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black queen failure ain't an option you looking clean clean clean [Music] okay i'm saying all right so hello vlog family usually i like to start my vlogs off like pretty nice and aesthetic and relaxed but i can't relax right now i can't i can't i can't i'm trying hold on let me try [Music] all right i'm freaking out because i'm getting the vaccine today okay and it's not i'm not necessarily like scared of the vaccine itself it's more so the shot i don't do needles for me it's it's the needle it's the shot and it's also i'm really afraid of the after effects i know everybody's everyone's body reacts differently but from what i heard it's not a walk in the park now i know there's been a lot of controversy on the vaccine and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah really the reason why i'm getting it and i don't know if this is a good reason but at first i didn't really care to get it that much at least not right now i'm like let them continue on with the guinea pigs and then i would just try to be like you know that 10 of the world that didn't have it like if 90 of the world's getting it what i need to get it for if no you know like you know i was trying to hold out to be a part of that group um but out of nowhere all my family got the vaccine literally all of my closest friends got the vaccine and i found it all out on like the same day like we were somewhere on sunday at someone's house it was like eight of us and i was the only one that did not have the vaccine and i felt like a leper i felt like i had a disease i felt like i had something crawling up my nose or something you know like nobody made me feel bad but nobody ever made me feel bad about it or pressured you know to get it no one's ever said girl you to get that i don't want to hang out with you like it's never been anything like that i just felt like look if the vaccine gonna kill off my whole family and all my friends why would i want to be the only one left you know if everyone's gonna turn into a zombie i don't want to be the only human left fighting for my life no i'm trying to be on the other side with the zombies you know if everyone's gonna grow feathers i'm trying to be flapping my wings with y'all okay so yeah i was like girl just get it like whatever i'm hoping the only side effect i get is the sore arm because i am going on a trip my uncle's getting married tomorrow no my uncle's getting married in two days so we're going to pennsylvania or whatever and i would hate to be sick the whole time over there so i really hope oh this is i don't know i don't know hi i'm just coming to get vaccined get a vaccine okay have this on your way yes okay oh thank you where do i go you park your car in the first parking lot on the right side okay and walk to the orange tent you're gonna see the sign okay thank you thank you ma'am who is this hello hi this is the call from amazon to inform you that your amazon account will be auto renewed with 129.99 from your bank account so enjoy using it i don't need to hear that right now just take the money we've arrived i'm waiting for she's here follow me okay well we love an on-time friend some of my friends are coming because they're getting their second shot i'm just getting my first one so i'm not doing it alone guys this is my friend lisa she's getting her second shot i'm getting my first one how was your first shot literally i had nothing like at least a store lisa is the biggest liar i know i'm about to go in there and die um yeah so i got mine obviously a month ago and i haven't gotten my period since so and she wants to blame it on the vaccine but who knows if that's one of the symptoms i definitely don't mind yeah yeah so i will take that i have no reason to be afraid of it being anything else so yeah same just for the record you just don't want me to be recording oh yeah you could do it i don't know how this vlog thing is okay all right i'm so sorry i'm just so nervous you're good my heart let's get oh yeah okay no if y'all can feel my heart right now me [Laughter] don't feel like i know my eyes are getting watery and your name and date of birth and which hand do you write with my right right we're gonna do that all right i'm just gonna ask you to relax your arm down here okay we're gonna pull up your sleeve okay okay okay i'll let you know okay just do not tense up your muscles relax your arms and not tense up on me okay you guys go to school together no i'm actually i'm the oldest one in the bunch i'm 29 i got oh my god that was so fast oh my gosh oh we're done okay that question that was a good one i was just so like in and out that was nice oh wow okay all right mommy ice to the arm if you need any for shortness it can happen nice to the arm okay tylenol if you have any body aches fever anything like that tylenol okay okay and i'm just i can just move around no way no no weights guess i can't work out i'm still looking forward to it thank you guys so much 15 minutes in the observation area okay thank you all right y'all so i'm back and i'm vexed well at least 50 it really wasn't so bad i mean you guys were there i was freaking out my friends though i don't know if you guys saw because i haven't watched the footage yet but my friends said that my arm like squirted out blood and it's because i was so tense um yeah i'm glad i didn't see that though because if i were to have seen that like for