IELTS Writing in Just 30 Minutes || Band 9 Strategies || Asad Yaqub

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim assalamualaikum my name  is Asad yaqoob and I welcome you from my Isles   class there are students they are all sitting in  front of me and V from Lahore Pakistan we welcome   you all and from Lahore we are going to teach  you how to write a good essay before that I made   the same type of video but that was in Urdu and  many of you said we want your videos in English   so I dedicate this video to all of you actually  especially those who requested me to make videos   in English Here I am once again and I'm going to  tell you how to write a good essay and the type of   essay which I am going to teach you this essay  will give you seven eight or nine bands if you   follow my instructions and your English should be  accordingly as well it's not that only you follow   the formula and your English is not accordingly  then you'll not get a good bands if you put good   sentences within because very recently two of my  students my online students they got seven plus   bands from the same formula although the English  was good one of those he was from New Zealand   and his writing because of writing bands he was  stuck every time he was trying he was getting six   six point five six six point five then I gave  him this formula and he ended up getting seven   bands so you can't even get seven more than seven  but if you use this formula and then your English   is also appropriate then you'll be able to get  there and remember do not use any format for   your IELTS sometimes they give you a format they  just fill in the blanks right this is the format   fill in the blanks in the blanks you got to write  this you never get good bands from that only you   will get five bands if you have a ready-made  formula so with that you will never get a good   bands right now today we are going to talk about  advantages and disadvantages si we will see how to   write advantages and disadvantages si remember one  thing every si has three parts introduction body   conclusion right introduction body and conclusion  and there is a formula of writing introduction   whenever you write an introduction of the  essay there is a formula whenever you write   the conclusion of the essay there is a proper  formula for there and that's what I'm going to   tell you now let's talk about the overall  format of the essay it depends we've got   around four to five types of essays in Isles  one is advantages disadvantages second we've   got problem and solution third we have discussion  essay fourth we have opinion essay opinion essay   and discussion as say they are very close opinion  essay and the last type is cause and effect but   that is also something like problem and solution  right so mainly there are four types of essays   and you should be familiar and the most important  thing is you should know after reading the topic   you read the topic and then say oh this is  advantages/disadvantages essay you read the   topic and say ah this is opinion essay this is  discussion essay so you should know and once   you know it is advantages/disadvantages essay  then start so you read the topic and the topic   will tell you what sort of essay is that for  example the topic is what are the advantages   and disadvantages of leaving your country to  live or study abroad that's on page number   seven there is a box you can see it in the box  it's inside the box the last sentence what are   the advantages and disadvantages now when it  is advantages disadvantages it's understood   otherwise they will talk about like pros and cons  pros and cons benefits and something like that so   you will easily understand that I got to write  advantages and I got to write disadvantages for   that write an introduction to the topic now in  a minute I'm going to teach you how to write an   introduction this is a formula and you got  to follow that writing an introduction and   conclusion will not be a problem for you write an  introduction to the topic think of two advantages   to the situation and provide clear examples I'm  reading from the bullet points now two advantages   each advantage should be like a heading for  example if we talk about mobile phones right   two advantages of mobile phones two disadvantages  now you got to see more advantage should be like a   heading so that you cover a lot of things under  that very thing right it should not be a small   thing for example if I say what are the advantages  of using mobile phone you say it's useful that is   not an advantage but if you say it provides global  connectivity when you say global connectivity that   is an advantage so advantage should be like a  topic two advantages and two disadvantages so   write an introduction to the topic think of two  advantages to the situation and provide clear   examples and then think of two disadvantages and  write about these with good support support means   global connectivity now by this I mean you talk  about all the social websites talk about what's   there talk about Skype and all that so they should  be very good support to your advantage that's it   that is very very important next write a short  conclusion giving your overall opinion now in a   minute I'm going to tell you what you're going to  write in your opinion remember one thing whenever   you are writing advantages/disadvantages essay  in the last paragraph now see paragraph number   one introduction one advantage another advantage  one disadvantage another disadvantage and then   the sixth paragraph is conclusion there will be  six paragraphs in your advantages/disadvantages   essay six paragraph is conclusion in conclusion  you must tell your opinion and how will you   tell your opinion advantages are more than the  disadvantages or disadvantages are more than   the advantages that is your opinion so in the last  paragraph in a minute we're going to see all that   stuff is this all clear yeah any problem so far no  now let's go ahead and we are going to see how to   talk about the first paragraph introduction I'm on  page number 14 title is writing introductions page   number 14 writing introductions now we are going  to see there is a four step formula to write the   introduction of your essay usually what happens  when you are writing essay it's very difficult   to start most of the students they asked me a  question sir we don't know how to start right   and we are stuck we are thinking thinking  thinking how to start if you get