IELTS Speaking Test Full Part 1,2, 3 || Real Test

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good morning good morning my name is Phil Smith can you tell me your full name please my name is Sal Sun Hassan thank you and can you tell me where you're from I'm from Syria can I see your identification sir thank you that's fine now in this first part I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about what you do do you work on your student I'm a student and what subject are you studying English literature why did you choose this subject well I like it to cherry much and English is international language so English literature is one of the best majors I've ever studied so I liked it very much what do you hope to do when you finish your studies well I'm planning to complete my higher studies I'll be doing anime and eventually you'll be doing a PhD to be a professor in English literature now let's talk about weekends what do you usually do at the weekend well usually I go to visit my relatives or even friends but sometimes I stayed at home just for if I have exams or something to study so I just keep stay at home but but most of my time actually I spend it with my friends going out for to drink something or to have fun enjoy enjoy what do you think you'll do next weekend well next weekend I have to go to to trip to York and I'm so excited about it yeah why well because I've heard that's York there's it's a very ancient city so and the Vikings were there and I'm like the Asian things and I like history do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child well not really when I was a child I just spent all my weekends of playing and but now I have lots of concerns I have to stay at home to study so no when I was a child I was I enjoyed most how important is it for you to relax at the end of the week well it is very important because you just relax out of the whole week because you were studying or working so you need peace and relax and and sometimes to take a great time of sleeping just to prepare yourself for the next week let's talk about music what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to well i'm i like music very much because i'm a singer myself I like to sing so I have great taste of music I like the classical I like to the Arabic music and so music is very important it's I have to listen to music all the day that's the kind of music you like changed over the years well yes yes it changed because you know I used to listen to the almost I mean it's not a slow music and nowadays it's just in the fast very fast and sometimes thick no and I don't like this kind of music I still listen to the to the music that I liked and I still have the same CDs and all the time i listen i sometimes listen to this music the new music but I don't like it I just like to listen to thee to the music that I liked when I was a child do you prefer listening to live music or recording music well record it I don't like live music because I feel because I feel always the singer is not good in life music so I feel that record it is better do you think listening to music helps you study yes I always listen to music when I'm studying sometimes my friends make fun of me because I'm not concentrating but actually it makes me more concentrated thank you now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make notes if you wish do you understand yes here's some paper and a pencil for making notes and here's your topic and I'd like you to describe a special gift or present you gave to someone all right remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up can you stop speaking now please okay the special gift actually I give to my mother and it was a Nicholas in her in her in the mother day and actually I've been to different shops to search for what what am I going to give my mother because you know giving giving her anything is just you feel it it's very simple but I was I looked for different shops and I then decided to take a very lovely Nicholas and it wasn't that much expensive because I was just I had the the the money for it so and I asked if they shop they shop sort of the salesman to to wrap it for me in a very colored papers and I just tried to put the red tie on it and then I try I hide it in my I didn't tell her about it till the tilda party because we usually make a party for my mother in the mother day so I didn't tell her about it till the the at the party and when I give it to her she was really happy very much and she was almost in tears because she really liked it and she told me no matter how simple it is since you think about giving me anything so that's really great so it was really happy for for really giving her this this prison and she is wearing it every time when she goes out or and she always stole her friends about it look what she wrote when my daughter brought to me and my mother day so I really was proud and happy that she really liked it yeah and so every time I say I see it she she really um she's really proud of it and do you enjoy giving gifts yes I really enjoy I like even to take gifts but I like yeah I enjoy giving gifts to my friends or to my the part of the members of my family because it's it shows that you are thinking of them and you really care for them thank you can I have the booklet in the paper and pencil we've been talking about a special gift you gave to someone and I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this let's consider first of all giving gifts in families on what occasions do family members give gifts to each other in Syria well usually they give gifts on birthdays in special occasions like for example the eat in like in my country and in Christmastime so and sometimes if anybody was graduated from college or from school and and somebody is who was get out of hospital and he's now in a very good house that we usually give them presents and gifts do people tend to spend a lot of money on this sometimes sometimes yeah but it depends on the person that you are giving the gifts and it depends on your own financial statues okay let's talk about the type of gifts that children give to adults and their families really interesting because the children always tend to do think from their own view