Cuphead (FULL GAME)

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[Music] welcome back everybody to compete it wasn't long ago that we were actually playing this for the dlc but now we're back at it again for the main game i said this in the dlc if you haven't watched that if you haven't watched the first series whatever i have done those before i have played cuphead before in its entirety back when it came out i have done the dlc those are up on my channel you can go watch those now if you want but we're going to play the game again because i want to go back to the series and redo it because it's a really fun game i highly enjoy it and now we've missed chalice which i actually don't know if you're allowed play with her in the main game or not regardless we're gonna do the game again anyway if i can play as her i'm going to um if i can put on that charm and play as her for the main game again [Music] oh this is what i remember [Music] once upon a time in a magical place called inkwell isle there were two brothers named cuphead and mugman they lived it out of care under the watchful eye of the wise elder kettle one day the two boys wandered far from home and despite the elder cattle's many warnings ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and entered the devil's casino what could go wrong with two children entering the casino gambling addiction starts young guys inside cuphead and mugman soon found themselves in a winning streak at the craps table their addiction started early hot dog exclaimed king dice the casino sleazy managers these fellas can't lose they're underage and probably shouldn't be in here anyway but money's money baby nice run boys laughed a newcomer the brothers gasped it gasped it was the casino's owner the devil himself now how about we raise the stakes he suggested with a toothy grin win one more roll and all the loot in my casino is yours the devil boomed but if you lose i'll have your souls deal what could go wrong if you're on a winning streak cuphead blinded by easy riches nodded and grabbed the dice for a throw just like his favorite twitch streamers he was a gambling addict good gosh cuphead no cried mugman for he understood the danger but it was too late [Music] snake eyes laughed the devil while slamming the floor you lose the brothers trembled in fear as he loomed over them now about those souls the brothers pleaded for their very lives there there must be another way to repay you mugman stammered yes but please mr cuphead added um perhaps there is the devil snickered pulling out a parchment i have here a list of my runaway debtors collect their souls for me and i just might pardon you two mugs oh no all our milk now get going the devil roared kicking the boys out most rudely you have till midnight tomorrow to collect every one of those souls otherwise i'll be collecting yours cup and mug men were terribly frightened and ran away as fast as they could come on mug pounded cuphead we have to find the elder kettle he'll know what to do yeah you guys are the worst bad parenting bad decisions how old are you cuphead what flying pickle you boys have gotten yourselves into yeah you're like what 12 and now you already have um someone coming to collect your deaths and now you have a deal with the devil you gambled you're ringing learning a lot of lights light life lessons early i'm just gonna stop talking i just play the [ __ ] game i know you don't want to be pawns of the devil but if you refuse i can't bear to imagine your fates you must play along for now collect those contracts and you must you'd best be ready for some nasty business your dead or friends won't be very friendly because you confront them in fact i expect to transform into terrible beasts so they won't hang you out to die it will give you the most remarkable magic ability now go to my riding desk and use the physical link well there you need to prepare yourselves for this crap i mean this is just a tutorial the hardest part of the game for some people oh i forgot i can't double jump now i want alice back as soon or chalice back as soon as i can [Music] boof [Music] nice okay i'm i'm ready i'm ready i know how it works i've been a cop before and i caught by shall be again [Music] all right you're gonna give me three coins right boom and i'm gonna go buy a four so i should be able to buy something can i buy the boomerang immediately yeah uh roundabout i mean great coverage with average damage aim backward for maximum range see that says average damage and i think a lot of people don't pick it for that but it's i i feel like it's the best weapon in the game the lover is also good for like the dragon fight and whatnot but this one yeah medium range and good damage with a slower rate of fire this works out really well for later so the boomerang and this or the roundabout and the lava are like the two that i use all the time i probably should get there [Music] oh can i not play as her or should i have picked how do i do it [Music] ah i see i see so we have to get to the first mausoleum so i'll do the first run and gun level it shouldn't take us too long damn it feels good to be back i absolutely love this game it was very rage inducing the first time i played it uh back in the day because some of the fights were like what the hell am i doing you know what we're gonna plow through it this time i want maximum scores maximum coins maximum effort can you thank you baby kill everything leave leave no one alive [ __ ] are you kidding me okay well now i can't get