Ombre Powder Brow Shading on DARK SKIN + Healing Process

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[Music] okay guys so welcome back to my channel so anyways i'm trying to make this quick because i'm like two two seconds from my appointment but i am going to get my eyebrows micro ombre micro bladed ombre i'll figure out exactly what it is when i get there um i just wanted to show you guys my eyebrows right now i've watched a million tutorials last night and stuff and a lot of people get their brows done when they don't really have that much brows on their face and i have a good amount um but somebody reached out to me and said they do it for free so so i was like i mean i could use a little filling and like my eyebrows they're so not even okay hold on i have to pause this video because i'm driving now like i said my eyebrows aren't super thin but it'd be nice to have them filled in just a little bit and kind of even them out because my eyebrows are really cousins like second cousins it's giving distant cousins they are not twins and i'm going for more of a twin eyebrow look so um i just want to give you a before and we're going inside now good morning i am michelle with archangel brown beauty bar owner and founder and this morning i have lovely jess hair i'm gonna give her some ombre powder brown so i'm just going through the process with her i'm going to draw her brows first and then i'm going to start the process and numb her and she's going to have some beautiful brows and she's done she won't have to use her eyebrow pencil anymore she can just get up and go yes and then you'll see the queen's natural hair wow black queen we love it so these are my brows before i'm sure even so they're a little sister-ish like i said we need to get them together so that's what she's gonna do for me y'all i'm very i'm very afraid because i'm a huge scaredy cat of this pain tolerance and this pain level but everyone says it's different so i guess we're gonna see don't take my word for it because i'm definitely a huge baby but i will keep you guys updated like when you're painting a picture you draw the picture first and then you kind of color it in so that's what i'm going to draw it go around the border and i'm gonna lightly open you and then i'll numb you there's something works when your skin is open okay so you'll feel the effects when i go over it the second time but at first you might feel a little discomfort okay okay everyone's pinpointing it's different and it hurts a little bit more in the front okay [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i felt that last little shading [Music] uh [Music] all right guys we're coming up on the final reveal looking a little crazy right now but that's just the process so don't be alarmed [Music] what about this part [Laughter] wow wow this looks so good wow so i just wake up and i look this gorgeous every day oh my gosh this looks really good and they're gonna like shrink a little and they might fade up to like fifty percent um and then you can put a touch up and give you that booster color and that longevity to make sure it lasts you one to three years okay yeah this looks so good wow see a little crush on my tears right here [Laughter] yeah thank you so much this looks so good okay guys so it's day one i'm back home now and my face is a little bit oily because um when i left honestly i left there like eight hours ago but the stuff is still stuffing like she she put like some ointment on my face on my eyebrows as you can see and it's i'm supposed to put it on once one time every hour but like it's not moving so that is fine in certain lighting it looks better i feel like they look a little aggressive at times but like when i'm outside or i have like lights on it just looks better but um i'm excited for is to just like peel and heal and like get darker and get lighter again or whatever however the process goes that's what i'm looking forward to um she gave me she gave me like a kit of like the do's and don'ts she gave me like the ointment to wear and shout out to her because she gave me also like some shower things like i'll put this on my face when i'm taking a shower so that no water gets on my eyebrows i love that for me because a lot of people were saying that taking a shower gets pretty difficult so love that so the one thing that i'm going to talk about right now is the pain level because when i was looking for videos that's all i really wanted to know did it hurt did it hurt did it hurt and i understand why people have a hard time answering this so the thing is i did like my first set without any numbing cream she said she puts the numbing cream on after like the first set and i was a little nervous say it if you have nails like natural nails and not like acrylics because acrylics are pretty round but if you have natural nails that are kind of pointy if you just poke at your your eyebrow like that poke at your eyebrow pretty hard that's what it feels like that's what it felt like to me sometimes we're more intense than others when she put the numbing cream on i really didn't feel anything on like from here and over but when she got up to here i felt it again it wasn't horrible but there were times where i could hold the conversation and there were times where i had to stop talking i was like we're just gonna let let you do what you're doing right now i'll answer your question when you're done with this part here so i would someone else gave it a two i'm giving it a four i'm giving the pain level of four out of ten not horrible but it is a it is a little uncomfortable for a little while but i felt like it went by much faster than i thought it was going to in total it took three hours i was there from eight to eleven the longest part was really just trying to figure out what eyebrow shape i liked she redid it a few times and made sure they were even on both sides and like saw what type of arch i wanted and like if i wanted them higher or lower or thicker or thinner so i started off with them kind of thin because she's like it's probably better to start off thinner and then when you come back for your six week touch up you can add more i started off a little bit thinner i'm going to see how i like this shape after it like you know does this whole thing i might go and get them a little bit thicker but we'll see it's a little bit of a shock sometimes i like walk and past the mirror and i'm like whoa you know but so far this is what it's like but i'm just going to keep on doing updates throughout the next 14 days and we'll see what it looks like on day 14 so shout out to michelle she did amazing i'm gonna leave all of her information down below she's very professional she made sure i was comfortable and she was just fanta stressed kids she was fantastic so anyways i'm gonna check in every day and we'll see how we progress all right hey guys so today is day three and let me tell you you know let me take a seat because ciao i just wanted to kind of be in the not my wine bottle in the back i just want to make sure that i'm getting good lighting for you guys but yesterday day two i didn't bother vlog yesterday because it looked the same and today it still kind of looks the same but i think i'm getting more used to my face because yesterday um was when the regrets