DIY Short Marley Twist w/ Beads cuz we CYUTEEE

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black queen ain't an option you looking clean clean clean hey guys it's jess welcome back to my channel so it's currently like uh let's see it is 12 21 in the morning and i am going to start my hair because i am going to jamaica in two days i'm gonna do i believe i'm doing like boob length twists i haven't decided yet so i didn't have enough time to go to a hair stylist so we're gonna do it ourselves okay we're gonna diy i've already separated a few and put them on the you know the little hair rack thing i got it from amazon i'll leave the link below it just makes it so much easier to separate the hair instead of having to do it one by one as you're going oh my god this lighting is so bright i'm just going to do a voiceover for the rest of this because i just want to watch tv and just get this over with so you guys see i started off with blow dry hair and we're just gonna get into it i already lost a few nails so you can see some nails that are not looking cohesive with the group just know they're on the counter somewhere all right let's get into it okay so the hair that i'm using is by the brand bobby boss it's their afro twista it's the soft and natural texture it's in 18 inches and it's three bundles in a pack i bought five packs but i only ended up using two and a half and they were like seven to eight dollars for per pack i'll leave a link if i can find one in the description box so i'm just going to go ahead and separate my hair into sections just to make the process go by faster you guys know what time it is so i'm going to go ahead and use um this jam honestly this jam sucks okay it did not do well for my hair i don't know why everybody uses it but that's just what i used and um i would suggest to use something a little better because it just it ain't hold it did not hold for it just didn't hold ciao so anyways i am going to go ahead and do medium sections so i'm going to split my hair into this first section and then i'm going to split it into um a subsection and split it in half so that all the twists can kind of come out this type of size i'm going for a medium size because when you're doing your hair yourself we just i don't have all day i can't do it so i'm using a viewfinder to kind of make sure my parts look decent but if you don't have a viewfinder probably try some mirrors or something like that i started off by braiding the top of my hair just so i can have like a tighter i mean like neat you know top looking what am i trying to say a grip a good grip but i ended up not doing that for the entire entirety of my head i tried different methods i feel like the rubber band method is probably the best method for anyone who has a grip issues okay my thrift issues are like at a seven you know they're not it's not horrible i'm not the worst but if you have grip issues i would just go with the rubber band method but i just didn't have time for that i wanted to get it over with but that's just that's just what i did so then i went ahead and cut these twists kind of like above my boob and then i put a rubber band on it so that it would not um unravel [Music] so just a quick tip for anyone who is doing twists i feel like you don't have this problem that much when you're braiding your hair but when you twist your hair the your hair tends to like get really tight at the top so i just added a little clip or whatever you want to call that at the roots just so that my hair would not you know ravel too tight and then get extremely tight at the top you know what i'm talking about like when it starts rattling you know what i'm talking about girl i'm sorry i don't i don't got it i post a video in a while my voice over game is weak right now but this is how it looks half my hair done nice and neat i think i did pretty okay i think i did pretty okay and i'm just gonna continue to do the same exact thing throughout the rest of my hair medium sized sections um sometimes i'm braiding at the top and sometimes going all in it was like four o'clock in the morning i was just switching it up to see what felt the most comfortable with my fingers um one thing i'll say about this hair it's a little bit rougher than what i wanted it to be so um it's not it's not bad hair but it is definitely rough on the fingers so keep lotion nearby and yeah we're just going to keep on twisting adding them little clips at the top to make sure your brain doesn't like pop out of your head and we're going to be cute soon we're going to be cute [Music] [Music] [Music] now honestly after like the first twist i knew that this jam was going to do absolutely nothing for my hair i didn't change it because i just felt like let's be consistent you know consistency is key so i didn't change it to a different um edge control or anything like that but what i wanted to say was if your hair is anything like mine in the front like i have much thinner hair in the front as you can see like you can kind of see my scalp at the top of my head on my edges they're kind of they're they're leaving they're leaving the premises i would just say be careful with what type of edge control you use in the front of your hair because when i do braids or twists or anything like that and i continuously use edge control on the perimeter or like the front part of my edges when it's time to take the braids out and wash my hair it kind of turns into a dread and my edges just kind of comb right out so just throwing that out there for anyone who is you know balding like i am hate that for us but they're still a will and they're still away we're gonna be all right so these are the twists i tried to get them as neat and as nice as i possibly could and now i'm going to add these beads onto the end because i felt like i needed a little bit more of a pizzazz and it really gave brown skin girl energy right here um i will link everything in the description box i hope you guys enjoyed this video and love this look i will see you guys in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 31,232
Rating: 4.9737334 out of 5
Id: 6ws1NHtpEsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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