hit i should have dodged we're gonna be fine yeah easiest part of the game but you know what i'm going to celebrate my accomplishments son of a god so annoying sometimes [Music] kill him kill him dead kill him dead i don't want to see him i don't want to see anybody around anymore kill him i'm just so aggressive this is all totally fine everything's nice and normal bravo bravo man i could have got an s except i had to get smacked by that one thing that's still pretty good and it's just an a why not an ae plus they just messed up one thing okay now we should be able to go to the mausoleum because i think if you do the mausoleum you get access to the dlc and then you get the cookie and then you can do whatever you want man imagine if i could s-run this entire game that'd be awesome i would love that i love these little guys oh i'm coming for you oh i'm coming [Music] this is also one of my favorite tracks in the game [Music] victory wait for it wait for it wait for it so many oh hi little man [Music] child's play the parry god this goes on way longer than i remember victory [Music] [Applause] gosh i don't know how to thank you you boys for saving me where are my manners i don't even introduce myself i'm a little old miss yeah chalice we don't whoa thank you for filling me full of your juices you unlocked a new super oh yeah i did this is the best super as well right yeah the energy beam because the other ones are like you turn them invincible for a short period of time and i forget what the last one is but this is the one i always used [Music] bingo baby all right this is what we already did in the we don't need to see this again okay i was gonna actually oh can i get crack shot early then oh even better i didn't even think about that yeah [Music] yeah [Music] so apparently if you could use that other the charm i got when i did the secret boss the angel and the devil one i got like a new charm that did something and i didn't know what it was but apparently if you equip that and then use it for some of the fights you get to switch between all the weapons you don't have to like equip the weapons you have all of them at your disposal at once so can i go back now and then just play these levels as miss chalice nice [Music] this is going to be interesting to see how these play as here because now having like parries be on dash for some of these fights isn't really going to make a whole lot of sense i probably should be using boomerang for this actually [Music] i'm just trying to stay out of harm's way you know [Music] this shot is unreal [Music] yeah like this [Music] still works nice so what super do i have now still that one okay i'm learning a lot there's a lot of new stuff to take into account but you are so dead buddy boy i'm gonna make you wish you ain't never been born before actually this one might be better for him because at least i'll always be able to hit him in the face god i'm unstoppable actually this one's still stronger get him i still can't believe i got hit that is nonsense i could have had two s's [Music] oh wait oh yeah perfect score wait what do you need for s oh s is just an expert oh i confused it so she starts with four health but if you lose one you still get the three out of three health bonus with her that i don't know how i feel about that that feels a little weird nice and this is fun oh my god that makes that so much easier [Music] [Laughter] i'm just gonna keep shooting backwards nice damn ruined that doesn't really work against them though because it's it's shooting up [Music] what's happening oh my god i'm destroying them they don't even stand a chance [Music] damn it you carrots can't catch me can't catch me can't catch me oh we must be close to knockout [Music] come on come on yeah could have done that a little faster but nice [Music] perfect score god chalice you're so god damn good miss it's annoying that i still walk around his mo or his cuphead here though it is like game jimmy i grant you three wishes and it is the first each wish doubles hp to the next one what why did that show up what happened i've never seen that before [Music] [Music] i forgot what your attacks oh i can just oh okay hold on hold on let me go again i want to try and get perfect scores i totally forgot what moves you guys did i'm just gonna stay here so i have a lot of time [Music] oh my god that makes that so much easier [ __ ] i changed my mind and you have a double jump as well which kind of makes this much easier as well and the fact that i can just shoot these oh my god what's wrong with me [Music] this part i remember the round now it's really good for this because if i miss that guy in that end and it still comes back and hits that guy [Music] oh god we have so much health oh yeah because then guy just gave me a whole bunch [Music] i still don't know why [Music] oh i forgot i was double jumping [Music] yeah now you can just stay in the air forever on this great i should use a super though oh god not this one does that hit oh thank god i still have the three health do i still get the health bonus for that come on oh i only did one party though damn it could have had it anyway [Music] nice god plowing through all these bosses were always easy anyway i say is i got smacked around by those frogs hello a little apple man and this is oh you showed up again in the dogfight level interesting interesting okay so she [Music] she has different completely different ways of shooting as well so we'll see how that that's the thing some of her moves either