E2 IELTS Reading | TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN with Jay!

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let's get into it just let me get my slides up I think they're all good I think they're all good let me just that's working cool I think that's working hello everybody thank you very much for coming along my name is Jay I am one of the expert IELTS teachers here at e2 language if you need help with your IELTS test and check out the website sign up for free lots of practice material but today what we're going to do is we're going to look at the question type that makes every student's heart flutter that is true or false not given this is a confusing one and it's really the difference between false and not given that gets everybody confused so if you're doing the IELTS you should know that there are 11 different task types this one is task type 2 true false not given we've looked at the other ones there on YouTube or there on the website with practice material let me explain this task to you in detail ok so what's going to happen is this first of all you're going to have an instruction it's always the same instruction questions 1 2 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do the data true if the statement agrees with the information false if the statement contradicts the information not given if there's no information so what you do is this you go to number 1 and you ask yourself does this statement say the same thing as the text let's say for example it comes from here so do these two say the same thing if yes they say the same thing you're right true same thing here or does this statement contradict the text say something different then it will be false or the one that gets everybody is this statement not actually mentioned in the text in which case will be not given let me explain this in more detail because I think the problem lies with the difference between false and not given ok what's this little demonstration carefully because it will explain what this task is testing you on and if I give you a real-life naari oh you go ah I see what it's all about is the method so here we have a happy couple right these guys are in love they're gonna get married and they're gonna buy a house and so they've come to talk to the real estate agent here here's the real estate agent this woman here now the agent is talking about the house and she's saying the house has two bedrooms sorry the house has two large bedrooms and an indoor swimming pool okay let's read that again to make sure we've got it the house has two large bedrooms and an indoor swimming pool okay cool later on that day the happy couple are at home and the guy who's a bit of a says I like that the house has two big bedrooms and outdoor swimming pool and a games room so what is true what is false and what is not given here okay so she says true it has two big bedrooms well done darling that's a good thing you said false it has an indoor swimming pool he said outdoor swimming pool false it has an indoor swimming pool and not given she didn't mention the real estate agent didn't mention anything about a games room and then he says I only got one out of three she says darling you're a 5.5 and he says I better sign up to eat you language she says that's a good idea okay I know that was funny but so this is what you're going to write on your answer sheet true false not given true false not given something like this I hope you're ready to do this I'm going to time you put you under test conditions please try your hardest we'll go through the answers one by one at the end and I will explain why they are the way they are here we go you have two minutes to answer I think the first three questions you you okay I just I'm glad you guys enjoyed my little cartoon before okay that's two minutes don't worry if you haven't finished because we'll go through it at the end let's do questions I believe well I'm just going to leave it up to you you've got two minutes you okay this may be going a little bit fast but again we're going to go through it slowly in a minute when I show you the answers let's do the final questions here you you you all right again I pushed you for speed then a couple of things have popped up which I want to answer right now the first one is can I write EF or ng well read the instructions always read the instructions it says here right true false or not given so can you write tf4 ng no you must write true false not given the second thing that has come up is J you're not giving us enough time we don't know if it's not given or not because we don't know which paragraph it's in that's one of the problems about not given is you may be tempted to write not given because you just can't find it remember it's going to follow a sequential path so question 1 will come at the top in the pre in one of the first paragraphs and then it will followed the same order as the questions the paragraphs and the questions follow the same order ok so there's that what else is going on ok the big thing in with this one is keywords ok anyway let's go through the answers I'm gonna show you why the answers are the way they are here we go so first of all you needed to find a keyword here to start off because if you're reading up yeah there's nothing here there's nothing here we have half an hour and here we have 30 minutes so we've found our corresponding synonym so we know where to read now we need to confirm or didn't or say not say true false or not given for these two so number one you should not arrive more than half an hour before you're allocated starting time in other words don't arrive more than 30 minutes before you start here it says please arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before that time true false or not given in other words do these say the same thing in which will be true do these to contradict each other in which case it will be false or is there no information well there's certainly information so it must be true or false the answer is for this one true in other words these two things say the same thing it's kind of tricky because there's a negative in there there's a not