the person that went ahead of me i probably would have had to reschedule for another day i'm just trying to see how i feel throughout the rest of the day most people said the first one is not so bad you either just feel really tired and your arm is really sore so i'm gonna monitor myself for the rest of the day i'm gonna take it easy i know that everyone has their like conspiracy theories and all that stuff but whatever i'm just like whatever man in a few years if i gotta be if my family members can get compensated like if you are a loved one you know like if i gotta be one of those people then it is what it is but i'm just trusting god that you know everything's gonna be fine so yeah so guys i'm just checking in it's the same day but it's it's almost 12 hours later so i'm just checking in to let you know my symptoms or anything like that really all the only thing i have right now is my arm is pretty sore it's feeling a little stiff it's getting stiff but like i don't have any fatigue i've been awake all day working i literally just cleaned my whole apartment um no chills no nothing but i heard that the first shot isn't as bad as the second one but that's really all i got for you guys right now i want to reiterate this again i said it on my instagram i'm gonna say it here like i said i am not encouraging or discouraging anyone to get the shot you know i did what i did for my own personal life and i'm just showing you guys what i'm doing like what i did today is not like i'm not like an advocate because the truth is we really don't know we just don't know um but a lot of things in life are unknown so i had to make a choice either i did or didn't so i just did i don't want anyone to go crazy on me everybody just relax if you don't want to get the shot i don't have a problem with you we still cool if you got it we cool you know like it's all love i'm not here trying to spread awareness just do what you feel like is best for you and your family that's all i'm gonna say more importantly i have a flight tomorrow i have to be at the airport at 6 30 in the morning it is 103. i don't know if you guys can see that it's yeah no and i would love to show you guys my suitcase oh is that so am i going anywhere i guess all i'm wearing for the weekend are two hair ties and a gum wrapper because what's going on i just spent the last hour cleaning my apartment because i hate when i go away for a long time even though i'm just leaving for two days but when i come back to my apartment and it's not and span i feel like i get anxiety and depression like i need to come back to a clean apartment so i just like mop the floors i cleaned the whole kitchen i tidied up i gotta show y'all because it looks good okay it's giving it's giving welcome home like look at this kitchen look at this kitchen i think the floor is dry floor is drying out look at her look at her we love that so i'm gonna pack my clothes and try to get at least four hours of sleep and let's just get this show on the road [Music] and if you lose [Music] hey guys so just a quick update i'm at the hotel right now everybody went out to go have fun and i'm here because today hasn't been the worst day but it's definitely been an uncomfortable day i would definitely suggest if you're going to go on vacation do not get the vaccine the day before that was pretty stupid only honestly the only reason i did it yesterday is because my friends were going i didn't want to go by myself but if i could have chosen i would have went a different day but this morning my arms hurt my arm hurt like never before i was on the flight and my arm was hurting so bad i was trying to sleep but the pain was so bad i could not focus hurts really bad i'm already on my sixth tylenol for the day and it's all it's not it's nine p.m my uncle's wedding is tomorrow so i really hope that i feel better in the morning because if i feel the way i felt today tomorrow then this whole trip would have been for nothing because i'm not going to be able to go so that's just a little update for you guys i don't want to scare anyone or anything but i don't think it's gonna hurt this bad because last night and yesterday it wasn't as bad it was definitely stiff but it wasn't as bad as today like i could this morning i could barely put on deodorant i couldn't put on my shirt or my sweatshirt put it on a sweatshirt that was the hardest thing i ever had to do oh my gosh bruh this is not it oh it's giving this 0 out of 10 stars i kind of want to give it at least a quarter of a star just you know just to be fair but it's giving it's giving zero stars for me i just it's it's giving zero hello you guys it's been a few days since i last vlogged today's tuesday i think the last time i vlogged was friday the weekend was just crazy like friday i was in oh not my elbow being ashy oh my gosh don't mind me i'm about to take a shower i just came from the gym that's why you wear no clothes but um friday i wasn't feeling too good saturday was my uncle's wedding sunday i had my flight back home monday was memorial day so we just we've been outside really we've just been doing things um just to update on how i feel with my vaccine my arms it doesn't hurt but i went to the gym today and i was like no arm stuck even this morning i had like a muscle spasm like right around where she gave me my shot and i'm like is this the mutation process i don't know like this where i start to turn into a giraffe not