IELTS Speaking Band 9 India: Wedding and Innovation with Subtitles

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[Music] welcome to et help calms IELTS test preparation videos you will now see Chiara a candidate from India score a fantastic ban 9 for her performance on the speaking interview she is doing the IELTS to continue her master studies in business administration abroad like Chiara over a hundred thousand students have used apply board a world-class platform that helps students connect with universities around the world we are working together with apply board to help you find the right school write program write scholarship and get your visa to study abroad through their easy-to-use platform you can search for schools and programs and apply in just minutes with apply board you'll get access to exclusive scholarships that are not available anywhere else from helping you choose the right course to getting admission to going through the visa process finding your school settling down applied board and their team of professionals is there with you every step of the way on your educational journey apply to study in Canada US or the UK apply board has the right connections to help you get there there are access to over a thousand 200 educational institutions with over 50,000 programs through apply board world leaders in helping students reach success in their educational goals as well you can now use our exclusive code academic English help also found with the link in the video description to get 15% off your application fee try apply board today and I'm sure you'll be satisfied now let's watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is adria and I will be your examiner for this part of the test and I will record this for marketing purposes what is your full name my name is Cara Annan the please call me Cara okay here the speaking has three parts that will give you instructions for each first may I see your identification yeah sure this is a passport I used for registering to the exam please have a look thank you okay thank you here's your passport back q for part 1 I will ask you a few questions to get to know you better some questions on a general topic do you work or study currently and both working as a travel agent and also I'm preparing for my IELTS exam to finish my masters in business administration what do you do in your free time when I get a little bit of my downtime I'm a I like to a meditate and I also like to paint I like painting landscapes and flowers with watercolours let's talk about weddings and birthdays how often do you go to a wedding or a birthday party well I should say I go to weddings once or twice a year but and birthday parties a little bit more often say five or six times a year which do you like more birthday parties or weddings actually I like both but if after shape say one then I like weddings because that has more music and dance and the Indian wedding is always a party on film who is invited to a wedding party mostly friends family relatives colleagues everyone and invited there's a huge number of guests at Indian weddings my cousin she had around 300 plus guests for her wedding how about a birthday party what for birthday parties the number of people are less say around 15 to 20 people have your birthday parties changed compared to before oh well no they haven't um this remained the same you wait you go to a shrine in the morning and then you distribute chocolates or sweets with friends and family and the sweets we distribute is a famous desert called the dog but if you could have a wedding party somewhere where would it be well given the chance to have a wedding party anywhere then it would be on the beach in Goa because of the good weather and the atmosphere and the fresh air it adds up to the mood and I would like to have my wedding in somewhere in Goa okay that is the end of part 1 now we will continue with part 2 I will pass you a card with some questions no paper and a pencil don't turn the card over yet okay you will have one minute to read the questions you think about your answers take notes if you wish in that one minute then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you one to start when to stop okay if you're one minute begins now you go ahead turn over the card Kyary or one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking yes the future idea that in a way one of the innovation that I've always admired and I've seen in a lot of science-fiction movie which is not physical yet but will be of a great help to the humankind is a universal translator this is a small device that can translate any language to any other language in real time with accurate interpretations and expressions I know that Google Translate is a beginning basic version of this but what I'm talking about is something that not only translates the information but can also help with the diction in this land without even going through the actual language without even knowing the original language and I've seen these kind of devices in a lot of movies and they're very they're incredibly helpful for people who travel around the world people who do business globally - and makes it easy for them to connect with people and this kind of device I think would improve or make people feel more confident and comfortable among strangers in in different situations and for this to work I think since language is very complicated on individual basis this device would need a very powerful AI with one person having the transmitter and the speaker and the other with a UPI's microphone all right I'm going to stop you there your two minutes is up I'll take back the note paper the pencil and yeah and the questions thanks and now we'll continue with part three for part three I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two let's talk about future technology well humanity continued to advance as quickly with technology in the future as it has for the past thirty years uh what I think that the human will keep moving forward as fast if not faster with the growing technology because the population has been has never been this educated ever before so it's I think it'll go growing can you elaborate yeah because the mathematician the faces the doctors they're able to communicate with each other with the technology and it becomes easier for them to make new science possible what breakthroughs in technology may people see that will change the fundamental function of society like the Internet these days well I say that there will be a great lot of advancement in transportation energy and communication and when when I'm talking about this I remember I can think of nuclear fission reactor which will give endless limitless energy will this be positive or negative well this will be a great help for the human because of the energy crisis but it should also be in mind that it's also important to have in mind that this is driven for the improvement and it's not and human beings are not driven to greed in destruction how will have globalization influenced technological advancements in the future I see a lot of developmental a technological advancement in the future like I said in the previous question so since the communication is made possible it can be for the best but also to bear in mind that the road to hell is paved with good intentions so what must societies be careful about as this develops yeah they have to be careful about following the ethical principles to form a proper guideline and go through it because the scientists might develop the nuclear fission that I said in good intention but might end up creating a devastating explosion let's talk about future society how old societies change over the next 10 years well next 10 years oh I can see it there would be a great change in the society especially you would still pandemic situation the way I think people will be more careful and the way of interaction will improve and will stay longer the effect of it will stay longer and I feel that people will be more able to accept what they have and the people who they with at least that's what I hope how about the next 50 years well next 50 years that's like half a century or two generations later it's hard to imagine I mean hard to say but to what I can imagine it is more like people will be more connected to the technology and live in a virtual world than in the reality some people feel that it is time for unified international taxes laws and regulations to be implemented for the better function of a global community is this a good idea or not why I think it's a great idea but I don't see it's people are ready for this change because they're more self-oriented and greedy but I think the globalization will make this change happen on its own already people are complaining of not enough funding for the world World Health Organization's and for the medical and other necessities and also this will help people with to pay taxes and people who average earners who pay taxes because it will prevent people who hide their taxes and tax shelters and okay that's the end of part three that concludes the speaking portion of the exam you will have your mark in about two weeks time care with the other sections have a great rest of your day remember to take your passport with you okay all right bye-bye buh-bye clearly Kiara has spent several years to practice and use the English language and she is near a native level nevertheless there are two places where she could perform better now a bad nine is not necessarily a perfect score it's an expert user of the English language which Kira clearly is however in some of her responses she lacks confidence also you will notice a few responses where she uses the pronoun you it's not good to do either of these in the exam you want to show confidence this can be achieved through practice be certain of the information that you give and use strong intonation to give the sensation of confidence also do not use the word you although we do this in natural everyday language in professional communication it's good to avoid the pronoun you and instead use other subjective nouns like people individuals athletes photographers what ever fits better in the context follow these tips practice every day and you'll be just as good as Chiara if not better good luck the next time you say your IELTS exam while you're studying for your IELTS exam again make sure to check out apply board and let their professionals help you to choose the right country University and program for your academic success take a step in the right direction sign up for apply board today for lots more help with your IELTS exam visit and join our premium package at AE help comm get over a hundred hours of video lessons a fully interactive course and six original practice exams you can use this code to get a 10% discount also in the video description start your IELTS success today subscribe to our channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click 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Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 1,828,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, India, wedding, cue card, band 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, tutorial, easy, English lesson, English tutorial, ਬੋਲਦੇ ਹੋਏ, ਭਾਰਤ, ਵਿਆਹ, ਨਵੀਨਤਾ, ਕਿue ਕਾਰਡ, ਬੈਂਡ 9, आईईएलटीएस, बोल, भारत, शादी, नवाचार, क्यू कार्ड, बैंड 9
Id: 71AfQMyehQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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