IELTS Speaking Band 8.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay we can get started now uh to begin can you tell me your full name my Korean name is sang Only but I go by Sean it's s-e-a-n okay and tell me Sean are you working or studying right now I'm a student currently I'm studying electrical engineering and University in Hong Kong uh and do you enjoy your studies yes I do I never expect myself to be an engineer until the last year in high school but somehow I'm enjoying it cool how is Hong Kong Hong Kong I from fourth grade in preschool all the way to high school graduation I lived in China Shanghai so like Chinese culture was really familiar to me so it was not a hard decision for me to move to Hong Kong for University and what do you enjoy doing in your free time I used to read books a lot but since freshman year in high school no in University I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu it's a grappling based martial art and I'm spending a lot of time training in my free time all right um and what is your hometown what would you how would you describe your hometown I would describe my hometown uh sold my home Hometown so from five years old to third grade in preschool until I moved to China I lived in Seoul called it's a place called kangzok I still consider it to be my hometown and what things do you like about your hometown oh it's a chill place a lot of good restaurants and but probably I have a lot of good memories in my childhood attached to my hometown okay good and what things do you not like about it um chill but also it's boring they're not a lot of fun things to enjoy so that's one thing I don't like about my hometown okay good um now we'll talk about handwriting briefly um do you often write with a pen I used to until high school and from college I used iPad and laptops a lot so I would say no okay um when you have to write by hand is your handwriting easy to read for other people yes it's I would say yes for English and Korean but when I write Chinese it's still bad okay yeah um do you like to receive cards with handwritten notes or words in them yes especially for my birthday my dad used to write me a handwritten letter on my birthdays so I'd like to receive handwritten letter from my birthday especially um okay can you tell someone's personality from his or her handwriting oh that's I think that's a really insightful question so yes I think the handwriting somehow reflects the person's personality if I see a scribble I would assume the person is some hastening personality if I see a small like neat handwriting I assume the person's really careful and but not 100 it often goes wrong sure that's true and finally what's the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer typing on computer has more formality it's more neat of course so when I need to write for my assignments and work I use laptop but when I want to show my sincerity to my people I love I use my handwriting sure okay now we can move to part two and for part two you're gonna have one question and you'll have um one minute to prepare and then up to two minutes to give your answer here is your question and you can make notes um to help guide you oh take a minute to to prepare and then we'll get started okay that is a minute so when you're ready you can describe an application or program you use on your phone or computer the application I use on my phone or computer is Google of course and the Google here incorporates YouTube and chat GPT for me it's used generally as a search engine I can search informations papers research papers videos and all sorts of things I want to know about something and I use it for every purpose actually I start to use it in middle school high school when I was doing assignments when I had to do my research assignments I use Google and that's how I started my first usage of Google and later chat apt came out and use it for assignments as well it's an AI that literally that literally tells you anything you want to ask you want to know I use it because it has high credibility but I can't really trust 100 because I should judge my I should use my own resource judgmental skills to assess The credibility of the source and I think I'll keep using until I find the better replacement for Google YouTube and chat GPT then thank you for listening okay sure yeah okay we can move on now to part three um first question which phone app is the most popular in your country phonet I would also say Google and YouTube for this it leads to cultural trend even nowadays the broadcast use Googles and YouTube to Market their idols and TV shows I think even my friends and the young Generations watch YouTube a lot more than TV so my answer is Google and YouTube and do you think parents should limit the time that their children spend on the phone yes because to use my own experience I used to play a lot of games in high school so if it's good to use a lot of it's YouTube It's good to watch YouTube but the more time you spend on YouTube the less time you can spend on like social life and sports so there are a lot there are downsides so I think parents should limit their kids watching times on YouTube and do you think people depend on cell phone apps too much these days yes one example is the map function and on your phone computer the navigations so when you go on a trip um if you depend too much on your app to find roads to find a way to something you don't really remember how you get there and also cameras one example the more camera you use to take pictures the less time you spend uh like actually viewing the travel but the