These Life Hacks Are Wild

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there's a whole section of youtube that's all about hacking life figuring out how to get through life a lot easier there's this channel called five minute crafts we're going to look at a couple of these because i want to see how i can make my life better also before this video begins thank miss happening december 11th everybody can get involved click the link in the description i'm literally only clicking this one because it has 69 million views and i'm a child oh no [Music] did she just use the skin off an egg what if you don't have any eggs it's like oh crap i cut my finger wait let me hard pour some eggs real quick oh god don't bleed out don't bleed out oh come on boil oh no you shattered your ankle in high heels wait wait do you have eggs in that purse come on bust out the eggs no tampon let's go to be fair that is what they're designed to do tampons are designed to absorb blood i guess you might have tampons in your purse more than you would have banded let's let that one pass okay i just think it's funny [Laughter] you put a blaster over it anyway they know what they're doing right oh i kind of love it honestly [Music] what happened to your sink who did you kill 16 funny hacks and how to get away with murder [Music] [Applause] whoa that's sake want a sink that have like the hose that comes down and you can like spray it everywhere seems like everyone else's kitchen has those except mine i do have a garbage disposal now i think it's pretty dope smart parenting hacks and crafts wait are those butt cheeks [Music] i get it you're training your kids how to wipe their bum that's like trying to teach a kid how to wipe their bum if that kid is just unbelievably thick you need to go to a doctor oh no spider bite buy spider juice you teaching your kids how to murder that's not okay teach your kids to be okay with the spider put it on a piece of paper and bring it outside let the spider live don't drown them [Applause] wait what yeah it's a handle it's for your hand that just looks dangerous your kid's gonna fall out okay now i'm at the point of fighting the crafts that's upsetting me funny hacks that work like magic [Applause] just buy a lid jars combat lids keep the lid [Music] what okay fair enough you know what fertile that one passes that one slides fair enough that's okay okay let me try and figure out what's about to happen [Music] are you gonna like pour paper mache over this and make like i don't know this could be anything this could be like a way of doing your taxes easier for all i know [Music] [Applause] why you're making your balloons bouncier the fact that i can only hit them and they don't bounce all over the place is fun okay [Music] that's kind of cool am i weird for thinking that that's awesome well i don't cause i don't have to clean up all of this but that's cool oh god why [Music] what could you be possibly making out of this it's an empty stress ball what if that bursts which it actually is going to you have an absolute disaster to clean up stop it crazy halloween makeup ideas oh i should have looked at this one a month ago i just dressed up as a squid [Music] oh that is not concealing anything oh god why are you putting teriyaki sauce near your eyeball that does not look like fake blood doesn't it look like barbecue sauce or something [Music] that looks terrible i'm not gonna lie man that looks awful what is happening can i turn the how do i turn these off how do i turn these off it's so annoying 29 things we do wrong every day am i like sitting on the toilet wrong am i sitting in this chair wrong well clearly i'm using earbuds wrong what no this part is for this part of your ear it's not me that's wrong it's the internet that's wrong i mean this i do do yeah i actually have started doing that more by like using my phone like this i know i look absolutely ridiculous but i have been getting like headaches and migraines and tension i think a lot of it is because i'm down like this all the time it's just better for you you know fear not five minute crafts first of all that's a thumb not a finger what do you mean things we do wrong every day everyone types with two thumbs that's how it's designed this is how you type that's just natural it's just the way it happens might put oh my god see we don't have that problem because we have ridiculous plugs over here we have these plugs it's one of the safest plugs in the world you can't go wrong even though they are ridiculous and nowhere else uses them oh i hate this make my life better or more tedious and then you pull out the tape you cut off a piece and then you have to find the piece to just put that in it again no no get out of here five minute crafts i don't like it oh this is already a disaster oh come on you should just know what your stuff is plugged into oh sweet lovable coffee [Music] i made my own coffee juice what no is that how you're supposed to use it wait no the only reason it's not coming out like this is because you're either pinching it off or because it's wet it comes out nice when i do it this video is nonsense can you tell i'm trying my best not to swear look i don't want my videos demonetized anymore it's so annoying just don't put them on a dirty baking tray or put them on a baking sheet you're baking just put them on the dirty baking tray and then have to shave them off what are you doing to that orange look i don't always have a knife with me every time i want to eat an orange you just gotta go full monkey mode and just pull it apart whatever way you can make that happen actually monkeys probably have a better system of doing it you ever see monkeys like open up bananas and stuff they have it down to a fine science they know their food 20 beauty tricks that will change your life well there's your first mistake why are you walking through grass and stilettos everybody knows that you're going to sink into that no put tape on your shoes and then glue it what are you doing what is happening [Music] [Laughter] no she just put those stilettos into four-wheel drive baby who would take the time to do this just take them off or just bring like baby wipes with you and wipe the muck off them afterwards okay why are you brushing your teeth after doing it [Music] oh my god it looks like someone crushed your finger [Music] wait are you able to put newly polished nails into water like that it doesn't take them that long to dry by the time you were grabbing the tissue going to the toilet brushing your teeth they're going to be dry by then i've had my nails painted it doesn't take that long oh what happens when you drink your own piss you get some tinfoil and some toothpaste of course i think you get some baking soda or everyone knows this [Music] oh my god my teeth hurt just looking at this just buy some health strips baking soda acts as like a whitening agent for your teeth it's basically the same as doing that except you just made it way harder wow did you know that gingivitis is the number one cause of all tooth decay asantura what are yeah eating soot lingor are you eating lingonberries is this swedish [Music] [Laughter] okay okay i get it now i get it i'm sitting here taking it all so seriously but this proves to me that it's all a joke i get it now there's no way that this is serious now you can eat whatever you want stuff your face full of cream as long as cosmetically you look good you are good it doesn't matter about your arteries or your subcutaneous fat layers or anything like that everything else is ancillary beauty hacks for girls problems does this okay let's skip this okay i'm done i got ahead of them to have a channel like that it works it hates that algorithm you're popping off it's like watching like the twilight movies do i hate it do i love it ah god i don't know and i hate jacob hate him worst character trade offer i give you funny hahas you give me like and subscribe thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,725,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, life hacks, life hacks reaction, 5 minute crafts
Id: 3jVP8gLbpBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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