help out a lot or they don't help out at all [Music] but i can just hear it in my head as soon as i hear the music i hear her laughter i think this helps a lot i have like great coverage for everything all the time damn it [Music] i remember a lot of the bosses because me and evelyn played it again recently but um [Music] oh damn it [Music] this is a waste [Music] uh but it still doesn't mean that i'm gonna be able to beat them all first try nice i'm still not really sure how her super works in this mode do i just travel in a straight line do i have any control over it didn't feel like i did oh god i almost got hit yeah i'm not sure i still don't know come on do your thing [Music] i was going to keep shooting here because i still build meter [Music] whoa she broke [Music] uh was i doing damage all that time i'll take it [Music] oh god [Music] please please please please yeah was that a first try nice oh that got real sloppy i'll take that you know what it's not all about being perfect all the time sometimes an a minus is just good enough hell yeah that felt good god these some of these bosses are really fun to do but some of them are going to be an absolute travesty i've got to have this equipped will that help more i'm not sure damn it not really it doesn't really do enough oh crap oh double jump you're supposed to parry that one to be able to get to it but if you have double jump then it doesn't matter oh my god i can parry those butterflies my whole world whoa why are you buzzing up and down like that kill him kill him [Music] double jump feels like it breaks some of these levels isn't it [Music] why didn't i just shoot up oh i'm gonna die i think i don't remember those guys like buzzing up and down like going things are feeling a little wonky yeah this is much better for this oh my god way better there's so much damage why does it say it only does like average damage this thing is so strong i don't need you parry [ __ ] ah bloody woody woodpecker but i'm an absolute demon right now [Music] maybe i should switch to this for these oh come on see that's the nonsense i was talking about when i played the dlc like stuff being able to hit you off screen like that is so annoying ah that was my fault i always really hated this level this is my least favorite running gun level can you kill him thank you [Music] [Music] this is so weird because now i have double jump to just be able to get over everything double jump is an absolute godsend so doesn't mean i can't die though oh god what did i do [Music] okay we're still good nice heck yeah one health in a dream baby doesn't matter i still got all the coins [Music] so excited i do like that as well they sound so much more excited i also can't remember how he gets out of the way maybe if i beat this one last boss in this area [Music] no problem no problem no problems oh that's so much easier to parry as well i i dodged trying to get out of the way okay you guys have to admit that that was straight horseshit i'm probably gonna die now because of that [Music] smack them dang it i think the reason i like this uh roundabout so much is because it it has you can just like cover the screen with projectiles and then if anything's about to hit you anything's about to hit you you just covered the entire screen this is a stupid idea [Music] oh this is an easy win [Music] oh wait my boys go all weird oh you're not dead yet yeah he went on forever can't hit me can't hear me nice i'm sad that i didn't get a first try though you gotta celebrate the small victories miss chalice all right now i can go by the lobber yeah he's out of the way now [Music] secret coin uh but we'll just go through here to get to the next area i'm mr king dies well ain't that a pip looks like you boys really put the kibosh on them dennis you can head on over to the next eye many more marks for you to lean on there i'm the devil's right hand man i still can't believe that's uh a lady singing what talent [Music] thank the songs what dog you have your sleep was going you was home bmi for the longer kicked out a baby even the devil himself you mean it old man do you really think i [Music] which is what god you're a terrible parent [Music] oh can i not even get to the can i get to the store god damn it man [Music] um i probably won't need the lobber for any of these fights it's mainly the dragon i wanted for a brawl is surely brewing i hate this guy ow [Music] just die already just die thank you [Music] i remember this world giving me some trouble oh but having double jump to be able to get away from all that and being able to oh dodge parry that oh makes all the difference in the world holy crap so much easier [Music] oh that could have been bad because when you parry it still like sends you into the air crap which is so annoying [Music] okay last phase [Music] no problems nope oh god i know i can parry that but i don't have a chance [Music] wait can i park the head as well oh i'm too afraid to check now nice first try baby we got down to low health but that's totally fine we're not here to be the best we're just here to have fun [Music] you got it baby yeah man i don't know what's going on with me this game brings out a different side of me a miss chalice uh let's do jimmy now as well what if he's going to be easier or harder with the plane i hate this first phase [Music] [Applause] [Music] well at least it's not the swords the swords for some reason are what i hate the most becca actually i feel like she's way stronger the sound effects in this level are some