IELTS Listening Map Labelling with Alex

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hello everyone my name is Alex I'm one of the expert IELTS teachers here at e2 language comm welcome to your task of the week for IELTS this is the final one in this series at the end of this session I'll tell you where you can find us while we take a short break in today's class today we'll be looking at IELTS listening and in particular section 2 and we're going to deal with the map this is our plan I'll give you a quick overview of what happens in IELTS listening section 2 will do 6 practice questions with a map then you'll review the questions with me and I'll tell you where you can get some more practice so I listen apart to a quick overview in this part you always hear one main speaker and you'll be answering 10 questions the most common type of question that you'll get is a map and multiple choice and so today we're focusing on the map part it looks something like this so obviously to answer this question well or these questions well you need to be able to deal with directions like go straight take the first left head right turn left keep going and also a language related to locations like opposite next to besides on the corner on your ride on your left this kind of question can be tricky but if you're comfortable with that type of language and if you are well-prepared it's a breeze so let's have a look at our example here obviously the first thing to do is look at the instructions and they're at the top here label the map below write the correct letter a to I next two questions 11 to 16 you can see on the map these letters a b c d e f g h and over here i and our questions are over here on the right from 11 down to 16 so basically we need to say where is the restaurant it could be F or it could be D where is the children's playground and so on so the first thing that we really need to do is to identify the features on the map see what's there already this will help us to navigate easily so let's start with the street names we've got Palm Lane Beach Road Darling Street Port Street Grover Street if you're on the paper-based test I would be circling those words and saying them out loud in my head we've also got some buildings already on the map the Town Hall up here on Darling Street we've got the supermarket on the corner of beach road and darling the cafe and the library the good news with a map in IELTS listening is that the answers always come in order of the numbers so we're gonna here first where the restaurant is and then we'll hear where the children's playground is then the childcare centre and so on each map is obviously a bit different and sometimes it will tell you you are here or there'll be an X or an entrance which will tell you where the speaker is going to begin from in the map that we've got here but the speaker will probably tell us where we're standing or where we should begin so let's find out where the speaker is now I know you've all got a map of the area but it hasn't been updated for some time so I'd like to spend a few minutes just explaining where everything is before you set off to explore now we're here of course at the library did you catch that we're here of course at the library so this will navigate us now that we know where we're starting from if the speaker says go out and turn right we know where we begin quite important sorry cut that screen so get ready let's do it remember that you're writing a letter next to each number so for 11 restaurant you'll need to write a or B or C or D let's go now I know you've all got a map of the area but it hasn't been updated for some time so I'd like to spend a few minutes just explaining where everything is before you set off to explore now we're here of course at the library and directly to our right in this grand old building is the town cinema there are sadly plans to turn it into a function Center but for the time being it's a great place to catch the latest flicks now if you are hungry probably the best place to eat is actually right in front of us on the other side of growver Street the large gray building is home to the finest restaurant in the area and just behind it you'll find a more casual cafe a good spot for morning coffees I know some of you have small kids so you'll be happy to hear that there's a wonderful playground in the town from here the library you just walk right and turn left at Port Street keep going until you hit Darling Street and you'll find it on the corner to your right speaking of children every Monday there's a story time hour at the town hall which is not far from the playground on thing street opposite the supermarket oh and for those of you who need to enroll your kids in childcare there's a brand new center if you cross Beach Road at the supermarket and head down palm Lane the childcare center is the large green building on your right all right now once you've dropped the kids off you might like to head over the road to do your laundry should you need to there's a great place on the corner of Beach Road and palm lane you'll get to know the staff there pretty well I'd say probably the most important place to mention since it's where you're all going to be working for the next few months is the hotel actually you can see it from here just head out of the library on to Grover Street and it's just over there on the corner on your left Oh lastly someone asked me to recommend a fitness club in town and unfortunately it's closed for renovations at the moment but never fear I can recommend a fantastic outdoor pool that's open to the public from where we are now head right and take the first left the pool is the first building you come to on your right well if there aren't any questions I think it's time to sort out uniforms and start our first training sessions in the main dining hall so how did you go do you feel pretty confident with your answers if you do skip ahead and check the answers with me if you want to listen again let's do it together this time as you listen I'm gonna show you with the pointer where the speaker takes us let's go now I know you've all got a map of the area but it hasn't been updated for some time so I'd like to spend a few minutes just explaining where everything is before you set off to explore now we're here of course at the library and directly to our right in this grand old building is the town cinema there are sadly plans to turn it into a function center but for the time being it's a great place to catch the latest flicks now if you are hungry probably the best place to eat is actually right in front of us on the other side of growver street the large gray building is home to the finest restaurant in the area and just behind it you'll find a more casual cafe a good spot for morning coffees I know some of you have small kids so you'll be happy to hear that there's a wonderful playground in the town from here the library you just walk right and turn left at Port Street keep going until you hit Darling Street and you'll find it on the corner to your right speaking of children every Monday there's a story time hour at the town hall which is not far from the playground on darling Street opposite the supermarket oh and for those of you who need to enroll your kids in childcare there's a brand new center if you cross Beach Road at the supermarket and head down palm Lane the childcare center is the large green building on your right alright now once you've dropped the kids off you might like to head over the road to do your laundry should you need to there's a great place on the corner of Beach Road and palm lane you'll get to know the staff there pretty well I'd say probably the most important place to mention since it's where you're all going to be working for the next few months is the hotel actually you can see it from here just head out of the library on to Grover Street and it's just over there on the corner on your left Oh lastly someone asked me to recommend a fitness club in town and unfortunately it's closed for renovations at the moment but never fear I can recommend a fantastic outdoor pool that's open to the public from where we are now head right and take the first left the pool is the first building you come to on your right well if there aren't any questions I think it's time to sort out uniforms and start our first training sessions in the main dining hall and there you go it's that easy so these are the answers 11 D 12 F 13 a 14 C 15 I and 16 G now if you need more practice with listening and in particular with maps we have a huge section dealing with this in our course on eating language comm for more practice with IELTS listening and in particular Maps jump onto eating language comm click on your course go to the listening section and down to plan map diagram labeling to access heaps of practice activities including an overview plan labeling math labeling and Grahame labeling and remember also that you can practice your grammar without course skills come to our live classes twice everyday catch up with recorded classes you can also submit work for assessment or book a one-on-one tutorial as I said this is the last in this series of our IELTS task of the week but it's all happening over on e to language comm so come over and join us for our daily live classes book a one-on-one tutorial I'll have your work assessed and make your way through our huge IELTS course over there we'll see you again soon bye [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 522,935
Rating: 4.9339161 out of 5
Keywords: ielts listening, ielts, ielts e2, e2 ielts, ielts labelling, labeling, e2 jay, e2tasks, ielts map, ielts writing, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts tips, ielts free, ielts questions, free, free questions, map labelling, e2language, e2 language ielts, ielts liz, pote, e2 alex
Id: W1kuA2GuXks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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