there's an earlier then there's a later it's it's tricky stuff but that one is true the morn is true if you got true well done that was a hard one let's do number two your writer identity card will be sent to you before the event now the key word that you would search for would be writer identity card there's nothing mentioned about a writer identity card in these two paragraphs and even in the next paragraph there's nothing mentioned about it being sent so this one is it going to be true false or not given if there's no information on this this one's going to be not given number two number three some roads may have normal traffic flow on them the passage says although many roads are closed to oncoming traffic this is not always the case and you should be aware of the possibility that there could be vehicles coming in the opposite direction so do these two say the same thing do they contradict each other or is there no information I hope you've written on your answer sheet true for number three because it is true those two statements basically say the same thing they certainly don't contradict each other than before all right so this is the thing right so now we're up to number four helmets are compulsory for all participants now the key word of course is helmet there's nothing here about helmet but then we go to the next passage chart we see the head subheading helmets helmets are compulsory for all participants the passage says every year we are delighted to see more riders wearing protective helmets but we must see every cyclist on the ride wearing one therefore or in other words helmets are compulsory for all participants let's break this down because okay so we've got the keyword helmets which is fine but helmets compulsory must and we've got participants every cyclist you can see the way in which the IELTS use synonyms to say the same thing okay so this one is true number four is true number five refreshments are free to all participants during the ride okay let's go back though because here we have something interesting happening because let's say we're doing number five and it's about Rush fresh mints and we scan read nothing refreshments there attractive assistants the marshal thumbs-down motorcycle nuff nothing about refreshments there in case of a breakdown okay there's the rider identity card but it's nothing about that okay nothing about refreshments here so we had to skip this half of this paragraph skip this paragraph skip this paragraph so now at this paragraph here which is about refreshment stops refreshments are free to all participants during the ride this says look out for these refreshments along the route of routes most are organized by voluntary clubs and their prices give you real value for money their prices give you real value for money refreshments are free but they're charging you money in other words these things are contradicting each other therefore what's the answer the answer is going to be oops false number six if you need a rest you must get off the road and we scan read these paragraphs and there's nothing said about taking a rest therefore if there's no information on this there's nothing mentioned about it the answer is going to be not given for number six number seven first aid staff can provide cycle capes I want you to read this and tell me whether it's true false or not given well it says here first aid staff can provide cycle caps but here it says our first aid staff can only supply bin liners so it is mentioned but it's not saying the same thing in fact it's saying something contradictory if for this one is going to be false Oh before we look at number eight if you are not yet a subscriber to the et language channel which now has a hundred thousand subscribers do click the subscribe button and make sure the notifications are on so when we do to a live stream you'll get notification on your phone you can watch these live classes which is cool yeah thanks for all of you who have subscribed be sure to share this video with your friends if you think it's good or if you know somebody who's taking the IELTS as well there's a lot of junk on YouTube and it's hard to find the good stuff and when you do find the good stuff I think you should share it so do feel free to share it up with your friends if you think it's good ok number eight bike events will charge you for the return of your bike please tell me if it's true false or not given this statement okay Mike events will charge you for the return of your bike bike events there's your keyword see this is again you don't wanted to start reading here and read all the way through it's gonna take too much time so what you do is you find a keyword like bike events here first-aid stuff would be a great key word here refreshments helmets these are all great keywords right bike events and here it is here bike events will hold your bike for three months after which it may be disposed of you will be charged for all costs incurred in returning your cycle bike events will charge you for the return of your bike okay is it true false or not given well as far as I'm concerned these two say the same thing in different words therefore it's going to be true your answer sheet my friends should look like this number one is true - not given three true for true five false six not given seven false and eight true please into the comments below put what your score is what did you get out of eight maybe you got one or four or eight who knows that would be cool and before I leave you or before I go and answer some questions check out this website e to language comm if you're not a free member sign up for free we've got heaps and heaps of stuff that will help you to pass your IELTS test as soon as possible that's all check it out it's good it's good it's good all right let's have a look on in zoom and YouTube and see what questions we've got question number one was tricky says nagas I guess it is not given well yeah crisp question number one was the toughest I think question one was the toughest question so if you got that right very well done what was your score six five eight five seven eight six seven four seven nice work