아이엘츠 스피킹 Band 6.5 한국인 모의시험 (피드백 포함) IELTS Speaking [edm아이엘츠]

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could you tell me your full name please my name is min suk kim we must okay yes it spells out as a mean I n mm seok-ki am not mean so Kim good do you like your name I think I like my name my grandfather gave it to me there were there were some like candidates for my names but one of them was same as previous president of Korea so my grandfather disagreed so he said I mean so it's better than the other one so he gave me this name okay and are you working or are you a student I'm a student in Australia studying in university marketing and mate I'm majoring in marketing okay and do you like your course ah yeah for the course itself I like it but sometimes I meet some strange professors or lectures but I do enjoy my major okay and tell me about what you do when you have some free time ah when I have free time I have my own YouTube channel so I film with my friend or ed so after that I edit those videos and upload it on YouTube and for daily hobbies I go to gym to workout and could you tell me about your hometown my hometown is called Tengu it's the located at the southern part of Korea Korean Peninsula and I moved to Seoul when I was six but I still visit there once a year to visit my relatives okay okay okay now we're going to talk about jeans so do you wear jeans often ah yeah most of my pants are jeans I think after like 10 years 10 years old I only were jeans mostly mm-hmm I think it's very comfortable and it matches almost every upper clothes mm-hmm but sometimes like if I have to wear formal clothes and wear like formal pants I feel uncomfortable already mm so do you like wearing jeans yeah I love wearing jeans now mm-hmm okay very good um why do you think jeans are popular hmm I think I've learned this in my schools and other like I've read some articles about it and I heard that our jeans were a popular when it was first invented and which people like thought even the pores were wearing those pants and at first which people thought that oh how could those people wear the same clothes as us but I think that represents that it all the people from every people's perspective jeans looks okay and very fashionable so I think I'm also part of those people I guess okay and what color jeans do you like wearing I thought I like four five years ago I only bought like black jeans but only recently I I have bought two very light blue jeans I thought those colors didn't match me but as I aged more I think it's not too bad I guess mm-hmm okay and what style of jeans are popular in your country only few years ago very skinny fit jeans were popular but some people thought it was of it I would say disgusting when it's too tight they thought it looks like sausage but these days I think the trend is that it's a bit loose pants is more popular these days all right I will do us for part one of the test okay so let's move on to the second part this question okay so I'll give you the question there you go give you a pen there thank you okay so now yeah I'll give you one minute to make some notes and you have some preparation so you can begin all right then so that's we were minute yeah it's down there just grab that pen back off you guys Thanks thank you right so your question is describe your ideal home so you can begin any time you like okay I think for me either home would be apartment I think the reason why I chose this form of home is because in Korea because the land field is small most of people build apartment for their houses and I've lived in apartment for most of my life so I think this is why I chose this as my ideal home and I think it should be located near public transportation I think that's the most important thing because let's say I'm studying or I have a job commuting is the most important thing for me I guess so maybe near bus station or subway station would be nice and I think for my home it should be first cozy and should be secondly it should be equipped with lots of furnitures and other facilities and I would say it's better if there is like gym or swimming pool at the apartment for public use and for this home I would say it doesn't have to be big because I would live there for my 20s but I've once I marry or get a kid maybe I would move to a bigger apartment and if I can I would like to live near Seoul at least since it's the most popular area in Korea okay right good that's two minutes stop here there very good very good so you think location is very important about a house location location location yeah yeah you're not a fan of commuting yes it's very hard to be in the packed subway when everyone is pushing each other yeah yeah it's like a war isn't it yeah right good stuff one two part three now yeah okay so just get the Glock going again so yeah what do you think what are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside ah so for currently I'm living in Australia and the city is Canberra and I would say even though its capital city it's more countryside then Seoul I guess because when I come out of my room I can see the Kangaroos running around but I think there's advantages and disadvantages for living in city and countryside for a city I would say it's very convenient for everything since everything is prepared already but I would say it's very packed and sometimes you want to be biased by yourself but there's a lot there are a lot of people around you so I think it's hard for you to get like personal zone but for countryside I think that's very easy like you want to be alone and you want some of your private time it's very easy for you to just go out of your room and walk around but I would say for countryside yes its opposite from the city everything is a bit uncomfortable okay okay good good and do you think older people prefer living in the countryside rather than the city ah yes I agree with this statement because older people especially from Korean perspective I've heard a lot of older generation saying that after retiring they would like to go back to countryside and run their own farm mm-hmm I think that's because they care more about their health issue they want to breathe in some more clean air and live among the nature I think that's why okay good and the younger people feel differently they wouldn't like to live in the countryside I think they want to exposed to more technologies and more comfortable living area so as I said before commuting and transportation is very important factors for them and they need to get access to their working field very easily I think that's why younger people prefer to live in the city