the formula   and the formula tells you how to start writing  your essay then there is no problem right so we   will get that very formula here okay the formula  says step number one there are four steps step   number one is actually you can can you see ABCD  is written there ABCD right on the top so d4 dr.   that is number one write a general sentence about  the topic in your introduction introduction first   sentence you got to write a general sentence about  the topic now there we have the topic what are   the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your  country to live and study abroad so you can write   a general sentence about the topic that nowadays a  lot of people are going abroad for higher studies   and immigration and they want to stay there  for a couple of years and all that stuff so a   general sentence about the topic that tells your  understanding and you can start it with nowadays   so step one is write a general sentence about the  topic clear step two is a for Apple that is step   two add an extra sentence to support the first  you will write another sentence and this second   sentence will support your first sentence right  now for example let's just take a look alright   let's just finish this formula and then I'll come  back to that then step number three is be for boy   focus on the Christian in your own words what  is the question advantages and disadvantages of   going abroad living abroad studying abroad right  so you need two folk on the Christian in your own   words and that is your step three and step four  is C for cats tell the reader your plan your plan   means in this essay I will talk about and then  you will write a sentence about that so it's   a four step formula I repeat that step one is  write a general sentence about the topic step   2 is add an extra sentence to support the first  one step three is focus on the question in your   own words and step four is tell the reader your  plan now following this formula we are going to   write the first paragraph of an essay clear  let's do that topic is same actually I read   that again for you the topic says these days more  and more people are going to other countries for   significant periods of time significant means five  years ten years and all that either to find a job   or to study there are clearly many benefits now  benefits means advantages there are clearly many   benefits to doing this but people who live abroad  can also face some difficulties difficulties means   disadvantages right discuss the advantages and  disadvantages of living and working in a foreign   country so now from there you understand this  is advantages and disadvantages s-say now let's   see we write the first paragraph according to  the formula the first thing is write a general   sentence about the topic I am on page number  14 now so sentence number one nowadays taking   a year out to live or study abroad is becoming  increasingly popular is that clear now what is   this this is basically write a general sentence  about the topic and you can use nowadays these   days at present Claire now second step is add  an extra sentence to support the first and that   extra sentences for many people especially young  adults the chance to spend an extended period of   time overseas is an attractive one now that's  another sentence you are adding to support the   first one next step 3 is focus on the question in  your own words now question is about going abroad   that is sentence number 3 however there are both  pros and cons to deciding to do this it means now   you are focusing on the topic and you think there  are some advantages and you think there are some   disadvantages of doing this number 4 that is  actually tell that reader your plan now what   is your plan in this essay I will discuss some  of the reasons why moving abroad is so popular   and some of the challenges to be overcome now  you might have noticed one thing they are using   different words vocabulary is different in  the topic they use the word benefits and all   that but here you are using I will discuss some  of the reasons why moving abroad is so popular   instead of benefits you are using so popular and  instead of disadvantages you are saying and some   of the challenges to be overcome challenges means  disadvantages clear this is how you got to write   first paragraph of your problem and solution SC  whatever the topic is you got to remember step   1 write a general sentence about the topic step  2 add an extra sentence to support the first one   step 3 focus on the question in your own words and  step 4 tell the reader your plan so you are very   well familiar with how to write the introduction  of your essay and this time I going to tell you   how to write conclusion introduction and the last  part is conclusion then we will talk about body   of the essay in conclusion first thing is writing  conclusion there is a three-step formula for that   I am on page number 15 and there is a box in the  middle a good conclusion generally consists of   correct a good conclusion generally consists  of step 1 a general one sentence summary when   you write conclusion you got to write one sentence  summary of your essay write a general one sentence   summary step one step two for conclusion a focused  summary of the main points now what are the main   points two advantages and two disadvantages so you  will write a focused summary of the main points   avoiding repetition of vocabulary don't use the  same words again and again you can use synonyms   for those words right so step 2 is a focused  summary of the main points avoiding repetition   of vocabulary and last something new or your  opinion now what is your opinion as I told you   advantages outweigh disadvantages or disadvantages  outweigh advantages right that's what you will   write and that is what your opinion is so it's  a three step formula for conclusion a general   one sentence summary next a focused summary of the  main points avoiding repetition of vocabulary and   third something new or your opinion now let's  see we've got the topics and we see there is   a conclusion written here I'm reading this on  page 15 second paragraph all things considered   are you there all things considered means  whatever we have mentioned two advantages and   two disadvantages all things considered starting  life in a foreign country is never easy so that   is the conclusion right I told you a general one  sentence summary now this is a general one scent   some redead all things