I'M DRUNK | World's Easiest Game (Drunk Edition)

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*Wapposh* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO... The World's Easy-est Game, which- FIRST of all- I call- Shenanigans on that- because I don't think that this is going to be the world's easiest game, but JUST to try and prove it and t-try to prove a point to myself, AND to the world at large- I have my old friend: Jack Daniels here!! That is- My buddy- JACK DA- No, not you! I know you're- Wait, your name is Jack and Daniels? I- I don't believe you! No, get out of here! No! Get out of here AND put pants on! Never trust someone who has two first names. That's just bullshit right off the start- Okay! This is supposed to be the world's easiest game. So to try and prove it wrong-! -And...the fact that I know that this is not gonna be the world's easiest game- I am going to take a shot, Well... this is- THIS is bigger than a shot.. of Jack Daniels EVERY TIME- I get an answer wrong. A-A-AdictingGames.com has stopped.. okay. You know what? This is what happens when you have to use Internet Explorer! Because, oh my good ol'-..uh friend CHROME- Couldn't use flash player for some reason.. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! WORLD?! I'm here stuck using fuckin'- ..oh god. (reading intructions) "I'm-" "Queeeaaassyyy cat-" Am I drunk already? Or is that text just fucked up? "Like me you will get nine lives" "And only nine" That's actually more than I expected to get Ooookay. "Which one is the United States?" Okay... "Is a triangle the only basic shape with 3 sides?" ..Yes? Okay... "What is your name?" Ohhh...! Ohhh, see, mmmm... Is this a thing where I type anything?- Okay, Sean? I got my name right! :D Okay! :D "You walk in to a restaurant. In the room there are 10 people" "who are 21 years old," "3 people who are 26 years old," "7 people who are 29 years old," "and 9 people who are 31 years old. 17 are men." "How many people are in the restaurant?" TEN... ...Right? Wait you walk into a... ..You walk into a room. How many are in the restaurant? I don't fucking know! DID YOU JUST VOMIT?! Okay... "Is this the World's Easiest Game?" Technically yes. OH WAIT- I got an answer wrong. Uhh... this! *clank* Oh wait, does that mean I have to take NINE shots? Okay, we'll go a little easy on the shots then since this is a fuckin' fat gla- OKAY BOTTOMS UP This is a thicc glass ...I spilled that all down my face You didn't see anything! That was sexy as sh'*t.. "Does a pear-bear poo in the woods?" Yes? ...Okay This is weird This is a game... (yes Jack, this is a game) They're not- ..They're not dying. Maybe if I use the bomb... (I dunno, I think the GNOME would've been more effecive) (heh references) My god- This is one of those games where I feel like- I just pressed the button '4' I feel like this is.. Tricking me..! "The word SWIMS is the same forwards, backwards and upside down." It's not the same BACKWARDS, but... Why not We'll f**kin' go withcha- You're trying to trick me, game! "How many questions have you answered so far?" Ohhhhhhhhhh... ...niiine? Cuz' im on the TENTH question :D I get it! :D It says it up here!! :D Ah haha! "What is the shape of a round red rubber ball?" That would be a sphere, my boy! Because it is a BALL, it is not a circle! "What is 2 and 2 put together?" *funny voice* twennyyone You're stupid Twenty-two Hahah! Can't f**kin' trick me, game! I have the power of Jack, AND DANIELS with me I have... hemorrhoids. *chuckles* "Which is the furthest away?" "Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, The Moon" Pluto! These are the types of things where I'm like, That's the obvious answer, but are you trying to trick me? Is there a trick in the question? *Breath* "-Letter words: A pyro technichian should know how..." ffire?? "Works?" I'm very uneasy. "Beat me in Tic-Tac-Toe." Okay, can I just beat you in real life? That was not that hard! "Turn on the lightbulb!" Wait...my lights are already on! OH... OH. Okay, St- er, Stacy and Jeff were makin' out and some guy was just there with fu**in' binocs. For some reason- Do I look pretty? Wait! Am I pretty? Okay- *giggles* "What shape is this?" ... Okay... "Which one is an elephant?" "Mary and Suzy ordered a pizza. Mary ate 2 out of 4 slices" "and Suzy ate 4 out of 8, who ate more?" Neither! Both are halves! Okay... Maybe this IS the world's easiest game! TWO! Oh. One- two- three- four- five- si- ...Six? Oh, we're playing this, are we? *counting* Thirteen... *counting* -twenty-three. Twenty-three!? *deep breath* MISTER GAME! HOOW dare you?! "Press the K button." Maybe this IS the world's easiest game! Okay, well, I actually got one wrong, so... "Swim to safety." H-Ho-How... How...? How? Oh. Am I dead?! What is goin' on? I thought... People told me to play this game like ages and ages ago, and they -- there were -- they had some sly comments about it, saying that I was gonna fail. I don't know what's happening. Maybe this just goes on forever! "Aqua is another word for..." W-Water? "What state is this?" I don't fu**in' know! Alaska? Turns out I DID know! *giggling* *high-pitched* Okay! "Which one is a zebra?" Umm...This one! I feel like I'm doin' okay! "What do you put in a toaster?" Bread! Isn't that supposed to be the thing where you ask a bunch of sh** about bread and then you say "What do you put in a toaster?" and then it's like, "Toast! Ah, fu** bread!" That would be... -"Okay smarty pants. what state is this-" That's Texas! 'Cept it's upside-down! 'Cuz Texas is the "Fu** You" State! 