IELTS Listening Multiple Choice with Alex

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hi guys welcome to your eetu task of the week for IELTS my name is Alex and I'm one of the expert teachers here at e2 language well you've been asking and we've been listening so here it is this week's task of the week is IELTS listening section three multiple choice in today's class I'll give you an overview of listening section three of course we're going to practice multiple choice then we'll review those questions with the script and at the end I'll recap some of the important vocab from the task listening section three let's talk about it so in general you're going to get ten questions and you can expect to have two three maybe four speakers and it's always in an academic context so you might hear students discussing a presentation a tutor giving feedback to a student classmates planning a project and so on sometimes the speaker's agree and sometimes they will disagree or they might change their mind as they're speaking section three is also tough because it often involves multiple choice questions why are multiple choice questions so difficult well we get requests all the time for this question type so I'm going to show you how it works and how to do well in this part of the test one reason they're so tough particularly in section three is that there is a lot of text to read and not much time to do it another factor is that there are three possible options and even though there's only one correct answer the speakers will often mention information or say vocabulary from the two incorrect options so the answer may be B but you'll hear vocabulary from a and C and these are called distractors you've probably heard this word before destructors what are they are they just a cruel trick by IELTS not really let me explain how they work imagine you have this question in a test what color is Jenny's cat a blah be Gracie ginger and then you hear this little conversation Jenny what color is your cat my cat is gray wonderful we know here that the answer is gray of course but if you couldn't speak English at all you could probably guess this answer just from the sound of the words and I could probably guess this answer in your language even though I don't speak it at all so multiple choice questions are not interested at all in this superficial surface meaning a multiple choice question is testing do you understand deeply what you're hearing so you're more likely to get a question and answer like this Jenny what color is your cat I really wanted a ginger cat but our couch is gray so I decided on a black one and the answer would be black so now that we've made peace with multiple choice let's do a practice and by the way every week in our live classes we tackle listening and break it down remember you can access some of our live classes when you sign up for free at each of language comm and access all of our live classes eight per week as well as recorded classes submit your work for feedback get one-on-one tutorials chat with me and our other experts when you upgrade your subscription but for now let's practice by just doing for questions today I'm going to read through the first one with you and give you some time to look at 22 23 and 24 before we hear the recording question 21 how did Jamie choose the topic for her presentation remember we're in an academic context here so at university jamie is probably a student talking to tutor or professor how did she choose the topic hey she saw a film about it be the issue has been in the media recently or see one of her parents is an expert on it pause the video now for 30 seconds and read through 22 23 and 24 ready we're gonna do the first question together here it is hi Jamie thanks for coming in today and let me start by saying well done on a really great presentation oh thank you I was actually very impressed with the class overall and I could see you'd put in a lot of work I sure did but I must say it was surprisingly enjoyable that's good now your topic was genetically modified food and the controversy surrounding it on both sides of the political divide that's right so how did you come to settle on this topic was it because of all the articles about GM food and the papers recently I actually felt like the issue has dropped out of the public consciousness lately I haven't seen an article on it in the mainstream media for a long time I do remember that my dad used to get so furious reading all about the plans to expand GM crops and imports I see when I saw that movie by The Naturalist ah I forget his name the soil expert I guess that's when I really got interested and my presentation just flowed from there yes I know the one they won several awards so did you know much about GM food prior to your research do you think you got the right answer let's have a look with the script now and check the professor said so how did you come to settle on this topic was it because of all the articles about GM food in the papers recently articles in the papers this sounds like it could be option B but is this why Jamie chose the topic let's keep going Jamie says I actually felt like the issue has dropped out of the public consciousness lately I haven't seen an article on it in the mainstream media for a long time so actually Jamie did not choose the topic for her presentation because it's been in the media she hasn't seen it Media for a long time be is a classic distractor wrong answer let's keep going we've got a or C she saw a film or one of her parents is next birth she went on to say I do remember that my dad my parent my dad used to get so furious reading all about the plans to expand GM crops and imports so mentioning her parent here but it's her parent it's her dad an expert's know he just used to get annoyed hearing about it so it's not see this eliminates being Cimiez answer must be a but let's keep listening and check when I saw that movie by the natural ists I forget his name the soil expert that's when I really got interested my presentation flowed from there so that correct answer gives a easy right now it's over to you I'll play the recording all the way through answer questions 22 23 and 24 good luck hi Jamie thanks for coming in today and let me start by saying well done on a really great presentation oh thank you I was actually very impressed with the class overall and I could see you'd put in a lot of work I sure did but I must say it was surprisingly enjoyable that's good now your topic was genetically modified food and the controversy surrounding it on both sides of the political divide that's right so how did you come to settle on this topic was it because of all the articles about GM food and the papers recently I actually felt like the issue has dropped out of the public consciousness lately I haven't seen an article on it in the mainstream media for a long time I do remember that my dad used to get so furious reading all about the plans to expand GM crops and imports I see when I saw that movie by The Naturalist ah I forget his name the soil expert I guess that's when I really got interested and my presentation just flowed from there yes I know the one they won several awards so did you know much about GM food prior to your research I thought I was an expert but what I realize through my reading for this presentation was that had a really biased attitude I mean I was only really aware of one half of the argument I never read anything by people who were in favor of GM technology is obvious now but I don't think I really understood the different