considered starting life in  a foreign country is never easy their next point   is a focused summary of the main points avoiding  repetition and vocabulary and that is you need   to weigh up the process of the better lifestyle  weather and so on so these are the advantages   right cross means positive side better lifestyle  and better so on and the corn spawns means the   negative side disadvantages and the corns of  culture shock and language barrier now what is   it it's basically a focused summary of the main  points in your essay you wrote all these points   and now you are giving a summary of that two  points you mentioned two advantages lifestyle and   weather and two disadvantages they are actually  cultural a culture shock and language barrier and   at the end something new or your opinion now what  is there personally I believe the benefits in term   in terms of personal growth eventually outweigh  any negatives means benefits in terms of and then   what are the benefits in terms of personal growth  means whenever you go to a foreign country you   grow your personality you grow yourself so that  outrace means its weight is more than the other   one and this is how you write the conclusion clear  introduction and conclusion we have discussed up   to two parts now what we're going to do we are  going to discuss a complete essay write that essay   is been nine essay of advantages and disadvantages  right we'll go through there and then we are going   to see how that essay is structured the topic is  same these days more and more people are going   to other countries for significant periods of time  either to find a job or to study there are clearly   many benefits to doing this but people who live  abroad can also face some difficulties and discuss   the advantages and disadvantages of living and  working in a foreign country now please observe   carefully the body of the essay second paragraph  third paragraph fourth and fifth because there   are four paragraphs in the body first paragraph  is according to the same formula let's follow it   please follow me on your books nowadays taking  a year out to live or study abroad is becoming   increasingly popular now this is one sentence  about about the topic what do we call this thing   general statement very good for many people  especially young adults the chance to spend an   extended period of time overseas is an attractive  one now this is another sentence to support the   first one okay let's go on however there are  both pros and cons to deciding to do this you   are focusing on the topic in your own words right  and then in this essay I will discuss some of the   reasons why moving abroad is so popular and some  of the challenges to be overcome what is this this   is what your plan exactly what you are going to  do in this essay so this is the first paragraph   according to the formula and believe me if you're  going to write like this you will get full bands   in writing and see there isn't any rocket science  it's a simple formula you know now for the body   the next four paragraphs you're going to write one  advantage here one advantage here with supporting   detail if there is one advantage why an example  relative there another advantage disadvantage   disadvantage and then conclusion let's go on let's  begin by looking at the advantages of moving away   now this sentence you can exactly copy for your  essay let's begin by looking at the advantages of   moving away one of the main positives of heading  overseas is that it broadens your horizon it   broadens your horizon means your thoughts your  vision you are right it broadens there what I   mean by this is what I mean by this is a phrase  it means whenever you want to add something   further to what you said for that you will be  using it what I mean by this is there you have   the chance to meet people from different cultural  backgrounds and learn to cope with foreign customs   and food cope with means to learn to deal with  right this can make you more rounded as a person   rounded means it develops your personality and you  become well-rounded so this is one paragraph and   one advantage is mentioned what is their advantage  it broadens your horizon they have only mentioned   and explained that so in one paragraph there  should be one advantage with explanation with   proper explanation let's go on sitting Lee now  secondly means second advantage clear and you   have to use the words like secondly let's begin  by looking at the advantages you can copy these   sentences as it is right now you need to see what  can I copy from this essay and then you can make   your own layout that okay this is my layout first  I will write nowadays and a general sentence then   I will write I will discuss some of the reasons  why I will discuss some of the reasons why and   then you can write the topic sentence so you can  make your own format okay secondly moving abroad   can leads to a better quality of life moving  abroad can lead to a better quality of life take   British people for example now they are giving an  example second advantages better quality of life   first advantage is broadens your horizon not it  so take British people for example thousands of   people from the UK move to Spain and Australia  every year now you can give the example of your   own country you can give example from Pakistan  India Bangladesh and Nepal in some other countries   like that these countries have warmer climate of  warmer climates and encourage a better work/life   balance now what is work-life balance eight hours  work 16 hours to enjoy life and in our countries   like 12 hours work 15 hours work and less time  to enjoy life so that's what we call work-life   balance vocabulary is very simple but because  of chunking it looks better what is chunking   chunking is basically a group of words that come  together like they have written work-life balance   you know work you know life you know balance but  you cannot create this phrase work-life balance so   this is what we call jumping through chunking  you learn some good sentence combinations and   these sentence combinations will help you write  a very good answer and then your language will   look natural and you cannot develop jump chunks  chunks are only developed by the native speakers   the only developed that we can follow that okay  in addition again you can use in addition in   every se in addition by living overseas you can  gain qualifications and language skills which may   improve promotion