that the the for example if it's a small child is going to give his father or mother a gift is going to tend to give him a kind of a toy maybe or something that is the father or the mother won't use but because the child think that I like this so I wanted to give it to my father so they always give it from their point of view that because I like this my father is going to like it so it's really interesting the child it's very simple and and sometimes it's very helpful do you think what is the children start to choose gifts for that bear well it depends how the parents approach them up sometimes I think it's it's when they start to recognize the the the real relationships because when they were before 7 or before 6 years old they tend not to recognize what does it mean to give a gift or to give and even they don't recognize the relationships but after seven I think they start to recognize and to feel that I need to give a present to my father or mother as they are giving me and every time I have an occasion so how important do you think giving gifts is within families yeah it is important because you always give them the feeling that you are really caring for them and you really think of them and whenever you give them things that they like you feel that you're really all the time thinking of them and I mean yeah I mean it's also tied up the the relationships and makes it more strong right let's move on from personal gifts to international gifts if you want to talk about international aid what sort of aid do countries give to other countries well sometimes it gives the the International AIDS whenever a country is a need for something and the country cannot afford to to to make it or to prank it so the the other countries will help her for example in food aids and especially in this in disasters and in when something bad happened to this country so they are going to give it food aid sometimes medical aids sometimes psychological aids when as we do because I am I work in the Red Crescent so I know what this doesn't mean to give a psychological aids for sometimes for refugees or for even to go for the near countries that in really need for example in my country we go to Iraq or to Lebanon and Indian when when the invasion and so we help them psychologically to just pass and get over this so what do you think motivates government to give a into other countries well it is important because I feel that it's it's it's let us recognize ourself that at the end we are all human beings and we are living in the same Club and it's like a small village and you are we are the old members of the same or the same land so I feel it's it's just really makes the relationships more strong and it gives you it's really few lets you feel like your humanity at the end and do you think the aid is always helpful yes I think so because whenever you think of giving aid to other countries I mean it's when they are in need I mean it's it's really helpful thank you very much that is the end of the speaking test thank you good morning my name is Judith Harvey can you tell me your full name please my name is as the ability thank you and can you tell me where you're from Russia I'm from Turkey can I see your identification please thank you that's fine now in this first part I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about what you do do you work or are you a student I'm a nurse and why did you choose this kind of work I have two reason for that first I'm from Turkey in Turkey you have to pass a very difficult exam if you like to go to the University and I get my mark for the just nursing I think and the second one from my childhood I always like doctor or nurse and have other people's I really like that which is my mom always contrasts you because she wants to maybe a teacher like my sisters what kind of work would you like to do in the future I don't know system in England very well but there may be a nursing adviser or some management job I don't know exactly now let's talk about weekends what do you usually do at the weekend at the moment my weekends are very busy because I do a lot of housework and I have a turn off year's daughter she's a very exciting and energetic child and she mess up everywhere very quickly is not easy to tidy up and later on what do you think you'll do next weekend mmm I plant something for last week what I couldn't do it I'd like to bring my husband to the cinema and after cinema maybe we'll go to the Turkish restaurant some ties do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child no I prefer to be a child again because when you are child you just play and you haven't got any responsibility or job to the button now is so different and difficult how important is it for you to relax at the end of the week it's very important but at the moment it is not possible oh because now I'm studying English as well is the when you start the job or study you would like to be fresh but it's still difficult to me now let's talk about music what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to I'm not fond of music a lot but I usually listen and Turkish music and the classic Turkish music is get me relaxed and that's the kind of music you like changed over the years maybe a problem is that the Turkish economy is like you over there do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music as it is depend on a kind of music in Turkey I prefer live music but in England I have to listen and tape music do you think listening to music helps you study probably not but I do a lot it's okay with the physic or maths or something like that but for the literacy or something you have to be focus on it is not now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand yes here's some paper and a pencil for making notes and and here's your topic I'd like you to describe a special gift or present you gave to someone alright remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please yes the special gifts I give it to someone it was a to my I give it to my English teacher last year she is a fan of Turkey and the Turkish culture I give some special glass which is a we just used for the Turkish Yeti and she loves Turkish tea and lost when I lost my last holiday I'll bring some