IELTS Listening Practice | MAPS | Band 9 Strategy

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hi there it's Isaiah today we take one section of IELTS listening and do it together you'll be able to see my strategy that gets me an I in every time I take the test and you will have an opportunity to practice too and when you'll be answering questions please count how many you answer correctly and post it in comments because I want to know what your level is and now let's get started [Music] just a quick announcement have you joined the IELTS writing challenge online Instagram yet that's where we write practices and comment on each other's work to help everyone improve and prepare for this challenging part of the IELTS exam please join the challenge and see you there okay I've prepared for you two slightly different types of maps in IELTS listening let's dive into the first one you have a few seconds to read the task try to memorize the objects on the map your answer options and also find the starting point you'll hear the librarian of a new town library talking to a group of people who are visiting the library okay everyone so here we are at the entrance to the town library my name is anne and i'm the chief librarian here and you'll usually find me at the desk just by the main entrance here so i'd like to tell you a bit about the way the library is organized and what you'll find where and you should all have a plan in front of you each task about a map starts with an introduction and we are only interested in this starting point if you see an entrance that's a starting point let's go on well as you see my desk is just on your right as you go in and opposite this the first room on your left has an excellent collection of reference books and is also a place where people can read or study peacefully in this task we see question numbers written on the map it means you can just look at the answer number eleven and wait for your answer and then question number 12 wait for your answer and so on so we've already had the answer to question number eleven and if you were looking at the entrance it's easy to find the room on your left and we hear about reference books when you have a bit of time before the recording starts try to memorize all the answer options then it will be much easier for you to recognize one of them when you hear about them and the recording continues and she talks about a place where people can relax and read but that's just an extra information to give you a few seconds to actually mark your correct answer 11h just beyond the librarians desk on the right is a room where we have up-to-date periodicals such as newspapers and magazines and this room also has a photocopier in case you want to copy any of the articles again we hear a description of where we need to go but actually because the question number is on the map we know where the next room is number 12 and we hear about periodicals that's our correct answer and again after that there is another sentence with some extra information to give you time to mark your answer if you carry straight on you'll come into a large room and this is the main library area there is fiction in the shelves on the left and nonfiction materials on your right and on the shelves on the far wall there is an excellent collection of books relating to local history we are hoping to add a section on local tourist attractions to later in the year as you might have guessed our the next question is number thirteen but we still hear the full description of where you need to go carry straight on on the far wall we also have keywords written on the map library area fiction nonfiction whenever you hear a certain word that describes direction that you don't know learn it those are often repeated in maps and then she talks about local history that's a correct answer and we mark it straight away and then the speaker continues talking about local tourist attractions and that's another option option I but first she says they are hoping to add it later in the year so it's not there yet it's not a correct answer you may guess it because you should get a few seconds to mark your correct answer two answers will never come one immediately after another and I cross out all correct options that I use and I also cross out incorrect options I hear about because those will not be repeated later in the test and it's easier to choose between options which haven't been used yet through the far door in the library just passed the fiction shelves is a seminar room and that can be booked for meetings or talks and next door to that is the children's library which has a good collection of stories and picture books for the under Elevens next the speaker describes the seminar room but we're not interested in what they can do there because we don't have a question so the keywords are next door is the children's library it's very close to children's books let's our next answer and if you have a look at the list of options because across how it all used options or incorrect options we've heard about I don't have many to choose from and it's much easier then there's a large room to the right of the library area that's the multimedia collection where you can borrow DVDs and so on it seems pretty easy to find the last answer F multimedia but the recording is not over yet but we are not looking for any more answers so you don't have to listen to it until the end you can use this time either to check your answers maybe to decide between two options you're hesitating about or you can start reading questions from the next section this is allowed here is this extra time you could use for something else and we also have CD ROMs you can borrow to use on your computer at home it was originally the art collection but that's been moved to another building and that's about it oh there's also the library office on the left of the librarians desk okay now does anyone have any questions yes let's summarize the first type of maps is where questions are actually written on the map and you just follow the question numbers and listen to the answers the second type is slightly different because on the map we see letters ABCD and those mark different locations in questions are actually at the bottom and you need to find where each object is located there are more locations than objects the good thing is that questions still come an order it means first we hear about question number five the Rey notes house and we'll look for