IELTS Reading TRUE - FALSE - NOT GIVEN | Strategy & Practice

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hi there it's asiya and this is an updated  video about true false not given questions   in ielts reading i'm gonna share with you  my strategy for solving these questions   and we'll also discuss different  tips and tricks that can help you   we'll have a look at some practice  questions too okay let's get started   well almost all ielts tests have at least  one set of true false note given or yes no   not given questions and sometimes you just have  one set but sometimes you have a set of these   questions in each section of your test so you  have three sets it really depends but it seems   that true false not given questions are usually  in the first or second sections of your test   and yes no not given is usually in the  third or sometimes in the second section   now let's talk about the answer formats  and what i'm about to say will surprise you   okay if you need to answer true false not given  you can write four words and you can write them   in small letters in capital letters or capitalize  the first letter it really doesn't matter but   if the answer is true and by mistake you're right  yes it will be counted as a correct answer even if   you answer just why instead of true it's still  a correct answer and i found this information   in the official ielts video i know that many of  you are surprised to hear that so i will link this   video in the description and i'm also not saying  that you should answer why instead of true i'm   just saying if you make this silly error it won't  affect your score but yes it is safer to just   write true or false and of course all that is only  for those who take the paper-based exam because if   you take the computer-based test you simply click  on true or false you don't need to type anything   another tip for you is that you will likely use  all three answers true false not given questions   usually come in sets of four or five questions  sometimes up to nine questions and it seems that   at least one will be true one will  be false and one will be not given   in the last test i took i had six questions two  were true two or false two are not given of course   i can't guarantee that you will have the same  distribution it may not be the case in your test   but there is a good probability that you will  use all three answers for example you have five   questions two are true two are false what do you  think the fifth answer is i would say there is a   very good chance it's not given in order to answer  true false not given questions first of all you   should locate the answer you need to find that  sentence or sentences which contain your answer   okay so first of all you read the question the  good thing is that true false not given questions   come in order you can read the first question  you start reading the passage then you find   your answer you read the next question you resume  reading the passage and so on so many questions in   ielts reading actually come in order some don't  but many do and i have a separate video about it   i will link it below you can do it with true  false not given questions almost all of them   but not those that come at the very end of their  test these are questions number 38 39 40 sometimes   you have several true false not given or yes  no not given questions so those may not come   in order all others usually do okay so you read  the first question you need to underline keywords   to remember what you're actually looking for if  you have any names surnames dates that's great   they will help you locate the answer but even if  you have a surname i still think that you should   read the whole passage you just don't need to read  it slowly trying to understand everything you can   read it fast looking for your answer but you will  still get the general idea of what it's about   okay when you find where the answer  is you slow down and you look for your   answer sometimes you can find the exact  keyword in the question and in the text   but quite often those are paraphrased so don't  look for exact keywords look for paraphrasing   once you've located the correct bit of the  passage you need to answer your question   and how easy or difficult it is to answer your  question depends on where in the test you found   it questions in the first section are usually the  easiest and quite often you can find your answer   in a single sentence those in the second section  are more difficult and sometimes you need to read   two or even three sentences to answer and those in  the third section are the hardest and you may need   to read the whole paragraph to answer a single  question be prepared for that now i've prepared   for you several practice questions but before  we begin i just want to give you several tips   the first one is remember that the devil is in  detail you really need to be very careful and   compare each part of your question and answer to  make sure that the meaning is exactly the same   cross out irrelevant bits don't rush make sure  it's all correct if it's false there should be   a direct contradiction and it should be quite  strong not some tiny thing like a few people   and several people like that's the same  there should be a strong contradiction   and if you've been looking for your answer and  you really can't find it perhaps it's not given   okay i have several practice questions  of different level of difficulty   please count how many you answer correctly and  then post your result in the comments below   let's dive in let's begin with some  questions from the first section   first of all you should read the title  why we need to protect polar bears   now we know that the whole passage is about  polar bears here is the first question now   please pause this video and try to find the  answer yourself and then resume once you're ready   ready let's have a look together in this question  we have a surname leo and it would definitely help   us to locate the correct sentences in the passage  here they are now we should carefully compare each   part of the statement with that in the passage to  see if the meaning is the same and the answer is   true or if there is a direct contradiction  and the answer is false or we simply don't   have the information to say if this statement  is true or false and the answer is not given   let's have a look at the question the study done  by leo and his colleagues compared different   groups of polar bears so i've highlighted the key  parts now let's read the passage a 2014 study by   shipping liu and his colleagues sheds light  on this mystery okay we have the same study   they compared here we have the same word they  compared the genetic structure of polar bears   with that of their closest relatives from a warmer  climate the brown bears if you don't understand   some of the words it's okay just try to understand  the meaning and try to find the key words so they   compared polar bears with brown bears but the  question says that they compared different groups   of polar bears so what's the answer the answer  is false because we have a direct contradiction   here is the next question please pause  the video and try to find the answer   ready to continue let's read the question first  so i split it into several parts the polar bears   mechanism for increasing bone density so polar  bears have a certain mechanism that increases   something in bones even if you don't know the  word density you can still deal with the question   so this mechanism could also be used by people one  day let's read the