special like a golden Turkish glasses and she she really liked them it was specially because she likes Turkish culture Turkish food and she knows a lot about Turkey when we are together we can to speak a lot about my culture my Legion and stuff from tario cities of Turkey and she's great I think because it's really nice to know somebody from England and know about your world another gift another special gifts I give some somebody who was my mother in love and normally we don't sell every mother days and she haven't no she had never had any present from her child and in my family we celebrate mother days race especially and I bought a ring for her and she was really exciting and sensible because the first time somebody celebrate her Mother's Day and she she even don't know she even didn't know about Mother's Day but I explained to her and then I give two gifts and after that I always do thank you do you enjoy giving gifts yes I really like to give people gifts when I saw them they like it they excited about it I've left thank you can I have the booklet paper and pencil back please we've been talking about a special gift you gave to someone and I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this let's consider first of all giving gifts in families what occasions do family members give gifts to each other it's depend on country because every country has a different occasion in England I have been here for four years especially before Christmas the people are crazy about giving gifts shopping but for us in Turkey we have a lot of special religious day two of them are a very big one of them we celebrate for four days one another one we celebrate for three days and we bought a lot of gifts for family ships and neighbors sometimes friends and this one of them we buy presents for poor people especially for poor people what is the difference between the types of gift given to children and the gifts given to adults in families is easy to find gifts for children because you can buy toys books or some philosophers for the others they're really difficult to find what they would like so what types of gifts do people give to adults mmm maybe some maturity or some part of clothes oh yeah and it's giving gifts important in families yes because the issue of them you remember them you love them it's really important to be here let's talk about giving gifts in society what situations in business are there when people might give gifts probably maybe first day they set up their business they celebrate that and give presenter employees or vodka or in Turkey colleagues give each other and or to their boss new year and what about giving gifts to customers good way to keep that stuff customer I think yeah what types of gifts the businesses give I don't know maybe some say or they're opening a prize something like that how important is gift-giving for a country's economy hmm I think in England is perfect for economy because give us a very important normally for us if we know people haven't got the money they don't have to buy anything but I think this country you have to buy something and is a good circle for to keep money turned and turned again and again do you think is pressure on people to buy too many gifts yes why because I don't know very well but if you have some special days and you didn't get anything maybe you will be sad and the US expect that do you think it would be better for society if all the money that was spent on gifts was given to help poor people yeah that would be perfect but I don't think it's possible but that will be really good yeah right why not possible because people still like like have a present being remembered something like that but so it'd be nice yeah do you think people in society should be made to give money to help other people yes I don't know maybe I don't know where is the poor people I don't know there is or not if the society or the government or the another community helped me to find four people probably I will yeah and other people with is it guest better for people to give money or their time to help other people I'm sorry could you repeat it is it better for people to give money or their time to help other people yes it's better because when you need the help other people will help you and they divvy a circle again and everybody will help each other do you think that we should be mate or school children should be made to help other people yeah if you shouldn't train at the young age it will be like a habit for you when I adopt or older you will always have two people yeah it's like a science or not I think thank you very much that's the end of the speaking test thank you good morning good morning my name is Phil Smith can you tell me your full name please brahim it'll be here thank you and can you tell me where you're from I from France you know Paris can I see your identification please thank you that's fine now in this first part I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about what you do do you work or are you a student I work what kind of work do you do I work in a frame in accountancy so I walked seven seven years ago so yes and why did you choose this kind of work because I think I'm good in mathematics so and I like economics in general so yes what kind of work would you like to do in the future I think I want to do the same work but in a big company I want to change my company because mmm because in I'm in a small company on the endoscope a small company we can't say a lot of things then in a big company name the company it's more John you know our boards on the how you want to travel in other countries also yeah let's talk about weekends what do you usually do at the weekend we can depends sometimes I like to relax and when I have a very stressful week but usually I like to meet some friends because I play football on the sometimes we have some competition also I play I do some karate but just like a maternal in competition and also with my friends we would like to go to the pub at night or some restaurants or usually I'd like also to show too so some films and new films everything what do you think you'll do next weekend next weekend I will meet English students so because I need to practice English and she speak