IELTS Reading Match Headings with Alex

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hello everyone my name is Alex 'martha expert IELTS teachers here at e2 language comm and welcome to your et tasks of the week and today we are working on IELTS reading match headings in today's class I'll explain how the match headings task works I'll give you an unbelievably simple method guide you through some practice and as always there'll be some time for solo practice as well so match headings what does it look like well in today's lesson I'm gonna show you how this looks on computer-delivered Isles but if you're taking the paper-based IELTS no worries just pop over to our blog blog dot e to language comm and you can see what it looks like in the paper delivered version so in the computer delivered IELTS match headings task looks something like this you've got your text over here on the left with gaps above each paragraph one two three four then of course the instructions they'll say the text has five six seven whatever sections choose the correct heading for each section and move it into the gap and then you have your list of headings so on the computer test you basically just pick up one of the headings and drag it into the box simple even simpler than that is the method that we're going to follow this is here two steps one read the paragraph and to choose the heading so these question types a little bit different to other question types usually we'll start with the question and go to the text but in this match headings task we go from the text to the questions it's a much more efficient way to do it let me show you so step one is to read the paragraph of course this is just a sample here just jargon so we're not really going to read but you would start by reading the paragraph and then you would go to the heading the first heading social impacts of stress then the second heading the third heading the fourth heading the fifth heading and so on so going in a very orderly way you read the paragraph read read read read read and then you jump to the first heading and go all the way through there's a real temptation here to go back and forth up and down through the reading with this kind of thing back to the paragraph down to the bottom heading back up this kind of reading is a complete disaster this is a real waste of time so trust me when I tell you that you need to approach this in a very orderly calm way let's go we're gonna look at it real text now I'm going to show you five paragraphs and ten headings and I'll help you with the first one here is paragraph one I'll read it despite its bad reputation stress historically had a vital role to play commonly referred to as the fight-or-flight mode the sudden release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol causes the heart to beat faster Airways to dilate and blood vessels to open up all of which push the body towards optimal performance and ultimately survival in the rest of the animal kingdom this is still often the difference between life and death as he Springs off to freedom the lucky gazelle who escapes the lion can thank this primal evolutionary response I know what you're thinking Alex is too slow I don't have that much time in the test but actually you do have that much time the trick is that you read the paragraph once only resist the temptation to go back and start reading it again so I've read it once I've got in my mind what it's basically about about stress about survival about animals so now I need to match the heading to the paragraph here are the list of headings by the way if you're doing computer base you won't have the numbers next to it I've just added them here to help you as you play along at home so while I've got the paragraph in my mind I'm gonna go through a top-to-bottom of the headings okay effect of city life on mental health now I have to ask myself did I read that in the paragraph was that the main point and I answer yes no or if I can't remember maybe so city life and mental health no it didn't mention that was the paragraph about stress reduction in animals well I saw mention of animals but was it about stress reduction in animals no it wasn't two types of stress no I didn't read about two types of stress the fall out or the impact of cell death no I didn't read that the best type of exercise and know how stress can be useful I know I did read here about house just can't be helpful for survival how it can help reach optimal performance it can save the lives of animals so this is probably the heading but I'm gonna keep on reading here managing stress in job interviews nope one reason behind bad tempers no neuron loss in childhood no regrowing the brain with exercise no so I'm fairly settled here that this is the correct head and I can double check really quickly stress had a vital role to play push the body towards optimal performance ultimately survival this is the correct heading now the reason that I kept reading even after I found the correct answer was one just to double-check that there wasn't a better heading and two because I'm gonna read now paragraph two three four I want to have all the headings in my mind so the first paragraph sometimes it takes a bit longer because I'm reading slowly and carefully through the whole list of headings but as I get to paragraph four and five I'll be much quicker and I've almost memorized those headings so don't skip that step make sure you read through all the headings okay it's over to you now I'm going to give you paragraph two and three and I'll give you three minutes to do this remember the method read the paragraph first and read it once only and then read through all the headings and choose one good luck how did you go there did you follow the method and do you think you got the right answers let's have a look together just paragraph two and three I'm gonna read through this one in ordinary modern life although we're in little danger of being stalked by wild beasts down city streets our bodies react to stress in the same ways experiencing anxiety fear and stress it's considered to be a normal part of life when it's occasional and temporary such as feeling anxious and stressed before an exam or job interview it's when these acute reactions are prolonged or cannot be switched off however that serious physical social and cognitive issues can result in contrast to the normal everyday stress of modern life chronic stress is a pathological state which can significantly interfere with daily living activities such as work school and relationships wreaking havoc on the body's immune metabolic and cardiovascular systems if I were doing this on paper I would be drawing all over this text and if I were doing it on the computer I would be highlighting and making notes on the screen I'm gonna give you a little clue here this is probably the most important part of the paragraph let's go through the headings together again ask yourself was this the main point yes no or maybe okay effective city life on mental health now I read the word city streets but was the whole paragraph about the impact of city life no stress reduction in animals no two types of stress now I did read here about normal stress versus chronic stress so this is possibly the right answer but I'm going to keep reading just in case the fall out of cell death no I didn't read anything about cell death best type of exercise no mention of that managing stress and job interviews I did see job interviews mentioned I'm going to keep that one highlighted one reason behind bad tempers nope neuro loss in childhood nothing there and regrowing the brain with exercise note so I'm left with two types of stress or managing stress in job interviews now one of these is the best heading and one of them is just a detail from the paragraph so this word job interviews it was in the paragraph but the whole paragraph was not about how to manage stress in job interviews so the answer is two types of stress let's go on to paragraph three and if you went through the headings hopefully you zoned in on maybe answer for the fallout of cell death and perhaps answer nine you're on loss in childhood again one of these headings is the best one because it describes the whole paragraph neuron loss in childhood is not right because the paragraph didn't mention childhood I didn't focus on childhood but it did mention the impact and the effect of cell death so that's the correct answer over to you again there's two more paragraphs and it's up to you to choose the right headings again I'll give you three minutes for this be sure to follow the method good luck okay time to check our answers so let's start with paragraph four here and hopefully you found that this was the correct heading one reason behind bad tempers this paragraph was all about how a certain part of the brain can grow with chronic stress and this part of the brain is connected with aggression and in the final sentence it mentions how a person who's chronically stressed might scream back at a screaming child this leaves us now with paragraph five and there were perhaps two headings that caught your eye here maybe five the best type of exercise and ten regrowing the brain with exercise so this paragraph did mention the benefits of exercise and how it can help to replenish cells that are lost you de-stress so you've got to ask yourself what's the best heading here is the whole paragraph about the best type of exercise does it specify which kind of exercise is best for you or is it about regrowing parts of the brain with exercise and I'm sure you chose the right one which was number 10 so if you were doing paper-based test your answer sheet would look like this and as I mentioned pop over on to the blog if you want to try the paper-based format it does look a little bit different but the methodology is exactly the same if you want some more practice come along to our website eating language dot-com and there you'll find out huge IELTS course you'll be able to submit work for speaking and running feedback you can book one-on-one tutorials and join our daily life group classes thanks for coming along today and I look forward to seeing you next week in our two tasks of the week happy studying [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts, e2 ielts, e2language ielts, e2 alex, e2, e2 jay, jay ielts, e2language, ielts reading, reading, reading match headings, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts listening, ielts class, ielts tutor, free ielts, questions
Id: 7U91NAQzSys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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