IELTS Speaking India - Kerala Band 8 with Subtitles

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[Music] welcome to ielts test preparation videos you will now see koran from the indian province of kerala score a very good band-aid for his performance on the ielts speaking interview i will explain his score according to official ielts marking criteria and i will give you some important insights on how ielts examiners think about your speaking again we have partnered with candy a world-class app that lets you connect with the native english speaking tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week camli is the only app in india that provides on-demand native english speaking tutoring with american canadian and uk english speakers cambly india has been generous enough to give us this special code for students in india who use the app to save 25 on three month plans simply use 25 ae help with the link in the video description simply download the app today use the discount code and begin learning for success now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the ielts exam my name is adrian i will be your examiner for this part of the test and i'm going to record this for marking and clerical purposes this is candidate number 7391 we are currently doing this exam in kerala and the time is 15 o'clock firstly could you please just show me your identification yes of course here is my passport please take a look and what is your full name my full name is karen nyer you can call me karen okay karen for part one i will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study i actually do both i work for a financial firm as a financial strategist and i also study for my ielts and also gre for my highest studies in states where you live i live in the outskirts of kerala in a three-bedroom apartment with my parents let's talk about fruits and vegetables what is your favorite fruit interesting question my favorite fruit would be mango i love mangoes because for its sweet and tangy taste and it's one of the most available fruits in our region how often do you eat fruits and how about vegetables i try to eat fruits and vegetables at least twice a day today for morning also i have a vegetable curry that my mom prepared which was really good and my love for mangoes i have drank a mango lassi on my way to this exam hall where do you buy the most delicious fruits and vegetables i mostly buy it from the farmer's market near to my home where the all the farmers will come there and with their all their producers from the day over the week and they are really fresh and they're really tasty as well which do you like to eat more fruits for vegetables and why i would prefer fruits over vegetables for sweetness if you could grow any fruit or vegetable what would it be and why if i ever happened to gross a fruit or vegetable i would grow durian because it's known as the king of fruits but i'm not sure whether it will grow in my region have you been to an apple orchard yes i've been to an apple orchard in the cantel in the himalayan regions where there are a lot of apple trees and they produce some of the best apples in india that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two for part two i'm going to show you a card with some questions on it you have some note paper in front of you and you have your pencil there you will have one minute to read the questions on the card think about your answer and then you will have two minutes to speak i will tell you when to start when to stop you can take notes in that one minute of course if you wish please do not touch the card sure talk about a useful idea that you learned in school your one minute preparation time begins now karen your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking the one useful idea i have learned in school was money management and investing i have learned this five years back at one of my classes and it was stored by mr rocco and he advised all of us the students that until the age of 40 you should invest your uh at least 30 percent of your earnings to the proper stock market or a crypto con so that on a long term you would be able to get profit out of it and i totally followed his advices and built a portfolio on it and years from now i can see changes in my financial status even while i'm sleeping my money is working for me and i'm making huge profits now so right after college when i got a job at the retail store as a customer service agent right away i opened all these accounts and started investing in it and now i am i could say i am financially secure okay your time is up i'm going to stop you there and now we will continue with part three i'm just going to take back the questions yeah please put the note paper to the side yes okay thank you and for part three i will ask you a question connected to the topic of part two and uh some questions related to uh this topic as well um did you do anything afterwards to thank mr raghav for teaching you this useful idea about investing yes like couple of months back i popped it in my old school and i met him and i i showed up with a bunch of chocolates that he really loves i've heard him saying that he love milk chocolate so i bought a bunch of them and i gifted it to him as a gratitude for all these advices let's talk school curriculum what are the most common subjects taught in school the most common subjects taught in school are science mathematics and languages mathematics helps the students with their logical thinking and languages are also important because it helps them communicate what subjects would be good to make part of the regular curriculum that are not currently taught i think psychology and sociology should be a part of the school curriculum because with the psychology people or the students could understand their own thinking and with sociology they will be more socially committed to the society can you elaborate by by learning psychology a person will have a strong understanding of himself and it can avoid many mental situations like depression or anxiety or anything so self-realization is a big thing so with psychology a person will be able to know that and with sociology a person would learn how to be a social being and how to cooperate with rest of the people in the society how have school curriculum changed compared to a generation before school curriculum has changed a lot from comparing to the previous generation now the schools are emphasizing more on the technical teaching skills like computer science but in certain areas things have also fallen behind like teaching history what are the positives or negatives of this development there are positive and negatives for this and though some of the positives are teachers are more focused on