prospects on your return for  example you go to China and you come back now   you can speak Chinese language that will help you  in your own country you go to Australia you work   there you get some international experience  you come back to Pakistan the multinational   companies will give you very good jobs so it's  just like that okay now we are going to write   some disadvantages turning to the other side of  the argument one side is advantageous other side   is disadvantages turning to the other side of the  occupant culture shock is a major problem culture   shock means you go to another country and you see  it's a different culture now for example in your   in Pakistan you eat a certain type of food you  go to foreign country they eat a certain type   of food which is not permissible for you right I  mean here in your country drinking is drinking is   not allowed you go to a foreign country there's  a cultural shock you see vine everywhere right   so that's another thing culture shock is a major  problem many people who take a year out find it's   hard to cope with the language now a lot of people  who go to Italy they cannot speak Italian language   so they don't enjoy their life in there right with  the language barrier the food and general cultural   differences so these are the three things this  often leads to homesickness as a result of that   this often leads to homesickness and in some cases  a sense of isolation you feel loneliness you feel   I'm all alone here nobody understands my language  nobody eats my food nobody talks to me then you   will feel loneliness there and that the issue is  there now see the language another issue is there   you can use it exactly in your essay when you are  writing the second disadvantage another issue is   there it can be difficult to start a new life from  scratch now for instance the time when you go to   Australia or Canada you're going to start a new  life from scratch from zero right your life here   in your own country and the life over there it's  going to be as a new beginning of a new life for   you so you need to start your life a new life from  scratch in other words then you move abroad you   have to make new friends and find your place in  community new friends new community they'll say   alright my next-door neighbor is from Nepal my one  neighbor is from Bangladesh one neighbor is from   India one neighbor is from Indian Punjab and all  that so you'll find a new community for example if   you go to Canada or if you go to Australia you're  going to find that or there this process takes   time and can be especially challenging if there  is also a language barrier to deal with now you   go to a foreign country people are new languages  new food is new so this is another disadvantage   now we have talked about two advantages and  two disadvantages now the last paragraph is   conclusion all things considered you can use this  sentence at the end of your every essay when you   are writing the conclusion all things considered  starting life in a foreign country is never see   again conclusion is according to the formula  which we discussed starting life in a foreign   country is never easy you need to weigh up the  process of the better lifestyle weigh up the   process of better lifestyle weather and so on and  the cons of culture shock and language failure so   again he has explained two advantages which were  explained in two paragraphs and two disadvantages   which were explained in two paragraphs so this is  what we call one sentence summary of advantages   and disadvantages right and then your opinion  personally I believe the benefits in terms of   personal growth eventually outweigh any negatives  so personal growth the type of person you become   after going abroad that is the best thing so  that's why they say the benefits in terms of   personal growth eventually outweigh they are more  in weight than any negatives right so this is how   you write an essay and if you write as it now see  in this full essay there will be hardly one or   two words that you don't understand like broadens  your horizon you can understand that already right   and then there was cultural shock and all that  but otherwise there aren't any difficult words   but they have used very good chunking again I told  you chunking is the order of words and this order   is used by the native speakers right you can  find some chunks as well learn the chance use   them in your conversation you will get very good  bands use them in your writing you will get very   good bands for that as well right you got to  use the chunking and this is the whole formula   and through that you'll be getting good bands  so thank you very much for watching this video   I hope you would have enjoyed my class with my  students and I'll try to make some more videos   from my class as well and this is how you got  to write advantages/disadvantages essay whenever   there is any advantages disadvantages I say you  got to follow the same formula and then you can   easily start and finish your essay without any  problem without any hesitation if you like this   video hit on the like button and don't forget  to subscribe my channel because I'm very close   to getting hundred thousand members right you  can help me with that and you can comment on   my videos as well see now students are sitting in  front of me I can see them all if you're going to   comment on the video your picture will come with  the comment and I'll see you okay this is someone   from India this is someone from Bangladesh from  Nepal from Pakistan or from a foreign countries   you must comment as well apart from this I teach  is online if you want to join my online classes   my mobile number is given here you can contact  me for that I said via KHOU wishes you all the   best from Lahore Pakistan very close to Wagga  border take good care of yourselves Allah Hafiz
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 1,283,377
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Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts preparation, ielts writing task 2, ielts e2, ielts tips, ielts writing tips, ielts general writing, english grammar, e2 ielts academic, e2, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing band 8, writing skills, pronunciation, Learn English, improve writing skills in IELTS, improve writing ielts, improve writing in English, AsadYaqub
Id: J-WENkakT4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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