guys that's looking pretty good that's pretty good scores five and seven what do we get on YouTube live I'm gonna read out some names of people who got eight legendary effort met TAS Sonia got eight neha got eight j cardia got eight added Sharma got eight Chahal got eight nice work everybody else good scores well done maybe it's because there's great teaching involved alright if you have any questions pop them into the chat and I will answer them J shouldn't number seven be not given instead of being false no because it was contradictory if it contradicts okay so it's given but it's saying something different then it's false it's just not given then it's not given okay J how many true false not given questions are there for general IELTS well usually you'll get about usually you get about you'll either get yes no not given or true false not given will do yes no not given next week pretty similar but you'll get a bet yeah about eight to ten I guess J please help in writing it is very difficult to go from six point five to seven if you haven't seen our YouTube videos or sign up to the platform do that right now because let's just say we've uncovered the reasons why people get stuck on six point five yes there are some good reasons why people get stuck on six point five J how long are the passages I guess they're all about sort of ten paragraphs quite long quite long I think they're about 600 to 800 words J you're going to do another video about reading next week yes I will while listening yeah okay here's an interesting month while I was doing my listening I suffered from what I can imagine is a panic attack and I couldn't complete my exam properly this is a this is a thing that happens in these exams because they're so high stakes and they're so pressure filled you're going to be really bloody nervous or if you're not weird of you not to be honest Christie's yeah it's it's the way it is what can you do about it it's not just through that strange sensation in your body when your hearts beating and your stomach's churning your hands are sweating and but you just have to concentrate on what's in front of you okay so if you're doing the reading I mean the beautiful thing about that is you don't have to be a part of these sensations you can just well you might still feel them but make sure you're just concentrating on what you're reading focusing on what you're doing rather than what your body's doing I think that's the only way around that really yeah make sure you get a good night's sleep don't drink alcohol the night before if you're susceptible to coffee if coffee makes you nervous don't drink coffee haven't been breakfast I think having a big breakfast high-fat breakfast not high carbohydrate high fat is good for breakfast the energy just last longer it has a greater density per calorie something like that okay cool that's fine noted nagas thank you for that okay Jay when can we have a live session on matching headings I've already done that on YouTube check it out sometimes there is some information missing in the question should I look about the missing info in the passage or question for not given yeah I mean you have to so let's say you've got let's say you've got let's go back this is a good question I like this question okay let's do this question again so this is a not given question right and it says here if you need a rest you must get off the road and so you start scan reading and you start looking for words like rest refreshment stops there's nothing in here about taking a rest okay nothing in here about taking a rest nothing in here about taking a rest I think I'm gonna mark this not given let's go to the next one first aid staff conducted ah well it's talking about first aid staff here therefore I'm going to mark this one not given now I'll concentrate on sorry I'll mark number six not given concentrate on seven so yeah you have to have a look around but if you're starting to think it's not there it's not there it's not there and if the next questions coming before it then you can rest assured that you're probably right it is not given okay here's a good question Jay do we have to write true false not given in capital letters well again if the instructions say write true false not given and the instructions are in capital letters you use capital letters I don't just be careful you have to be very careful in the IELTS because little things can cost you so they read the instructions follow the instructions yeah cool okay next week I'll do yes no not given yeah yeah okay so Tuscans finds matching headings very difficult I agree through tusky and I think matching headings is probably the most difficult of the IELTS question tasks core guys I'm gonna leave it there I think I've answered everyone's questions there's some questions popping up in YouTube life thanks very much for coming along I hope that was helpful it's all about practice of course though it's one thing to know the methods it's another thing to put pen to paper and actually practice okay so if you do need some good quality high quality practice materials if you want some feedback on your writing if you want to take a 45 minute one-on-one tutorial with an ex IELTS examiner who will look at your writing or take you through speaking then do sign up to e2 language comm it's great value for money you don't have to travel you can do it from home best teachers in the world lalalalala cool I'll see you guys soon you
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 655,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, IELTS general, IELTS academic, IELTS e2, IELTS jay, IELTS reading test, IELTS writing, ielts writing task 1, ielts academic writing task 1, e2 ielts, e2 language ielts, e2 language, ielts writing task 1 academic, ielts academic, ielts general, ielts speaking, ielts listening, ielts general writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts tips and tricks, ielts tips, e2 ielts reading, ielts reading, esl, e2, ielts test, how to, e2language ielts, ielts practice, english
Id: PM3nWVXgsHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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