of my favorite in the game when we get to one of his later phases when he does that like sound you'll know it just keep your ears out for the bong wong i think it might be here and this background is dope oh no it's the the next phase ruined absolutely ruined simple simple barely an inconvenience here we go this sound [Music] so cool thank you oh no i'm determined i'm determined [Music] i'm determined to get it perfect [Music] crap crap easy easy no problem ah dang it man [Music] i'm stuck oh [Music] i did really really well i'm very very happy with that that went superbly but man [Music] it was perfect the whole way until the very end that stupid hat never trust a hat i've never liked hats personally [Music] um i'll buy the lover why not [Music] i don't need this anymore because i won't be playing as cuphead i don't need this because to play as miss chalice you get rid of these so i basically have all the items i want now i don't need anything else i'm sure some of the newer shots are really good though that i'm not using [Music] um i actually think crack shot might be better for this one how many times have i died let me check hey what's up clock face three times l yeah that's what we like to see i wonder if i could do a no death run of this game oh my god having double jump for that game changer don't even have to dodge [Laughter] [Music] nice clean [Music] ah dang it yeah double jump really changes this game oh the balloon came out i didn't see i him have been ready for that excellent excellent this is the one i hate though no i thought i had the ah crap i thought i had it built oh lord [Music] it's all going wrong suddenly [Music] oh you can parry the nose of that uh rollercoaster i didn't know that oh come on don't die don't die now we can we can do it we can do it we can get a a perfect well not a perfect but like a first try [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice nice [Music] i forget what you guys are doing no no okay i wasn't that close i thought it was way closer excellent oh this is going well this is going very well apart from the fact that i have to do this stupid roller coaster right before the last part [Music] oh that's fast [Music] okay kill these guys [Music] if you can this time well it's hard because i'm hitting him instead of the guys [Music] yeah should have had a first try but i'll take a two time now we died four times i now i was gonna say i want to keep my deaths under 10 for the whole run but i forgot about king dice fight the king dice fight is just way too annoying i it's my least favorite one in the whole game [Music] excellent [Music] another thing is i don't really have to do the run and gun levels because if i have all the things that i want but i guess we'll do them anyway these ones stink though [Music] oh my god you've double jump i forgot i don't even need him [Music] oh my god [Music] you just jump over everything [Music] that's so awesome i don't know why i'm collecting coins i don't need them anymore [Music] get them killed nice speed is greater than or equal to key ah i thought you were gonna die no my run [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i forgot you can do that do you you have a whole move set that i'm just not using [Music] i've been ever so foolish now you always have double jump to get over the ketchup and the mustard into relish oh my god miss chalice you are the greatest [Music] i don't like that sound [Music] so gross so so clean let's go chalice you're the one i didn't get any parties i think as i had the balloons at the start i just dodged [Music] oh let's go do the bird boy [Music] because this is going to be really nice to be able to shoot like three [Music] other birds not showing up [Music] keep killing them by accident though because i have so many more shots than i think nice [Music] nice and dying as quickly as i thought though [Music] there we go [Music] i got it wait can i not change weapon got it why can't i change to my little bombs [Music] excellent we're cruising baby [Music] not today buckaroo [Music] trade trade nailed it [Music] ruined ruin go home cry to mom wait i don't have the i don't have the lobs though for this one [Music] the hell am i supposed to do stay down here that stinks am i even hitting them [Music] now i'm hitting them what's the point why can't i switch [Music] why can't i switch to my lobbing bombs what the [ __ ] is going on god i only have one hit left oh yeah okay so from here i can get him with some of them come on oh thank god season that featherless freak that was unfair oh my god because normally i just switched to the lob for that one and then you just rain them down from above but now i'm just realizing like where do you get the lob bombs from i have no idea because i just thought by the time you got here the game was like yeah here's your lobs [Music] because that's going to be very unfortunate for later [Music] the queens are out tonight see i have chalice now why can't i just play as her in this i guess because we're saving her but why am i still saving her if i have her [Music] don't really make much sense [Music] my god i'm so good at parrying excellent who wants to go who wants to go can't pull the wool over my eyes [ __ ] [Music] what a legend he can't be stopped he can't be it oh you got so close buddy boy [Applause] yeah yeah yeah you're fine you're safe i already have you get back out in there [Applause] [Music] which one is this fun house frazzle oh is this one where you go upside down i remember now [Music] oh