also French so I helped him I had her in French and she helped me in English so yes do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child yes I think so because when I was child I think we are less stressful than now now in the work usually we are very very stressful we are very stressed and at the weekend we can relax so it's a more enjoying how important is it for you to relax at the end of the week sorry how important is it for you to relax at the end of the week this is very important because although all the week we are very stressful we are we have I have a work very stressful and at the end of the week I love to decompress so to relax let's talk about music what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening to him I like enjoy all type of music oriental or French English sometimes Korean because I have some friends a Korean that's all has the kind of music you like changed over the years has the kind of music you like changed over the years yes mmm when I was young I I discerned more rock music on metal music so now you know it's a more pop music on the road music in general do you prefer listening to live music or recording music I think life music it's a better than recorded music because it's a life music - listen this life music I would go there with some friends so it's more enjoy on the mmm yes more enjoy on the we who can see the face to face some singer and I think it's better but for recording music it's good but um I think they are to remix and it's not a real voice of single so thank you now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say you can make some notes if you wish do you understand okay here's some paper and a pencil for making notes and here's your topic I'd like you to describe a special gift or present you gave to someone all right and remember you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please okay so the special gifts that I give it's a ring to my girlfriend's so at the beginning this ring I want to I I went in many shops to find it but I never find the ring that I like because some rings are more complicated more - they're too much and some rings it's too simple so I asked my one mother too to help me to find this ring for my girlfriend so we went also in the lot of shops and we don't find the very good after that she gave me his a her ring that she that she that she have from his a from my grandfather so that so my gifts for it's a special gift because she's she's a ring she have a history family history under that's uh that's okay do you enjoy getting gifts yes yes because usually I give some gifts only to people that are like very very much not just my friends so for my friends I can give some gifts like your sunflower or some perform and that's some gifts that they don't take for a long time thank you can I have the booklet and the pencil and paper back please we've been talking about a special gift you gave to someone and I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this let's consider first of all giving gifts in families and what occasions to family members give gifts to each other in France in France we give some gifts all the other time some Christmas birthday New Year's and some events like a Santa Brian or Santa and usually when we are when we are successful in some exam or something like that's so suspended learned early yes a lot of money on sometimes for just when there are no events in just usually oh we can give some gifts so what sort of gifts to children give to adults and that on this is it is some picture they make in the school or or some flowers or so yes because they have usually some pocket money although they spend the the money for some gifts usually for their mother or not for their friends or for their brother or sister and do you think I'd also appreciate gifts that children have made themselves more than gifts that they've bought in a shop yes I think um itself it's a it's look like you're the best their time under they're thinking about that so it's a more complicated than to buy something in the job so how important do you think it is for families to give gifts to each other it's um some relationships between us on the probe there mmm feelings between us so it's very important let's move on now and talk about giving gifts in society in general um in what situations might people give gifts when they're in business in business I think just mmm at the some events like a new year on their Christmas otherwise they don't you give some gifts so uh sometimes at the end of the balance sheets at the end mm between March on appeal sometimes we we have there we research some gift of we give some okay so in France do you think companies spend a lot of money on business gifts yes is important for relationships between the clients answer supplier so yes a lot of yeah under sometimes the gift it's also like advertised because they made some bands are some glasses with a bread of company so sometimes it's also a good advertise so it's important for the company but what about gift-giving for the economy of the country in general and in France is buying gifts an important part of the economy do you think yes I think so I think buying the gifts in France particularly it's a very big business and many shops under many operators depend that this this sector and also the choicest structure live with this cell with these things and little right now some people say that it would be better for society if all the money that was spent on gifts was given to help poor people instead what do you think about it I think we have to to help the poor people but we have also to make some relationships between us because I think it's also very important and of course we can we have to to help other people like a third world mmm because I have we have to to find a balance between that thank you very much that is the end of the speaking test thank you
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 5,803,872
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Keywords: IELTS speaking test, ielts listening, ielts speaking test samples band 8, ielts speaking interview
Id: pBrFbXB7EAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2016
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