IELTS Speaking Band 7.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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[Music] all right let's begin so could you tell me your name please my name is aga okay and could you tell me are you working or are you a student i'm working right now i'm a model and actress in korea and do you like your job i love my job it was my dream to be an actress model and i started in poland actually modeling as a side job but when i came to korea it became my major which i love nice is there anything you dislike about your job actually no i love everything because if the schedule is not regular it's not like nine to five job which also i like i don't i cannot do this nine-to-five job so i like this it's like in irregular schedule and also i meet lots of people in the same field great and could you tell me about some of your hobbies my hobbies is learning new languages traveling and also acting modeling and could you explain a little bit more detail you like traveling could you tell me why uh i like traveling i like to discover new cultures that way i travel a lot right now i cannot really travel but i wish to travel more i travel like over 25 countries and i want to travel more in the pacific ocean for example or try sailing that would be really nice i think okay nice now let's talk about your hometown so could you describe your hometown for me my hometown my my hometown is pretty um cute hometown [Music] it has a castle the architecture is pretty much same like in whole europe it's really similar to prague there's a lot of foreigners there we have a castle which a lot of tourists go in front of the castle there is a river and there is a dragon it's also like the legend we have the legend of a dragon and the dragon breathes out the fire every couple of minutes so that's very nice tourist attraction what else most of the buildings are are very um old we don't like destroy them and then we build new ones to like sustain that kind of very old look i guess okay so yeah we don't have many new buildings and do you think you will live there in the future no i don't think so i actually like living here in korea it's like a totally different world for me actually people are totally different the culture is so kind of different like the cute culture you know they are very welcoming not so cold it's very nice heartwarming and there's also other foreigners just like in krakow so it's it's not really so different for me that's what i like okay and could you tell me about the weather in your hometown the weather actually is similar to korea it gets very cold it gets very hot in the summer but the summer lasts for like three four weeks it's very hot like 40 degrees even but then suddenly it drops and and then the difference temperature difference in the morning and during the day it's really ridiculous like in the morning can be 5-10 degrees and in during the day 26 so it's very very kind of annoying here it goes slowly from summer it's go like to out to autumn and it's like very slowly so that's what i like about here okay and is your hometown famous for any special food my hometown special food well i talked about pierogi before but and especially my hometown no i don't think so we don't have any special but we have like classic food which is in poland actually below my city there is another city which is called and there we have like kind of cheese it's what is this it's baked and small no it's smoked cheese it's smoked cheese and it's very famous okay we have it two incredible but it's like from sakapana let's see all right perfect i'll do this for part one nice all right so for part two of the test i'm gonna give you this question and i'll give you a pen so for this question you have one minute to do some note-taking and then you have to speak about the topic for one to two minutes okay okay so i'll give you one minute from now okay [Music] all right now so for part two could you describe a famous person that you are interested in okay this is very hard question like i really didn't know who to decide i picked jim carrey uh probably you know about his he's the actor from us so he's an inspiration for me because he follow his dreams doesn't matter of the hindrance he had he was he was poor growing up and i remember he was saying like he wrote a check for him for one million dollar and put it in his pocket and he drive to the hill in his hometown to just imagine like that he already achieved what he got so it was very inspiring to hear that story and also he was a comedian at the first right so he started to being comedian because his dad was uh i don't i don't know for sure but i think he was in depression he just wanted to make him laugh so it's like very hard for story and like also he had a quote famous quote if you can fail at what you don't want to do you might as well take a chance on doing what you love right so this is like very inspiring that's why i chose jim carrey yeah and what he was like before he was famous well i don't really know because because we get to know them when they're famous right so sure all right perfect all right let's move on to part three now so uh what kinds of famous people are there in your country in my country well i know um actually polish people who went to us for example from the tv series supernatural uh his name was i think jared polowski if i'm not wrong and from vampire there is another tv show and probably you didn't hear about it like it's a romance so it's it's his name was john wesley so they are actually 100 polish but they just came to us and started acting career okay so apart from actors are there any other professions which make people famous in your country oh yeah there is a soccer player uh lewandowski he's very famous i'm sure you hear about him of course so yeah he's very famous and also not famous people but famous game should i talk about this um more about people about people and professions okay so there's also um ski jumper his name is adamaj he was very famous when i was a kid everyone was watching ski jumping he was like the gold medalist it was really amazing to see why do you think sports people become famous sports people because they um they they train very hard so people so when they win people just really um appreciate them you admire them because they put so much work into training you know just to win or maybe not just when just they want to do what they love and this is what they do they just train so hard and they win and it's like amazing okay and what's the differences between famous people these days and famous people in the past social media more exposure i think they can have more exposure than than before and more of the private life is like out there everyone is reading about it everyone knows about it maybe it's not a good thing actually but it's good also for like more people to get to know them because social media is like globalization you know it's like connects all the world can know ever anything in like one minute actually so this is this is the difference i think yeah right and can celebrities have a positive influence on the public well of course if the celebrity choose to give a show a good example which i think they should then they have a good influence this is what i think celebrity actually celebrities should do you know they just show what to do like to give money to charities for example not not just do some scandals you know with other celebrities this is pretty much integrating so they should show a good example to other people to follow um indeed and do you think uh the media give too much attention to famous people the media there's too much attention to famous people actually maybe not too much you know i think too much on the media is about news and the tragic terrible things that happen on the in the world but i don't think it's so much about celebrities actually it is a lot but not too much i think it can be more about like the good things and good examples and focus on the good things not just about tragedies and scandals okay and do you think new stories about celebrities are always true ah new stories about the celebrities aren't always true it could be rumors like it's you cannot actually tell unless you you ask actually them and interview the celebrities you cannot actually know it's like a rumor so this is what like people sometimes live on they just want to gossip okay that'll do us for part three thank you thank you all right so the score for this candidate will give is a uh fluency was very strong there were only a few instances of hesitation throughout and the hesitation was more about thinking about the answer rather than looking for the word or searching for language related issues uh that was good vocabulary there was a few good expressions here so you know one one natural expression that i picked out was like as a side job you know very uh natural spoken expression uh there were also some fillers when she wasn't sure of what to say she was saying like ah what else my hometown what kind of food so it's quite natural instead of having just silence she showed that she was actually thinking about content rather than the word uh for pronunciation there are some some issues there there were some like with th so things were pronounced maybe more like just like a t soundings and uh for example a short a sound like happen was a little bit of uh her first language was coming into that but there were no issues with really understanding there were a couple of isolated words were not pronounced correctly one was legend okay and media so i think those were the only isolated words were not really pronounced correctly in terms of grammar uh again it's all very easy to understand uses a flexible range but mistakes were persisting throughout the interview so small small mistakes such as articles you know there was a lot of times where a and the weren't included in the speech so again the meaning is very clear but the articles were not there uh in terms of tense sometimes you know for example in the first part i travel to over 25 countries that should be the present perfect tense like i've traveled to i've been to over 25 countries uh some like word choice she said below my city below my city probably say uh south of my city north of my city so if you're talking about location i would go with south north and east west uh what else what else do we have sometimes we're not hearing the the plural sound so i was hearing he drive instead of he drives so again like small errors throughout uh and part three give money to charity give money to charity is fine but a better word would be donate donate money to charity so overall good test yeah we'll finish up at that [Music]
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 308,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts mock test, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking 9, ielts speaking score, ielts speaking, ielts study
Id: EoUL4lTsis4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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