'Cuz it looks like a -- it looks like this. I'm not -- not against you! Not sayin' anything against you! Spider, tell 'em! "Uhh, he didn't mean that. Uhh, he was just sayin' tha-" Thanks, Spiderman. He sits on top of my monitor. You can't see him, he's not in the shot. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS! "This is my dog Blue, what colour is my dog?" Blue! Okay. I thought you w -- Okay. See? Now -- Now it begins. Now it begins. I get it. I get how this goes. Bottoms up to you too, Spiderman! JESUS I don't know if I'm seein' Jack AND Daniels at the same time! Is that a trick question? Okay... "There are 8 miles of woods by your house. How far can you walk into the woods?" What? S'not going in my favor anymore. That's fine! *blowing raspberries* I turned into a fu**in' weed-whacker all of a sudden. Or over in Ireland-- See-- I said weed-whacker because I knew a lot of people out there wouldn't understand What the F**K I was talkin' about if I said I sounded like a shtrimmer zee over in Ireland, we call them a strimmer -the thing that you use to cut grass?! But over in Yon'-Derry Land You call them weed-whackers! I mean I get it, but F**K youuu Ya think you're better than me "Fill in the missing letters in order to form words in the horizontal and vertical directions." Gel? (Guys I think Jack MIGHT be drunk) Booom -booom Buh buh da buh da OH WAIT "Wait 12 seconds"... Okay. 'S'nough time for me to take another SHOT See, the trick with this game- Is that I wanted to lose. The trick is that I wanted to lose- 'Cause the more I lose the happier I feel! *flushing noise* *Blows raspberry* Jack Daniels does not taste good on it's own. *Cough* *Fart noise* "What-is-a-number-between-1-and-2"-- One point five! I'M A SMART BOY. *slurring slightly* Y'KNOW WHAT- bring it on, bring on the failure. The MORE I fail-- Th-ughgh --better I feel. The more I fail, the less I remember Okay- The shots aren't actually affecting me that much. It was all an act! Uh, "is the moon made of cheese?" Well this moon is. "Alice is 14." "On her birthday she gets in a car and heads towards her friend Samantha's house-" F**kin' Samantha, she's a b**ch "At the same time her friend Emily starts cycling" "at a speed of 10mph towards Samantha's house as well." "How old was Alice?" Thirteen? "What is a round, red rubber ball made of?" Rubber. I got a little smiley emoji! I WOULD like an eggplant emoji because I love that d*ck. *Breath* Um "A centennial anniversary is a celebration of how many years?" One hundred. CENT Errrr CENT (pronounced in french) Is... -Okay, "wait 10 seconds"- I'm gonna- uh- teach you some french. Cent (french) Is 100 in french! And that's why we have the term Cents! Because a hundred cents is one dollar! Or one euro! Or-- A hundred pence is a pound, -but- UK is wierd I don't know why I moved here. "Put the ball in the basket." Kobe! "What color is a round, rubber, red ball?" ReD! "The word RACECAR is the same forwards, as bask-" "-BACKwards" *fart noise* UHhhm- True! BUT IT IS!!! wwwhAT!? Uh- six- by the way- Uhm -Didn't even need to think about that one- I'm going to tell you a story about my GRAND pappi Uhm- MY grand pappi- -Desmond. Dead before I was born. *YEAAAAAH sound effect* "How many cups in a quart?" Four. *AHhhhAHhAH sound effect* "How many quarts in a gallon?" FOUR. FFOUR!!! THAT'S FOUR! I'M SMART! I think those shots are gettin' to me. "How many sssides does a rectangle have?" FOUR. It's still four!? *slurring* "If you take half a spider's legs"-- fooour! I'm a smart boy! I went to college! Twice! "How many fingers rr-on a human hand?" You were trying to trick mee. It's four fingers and a thumb! But you counted the thumb... As one finger. 'Cause it has a phalange. I get it :D Hang man! Casss-tle! AGHH- f**k! A square is NOT the same shape with only four sides! (huh?) "2x minus 6 equals 12" Two- Three! I have to take two shots now O.o I might take ONE shot- -because that's embarrassing. *slur* "Does a FROG-" "bump his butt when he hops." YEs. "Escape the dungeon!" I got out! You know what!? I'm-a break this down for you right now Kinda drunk- ...becaaause before I played Cuphead I took a Jack and Coke So... A *little* bit drunk. Soo- Myy... Cognitive... Abilities... Kinda F**KED right now SO... I use my computerrr -to cheat! 30 days in September- April, June, and November. 31 in Sept- --in October because that's Halloween! --April, June, and November. Four! WHAT!? D: OHHHH- The *slurred word* Did dat ask hoow many days in Sep- -how many days have 31 days? F**k OH-kay Well I failed The World's EASIEST Game But I blAME my friEND- jACK-plus-Daniels! My friEND Jack-plus-Daniels--Don't- -ttrust ANYbody with a first first name! ... TWO first names -might I add- That includes YOU Mr Cat! I had nine lives- -failed all nine of them. Well THAT does it for me! From *this* video- If you LIKED it!- PUNCH that like button IN the face! *breath* LIKE A BOSS! AND- high fives all around- Wha-PSHHH WHA-PSHHHH But THANK you guys and I will SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO! *Beat drops on outro music* *outro music continues*
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 8,821,798
Rating: 4.9362016 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, world's easiest game, world's easiest game gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, answers, drunk, drink, drinking, alcohol, shots, jacksepticeye drunk, drinking chllenge, drunk challenge, browser, browser game, broswer version, jacksepticeye challenge, jacksepticeye drinking challenge, funny, funny moments, tipsy, jack daniels
Id: TKZpyIajAcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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