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[Applause] [Music] good morning hi thank you welcome to ibm ielts academy this is the speaking section of the ielts exam the interview will take about 15 minutes and i will ask you some questions in three parts is that okay sure examiner is sarah parker and examiner number is one 792-021 is parsa saderian and candidate's number is two three five eight nine miss your id card of course here you are thank you okay that's very much true thanks what's your full name i'm parsa saderian uh and i'm currently studying computer engineering at ismaron university of technology okay do you have a healthy diet um almost i can say i have a healthy diet i try not to eat so much junk food and you know too much and fat and you know i i try to read articles online about how to you know have a healthy diet how to manage to control my weight and stay in shape all the time do you like to enjoy your food at home or eating out i'm more comfortable enjoying my food at you know at my own room and you know my privacy my safe zone um i'd rather to you know stay home all the time eat my food you know with no rush or any you know stress or anxiety do you like ordering food delivery um since i've mentioned i try to you know it's my food and my own room as much as possible so yeah i i'd rather stay home and you know order my food do you eat differently now than when you were little um no i don't think i i'm doing it right now i almost kept i kept the same routine as my childhood until now and i will doing that i will be doing that forever i think do you have a lot of friends um i don't have a lot of friends but my close friends are you know the ones who always support me and uh they got my back all the time so i don't need a lot of friends as long as they you know stay stay with me for you know all the time you know okay with whom would you like to be friends and why um with no particular person i just you know walking meet people and we get to know each other so then i choose whether i want to be friends with that person or not okay so now i will give you a cue card you have one minute to think about it and take note and after that you should talk about around two minutes is that okay yeah of course all right this is the question and this is the way you can take note okay so so so so okay time's up now you may talk may i give it back yes thank you um it's painting if it's an empty street at the middle of night i can see trees at the side of the road and no cars or people are visible in that picture i don't know much about it i don't know exactly where it is i just made it up my you know may you ask some questions or do i have to explain more continue um the stores are closed and uh i can see the moon and the sky the moon is full and shiny and shinier than ever i can see the stars many so many stars in the sky there are visible all of them [Music] maybe i'll decide later but maybe i can see myself in that picture with my friends uh you know hanging around and sitting in the side of road um [Music] maybe a cat or a dog or some some animal some street animal uh is crossing uh crossing the street the the you know the image um plenty of cars are parked uh there but i don't see them moving on the street um no sound or any particular noise um we can hear in that picture it's just silence and the sound of uh you know night and um maybe maybe you'll be interrupted by some animal or some horned horns of cars or something like that but otherwise it's just silence and you know peace and everything's calm um okay yeah i prefer having that in my room because when i look at that when i think about it when i uh imagine myself in that it can force me and gives me some chills and it helps me to relax okay what is the attitude towards art in your country what people think about art um there are too many attitudes and approaches towards art but i think people in my country which is iran um prefer art to be more subjective um you know something they can see they can hear like like comedy stand-up comedy or something they they enjoy to watch not something that makes them think or investigate about it something they can watch right now and enjoy it at the moment maybe they can laugh about it they can you know cry about it i don't know the thing that they can feel right now is the thing that they prefer okay do people in your country prefer music to art yes as i've mentioned music can be so much more entertaining for my uh for you know people in my country than a painting or a book a story because they don't they don't have time or things to you know enjoy that and what kind of music do people like in your country most of the people enjoy pop music but i personally listen to rock metal or anything any kind of music but most of the people in my country follow the mainstream music the pop culture or what traditional art forms exist in your country as much as i know there's no traditional art in my country it's not allowed but i can i can't think of anything i just know it was it used to be some paintings or um you know thing things like that you mean there is no traditional art right now um i can't think of anything but i'm aware that uh it was something there was something in the past i don't know why what exactly but i reckon maybe paintings or sketches caricatures and stuff like that how can children benefit from learning art well it makes them you know their minds uh to be more active or more creative that makes them more innovative in such ways like you know mathematics or dealing with life's complications and stuff maybe i don't i don't want to be i don't want to get more philosophical but by experience i think it makes them more active mentally mentally active do you think that the state should support the arts and uh cultural activities yeah of course they can they can support it in many ways you know financially or they can support it all the time by simply giving money and time but i don't see it in my own country i don't see it too much they the government and even people they don't support art and artists by you know buying their their products and their masterpieces okay thank you very much this is the end of your ielts speaking test [Music] so uh let's see you know i have some tips for you try to speak with less stress by practice you can gain that you know when you are talking in a hesitation you may lose your fluency so uh try to practice more and more with your friends or your teacher moreover be ready for rare topics especially in part two the topic was describing a picture you know it's kind of rare and weird but it may happen in the ielts exam okay so be ready for anything and um in part three be careful uh you shouldn't talk about your personal life it's a kind of discussion about general ideas and general things okay don't say for example i listen to rock music whether to say people or young people these days listen to rock music it's it's a very important point and don't say well i don't know you know it's not a good idea if you if even you don't know anything about that topic try something yeah for example i ask about traditional example of art in your country and you could say carpet iranian carpet is a kind of art you know so we have so many things use your imagination it would be really helpful um all in all um your grammatical range is okay and you use some rare and good vocabularies um i can say you can get 6.5 in the ielts exam um it may be it may be you know not enough for me right now but it may improve the future of course you can improve that good luck thanks thanks for your time [Music] hi there i have some tips for you a speaking section of the ielts exam can be really stressful it's natural but you should try to make it less if not you may lose a lot of score because you will lose your fluency so work hard on it pay attention to the rare topics these days it's common to have rare questions in part two asking about a picture your childhood toy or anything weird and not common so be prepared before the exam and try to practice as much as possible in part three you may not talk about your personal life or your personal examples it's not a good idea because it's a discussion and you should talk about general ideas or general examples it's really important don't say i don't know or i don't have any idea you know it's not a good idea you should be prepared in advance to talk about range of topics if you don't have any idea to talk about at least use your imagination and try to say something related to that question i know it's hard but by practicing you can handle that thank you for your attention [Applause] [Music] you
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts band 9.0, ielts speaking 2022, IELTS, آیلتس, ഐഇഎൽടിഎസ്, আইইএলটিএস, ИЕЛТС, आईईएलटीएस, Mock Test of Speaking, IBM, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Speaking band 8, IELTS Speaking with answers, IELTS speaking tips, Ielts speaking questions, IELTS Speaking 2021, Speaking topics for IELTS 2021, IELTS speaking practice, speaking for ielts, ielts speaking answers, IELTS Board Members Academy
Id: 6UP3bpCtzQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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