poppy playtime, scary, scary game, huggy wuggy
Id: S12f7rpQbjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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