my god this is so confusing because i have to double jump and like dash into it to do it oh my god oh my god oh my god there's so many things everywhere oh my god there's so many things okay it actually really messes me up sometimes like when i just want to jump normally [Music] oh my god [Music] ah i knew it i knew it that's okay that's much harder with her i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i hate that one screw that one it sucks i don't need your stupid money i'm just going straight here to do this one the bosses are the best parent anyway screw the running gun i'm not upset you are [Music] okay it's actually gonna be much harder to parry that [Music] okay simple simple easy easy simple [Music] oh god bless that double jump holy crap completely changes the game [Music] this is why i like the lob for this fight [Music] okay i'm not going to waste my super on this phase because it's almost dead damn absolutely destroying him [Music] because then this one if you use the lobber oh crap oh crap you have a harder time hitting those attacks [Music] and if you hit those attacks they send more stuff at you hey man i remember that fight being really hard i remember that taking forever the first time i did it now look at this i didn't parry anything i think a b b for best b for boy best boy all right that's the boss has done for that region we are cruising [Music] because i'm also curious how quick i can finish the game and the running guns are just not needed for that you can just go straight to the bosses [Music] you see i knew there was something special about those fellas well don't be too sure just yet boss i bet there's something fishy about those two don't blow your wig dice if those two little things try anything i'll be waiting all right last area oh the bumblebee [Music] uh what shots are good for the bumblebee actually this one's probably pretty good i still like using roundabout for most of them it's hard to deny being able to just absolutely fill the screen with projectiles like this i'm not hitting anything right now [Music] this is also pretty dang good [Music] boy boy [Music] oh come on there's no platform there this is the fight that i really remember being annoying with how often you could get like hit by stuff off the map [Music] okay okay okay [Music] pretty simple so far pretty simple stuff [Music] no problems at all not even worried about it oh my god that i oh god i double jumped well that last one was my fault but i double jumped up and it [ __ ] it put me on a platform that i couldn't see was there [Music] my god that was quick is her super stronger than cupheads as well oh that's a bad that's a c b minus okay that felt way stronger than normal god i'm plowing through this at this rate i'll be able to beat the whole game we're i've been recording for an hour and three minutes we'll be able to beat the whole game in like under two hours if i keep up this pace obviously that's not guaranteed but nice okay not too bad [Music] does this even hit you i don't think it did did it [Music] oh god oh god oh god oh i was gonna say the barrel is gonna get me [Music] my god [Music] no problems no problems no problem simple simple this shot is really good for him [Music] crap crap for super is awful for this though no barrel oh [Music] dang it i forgot that that's what that did oh man oh no oh that that stings that really hurts my ego i am sucking a big old fart [Music] come on kill him kill him yeah i should have been more patient with it the first time i should have stayed back because my shots were hitting anyway i'll take it second try we first or second tried a lot of these that makes me very happy cool cool cool no problem no problem no problem no problem no prob uh who do we want to do next we have doo doo doo we have the robot dude who i do not want to do right now i guess we have to do some of the run and gun levels to get some places to open up right oh but now i'm like in that speed runner mentality okay no problem easy super easy barely even an issue having double jump is insane that is unfortunate like that think about the double jump that oh i remember this being hard gotta parry that first one dang it [Music] wait that wasn't hard what am i remembering then [Music] what else you got oh she got that's it that's it oh god another one of these i say is he's annihilated instantly this is what i remember [Music] i have a double jump for this is great though okay okay okay i don't care about the coin i already have enough money for all the things that i want [Music] god this goes on forever am i supposed to be like hurting him no oh thank god i went on for a while [Music] nice i'm having a great time man are you you better be [Music] you better be having a good time which one's this dude i forgot about you i also forgot about that okay this is this oh okay this is very stinky [Music] oh here comes the cat come on oh jesus what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing i i'm so confused and lost and i forget what's happening [Music] take your time take your time you're fine you're fine oh man you were fine [Music] i forget what to do oh we were very close yeah kill him kill him please for the love of god how close is that no no [Music] yeah nice oh that's the one that's been the hardest so far really that one that is sheer nonsense sheer nonsensicalness who are they gonna be a bee for best boy a beaver brother what are we gonna do now um we have the with the robot dude we have what did the pirate guy who's over