problem solving skills and how some of the negatives are students are being less disciplined these days let's talk about good teachers what qualities should a good teacher have a good teacher should be embedded to their students and lend their supporting hand to them especially in their subject matters and if they have any doubt or anything um regarding their subjects or something they have learned or read somewhere you just have a strong responsibility to clear that doubts and help them moving for more forward how do these qualities help students to learn better these qualities built a strong between the teachers and students when the teachers are more empathetic to students they will have an affection towards their teachers and they will be open to ask more doubts in their learning and also will be able to communicate easily with the teachers can you give an example for an example if a student who is weak in studies and a teacher is empathetic enough to understand worries lagging behind and strengthening his weaknesses he can work that student towards a better person what are effective ways to evaluate the quality of teachers the quality of teachers can be analyzed by getting feedback from the students which is their audience of their teachers and also by conducting student tests and getting the results and that will enable the school or management to know how well the teachers are teaching their students are these always accurate most of the times they are really accurate because students are the audience of the teachers and when they give their feedback it's always truthful because they know what they're doing and they know what's right for them so they always come up with the right answers that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the exam you will have your mark in about two weeks with the other sections the official certificate in your mail and you should be able to see your mark for this speaking in about three days online have a great rest of your day quran and remember to take your passport with you thank you thank you bye-bye so why does quran get a ben eight for his performance on this speaking interview a band-aid means he is a very good user of the english language now that's marked on several criteria fluency and coherence grammatical range and accuracy lexical resource and pronunciation for fluency and coherence quran is somewhere between a band 7 and a band 8. he does quite a good job in parts 1 and 2 but in part 3 his answers are at times slightly awkward now it is clear that he's fairly nervous and this does impact his performance nevertheless he gives complete answers he often explains the reasons for his answers and at times he includes valid and irrelevant examples for his grammatical range and accuracy again he makes a couple of mistakes but these mistakes aren't that awkward they don't really impact his coherence these are kinds of mistakes that native speakers might make at times also lexical resource is quite strong for quran he uses a broad range of vocabulary he uses natural expressions idioms phrasal verbs and he paraphrases many of the key words asked by the examiner in his answers quran's pronunciation is again a band-aid it's very good it's clear it's easy to understand certainly he speaks with the regional indian accent but as long as the examiner can clearly understand the words he is using this doesn't matter much in this case i didn't need to try to guess what he's trying to say i can easily understand his pronunciation so again his band level is eight for fluency and coherence it's between seven and eight for grammatical range it's a solid eight for lexical resource it's between an eight and a nine and for pronunciation again it's a solid eight so overall he would score bad eight now let me dig a little bit deeper and explain to you another perspective that examiners consider within these four marking criteria aside from simply thinking about the speaking interview in terms of fluency coherence lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy pronunciation the examiners consider the overall performance of the candidate from three key elements firstly the examiners consider whether or not the candidate's performance is coherent coherent means does this candidate clearly and accurately answer the questions in such a way that it makes sense does the candidate stay on topic does the candidate paint a clear picture of the right answer in this case quran does this quite well another perspective that the examiners consider is the complexity of the candidate in other ways is this candidate using a broad range of ideas and vocabulary to accurately express themselves is their speaking complex again quran uses expressions idioms present perfect conditionals his responses are complex he gives answers explanations and examples his part two does not have repetition he answers all of the questions on the card this creates enough complexity for his responses to earn him a high band score the third component which examiners consider within the marking framework is natural language is the candidate natural when they're responding this means does the candidate give original responses or are they using sentences that they have memorized online from teachers or from some books like thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today that's awkward we wouldn't naturally start conversations in this way quran does not do this his answers are original he uses contractions like i instead of i have he uses again idiomatic language so he sounds like a native english speaker in his diction his style of speaking now considering coherence considering complexity and natural language all together this candidate quran is clearly a band 8. again the examiners certainly critique the responses according to the marking criteria but to make sure that they have the correct assessment they think about these three perspectives make sure to do the same when you're practicing by yourself or with partners and you too can achieve a high band score good luck on your next ielts exam to see more video lessons like this one and for original practice exams as well as a fully interactive course supported by native apps visit and join our premium package at begin learning for success today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our ielts hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 787,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, IELTS speaking, India, Kerala, cue card, band 8, score 8.5, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, complex, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, IELTS learning, easy
Id: uJGvw4MaKHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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