quite sure so i got some new shoes today i'm trying to okay i'm really trying to get my outfits together the thing about me is i've always been sweatpants flip-flops crop top you know i'm trying to i'm trying to level up a little bit i saw these shoes and i really like them when i first bought them and then while they were on their way i was like i don't really like them that much anymore but why do these feel so heavy what size are you five and a half do i like these i'm not really sure i have i mean it's too this looks like a men's why do they look so big you guys like these i don't really know i don't know either they are men's oh my gosh no no i gotta send these back they're men's five and a half i was like look at these big old where i'm going with these shoes these are too big i'm pretty sure i ordered a youth size so what do i do now let's just try them on even though it's not giving whatever it's supposed to have at all the way my foot can just like slip right out you're too big let's just kindly put these back in the box okay all right so i'm about to make my protein shake but i'll give y'all a good angle didn't change it all did it nope that's a bit better okay so anyways you know i thought it was slick over the weekend but obviously not but why did this expire may 31st today is june 1st smells good all right no clumps okay so anyways so i wanted to tell you guys because you guys know you guys know i've been dropping like subliminal hints like the past few videos people have been asking me questions and i'm gonna do a more something more in depth later because this it's a whole testimony but now that certain people have caught on because i thought it was slick yesterday when i posted a boomerang with like five of my friends and my boyfriend was in the boomerang and i really thought i was thought i was slick but um but i got a few dm's like oh your boyfriend's back or you know blah blah and i never tagged him in my instagram stories if i used to when i used to post him before i never used to tag him because i know how y'all be yeah i just want to run over there and follow i think it's weird i think it's weird i mean i'm okay if you just want to go see what he looks like or whatever see what he's about but he told me he's like i feel your um a few your followers followed me yesterday i was like i'm never tagging you again but um it's okay i'm i don't i'm not mad but i'm really not worried about it that's that's not the point anyways so i wanted to say some stuff before i just start blasting him all over the place again and i really we really have been pretty low-key since he came back from where he was but there's a lot more to it and i feel like i can get a little more i can give you guys the inside scoop because when i post hair videos i get like 60 000 views or 100 000 views but the vlogs people who actually really care about me and care about my well-being in my life and not just my hair watch these so i feel like i can you know bring you guys a little closer you know we're here you know you guys actually care about what i'm doing and not just like oh her hair is cold but you guys you know okay you know you know what i'm saying girl shut up okay i always say like i don't owe anybody explanation or i don't need to tell anybody my business but like it's it's more so the testimony like i'm not gonna go into detail but the testimony sometimes it's just too sweet to keep to myself you know but like i said i'm gonna do a full video on that and i'm going to see if i can get him get him in he doesn't really have a problem with getting in but i personally have a few more um what's the word i have a few more requirements before i bring anyone on my channel you know what i'm saying i got a few requirements and the man's talking spicy but until i see it i don't really know if i want to bring him on here you know anyways long story short we did break up for like two months two and a half months almost three months we were broken up the whole time were you guys like y'all still together i was like he's just not here because technically like the first like six weeks he was here we just weren't together when i finally decided to answer he really wasn't here he was out of he was out of the state doing work for school so i was like oh that's a safe answer i was like yeah he's just not here right now because i wasn't sure what was going to end up happening when he got back but but yes we we did break up for a little bit and i decided to pull the plug and you know what if you if i make another video you guys are probably going to hear me repeat a few of these things twice but but i was just like you know what i'm always giving people advice and i was like if i were to write in a letter a suggestion to myself with the current situation and you know whatever transpired what would i tell a subscriber if i was a subscriber and i wrote that into myself i would tell her she should probably take a break and fall back and i'm like you know what i i just have to be true to what i would tell somebody else i don't want to be like well you know it's different oh dang so yeah i knew that it was the best thing like the way god like took us apart and brought us back together divine divine divine good stuff and it's just some some good stuff you guys let me blend this really quick so yeah it was just some stuff like a lot of praying and fasting and now because i trusted god with what he told