passage what's in the passage   is the mechanism of bone remodeling in polar  bears so some words match mechanism and bone   and we can see that it's a mechanism of something  that's happening in bear's bones so it's safe to   say that they're talking about the same mechanism  if this mechanism can be understood many bad   ridden humans and even astronauts okay humans and  astronauts are people could potentially benefit   could benefit is the same as could also be used  and potentially means one day so both are talking   about a possibility in the future this means that  the meaning of the statement is exactly the same   as the meaning of the sentence in the passage  so the answer is true now let's have a look   at some more difficult questions from section  three the title is how to make wise decisions   here is a question please pause the  video and try to find the answer ready to continue first of all we need to locate where the answer  is in the passage so let's read the statement   students participating in  the job prospects experiment   okay so we are looking for some information  about the job prospects experiment let's read   this paragraph for example in one experiment  okay so they are talking about an experiment that took place during the peak  of a recent economic recession   graduating college seniors okay graduating college  seniors are still students right let's read on   they were asked to reflect on their job prospects  okay job prospects and we're looking for some   information about job prospects experiment that's  good so that's the passage that we need now let's   find the answer let's read the statement again to  understand what the actual question is students   participating in the job prospects experiment  could choose one of two perspectives to take   so this means that there were two perspectives  whatever those are and they can choose one of them   so let's continue reading the passage students  were instructed to imagine their career either as   if they were a distant observer or before their  own eyes as if they were right there okay so   these are the two perspectives they are talking  about in the question in the question they say   that they could choose one of the two perspectives  but here so far we've read that they were   instructed to imagine but we don't know if they  were told what to imagine or if they could choose   so let's continue reading further participants  in the group assigned to the distant observer   here they were assigned to this group this  means they were allocated they couldn't choose   so this is a direct contradiction and  this means that the answer is false okay here is the fourth question please pause the  video and try to find the answer ready to continue   let's have a look at our statement first what  are we looking for in the couple's experiments   the length of the couple's relationships  had an impact on the results   so in the passage we are looking for some  information about experiments with couples   let's have a look at the paragraph in another  study couples okay so this is about an experiment   with couples so this is the correct paragraph  now what's the question let's have a look at the   statement again in the couple's experiments  the length of the couple's relationships   had an impact on the results okay so the statement  says that depending on whether couples have been   together for a long time or they just met recently  they had different results in the experiment let's   read the paragraph and find out if it's true or  not in another study couples in long-term romantic   relationships were instructed to visualize and so  on okay so they are talking about relationships   but actually they are saying that in this  experiment all couples were in long-term   romantic relationships they've been together for a  long time and if you finish reading this paragraph   you will find out that this is the only mention  of the length of relationships there is nothing   about couples in short-term relationships so the  statement says that the length of relationships   had an impact on the results but what's the answer  well we don't know if couples who met each other   recently had any different results because they  were not part of this experiment the answer is   not given you know quite often if you can't find  the answer anywhere this means that it's not given   here is the next question let's read it  together in both experiments the participants   who looked at the situation from a more detached  viewpoint tended to make wiser decisions   they are talking about the two experiments we  just read about with students and couples can   you answer this question straight away if the  answer is no and you would like to read the   two paragraphs again here they are please  pause the video and try to find the answer okay let's continue let's have a look at  this statement again in both experiments   the participants who looked at the situation  from a more detached viewpoint tended to make   wiser decisions okay so those who looked from a  more detached viewpoint they looked from the side   they made wiser or better decisions now  let's have a look if that's the case   in the first paragraph we can find that  participants in the group assigned to the   distant observer so distant observer is someone  with a more detached viewpoint they displayed   more wisdom-related reasoning or in simple  terms they made better decisions they made   wiser decisions okay let's have  a look at the next paragraph   couples in the other's eyes condition  so they have a more detached viewpoint   they were significantly more likely to rely  on wise reasoning or they tended to make   wiser decisions so what's the answer okay the  answer is true in both experiments participants   who looked from a more detached  viewpoint tended to make wiser decisions   there was a lot to read but could you perhaps  answer this question straight away without reading   the two paragraphs again i guess some of you could  and that's why i suggest reading all the passages   in your ielts reading test and not just scanning  for the keywords if you get the main idea of the   passage you're more likely to answer questions  like that straight away and save a lot of time   and don't worry you're not gonna get many  questions of this level of difficulty this one   comes at the end of the third section so this is  one of the most difficult questions in the ielts   reading test we can say it's a band 9 question  ok how many questions could you answer correctly   please tell me in the comments and if you couldn't  answer some of them please also tell me what was   the problem i'd like to know what difficulties you  face and also how well my strategies work for you   if you remember i mentioned that true false not  given questions or answers come in order in the   same order as questions are asked similarly  answers to many other types of questions   come in order too but some don't and i  shared my exact ielts reading strategy   and all the types of tasks which come in order  and which don't come in order in this video here   thank you so much for watching me today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts reading, ielts reading tips, ielts reading yes no not given, ielts reading yes no not given tips, ielts reading true false not given, ielts reading true false not given practice, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading practice, ielts reading test, ielts reading practice with answers
Id: JkWwZt8UwA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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