and fear was settling in like i messaged the lady who did my brows and i was like sis how do i wash these off like i don't want these anymore i'm not used to it you know some of my family and friends were like oh girl i don't really know but she shout out to michelle because she she i feel like she didn't say much but what she did say helped to calm me down a little bit i started to watch some youtube videos about people who you know did the same thing and went through the healing process so if that's you and you're freaking out just know it's very normal for like day one two and three for you to be like oh my gosh i hate it because this isn't what your eyebrows are gonna look like in the end you know they're not gonna be this dark they're gonna start fading a little bit the reasons why i was having like a little bit of a freak out is like i felt like they were i maybe did them too thin i felt like they were too close together i'm like oh my god they're too dark but it's all gonna change i mean the thickness and thinness the thickness isn't going to change not that i know of but i actually think this is the actual thickness of my eyebrow so i'm overreacting i'm still going to look normal i'm just ready for the peeling stages to start happening so it can be over and done with i it's just still a shock it's day three and i'm just now getting used starting to get used to my face no one else is not a lot of not a lot of other people have seen me yet so i'm not gonna put them through that i'm just gonna see them when i look back to my normal self because i don't have time but anyways i have the ointment on it right now so they look a little shinier and stuff but like look like she did a good job once they get together and once once they're not so harsh they're very harsh right now i'll get it together so anyways this is day three and i'll see you guys on day four hopefully tomorrow they start peeling i'm only excited for the peeling because i know the sooner they peel the sooner they heal you know like let's get the peeling healing together okay okay i'll see you guys tomorrow hello you guys so today is day five i skipped yesterday because nothing looked different but also i've been literally binge watching these eyebrow videos and now i'm like is today five or today day four because does the day that i get it done count i don't know but i'm gonna stick with day five just because that's how i started it off we're starting to get a little bit of like scabbing or peeling or whatever but for the most part nothing has really changed the only thing that's different is that i'm starting to get used to my face but i am definitely waiting for these to lighten up they're still way too aggressive for me but i am starting to get used to the situation here and i'm feeling much better i last night i did something kind of stupid like i felt like the ointment was like draining into my eyes like it just kept getting lower into my eye so i washed my face and i tried to just wash my eyes and i definitely got water right here and i don't know i feel like it you can definitely see it's like kind of faded a little bit because i got it on like the corner both right here and here so do not be like me don't try to do it just get a napkin or whatever and wipe it off do not get soap suds up there because i may have you know messed around with the process a little bit but um yeah this is day five all right guys so today is day six and the scabbing has begun but also my i'm getting like a mini breakout i don't know if you guys can see i'm getting like little bumps around my eyes it's probably from like that ointment that i'm using oh you can really see it right now right here i do not love that for me but i guess it's just part of the process so day six here are the brows this brow is definitely shedding faster than this one and i'm just ready for this to be over let it just just come off just come off i'm trying not to pick at them they are getting itchy but it's not unbearable it's just like every now and then and i just kind of like poke them i don't scratch i just like poke at my skin so yeah day six oh my god i'm gonna go get my eyelashes done so that i can at least feel some type of cute i don't know don't just if you're gonna do this make sure you're emotionally stable because i just i i'm not right now so you guys today is day nine i kind of stopped recording for a little bit because there's nothing to show you guys i don't wanna waste your time but it's day nine this one has scabbed off a good amount this eyebrow is still kind of holding on strong it's scabbed off a little bit but um not that much so right now they're kind of not even this one is longer this one is shorter you can tell that it's not as thick as it was before but yeah this is day nine and um yeah i guess this is just how they're gonna be i don't know we still no we still got some some scabs on this side too get taken care of and i think there's a little bit more like in this area here but yeah day nine please excuse the crust i'm not doing my hair again until my eyebrows are done healing because where am i going hmm oh okay okay guys so today is officially day 14. it's supposedly the last day of the healing process it takes about 14 days for your eyebrows to fully heal i took some days off of not vlogging every single day because things weren't changing that much but oh not the crust oh my gosh anyways so here are my eyebrows now i tried to pluck them a little bit because you know obviously they're going to start growing in um but here is how they are so a lot a little final review at first i'm not gonna lie at first i was like when i first got them done i was like why did i ruin my face and at first i also felt like they were too skinny but now i just really feel like i really like them i don't have any problems i may may get them just the tiniest bit thicker when i go back for my like six week checkup or whatever or six week fill in maybe the slightest bit thicker maybe not i don't know i feel like i really like the way it looks it looks like i have them penciled in even just a little bit and i'm a very natural girl i say that while i have eyelash extensions on but i don't wear a lot of makeup no shade at all but that's why i just felt like i didn't want anything too drastic because on the days where i have no eyelash extensions i don't have any lip gloss no no eyeliner no nothing i don't want to look too dramatic you know so i feel like this do what i had to do so i would say i am well pleased i'm glad i did it i went through a lot of different emotions the past few days but it brought me here okay no pain no gain period that is all i have for you guys if you're thinking about getting your eyebrows micro shaded or ombre powder brows whatever i would say go for it you know just trust the process you really have to trust the process because it's an ugly one okay it's a real ugly but in a few days you'll be fine so i thank you guys so much for watching this video and i will see you next time ain't an option you looking clean clean clean face ain't an option an option you look [Music]
Channel: OnlyOneJess
Views: 82,653
Rating: 4.9415898 out of 5
Id: eKh4IqSUeiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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