IELTS Speaking Part 2 CUE CARD - FOOD (Sample Answer and Analysis)

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I am welcome to today's video in this video today you're going to watch a candidate do the IELTS speaking test part 2 the candidate is actually me in disguise but I will also do some commentary about the performance so to begin with you'll see the candidate do the one-minute preparation and the notes that he makes after that you'll see the candidate perform for the two minutes giving the long turn about the topic of food then I'll have you watch again and this time I will be doing an analysis of what the language what language is used the good and the bad and overall the performance of the candidate and how the language he is used can help him in the IELTS test before we begin I'd like to give you two questions to think about a first question is in the preparation stage what does the candidate include in his notes second question is about fluency so thinking about AB and six AB and six may have a loss of flow due to hesitation okay AB and seven doesn't really have a loss of flow they keep going with no effort and any hesitation is usually language related searching for a word or an expression a band-aid speaks fluently may have hesitation but it's content related searching for an idea not language so the question is what do you think about the fluency is it about 6 ab + 7 or a band-aids hope you enjoy the video I'll speak to you later [Music] okay a dish let me think what food do I like I I like Spanish food maybe I'll do a Spanish tortilla that's what I really like it's like a potato omelette so I'm going to talk generally about that how it's made so it's it's chopping stuff and frying I can use those so detailed example of I'm gonna talk about where I learnt it because that could be quite interesting to talk about in the past as well and one detail about another example where I learnt it and when when when we eat it so I can talk about guests coming over but also kind of in a bar so language I can use guests are kind of showing off in a bars when you grab a bite is a nice one it's kind of food on the go there's my minute well if I were to describe a dish that I like I suppose I'd say Spanish tortilla it's a quite simple dish to make you need to chop some onions and fry them you slice some potatoes and fry them with the onion then in a separate Bowl you beat some eggs and a trick I learned was the more you beat them the fluffier they become and the tastier the omelet and it's it's really nice tasty dish to make it's quite heavy and filling as well I'd like to mention where I learnt it which is in Spain when I was living in Spain for a while I stayed with some Spanish friends who took great pride in their food and they insisted on showing me how to make Spanish tortilla and so I learned with them when it comes to when I usually eat it well when guests come and stay with me I like to show off and make this dish it's a bit of an international dish and dish from another country is quite interesting there's normally a story behind it which is good for entertaining people and also I eat it often when I go to a bar if I'm in a rush I mean I need something on the go and I want to grab a bite to eat then I can get it in a bar very quickly it's not too big a good size and it's fairly straightforward too to eat and that's it really so it's one of my favourite dishes and I often make it [Music] okay so let's have a look at this candidate and he looks familiar let's see how he did but he looks a bit nervous but always good to try and smile at the start if I were to describe a dish that I like I suppose I'd say what a great starter if I were to describe blah-blah-blah-blah-blah I suppose I would say you've got complex conditional sentence before we have even started and you can use that with absolutely anything if I were to describe a family member I suppose I'd say my mother if I were to describe a country I like to visit I suppose I'd say or I think I'd say or I might say all sorts of combinations great filler to start nice to talk to you it's a quite simple dish to make you need to chop some onions and fry them you slice some potatoes and fry them with the onion and then in a separate Bowl you beat some eggs and a trick I learned was the more you beat them that fluffier they become at the tape and can you see there when he starts talking about the trick I learnt there's a bit of a smile comes up and how it changes the dynamic of the interview for the listener so if you talk about things that are quite emotional or have an emotional connection with you like here a trick I learnt and he clearly remembers the trick it will bring a smile and it will really help change the dynamic of the interview to warm up and that can only help you some nice language as well chalk fry beat all the basic verbs of cooking but using them quite naturally and it's it's really nice tasty dish to make it's quite heavy and thinning as well tasty heavy filling some more very simple but appropriate language for food I'd like to mention where I learnt it's great again another filler I'd like to mention mentions my unusual word a conditional I'd like to I'd like to mention bla bla bla bla so I've gone from I here the candidate has gone from a general talk and starts going into his first detail about where he learnt it and signposting really marking clearly now I'd like to mention something so it's making it easier for the examiner she's in Spain when I was living in Spain for a while I stayed with some Spanish friends who took great pride in their food and they insisted on showing me how to make Spanish tortilla you can see the sentences don't run fluently from start to end they often break up in the middle that's very natural speech they insisted on making me learn absolutely fine you don't have to say they insisted on making me learn that's not necessary fluency you can stop at different moments in the sentence what's important is I'm not really looking for the language and the examiner knows that candidates not looking for the language they're just looking for the idea really so I learned with them when it comes to when I usually eat it another signpost when it comes to bla bla bla bla or as far as bla bla bla is concerned lots of signposts entering a second example here making it really clear and great simple language well when guests come and stay with me I like to show off and there he goes he wrote that in the preparation he's put it in there quite naturally this dish it's a bit of a international dish dish from another countries interesting there's not only a story behind it again a little bit of movement interest in dynamics helps with the conversation for entertaining people and also I eat it often when I go to a bar if I'm in a rush I'm I need something on the go I want to grab a bite to eat again that was prepared in the one minute nicely put together with on the go in no rush grab a bite some really nice little phrases to throw in there and the structure of the part to talk really helped identify when to put these phrases in then I can get it in a bar very quickly it's not too big a good size and it's fairly straightforward to to eat and that's it really so it's one of my favourite dishes I often make it and there he's winding up a bit of a summary he was starting to run out of things to say so rather than repeating and going round in circles he throws in a quick one liner to summarise and stops talking is one minute 53 but he stops talking better to cut off and stop when you're winning if you like anything after one minute 30 is good but one minute 50 is good time to finish and let the examiner ask you a round up question if necessary not a bad part too [Music] hello from the beginning of the video well I'm back to answer my questions two questions right the first question then what does hehe include in his notes I think clearly he has the thing he's gonna talk about and then he looks at a general idea and then one detail about where he learns it in a second detail about when he makes that dish I think it's a great strategy in the preparation stage of part two to think about probably for one minute to talk generally about the thing and then for 30 seconds have one detail and if possible another thirty Seconds a second detail it's a great strategy one of the skills can examiner's look for is the ability to talk in general and then go into detail in certain areas he also tried to include one or two phrases or language points that he may use in the test but my oh my one minute will fly past it's not easy regarding question number two and fluency I think he was a band-aid he was able to keep going there were hesitations but most of them if not all were content related looking for ideas but the good news is you can hesitate you can even hesitate a look for language trying to find the right word and still be AB and seven the key is to be speaking without loss of flow and without noticeable effort and you can be AB and seven great that's it for today thank you [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 42,872
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test samples band 9, ielts speaking cue card, ielts speaking cue card tips and tricks, ielts speaking part 2 questions and answers, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 strategy, ielts speaking food topic, ielts speaking food and restaurant, cue card food, ielts keith, ielts speaking success, food ielts speaking, food ielts speaking part 2
Id: usVmSGwZjSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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