its location then question number six the thumb number seven and so on I give you a few seconds to read the map and we start the sheep market is one of the main centers for art and history in the whole of the country if you look at our map you'll see some of the main attractions there most visitors start from Crawley road at the bottom of the map in the introduction we're looking for the starting point if there is no entrance on the map usually the starting point will be at the bottom the Reynolds house is one of the oldest houses in the city and is open to the public it's on the north side of Crawley road next to the footpath that leads to the public gardens we hear about the first question in this task number five the Reynolds house and if you see a map it's very likely you'll be given compass directions you see them in the top left corner of the map you see north south west east learn them the house is on the north side of Crawley Road there is actually only one location their letter H is the answer a good word to memorize is a footpath it means it's narrow and the death trends can go through but the cars can't the area is particularly interesting for its unusual sculptures the thumb is just what its name suggests but it's about 10 meters high you'll see it on Hill Road across the road from the bank the next question is above the thumb it's a sculpture and you can see it on Hill Road we see many locations on the he Road and this one is across the road from the bank it means you need to cross the road that is letter C because a is on the same side of the road you see the museum's got a particularly fine collection of New Zealand landscapes it's on the east side of the Sheep market on City Road it's on the other side of the road from the public garden immediately facing the junction with Hill Road this one is quite tricky we're looking for the museum and first of all we're here it's on the east side of the sheep market don't forget that the whole area is called the Sheep market so we're not looking for a street yet it's just on the right side of the map and then we hear it's on City Road then the road to the right and we see three or actually four letters there it's on the other side of the road from the public gardens it means it's not I and it's not e because those are on the same side of the road we have two options B or F then we here immediately facing the junction with Hale Road the junction is the crossing of two roads and E is actually not right on the corner you see it's slightly higher up it's actually F that is facing the junction it's right on the road that's a correct answer the Contemporary Art Gallery is on a little road that leads off Station Square not far from the public gardens the road ends at the gallery that doesn't go anywhere else that's open every day except Mondays the art gallery is on a little road that leads off station square it means it starts at Station Square we actually have two options D and G because the road leading to C is not a little road it's quite big but also we've already chosen the answer C that's where the thumb is and because it cross out used options it's easier to see them straight away so we have two D and G both are near the public buttons but we know that this road doesn't lead anywhere else in the road where D is leads to hell Road that means the answer is G the Warner gallery specializes in 19th century art it's on City Road near the junction with Crawley Road on the same side of the road as the public gardens it's open on weekdays from 9 to 5 and entry is free the walnut gallery is on City Road we have three options left ai-yi-yi we've already used F it's near the junction with Crawley Road it means it's letter I and you already know the word Junction right finally if you're interested in purchasing high quality artwork the place to go is nucleus you need to go from Crawley Road up through Station Square and east along Hill Road until you get to a small winding road turning off go up there and it's on your right if you get to City Road you've gone too far the last challenge nucleus you need to go from Crawley Road up through Station Square okay we go up and then East it means we turn to the right along here Road so we follow a he road to the right until you get to a small winding road turning off if the road is winding it means it's not straight that's why we don't go to let it D because that road is straight we go up but also they continue by saying go up there and if we needed to go to letter D they would say go down there you see and there is another clue if you get to see the road you've gone too far it means the correct answer is not far from city road if you've noticed you receive more clues than you actually need to find the location it means during the test if you miss one or two but you don't lose your concentration you can still find the correct answer let's summarize you may get one of the two types of maps in IELTS listening the first type is where questions are written on the map it's caesium and the second type is where letters are written on the map and you need to find where each object is located is actually more challenging but in both cases you need to follow the questions because answers come in order now let me give you some tips before the recording starts read the elements on the map and all the options that's very important try to memorize the options find the starting point that's either the entrance or it's a some of the map during the recording Oh first of all questions come in order follow the question numbers non the letters if you take a paper-based exam cross out used options from the list and also cross out incorrect options you've already heard about they will not be repeated if you take a computer-based exam you will drag options to the correct place on the map as soon as you found all the answers stop listening to the recording either try to find answers you've missed or start reading questions that are coming next you are allowed to switch between sections at any time and that's the end of this section of the listening test how many questions could you answer correctly please let me know in comments and if you want to learn more strategies and tips that I use watch this video here thank you for watching me today good luck with your preparation in your exam
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 244,576
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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