IELTS Speaking Band 8.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right let's begin so first could you tell me your full name please yes my name is Benjamin jimin ha and could you tell me are you working or are you a student I'm currently neither working nor um studying because I'm taking a gap Year from college so I'm mostly doing volunteer works yeah yeah and what do you like to do when you have some free time um I mostly like to rock climb because I've started rock climbing like five years ago and it's one of my biggest Passions I also enjoy studying Philosophy by looking at open course lectures on online now we're going to talk about technology so what kind of Technology do you often use computers or mobile phones I'll say I use my mobile phones more often than my computer yeah I take it everywhere I go I even brought it today here yeah and are there any technological devices you would like to buy in the future um yeah I would definitely want to get an iPad because I actually used to have an iPad and up until last year but I accidentally spilled coffee all over it so I would love to get a new iPad and is technology important in your life yes definitely I find myself using Google talks every time I write essays and I use different apps and even when I play games technology is really important and necessary yeah um is there any technology that you do not like um I say I am not a really a fan of radios yeah because I mean they were necessary back when computers weren't a thing but nowadays since computers can pretty much substitute radios I don't think radio is unnecessary but we still have it in our house yeah okay good now we're going to talk about social media so do you or your friends like to use social media yeah definitely um I have Snapchat Instagram all sorts of social media applications yeah and why do you like using these applications I say social media is uh pretty much a new means of communicating between people so I find myself using um the social media chat functions more than calling people or messaging them and also sharing photos and looking at other people's reactions I mean some people may call it unhealthy but I think it became a new Norm in especially among teenagers and do you think any of your friends use social media too much I um I guess so because I find some people if you look at the screen time function on your iPhone you can see how many hours you've spent on your phone and they some people spent like more than 10 hours a day and I feel like that is really unhealthy and do you want to work in social media in the future I am interested in technology like software engineering and computer science so yeah why not give it a try okay and what's the most popular social media in your country oh in Korea definitely cacao talk yeah because KakaoTalk I mean recently there was a a Data Center crisis a data center accident and everyone was suffering so that shows how much important how important kekko talk is in our daily lives [Music] and is there any difference between the way young people use social media and older people use social media the type of social media applications that people use differently uh vary from age to age because I find older people using Facebook more often while younger generation use Snapchat and Instagram okay that'll do us for part one we'll go on to part two now all right here is your question there's a pencil so you can have one minute now to do some note taking and prepare okay so yeah you can begin okay that's one minute all right so could you describe a time when you received money as a gift yes so I feel like in Asian countries giving money as a gift especially on special holidays like juicer Persona is definitely a tradition I'm quite I'm not sure on how it started but I myself received money on holidays when I was young so yeah when you receive money especially in Korea I feel like it's accustomed to rejected at first say no I don't want it but then your hand just goes forward and guess it so and then you say thank you afterwards um I used to give money like I said on choose Hollow or whenever I entered a new school so when I went from elementary school to Middle School to high school and to college um and the people that gave me money were usually my um extended family so not my direct parents or my my brother won't give me money for sure but my grandparents made my aunt my uncle and those people were the ones that gave me money and the reason why they gave me money was um it means it's just to celebrate a new um a new step in my life I guess and I used the money when I was young mostly by buying Lego pieces or buying snacks at the local grocery store but nowadays I choose to save some money so that I can buy something big later on like a car or maybe a new computer okay thank you very much now we'll go on to part three of the test okay okay so yeah why do people rarely use cash nowadays cash is just very inconvenient to bring around so I personally use a card wallet instead of a big cash wallet because it's more convenient to put in your pocket and sometimes cash paper money rips apart and it's really difficult to use it when it rips apart and also using coins is not really convenient so I think that's why cars and other means of paying other means of payment are more often used than cash nowadays and why do you say coins are inconvenient to use just on a um cost the the face value and weight aspect right like a a penny is just one cent is a hundredth of a dollar but it probably weighs more than a dollar you know that just shows how inefficient it is indeed um and are there any situations when people need to use cash hmm I think yes sometimes so it's not a really like an official thing but when you go to traditional markets in Korea they rarely accept accept card so you have to pay in cash and sometimes when they give you a discount like maybe on a close on close or maybe on some kind of fancy luxury goods they give you a discount when you're paying cash so definitely use cash right and when do children begin to comprehend the value of money oh that's a big question [Music] um because I once saw this video of this Chinese children um they received a lot of Chinese un as a gift but then they ended up using scissors to cut off the people and they found it really hilarious and because maybe as children they might find it more enjoyable to cut off paper money rather than actually use it so I guess the time when people children really start to comprehend the idea of money and the value of it is at least when they go to elementary school when they start receiving some professional education and then or when their parents start spending money on their education like on hogwans I think that's when things really start to comprehend and do you think it's parents responsibility to teach children about the value of money or should children learn by themselves I believe that when you're young your brains haven't really developed fully so is your parents responsibility that's the reason why they're called Guardians right they have to they have full responsibility over their children and they have the responsibility to among other things tell people tell each other children to comprehend the idea of money but after um you reach a certain age say like again elementary school then I guess it's a children's responsibility you know and do you think it's a good idea for parents to reward children with money um I guess it's the most efficient way because they don't really have to go to the process of thinking oh what were the children like how would the children use it because money can literally buy anything but what I find among my a lot of my um not really my friends but people in my previous school or other people I see in my community is that when they start receiving money especially huge sums of money um starting young age then they really don't know how to use it effectively so they would end up just splurging it on a computer on a Nintendo switch and they really don't know how to use money efficiently and they may lead to their inability to have purchasing um purchasing ethics when they grow up right um and do you think it's a good idea for schools to teach their students about managing their finances yes definitely because one of the biggest problems especially with American Community I mean Korean Community too is when when you graduate high school you know how you know that the mitochondria is the power of a Powerhouse of the cell in how to do calculus but you don't know how to pay taxes so that's definitely a problem and yeah High School definitely has to teach how to pay tax and how to use money how to save money properly perfect thank you very much no problem right let's start with some feedback so really good test I would estimate score to be 8 8.5 run that um some small errors I'll just point out to you okay small errors one was uh I do volunteer Works uh it should be singular volunteer work or volunteer activities right we could say this I would definitely want to get an iPad so I would just delete the modal verb here so I would definitely change that I definitely wanna I definitely want to get an iPad and just in part one right so answers were great really clear just make sure you explain reasons why so sometimes I ask you do you like using social media or whatever just make sure explain with clear reasons why you like it one time you said why not give it a try it's a good expression nice expression but I think I would explain reasons why it would be fun to do this I think the question was like do you want to work in social media in the future so maybe you could explain yeah I like using it I like communicating with other people maybe something like that right the part two question right just the question was describe a time when you received money as a gift so focus on more like one time right so uh in the real exam they want to they want you to specifically describe one situation I think you were floating between like some present tense some past tense so we want to make it more specific in part two right um yeah part three there wasn't really much it was all answered really well in part three actually um you said coins and cash they're inconvenient to bring around I would say carry around is a better expression carry around and when you talked about the the kids in China they're cutting you said they cut off the people I think the better phrasal verb there is cut out so they they cut out the people yeah yeah I saw that too actually yeah all right so yeah really good test thanks for coming in thank you cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 96,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL, 8.5
Id: NmKZi8kqsFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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