views on the matter yes that can happen particularly these days with the way our social media is curated how do you mean well everyone's social media is increasingly personalized the new stories that appear on your Facebook feed for instance tend to reflect the political or social views you hold yeah I guess you're right what do we do about that though I mean we can't just disregard everything we see right how do we know which stories to trust how many mainstream media it's more a matter of consciousness I would say as long as you understand the way modern marketing and media work and their strategies you can make informed choices about what you read and how far you trust it do you remember that mainstream media also has its biases of course that's true now back to your presentation I made notes which I'll send through with your final grade but I'm interested to know how you feel about it were there any areas that you were disappointed in I know you'd been anxious about the technology side of things I was last time I did a presentation for my history subject it was a disaster how so I think I was just way too ambitious with the tech on that occasion I had moving graphics and audio and video and in the end it just distracted from what I really wanted to say that certainly wasn't the case this time though no I think that's what I'm unhappy about I was so put off by the previous experience that I went for just bare-bones this time it was very rudimentary really I wish I'd a bit higher well that's something to keep in mind for next time yeah a good lesson I guess do you think you've got all the questions correct let's have a look and analyze the script as we do it amusing the script because I want to show you the distractors and how they are worked in here so question 22 Jaime says that before this presentation she was in difference she was strongly in favor or she only knew one side of the argument here is the start of the script the professor says did you know much about GM food prior to your research Jamie I thought I was an expert but I what I realized through my reading for this presentation was that I'd had a really biased attitude a biased attitude do you know this word it means one-sided so the answer cannot be a she was indifferent she was not indifferent she was very strongly one-sided so we can remove a yeah Jamie goes on I mean I was only really aware of one half of the argument this sounds like C right I never read anything by people who were in favor of GM technology it's obvious now but I don't think I really understood the different views on the matter so what she strongly in favor of GM food no she only knew one side of the argument she never read anything by people who were in favor of GM technology so notice how the distractors are working there you probably heard the word favor and heard the word different but these are not the same meaning as option a and option B so 22 the answer is C question 23 now in relation to social media the professor advises Jamie to a ignore articles with political messages be aware of the techniques marketers use or trust only stories from mainstream media let's see the script here alright the professor introduces the idea of social media that can happen particularly these days with the way social media is curated Jamie asks how do you mean professor well everyone's social media is increasingly personalized blah blah blah we haven't got anything yet about what the professor advises Jamie to do so let's keep going Jamie says I guess you're right what do we do about that though I mean we can't just disregard or ignore everything we see right how do we know which stories to trust only mainstream media so I'm hearing vocabulary here from ABC but remember that the question is asking me about the professor what does the professor advise so all this stuff from Jamie is actually irrelevant the professor it's more a matter of consciousness I would say as long as you understand the way modern marketing and media work and the strategies you can make informed choices about what you read and how far you trust it do remember that mainstream media also has its biases so option a did the professor advised her to ignore articles with political messages no that's not mentioned at all did the professor C say only trust stories from mainstream media no on the contrary mainstream media has its biases the answer is B be aware be conscious of the techniques of marketers for question 24 I'm gonna show you the script and the correct answer but this time I want you to tell me why that answer is correct and what the two distractors are in the script pop it in the comments below 24 what does Jamie say about using technology in this presentation she found it harder than she'd expected she should have been more ambitious or she felt it distracted from her message really key word in the question here is this presentation because Jamie talks about presentation she did before for history and compares it to this presentation here is the script read-through look for the answer and the two distractors you you the conversation continues the professor asks how so again read through find the destructors and the answer final bit of the script and the answer hopefully you've got it right is B so let me know in the comments why is it B why not a why not see here are all the questions here are the answers a see B B how did you go remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel like comment share we're always listening so if you've got something that you'd like us to cover in an upcoming task of the week just pop it down below if you want to know when our live classes happen we have them twice a day over on e to language comm so you can register there and sign up for each live class live classes on YouTube happen spontaneously so just make sure that you're a subscriber and we'll let you know when we're going live during the class today if you didn't get all the answers correct perhaps it was a matter of vocab here's a list of the vocabulary that was really important to know to answer the questions today write down these words and let me know how are you going to remember these words how are you going to use them you could pop them into your speaking as well and into your writing this kind of vocabulary is part of your IELTS preparation everyday you need to learn some new words so this is your word list for today by the way guys remember to submit your writing for the chance to be selected for life writing feedback how does it work let me explain you're going to submit your essay via the link below and be sure to sign up as a free member at e2 language calm and come along to our free live class on April 12th in that class I'm going to go through three of the essays that I've selected and show you the good things and they're not so good things and show you how to get a seven or an eight here is the topic you should write about grab a screenshot or write it down and remember to submit your essay by the 5th of April and sign up at e2 language comm for your own live class on the 12 thank you for watching and I look forward to seeing you next week on another task of the week happy studying [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 429,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, e2 ielts, ielts listening, multiple choice, e2 alex, e2language, e2 english, ielts e2, e2, ielts reading, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test
Id: as6l3Nw5eSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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