here who's over here the mausoleum little turtleman oh calamaria this magical great [Music] oh this will be nicer as well because i have i have a bigger chance of hitting her in the face okay i i'm trying to dash parry that's where that's going to mess me up in the face right in the face i'm in the face take it take it take it in the face [Music] dude this is no problem for me i already have a super boom are you like that probably not too much hate them hate the pirates it's like the swords in the jimmy fight oh man that was an unfortunate combo to get at the same time [Music] that was close [Music] all right can you switch now thank you okay this is gonna be hard without the lobby bombs [Music] she gonna do it is she gonna do it is she gonna do it do your thing i'm all over the place man oh thank god i forgot that she does that all right we got it that was first try that's good to get them out of the way early not that you can't do them again but it's so annoying to get them with something else like this actually that's a really [ __ ] annoying combo as well just stop doing those [Music] ah i'm getting fierce unlucky with those combinations [Music] nice i did it early because i was like there's a chance to get some of these back [Music] i don't know if i benefited from that or not with this [Music] oh crap oh crap okay [Music] get out of there get out of there oh my god i can't believe i survived i have a bomb but i don't want to waste it on her she's gonna die in two seconds okay how do i dodge this first one nice [Music] is she going to do it again yup i didn't even have a chance [Music] please die please die please die no that's so close ah that hurts oh i still think those attacks are [ __ ] together even uh having that thing kind of like cover the screen and then having the top and bottom of the screen hurt you while things come across you can't get out of it fast enough i'm just letting this off immediately i don't care i'm getting i'm getting through this as fast as i can to keep as much health as i can for the ending your body can still hit me this fight is so annoying it's also annoying because i can't switch to my lob attack i need to actually just look that up because it's probably a really simple thing that i'm missing oh i just talked to you how many times have i died now unfortunately more than i would have liked 18 times [Music] that's sad i'm annoyed at myself i can do better i'm better than this okay i don't know if it'll actually make this fight any easier or not but certainly feels like it well she didn't do the thing now you do it i mean that worked out better but why did you do it there and not before okay please for the love of god killer [Applause] i can't afford much more come on come on i never want to see you again die okay nice very nice oy junker boy time dr kyle's robot i have no idea how this weaponry is gonna work for this fight god i forget how this whole fight goes i forget which the best one to take out first is [Music] oh god that went way further than i thought it would i'm taking out anything yet oh here we go i've taken out two back to back get the third get the third get the third get the third come on man get it get it [ __ ] sake this does no damage [Music] this is going to be tough this is going to be much harder because she said instead of having like one singular bullet that i can fire into like one zone she's firing three that i assume are doing less damage i've won health and we have so much fight to go [Music] it's fine it's fine at least i have more spread for those [Music] oh lord [Music] can you explode please oh but this is the hardest part how am i gonna dodge all of this okay just just pretend you know what you're doing sure yeah yeah easy easy peasy yep i'm not worried at all it turns out he was very worried very very worried how close did i get destroyed destroy it destroy it destroy it destroy it destroy it destroy it please please for the love of god please there we go there we go ain't no magnet stopping the superbomb baby oh god oh god why isn't that exploding why isn't that exploding this is [ __ ] stupid [Music] okay at least i have two health now i don't have two health anymore do i god damn it oh my god it's so it's so hard for my brain to see these attacks coming i don't know why okay okay cool maybe i'll actually maybe that hit him i don't know [Music] oh my god my own attacks confuse me okay that's a big one that's huge for us absolutely huge for us [Music] okay wait for him to stop can i send out my own attack because it's confusing me yes yes so i'm feeling it in this denny's tonight oh yes oh yes that was clean clinical surgical it was like i did my taxes with not a single bit missed i don't know what i'm talking about well that was fantastic under two minutes perfection now i'm gonna go kill a train [Music] oh i forgot about you [Applause] i guess i'll just kill you quick then as well sometimes it's the hubris of man that gets you sometimes your own stupidity yeah yeah go to phase two yeah go get married i also didn't realize that if you let that fight play out for a long time that she doesn't get married the guy dies or leaves or something instead of a nursery she goes to a nunnery there's a really cool detail oh god oh god this is unfortunate i basically have to do two phases without getting hit double jump also kind of breaks that one nice [Music] oh right at that phase dang it oh yeah this is going very well [Music] i love the sound that guy makes he's like oh god this is tricky