place you went for travel and do you think some apps will help people study it depends on the person it's no for me but yes for some friends I know so there's an app called Quizlet so people use it to memorize vocabularies and terms but it doesn't work for me but I know my friend who use it all the time to study his biology terms so can't really make a judgment it's no for me okay um good well we made it to the end yeah nicely done let's see um okay we can move on to some feedback now as you probably know the IELTS has scored on four categories so there's fluency and coherence pronunciation vocabulary and grammar uh you did a really nice job here today so most of this is just good news but we can talk about each category individually uh briefly the first two fluency uh fluency and coherence which is together and pronunciation these are very strong these are the natural speaking voice uh no pauses other than to think of a word or consider the next direction for the answer and the pronunciation is native like so there's really no um no improvements to be made there those are very good um got a wide range of vocabulary um really no problem with any of these questions you describe it in in good detail um whether it was people's personality based on their handwriting a good vocabulary about you know hastening um or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as a grappling based martial art which is a very a very Advanced and very specific way so vocabulary is very good um grammar's also good um range of tenses all very clear uh I struggle to point out anything really um at all but I did notice a few times in in part one that you might have forgot to use uh use an article for example he said typing on computer and use laptop uh yeah so that could be either typing on computers to talk about it generally or typing on a computer using laptops or using a laptop but uh if we're using the singular form we want the article uh this is a very very small um small Point um and maybe one uh one collocation that was uh not quite natural um you mentioned judgmental skills um but those would be probably just judgment skills um there's really nothing nothing else um uh apart from maybe one in in part three uh when you were describing Quizlet you you mentioned uh that it would be helpful for using for learning vocabularies yeah but vocabulary is actually a non-count noun um yeah so you might be learning two thousand words but it's just vocabulary yeah this stuff uh is really small okay so um your your language skills are very very Advanced and quite good um in terms of like test test approach um there's a few things to point out um your part two answer was a minute and 25 seconds um which is not bad the advice is to be between a minute and two minutes but we always advise people to get as close as you can to two minutes and it's even okay to have the examiner tell you to stop you have this window of time to to show all of the vocabulary and grammar that you can use so as if it is possible it's always good to keep going further um so that's for part two and then for part three um your answers were good but um one thing that you don't have to do in part three is to give any summary um it's not like a paragraph that has a summary sentence at the end you can kind of just answer it and describe it and then finish it's short enough that that um that no summary is needed and the other point in that um in that section is that you want to try to avoid giving a personal example um so rather than rather than saying you know from my perspective I think we should do this part three really challenges you to think very broadly about what people in general would do should do or have done depending on the shape of the question those can be hard to answer because it's hard to talk for everybody but it is challenging me to to speak generally in that way um so it's a very strong test and if I had to and I do have to estimate your score I would say uh today was probably an 8.5 which is um which is very good um and it could be a nine uh with with very very small uh improvements so really nice nice job and uh I have one question I want to ask you so the paper says describe on application you usually use on your phone on a computer but I used three YouTube Google and chat GPT but I tried my best to incorporate and make them into one form yeah is it okay I am actually glad you asked I wrote it down and yeah and kind of forgot to mention it yeah it would be good in this question describe an application yeah would be to really focus on one application um that would be hard to do with Google I mean I guess Google is a program but Google has got become so big yeah and it does so many things that it it gets hard to talk about it as a single entity because I guess it owns YouTube I don't think it owns chat GPT I think that's a Microsoft product so yes uh a very good question and you would want to try to focus this one on one I think you did you mostly talked about Google about Google but you did talk about chat gbt which loses the focus a little bit yeah um so yeah really good question cool any other questions that's it all right well no sir Don again and thanks for coming in thanks for having me here yeah and good luck
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 79,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, opic, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 공부법, 라이팅, 리딩, 토익, 토플, edm, 이디엠, 영어, 유학, 오픽, 수능, 단어, reading, TOEIC, TOEFL
Id: rrpUj5AFvQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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