me to do i was well rewarded that's all i'm gonna say your girl has been well rewarded and your girl needs to blend this one more time because there's too much chunks in here oh i gotta start working out these arms oh my gosh all right one two hmm okay no the see the bottom slippery now it's not me it's the cup one two ha ding oh my gosh hey open oh my gosh oh my gosh this is no this is actually embarrassing i just opened you a second ago wow i'm not gonna lie i'm really i promise like i don't think you see my hand but it's like turning red i don't want to say this is why i need a man because i don't but it would be very nice if a man was here to open this right now all right are you freaking kidding me oh i swear i have arthritis or something come here girl oh my gosh is this a joke oh my gosh what am i gonna do why do i go to the gym you know like what am i doing there all right i'm back i'm back i'm feeling good i'm lying or not i didn't think this would take up so much time on the vlog like i'm done talking to you guys about what i want to say oh my gosh i'm so annoyed i'm turning this off because this is embarrassing you guys i got it i got it i got it i got it literally as soon as as soon as i turned the camera off it opened anyway so y'all let me tell you about my man not me coming home to a gift on the counter not me coming home to find out he broke in he has a key and left something for me on the counter saw these and thought about you hope you like them let's go with first of all let's talk about the penmanship okay you don't have to don't stop oh my gosh so i'm on my way to my mom's house um i always say my mom like my parents aren't together i'm so sorry daddy if you're watching this which i know you're not um i'm on what wow i need a camera stand because these angles they don't be good right here how about that oh the light's green i woke up today in the worst mood because i really hate that i feel like the weather dictates my my moods but dang like if i wake up and it's raining and y'all expect me to get up out of bed and be a functional human being i don't get it how do people do it please let me know in the comments because yeah i just i was not doing well this morning look at this guy just ugly you know it's not getting what it's supposed to happen for the summer but also i live in florida and it's gonna be raining for like the next four months so i'm really gonna have to pick it up because i can't be sad and depressed every morning we don't have time for that like we really just don't have the time so anyways i feel like today will be a nice day i'm going to go see my babies y'all know i love my babies we're going to get some liam and peta action today maybe i'll even throw in some penelope put what are the kids names penelope and levi in there they're getting warmer to auntie but still we have to kind of stank sometimes i'm like where did we go wrong with the second two the first two they we right here the second two real stank i feel like i haven't really vlogged that much this week because not much has really happened yeah and now we're in june happy june but like now it's hurricane season and it's just raining all the time now the past two days it's just been raining i like the way i said all the time but it's only been two days but two days feels like all the time i think it's time for a jam session we're gonna do gospel today i'm feeling like i need some jesus right now [Music] yo that song it's still it's still giving me so anxious by genuine it's i still feel too sexy when i'm singing it so we gotta skip that one [Music] [Music] that was fun yo i really feel like we just need some gospel music sometimes to turn your day around because i feel better already i don't [Music] know [Music] hi papa hi papa bear i brought you a present you want to see yeah what do you think it is wait surprise chocolate egg [Applause] yay you're welcome did y'all know that my niece was famous look who posted her yesterday oprah's instagram who's that that's you did you did you know that you were famous you knew yeah you better show him that's right you wanna you wanna show me liam who is that pia she's famous did you know that nom nom high five thank you high five all right i got the two young ones [Music] all right what happened to the music we have to do our intro ladies and gentlemen welcome to wait this is crooked yeah ladies and gentlemen welcome to the harvey dance competition okay and this what dance competition so we have kia wait to the camera we've got pia and then we've got liam all right we all know penelope say hey pen and levi yes say hi say hi beautiful all right so we're gonna have a dance competition and liam said he wants to do the yeah it's called the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the ski yeah tick tock's taking over ski what is the song actually called ski at my house who taught you that my daddy of course your daddy did woo yes yes yes yes oh you better ski very good that was good high five that was awesome your turn now say hi hey give it to us girl [Music] oh let's go [Music] yes you can you want to come tomorrow say bye bye bye i love you bye bye high five high five bye bye tomorrow i love you oh that's good i love you too [Music] you
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 51,125
Rating: 4.8678064 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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