come on die die you know you want to you're so close god yes [Music] let's go but let's not go too hard you know like let's take a second to think about it first nice now we're gonna go kill a train [Music] baby now we're definitely changing to the crack shot because this fight normally i use the chaser for but now i want to see if the crack shot is better [Music] um but for a very specific phase because otherwise i can just use this and keep dodging things see that's just so nice to be able to fill the entire screen with stuff [Music] excellent excellent this is going very well i like it very well indeed very well indeed [Music] i'll be in the middle for this [Music] oh come on man i think you can dodge these here yep [Music] oh i thought i was facing the other way [Music] excellent it's a long ass fight [Music] who's going first fine by me baby [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] what am i doing [Music] oh the thing hit my thing oh that was so close the fact that i don't need to jump now to hit those messed me up [Music] excellent [ __ ] that's not jump parry [Music] oh mama that could have been bad nice okay [Music] okay keep your eyes peeled there's so much happening on screen during this part [Music] whatever there's more damage than the the chaser shot feels like it does nice second try [Music] sorry you're subjected to that every single time oh now we just have king dice though king dyson the devil god so this is gonna be a weird one because this fight was always really annoying because not only do you have to fight a ton of stuff back to back to back but you had to parry the dice to get the number but now i just dive into it so that should be easier to get the number right but then diving used to parry the cards to get out over them so now do i have enough i can't dodge into that am i able to double jump and dash far enough we're going to find out i'm going to kill someone well look wait i'm missing it well looky here i got the voice now you actually pulled it off but you made me lose a bet and for that you ain't seeing the balls just yet we're gonna play a little game first oh god it's like like jigsaw okay so i want what am i on i want two two two two that was much easier i just have my roundabout and my crack shot on because i can do whatever i want and i'm a grown man [Applause] [Music] yeah now you can just double jump over that oh life is good [Music] i have an invincibility role what am i doing i constantly forget that that exists oh my gosh can you just die okay i'm gonna switch to this oh i didn't know yet another one [Music] that stinks [Music] god i love that background though it's so cool um i had five health immediately okay i need two again okay two two two i need to do it that way i can't do it any other way i'm not gonna risk this and i need a three three three three three three three okay that was very weird okay does that mean you can go into the final fight with like seven health with this lady that's a wildness if ever i saw it i oh my god i'm forgetting everything oh i forget everything i'm just sending out a bomb i would like you to die oh it's the ghost ones that do it now i remember okay some of these i forgot are laughably easy and i shouldn't be losing health i should be mentally and physically strong for this uh i'm just gonna go for the three three three three yeah that makes that way easier because you don't have to wait for the jump and then time that with the thing here's a real high-class bout what do you do [Music] i forgot what her super was i forgot what her super was and i completely ruined the whole thing be great if you just died like right now [Music] can you just die okay thank you why am i down to three health these guys are so easy these guys are like not even worth my spit okay i need two two and not three two two two [Laughter] [Music] okay two two two got it i can get there i can get there this is not this is not a setback two two two this is not a setback this is so easy [Music] see oh [Music] i'm going all the way to the end baby anything but one okay two true there we go nice now i can just hit it instantly any of these are good all right okay i did i parry something how did i parry that [Music] oh you have like a window above it as well oh i thought that was gonna be a nightmare to try and parry that that was so easy what is happening oh my god that's for you it's only you yeah thank you thank you why was i worried about that it was a piece of cake oh cake and they got an a minus on it failed successfully nice god getting the devil or getting king dice's soul for the devil that feels good now i remember the devil not being too hard i think the first time i did it maybe on my second try well well well look how far you've come not only did you bust up my good for nothing lucky king dice but i see you've got my soul contracts as agreed hand them over and join my team i i click no here right watching on me or watching on me just like all the other day i'll teach you for backing out of a deal have at you okay good i forgot you can just click yes and the fight's over [Music] okay it's gonna take me a couple of rounds to remember what the hell this guy even does [Music] nice have a double jump for that really handy what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing stop it stop it two health left that's fine yeah that's enough that's enough for a whole fight yeah sure why not [Music] okay just keep firing these things left and right and eventually his head will fall off [Music] nice