IELTS India Band 9 Speaking - Perfect Score! with Subtitles

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[Music] welcome to AE help calms IELTS test preparation videos watch this candidate from India score an amazing ban 9 for his performance on the speaking interview again we have partnered with kam Li a world-class app that lets you connect with a native English speaking tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week anywhere anytime simply download the app from your App Store and try kam Li today for students in India we have a very special offer you can now get a 10% discount from kam Blees monthly plans with this special coupon code as well you can try cambly for 10% discount with this code download kam Li today and begin learning for success now watch and learn welcome to the speaking portion of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test and I will record it for marking purposes may I see your identification please of course thank you and what is your full name my first name is out of and my family name is sing please just call me hello ok here is your passport thank you the speaking has three parts I will give you instructions for each for part 1 I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic do you work or study I'm currently working as an electrical engineer for General Electric and I'm also studying for the IELTS to continue my master's in to university next year what do you do at the weekends well when I'm not studying I like taking my wife out to a restaurant and watch a movie like last Saturday when we watched a funny comedy let's talk about transportation do you know how to drive a car yes I do I've had my driver's license since 18 I really enjoy driving mostly I use my car to get to work shopping and vacations how often do you ride the bus since I have had my driver's license I rarely take a bus I mostly use it when my car is unavailable due to repairs and I blend it up to a friend which is your favorite type of Transportation definitely my god it's comfortable and convenient as well as it has air conditioning and I can listen to my music on the studio where can you catch the nearest train in your area hmm I'll have to think over it just give me a moment please I think the closest would be Joe's booth which is roughly ten kilometers away from my flat how has public transportation changed in the past hundred years oh that has changed immensely with the advent of airplanes modern trains and buses people can travel greater distances comfortably and quickly like last year I just flew to United States and I was there in 12 hours when you ride a bicycle what should you do to stay safe whenever I'm riding a bicycle I should wear a helmet to keep my head safe and also be very careful of the vehicle traffic that is the end of part 1 now we will continue with part two for furniture here is a card with some questions turn that over yet here's a pencil to take notes and here is some note paper you will have one minute to think about your answer take some notes if you wish and then you will have two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start and when to stop are you ready yep okay then your one-minute preparation time begins now go ahead and turn over the card okay our of you preparation time is up please begin panting I think one of the busiest days I have ever experienced was last year in September when I started my new job at General Electric I remember being very nervous because I wanted to make sure that my colleagues my boss are super satisfied with the first day of work so I woke up super early at 4:00 a.m. first did a little bit of meditation shave showered and then got ready as for the company expectations so then I later on reviewed all the job parameters that my manager shared it with me a week prior I left for office early just to make sure that I have enough time to greet my colleagues and settle in the work they was very busy as I had to make sure that I learned new information about the company's procedures and machinery finally after my job was finished at 6 p.m. I sat down with my manager to go through the day's work and check about my performance he was very satisfied so I was very happy after that I had to stop by at the grocery store to buy some food for supper believe me I was very exhausted at that time but when I got home my wife was waiting for me with surprise some friends coming in at home to congratulate to me on my first day of work we spent few hours chatting eating finally the time came around when I had to hit the bed although the day was very busy but I feel great looking back at it and I can look back on yet with pride ok or are you 2 minutes is up I have to stop you there please pass back the card with the question an old paper yes thank you and now we will continue with part three for part three I will ask you some more questions related to the topic of part two let's talk Aran's what are common responsibilities that people manage every month in society mm-hmm well every individual each month should pay their bills rent or mortgage and go to school or work and also clean their house why is it important to do this on time I think it is important to be prompt at this Aran's because people might easily get into financial trouble if they don't pay their bills and might end up losing their phone service or house how has technology helped people to complete their social tasks such as banking well it has helped a lot because people have been doing the banking services conveniently from their home online what are the disadvantages of this I think people are not as social as they used to be because they don't get out anymore like to visit a bank talk to a bank teller are there any errands that people do these days which did not exist fifty years before yes definitely people these days pay their internet bills like this wasn't available free years back or half a century back so they didn't need to worry about it will there be new regular tasks in the future that we don't have today yes definitely there will be like we will have to charge the batteries of the self-driving cars every six months and keep on the software's updating let's talk about productivity why is it important for people to be productive during the work I think people should do a good job Monday to Friday just not to earn good money but also to be proud of what they're doing and their contributions towards the society what happens when individuals stop being productive that's a bad in that case they just depend on the society and eventually they might end end up being depressed what can be done to improve productivity and decrease stress hmm I think having good food and a little bit of exercise helps in generating more energy and decreasing anxiety and stress does this always work I think yes it does because having good food and regular exercise helps in this case that is the end of part 3 that concludes the speaking portion of the IELTS exam you will have your band score and about two weeks time with the other sections of the test make sure to take your passport with you have a great rest of your day thank you thanks a lot right so why does this candidate get an amazing perfect band 9 for his responses in the speaking interview does he speak perfect English no does he speak English without an accent no so why is it still a bad 9 well you must know a band 9 doesn't mean perfect speech or perfect conversation there's really no such thing a bad 9 is described as an expert user of the English language this is not necessarily a native speaker of English in fact many people are surprised when I say that native speakers wouldn't necessarily get a perfect score on the speaking interview so why does this candidate deserve that ban 9 let me tell you in order to achieve a ban nine a candidate must have fluent language equal to that of a native speaker their pronunciation must be clear enough that every one of their words can be understood by the listener importantly they must answer every question exactly they're giving original answers with good detail and complex grammar in this case the candidate satisfies all of these criteria they're very quick to answer his answers are very clear he gives the right amount of detail in part one two and three it's clear to see that this student is very confident using the English language virtually the same level of confidence as he is with his own native language even though he makes a couple of slight mistakes in his grammar they're not unnatural even native speakers don't always use perfect grammar in spoken English in this case the slight mistakes that are made in one or two parts are perfectly acceptable for an expert user of English so now you know to get a bad 9 this is the level of responses that you need to produce on your next speaking exam practice and you can get there to watch over a hundred hours of lesson videos get six original practice exams and a fully interactive course join our Premium Package at WWE help calm also download our app academic IELTS help from your Google Play or Apple App Store link the app to your web account for the best online IELTS learning experience to get those high band scores join us today subscribe to our channel click over here watch more videos click right here or click our IELTS hero for over a hundred hours of complete video lessons and six original practice exams to help you pass IELTS
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,042,657
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, IELTS speaking, India, cue card, band 8, score 8.5, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, tip, trick, strategy, conversation, test, understand, examples IELTS speaking section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, easy, ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰੋ ਆਈਲੈਟਸ, ਬੋਲਣਾ, ਆਈਲੈਟਸ ਬੋਲਣਾ, ਭਾਰਤ, ਰਾਜਸਥਾਨ, ਕਿue ਕਾਰਡ, ਸਕੋਰ 9, ਬ੍ਰਿਟਿਸ਼, आईईएलटीएस बोल, भारत, राजस्थान, क्यू कार्ड, बैंड 9, पर अभी हमें फॉलो करें आईईएलटीएस
Id: seI4kTTu6Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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