mmm and in your country is the public transportation in the countryside efficient and well connected for some of the cities I would say it's well connected but if you go into very countryside very rural area I would say there like only one buses an hour mmm so I think it's not that convenient compared compared to city do you think governments should spend more money focusing on smaller towns in areas I think government is putting a lot of effort in public transportation because Koreans ourselves thinks that Korean public transportation is very well organized and I think the reason why public transportation isn't that developed compared to cities because the government thinks that it's already you know for more countryside mmm-hmm right good good and do you think you know these days because public transportation has improved a lot do you think fewer people drive their own cars these days I think it depends on the age group for older generation they usually feel scared driving around especially in Seoul because the driving I mean the traffic in Seoul is very popular for being notorious but for younger generation and they can drive and they have enough money to afford effort I mean purchase their own transport mm-hmm so whenever they go out even the close distance I think they prefer taking their own car okay very good very good yeah yeah and do you think in general Korean people feel like their public transportation could be improved in any way I personally take a subway when I go to my workplace and during the rush hour it's like being in a hell mmm it's so crowded and everyone is pushing each other and I was thinking I'm living in Australia I've seen true story subway and so maybe I thought Seoul Seoul government or City Hall could think about making two-story subway or a bit longer subways in order to put in more people inside mm-hmm but other than that I think it's quite well organized yeah good idea all right yeah so let's get into the feedback now yeah so it's a good test you did well you're nice and confident you spoke fluently yeah I'd say your score would be about 6.5 it's what you would get now to get up to 7.0 I think the only thing that's really kind of stopping you probably is just some small grammar errors kinda throughout you know so in terms of your fluency it was really good there was very little hesitation throughout you were able to speak comfortably and you answered all the questions on the spot really good really good as was your pronunciation very clear very accurate there were no real issues to point out there so yeah fluency pronunciation really good quite good possibly like above 7 obviously there's a few vocabulary issues let's just point out a couple just to give some examples you were talking about your name yeah um and you said there were a few other candidates for your name like candidates suggest that suggests to me like people like presidential candidate would be a different person but if you're talking about a name I would say options there were a few other options but he chose min-suk okay good um use the word as well disgusting for the the genes I probably wouldn't use that word for it disgusting sons it's just a little bit worse a little bit extreme in that sense for example you're talking about food like really bad food you would say disgusting or something that would make your stomach feel bad yeah so yeah maybe for that one yeah the words just the word furniture is uncountable so you would never say furnitures just furniture yeah so we can say a piece of furniture yeah yeah really good I'm just little little little word work between packed and crowded they're very similar actually you know but if I were talking about a city I would say crowded rather than hacked packet suggest like you're in a room you know you if you're talking about the subway are you talking about a you know establishment you could say it's repacked because everyone's inside yeah yeah so there's a few few little things with vocabulary there um in terms of grammar yeah the tense is usually alright but I think one let you down is just some prepositions just prepositions are kind of missing from a lot of your sentences for example you said go to gym go to the gym go to the cinema you said Daegu is at the southern part so you say in the southern part of Korea in the southern part when we're talking about jeans okay so just a subject you were using was it it's very comfortable it's very popular what should it be they yeah exactly because they're I know they're one thing but they're plural you know yeah so they're very popular they're very comfortable yeah and you said you bought two very light blue jeans yes what should it be - yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah it's hard on the spot yeah yeah two pairs of light blue jeans two pairs of yeah and these the second part yeah part two was quite strong you spoke for a full two minutes small bits I think you were saying it should be it should be but since it's your your dream home and like is if you see in the question there it says like wood so I would stick the woods in the part - yeah because it's your like imagination it would be huge it would be insole it would be here not too much else there one time you said most of people should be just most people most people yeah few little things and then into part three really good just as I said a couple of little preposition errors one question I started with do you think bla bla bla yeah I knew answered with yeah I agree so you can only say I agree if the question is do you agree so just a little little thing to be careful of there but yeah I thought it was really good test just small grammar errors I'll give you this after and you can have a look at it you know I've more detailed thing here so yeah if you tidy that up it'll be a bit better yeah all right thank you very much thank you thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 1,392,453
Rating: 4.9357624 out of 5
Keywords: EDM아이엘츠, ielts speaking feedback, 아이엘츠 학원, ielts, 아이엘츠, 아이엘츠 스피킹, 아이엘츠 시험, 아이엘츠 자료, 아이엘츠 실전, 아이엘츠 모의고사, ielts speaking, 이디엠아이엘츠, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking korean, ielts speaking mock test 2019, ielts speaking mock test 2018, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 3, 아이엘츠 스피킹 답안, 아이엘츠 스피킹 6, 아이엘츠 스피킹 6.5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 7.0., ielts speaking band 6.5 sample, ielts speaking band 6.5, ielts speaking korean band 6.5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 6.0 수준
Id: COIwVbnwPsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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