IELTS Reading True, False, Not Given with Alex & Jay

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hi guys and welcome to your eetu task of the week my name is Alex and my name is J and what is the task of the week this week well this week we are working on IELTS reading and specifically true false not given yikes true false not given is tough especially the difference between false and not given that is a really mind-bending question what are we going to do in detail all right well in the class today I'm gonna explain the task show you an easy method take you through some simple practice and give you time at the end for some solo practice alright that sounds cool now I have to go because I'm gonna go and work on e to school which is our other platform for general english-language learning which is exciting but I'll come back at the end when you share some tips okay just before I go if you're on YouTube and watching this you may want to click Subscribe hit like leave a comment and share this with your friends so true false not given is just one of the question types you might get in IELTS reading general or academic what does it look like well of course you get a reading text and then you get a set of questions or statements and then you'll see these instructions does the information in the statement match the information in the passage on your answer sheet right true if the statement agrees with the information false if the statement contradicts the information and not given if there is no information on this statement so what does this mean exactly well we're gonna start really really basic ok I'm going to start with this little guide this is a Tasmanian devil let's check out three sentences and answer them either true false or not given based only on what we see here what's in the picture I told you we're starting basic number one the Tasmanian devil is mostly black so I can see he's got a little bit of white on his chest and I'll do his arms but he is mostly black this is true number two the Tasmanian Devil has long ears see his round little ears there this is of course false I can see that it's false number three the Tasmanian devil eats meat well it looks like it eats meat it's got huge teeth and in fact I know it eats meat but from this picture I can't say that for sure so the answer has to be not given I know that was really easy but don't worry it's about to get more difficult so what's the best method to deal with this type of question we always follow a three-step method here at e2 and it's super super simple let's have a look step one identify key words in the statement step two find those words or synonyms in the next and step three maybe the most important one is read carefully slow down and read carefully so let's go I'm gonna see four questions and one text now remember that step one of the method is to identify keywords in the statements so let's do that first question number one Tasmanian Devils look fierce look fierce so they look aggressive number two Devils are dangerous to humans key words here dangerous and humans question three the number of Devils has fallen slightly since the 1990s number fallen slightly since the 1990s you might choose slightly different words that's okay I think that these are the best keywords and question four DFTD is a treatable condition what is DFTD I don't know but hopefully the text will tell us and treatable condition is also a key word so keep the 3-step method in your mind we've already done step one identify key words in the statement and now we need to find those words or they're synonyms words with a similar meaning in the text and then we're gonna read carefully before we choose our answer question number one Tasmanian Devils look fierce Skan Skan Skan for similar words I can see it here and step three I need to slow down and read carefully despite being known for its threatening appearance and savage vocalizations the Tasmanian Devil is a timid creature that poses no threat to humans so does the Tasmanian Devil look fierce well it has a threatening appearance so this is true they have the same meaning question two Devils are dangerous to humans I scan scan scan looking for dangerous looking for humans I can see here threat humans and it's in the same sentence the Tasmanian devil is a timid creature that poses no threat to humans so our Devils dangerous to humans no they're not this is false question 3 the number of Devils has fallen slightly since the 1990s scanned for 1990's here it is and slow down and read since the late 1990s the devil facial tumour disease DFTD has drastically reduced the devil population and now threatens the survival of the species which in 2008 was declared to be endangered so the number of Devils has fallen since the 1990s yes it has reduced but hasn't fallen slightly the text says it has fallen drastically this is significantly so this makes the answer false it hasn't fallen slightly it's fallen drastically dramatically question 4 DFTD is a treatable condition here it is in the text DFTD has drastically reduced the population this is the devil facial tumour disease now threatens the survival of the species which has been declared to be endangered is this disease treatable is there a cure I don't know from this text there's no information so this is not given how did you go with that a little bit more challenging let's try it the most difficult one now and I'm gonna get you to do this on your own but I will help with the first one we're going to look at a longer text now just refresh your memory with the three-step method identify find read here's our first question true/false or not given number one Tasmanian Devils only eat food that they kill themselves step one underline the key it's identify the keywords Tasmanian Devils only eat food that they kill themselves step 2 find the similar words in the text can you find them so food predators scavenger feeding these are similar to the words in the question step three let's slow down and read the Tasmanian Devil is a nocturnal animal and after spending its day hiding in a den or dense bush land you can travel up to 16 kilometres by night searching for food they were formidable predator it is mainly a scavenger are feeding on whatever is available from cow carcasses to reptiles amphibians and other small mammals so do Tasmanian devils only eat food that they kill themselves that is the crucial question here I know that they are a predator but for Texas they are mainly a scavenger so this is false and I know that this is false based on my understanding of the vocabulary scavenger is an animal that feeds on dead animals and plants so it doesn't kill the animal it just feeds on them and a predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals alright your turn now follow the 3-step method and answer the next four questions pause the video now for four minutes and challenge yourself you how did you go did you find all the answers let's check together question two Devils can help to limit the number of non-native pests here are the key words here's the correct section of the text and when I read around it in this regard it plays an important role in maintaining bush and farm hygiene preventing outbreaks of flies and other insects and curbing the rise of invasive species such as cats and foxes that might otherwise feed on the carrion so Devils can help to limit the number of non-native species they are curbing the rise this is the same meaning it is true question three dingo has contributed to the demise of the devil's on the mainland keywords find them in the text and read hopefully you found that the answer here is true question four bit tricky this one 95% of Tasmania has no Devils key word here 95% easy to find this word in the text and we read around it sightings of the devil fell by up to 95 percent in some regions of Tasmania however captive breeding programs and interventions both on Tasmania and mainland Australia helping to bolster numbers so 95 percent of Tasmania has no Devils is that what this says in the text sightings of the devil fell by up to 95 percent I don't really know how much of Tasmania has Devils or no Devils so this answer is not given I can't tell from this text final question number five most Devils now live on the Australian mainland keywords here and I can see mainland right down the bottom and read around it thirty-five zoos and organizations are participating in the program swapping their devils regularly in order to preserve the genetic diversity of the species devil Ark in New South Wales is one such organization currently home to over half of all mainland Devils with some captive born animals already rehomed at the forest year peninsula Tasmania so Devil Ark in New South Wales has over half of all the Devils that live on the mainland but do most Devils now live on the mainland how many live on the mainland how many live in Tasmania I don't know so this is not given and your answer sheet should look like this cool all right how did you go with those true false not given questions Alex just before we finish up give any tips for everyone watching at home I sure do so here are three tips number one follow the 3-step method it's easy and effective number two keep a vocabulary journal write down the words that you didn't know from today and three come and join us at our live classes at e2 language calm cool alright ET language calm whoa all right can you show them what that is sure alright YouTube language calm is a platform that has a hundred percent online IELTS test preparation with heaps of overview lessons methods practice questions mock test grammar lessons and much much more off of that you can actually take one-on-one tutorials with expert teachers on writing or speaking or reading or listening as well as as you said join the live group classes and you can also get speaking and writing feedback cool thanks very much for watching thanks Elias thank you bye [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 497,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, e2language, e2language ielts, iellts reading, ielts sp, e2, e2alex, e2ielts, ielts test, ielts listening, ielts listening test
Id: hoOVjmKf_xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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