we got this we got this we got this go to the next phase yeah baby ow that is uh absolute total waste because i was gonna say doesn't it doesn't don't we go down don't don't wait don't we do the thing where we go down here and then it wasn't doing it and then i just forgot okay i just it's fine yeah cry little baby baby want a bottle little baby man with a baby baby man crap and then why did you guys up top i have to show up i didn't know what to do oh this is a good one pull out your teeth yeah baby a super and for health going into this phase that's some math i like all right i got it okay it's fine it's fine as long as i don't get hit by it it's fine i'm gonna save my super for the next phase because i want it to be nice i want it to be over quick this phase i can that other phase can kind of handle the way it is but this one i hate and i want it over really [Music] quick oh god can everybody die can you go to another phase or something please crap yeah yeah yeah baby nice hell yeah [Music] that felt good the brothers had triumphed over the demon forcing him to finally give up we shall accept your surrender devil cuphead laughed but we're not done just yet and with that cuphead and mugman destroyed all of the soul contracts releasing inkwell isles residents from eternal servitude to the devil gosh i can't wait to tell everybody cuphead said the boys set off for home at a top speed come on last one there's a leaky cup mug man teased as they ran once home the brothers gathered together everyone together you're all free from the devil's debt cuphead announced and that fiend won't bother us again mcmahon added the elder kettle was literally brimming with pride as everyone began to cheer let's hear it for cuphead mugman hooray [Music] as an all day celebration began the brothers promised to never wander into trouble again and they didn't until the next time of course but that is another story the end finn [Music] excellent god what a good game i plowed through them and that was that was like uh what was it like two hours and 20 minutes for the whole for the whole session it was like a couple of breaks here and there where i had to like answer a message on my phone or something but overall that was less than two and a half hours to do the entire game god i'm good no i'm i'm really proud of that that was very very fun to do playing as chalice really opens up the game in a different way it completely breaks some of the fights because obviously they were intended to not have a double jump in them and that invincibility role if i could get used to that invincibility role i feel like it would be completely overpowered for some of the fights um but overall i like that i like that some stuff isn't just balls to the wall hard the entire time like there is something some stuff that you can do that's just fun but yeah cuphead what an incredible game that game is going to stand the test of the time and go down as one of the greatest games of all time and i'm okay with that because it is fantastic top to bottom really really fun to play just hard enough to like make it fun to like overcome but not hard enough that it's impossible there's still a little bit of [ __ ] here and there with like stuff appearing on and off screen that you can't see that you kind of fall into um but when you know about it it makes it less annoying like it doesn't happen as much the second time around so man that does it let's cup it the entire game in one video which wasn't even that long i hope you guys enjoyed it it's been a pleasure to go back and play it again uh i know i didn't do some of the run and gun levels um but they're they're just not as fun as the bosses the bosses are why i play the game uh and the run and going levels i only do to get the upgrades that i want and once i have lobber crack shot and roundabout those are like the three that i don't really need anything else beyond that some of the other ones are fun don't get me wrong all the shots are fun in their own way but some of them i just really don't like using um because originally i used to like the shotgun one the three red darts that would come out uh the spreadshot but i after playing with it for a while like the range kind of sucks and i have to be really really close to everything to do damage to it and i'd rather just have the roundabout that you can fill the whole screen with projectiles at all time to really take out everything that's going on so really really fun well thank you guys for watching this if you want more of this again i played the dlc recently you can go back and watch that if you haven't yet um because i didn't do it in this one obviously uh i just did it so if you haven't seen it yet dlc for the game came out go watch that as well it's very very fun you can also go back and watch the original series to see how god-awful i was at the game when it first came out and how mad i got and this time it's just smooth sailing plus i have lots of other games on the channel that you can go watch as well full games in single videos fair loan sales far changing ties there is no game the list goes on i have a bunch of them so go watch one of those but thank you guys so much for watching this i really appreciate it and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,761,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: PdCZ0CMfVmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 9sec (5049 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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