IELTS Speaking Test Band Score 4

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foreign [Music] welcome to IBM IELTS Academy this is the speaking section of your IELTS test it may take about 15 minutes and I will ask you some questions in three parts is that okay examineries Sarah Parker examiner number is 23589 candidate is Sina zrit and candidate's number is 13583 it may see your ID card yes you go Q okay can you tell me where are you from yes I'm from Iran and I believe in this Farm do you work or study I'm currently studying in University um they get up early to go to go to the work to go to the schools to go to the universities and stuff like that okay uh why do some people like to get up late late at night just want to sleep okay older people in your country like getting up early than young people yes absolutely they are really like to get up early because they want to pray in the morning and they are early birds okay you know someone who likes to wake up early in the morning yes my father is just just wake up at 5am every morning even on the Fridays which is a weekend in my country what kinds of professions require people to get up early sufficient what do you mean by that I mean I know that but I don't know maybe there are doctors the teachers or students or laborers okay talk about outdoor activities do you like outdoor activities yes a lot I go out every day and I go to the park I go to the gym I go to swimming pools I really like playing basketball I really like it I cannot play live with basketball I just play every day what kind of outdoor activities are popular in your nation they just just want to go with the family go together go to the parties um and stuff like that okay so I'll give you a cue card you have one minute to think about it or may take notes and after that you may talk about two minutes is that clear yeah okay sure okay this is the question and you can take it here okay okay all right yes I we had one twin brother we had a PlayStation that when when we were a child and we played with it all all day I mean we just play with PlayStation that was PlayStation one it was new stuff in the world funny games and it just fall fell over the the the desk and just smashed and we just try to fix it just really like it um we just search all over the city to find the lens which was broken and we tried really hard I mean uh we just all right I mean the lens was broken and we we just packed choose to repair things or buy a new one can fix by it no reason to buy a new thing when you can repair a repair the old one okay so you mean a repair something is better than buying a new one if you can repair it properly why not uh is there a quality of products worse these days than before yes sir I guess this is an industrial cities or and products or have less equality than before for example and because of the because the companies wants to lower the prices and have to do this they have to lure the quality as well so you mean it's because of the price yes because they want to many people attend buy it and afford afford it okay absolutely they they have a great responsibility nowadays and they have to do a lot of things we have social medias we have internet and we have PCS and laptops they they should work a lot uh what kind of things do people like to fix themselves yeah what kind of things do people like to fix themselves they want to fix their cars it wants to fix this stuff they work with them for example even hair dryer or and washing machine they want just explore things and want to see how they're fixed why do people prefer to repair their mobile phones and specialized stores specialized store I cannot understand that question um okay I can repeat that why do people prefer to repair their mobile phones in a specialized stores because it's I think it's a real it's a it's a thing that needs expertise to fix it they cannot do it themselves because it's really tiny thing like special cruise for example they cannot open it yes they need so you think it's a hard job yeah because of that because of that they they go to specials specialists okay thank you this is the end of your test [Music] I have some tips for you first of all pay attention to the structures of the sentences that you say they are so simple okay moreover pay attention to the tenses for example when you are talking about the past so you should use past tenses for example you said we have a PlayStation or for example we like actually you should add Ed we liked we had for stuff like that um and pay attention to the even present tense for example in some situation you said they want it's not correct of course or um especially articles of the nouns for example the internet not internet okay pay attention they are you know they're very important and when you repeat them again and again you may lose a lot of score moreover try to practice a lot in front of the mirror or with your friends because you may um if you cannot control your anxiety maybe can I mention something yeah I just want to build some experiences and I just want to have more confidence to speak and that's why yeah of course of course it's perfect Mark tests are actually designed for this reason for sure but you should try harder than this and in this point you got four yeah thank you okay good luck [Applause] [Music] hi guys well previous candidates got four unfortunately he was so anxious in this case if you have good knowledge you cannot use them because you cannot control yourself if you want to get rid of this anxiety you should practice again and again in front of the mirror or with your friends or your teacher practice is the only way moreover she used a very very simple structures and he had some rare vocabularies time to time but it's not enough so because of all these things he got for if you want to get better score you should pay attention to all these weaknesses thank you [Music] foreign
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Speaking band 4, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, Daily english, essential english, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS, ielts 6.0, ielts speaking 2022, آیلتس, ഐഇഎൽടിഎസ്, ИЕЛТС, आईईएलटीएस, IBM, band score 4, speaking 4, ielts speaking 4, mock test
Id: Yz5VhGx7SC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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