Use these 5 words to score high in IELTS speaking

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Hi guys I'm Manjita and thank you for being my darling subscribers today we're going to talk about something which is very very important I will teach you five power packed words of vocabulary which you can definitely use in your English speaking section of IELTS and you will score higher marks trust me it's good to use simple sentences but use some great vocabulary, not a lot of them just space it really well and use just five or six good vocabulary or great words in English and then that's the mantra of scoring good marks well the very first one which I want to share with you is called plethora plethora, means a lot of stuff, right. Now this word plethora plethora so this word you can use for a lot of things you can say while if you're talking about hobbies you can say I have plethora of hobbies a lot of hobbies but this is my favorite one or I went to a particular place it has plethora of food items plethora of cuisines plethora of malls plethora of shopping complexes so now you know whenever you want to use the word a lot or great options use plethora okay. Well let's talk about the second word and that is mesmerized mezmerizes mesmerized okay it means that you awe struck you're charmed this you can use for any place which has caught your attention it was so beautiful so you will use the word mesmerized and in a verb mesmerized because it's a past tense so you can say the lake or the place or the holiday destination or the picture the painting it was so beautiful that I was mesmerized okay so now you know how to use mesmerize so try using this word describing anything which is beautiful okay it could be a beautiful dream it could be a beautiful place it could be a beautiful concert it can be anything so use the word mesmerize alright the third one we'll talk about is however yes however however however right this word is used when you have to describe two contradicting sentences okay for example you're explaining your hobby so I used to play football however now I love cricket okay so the two different things you're talking about so you connect them with however all right I was a very active child however now I just love to sit on my couch okay or I used to love singing however dancing is my new hobby so I'm talking about two different contradicting sentences I'm connecting them using however, okay the next one recapitulate recapitulate we will say it together...recapitulate recapitulate recapitulate recapitulate okay it means it's another words for summarizing so usually in your third part of IELTS you'll have a "state your opinion" kind of a form where the examiner will say.... so in your opinion this is good or that is good you feel this is better or that is better so at the end when you say to summarize instead of using the word summarize you can save well to recapitulate this in my opinion is good to use the word recapitulate for summary okay practice this recapitulate alright and the last one of course we all are caught in to this most of the times and that word is dilemma alright dilemma dilemma dilemma it means when you are in a situation where you have to make - I mean you are between two difficult choices and both are unpleasant so well you have to choose one and that point but you have to make... when you have to difficult choices to consider you are in a dilemma I was in a dilemma you choose this or that, right, it was a difficult situation I was in a dilemma dilemma okay. So now you have got all the five words in-front of you. All you have to do is practice to pronounce it clearly and my tip is whenever you use these words in whatever sentences you're forming in the sense... in whatever situation comes in try to use these words of course in the correct form and at the correct places but I've given you these generic words you can use them in whatever situation is coming in front of you, if it's hobbies or its food its shopping centers whatever you can use plethora very nicely if it's about describing a beauty or how enchanted you were you can use mezmerize right so you've got the whole gist of how to do it please practice to pronounce it practice it in front of the mirror and whenever you use these words or whichever of these 5 words which I'm saying pause as in by pause I mean take it slow okay the place was really beautiful and I was so mesmerized by the beauty of it so you note my speed that I paused or I slowed down I stressed when I said the word mesmerized okay and then went ahead so the listener understands... Okay, you are using interesting vocabulary some difficult but relevant words and in the appropriate places and then you score marks. Bye, I'm sure these words will help you let me know that did you find them useful or not and have you started practicing and using them. All the best for your IELTS and your general English learning journey and you will rock because you are my rock star bye bye, take care.
Channel: Manjita Osta
Views: 5,113,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, ENGLISH, SPEAK, VOCABULARY, HIGH, SCORE, MARKS, BETTER, SECTION, SENTENCE, manjitaosta, 5 words, use these 5 words to learn english, manjita ielts,, ielts speaking, how to speak english, chinese, japanese, korean, african, english words,
Id: 3YSF2KTA41g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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