IELTS READING - The Best Strategy? Time saving, improved accuracy.

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alrighty here we go today we have a reading class i can see lots of you in the chat already for those people who don't know me my name is chris and welcome to this ielts daily free live class that we have every wednesday today's session we're going to be looking at um reading and i'm going to be teaching you the super strategy the strategy the strategy that i teach all students and hopefully it's something new for you and it's going to improve your score overall let's have a look see who is in the chat today and lots of people in the chat hello to deepika hello to akash we can see two people there who are in um green they are our um superstar or starter students they are paid members of the channel and that means that they get access to all our old live classes which is great hello to gulseva hello to santa mali really nice to see you hello to janeirke and ankit great to have you all with us today and put up your hand if you think reading is difficult um what score do you need when you're taking the test and do you need a band 6 band 7 what's on your radar what what do you want to achieve um when you take the test do you think reading is difficult let's have a look to see what you all think and lots of you saying hello nice to see you all which is great hello to myanmar i'm just going to have some tea so navalny says reading is difficult jaideep says reading is difficult pikachu says they need seven laramarks says they need seven um a few people moving fast now so we've got nargis needs an nine nine is really difficult hello to ho huang needs a seven um good to see win needs a seven um quinn needs a seven and kathy needs a band eight well i hope that i can teach you a new strategy today which will hopefully fingers crossed improve your overall reading score and don't forget as always if you like this video if it's something that helps you improve don't forget to give it a big thumbs up like on the video itself because by doing that it will help me and it will help other students by seeing this video and um given that this is a free class today i think that's the least that you can do is give this video a like so wonderful to have you all shall we do some hard work now let's take a look at our um reading practice which if you're doing the computer-based test you will have the reading on the left the text on the left and the questions on the right similar to what we're going to do today but we're not using this the software that ielts uses we're just going to use um two documents side by side maybe that's how you should um think about practicing yourself when you're doing it on the computer if you can have your two documents side by side if you're doing the paper-based test again you probably should have the reading text on the left and the questions on the right just to help you out so the question is or the text actually is called potions from the oceans and this um i mean it's the the same size as you would normally find in the um in the reading task so it's maybe 600 to 800 words and we've got them in paragraphs which is similar to what you would normally find in the text or in the exam and on the right you will see that we've got some questions that you can see here and um in a typical reading section you would find 12 to 14 questions usually sometimes 15 questions but rarely 12 to 14 is your average now how do we um how do we go about this what's the strategy some people um they find that their teacher tells them to do skimming and scanning and reading for detail i think that's really hard i don't think that's very helpful i think it can create a lot of confusion so my approach and the ielts daily method is to put it in the bin skimming in the bin scanning in the bin reading for detail in the bin we have one strategy for every type of question all academic questions all general training questions it doesn't matter which exam you're doing which type of question you're doing the strategy is always the same okay so if you're new to this reading technique pay attention because it's going to be something that's probably new for you so the the strategy is as follows we are just going to look at a small section um and this small section is going to be typically one paragraph i think one paragraph is enough so i'm going to cover this paragraph up meaning that you can't see it and that will um prevent you from doing more than you should be doing um when we read um text we should always read any text at the top including the quest the the text title so the text title is potions from the oceans and adapted from the bbc wildlife magazine hidden beneath the waves myriad myriad marine species hold the key to treating some of our most aggressive illnesses by the way when we do reading in class with the live classes we should be aiming for 20 minutes but when i read aloud and when i discuss things with you when we talk about the question sometimes this takes a little bit longer so be aware that the first time you do this it might take you a little bit longer but fingers crossed generally the feedback from students is that your band score will improve because your accuracy will get better okay let's have a look i'll read with you and i'm just going to check actually that you can all see because sometimes i forget to um come back to you all and see whether you've got um um some questions so pharah says firstly we should read the questions no that's not our approach today it's a completely new method we should not read the questions first okay that's the the idea today so you can all see which is great i i'm i'm happy so you can all see wonderful let's have a look at this text think about harnessing the medicinal potential of the natural world and images may come to mind of the archetypal explorer cutting a path through a tangle of exotic jungle but in our constant search for new cures and treatments from the wild attention is increasingly moving from land to sea and at this point we stop and the most important thing that you can do is just try to remember anything that you heard in this text and then we look at every single question that you find in the um text on the right so we'll have a look at our questions the first question is do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage medical research is increasingly focusing on marine environments medical research is increasingly focusing on marine environments can you find anything in the passage on the left which is anything similar to what the question is on the right does anybody think it's true does anybody think it's false or maybe not given maybe it hasn't been mentioned yet what's your opinion let's take a look at what you think so by the way when you give me your question answer when you write it in the chat make sure you put the question number so this question number is one you tell me if it's one true one false one not given or one not sure so i can see lots of you are coming through now giving you giving some answers so pretesh says true pani says true vu says true balwinder says not given layla says true um quang says not given remember that in the in the test you're always going to be looking for kind of synonymous language language which means the same and if i spot something here in the text it does say um marine environments marine environments and we've got the word medical research if we look at the text on the left it says increasingly and it says attention is increasingly so we've got the word attention and then we've got the word focus here so we've got increasingly focusing and attention is increasingly then we've got the word marine which means the word sea so from land to sea i think this is um the sentence here and this is almost definitely i think this is definitely true definitely definitely definitely true okay and that's the the answer that we can see so we put the word true great now for those people who have never done this technique before we don't stop here what happens now is that you must look at the next question and that's question two and if we find an answer great if we don't find an answer we don't stop there we actually go to the next section the next section of questions um and the reason we do that for true false not given is because 99.9 of the time true false not given answers are in order let me explain to you now i'll i'll show you what i mean so we know that number one is here and that we know number one is here now it is really really unlikely it's not likely that you're gonna find number two in the text before number one it almost never happens if you can see here that we found number one at the end of this paragraph so it is very very unlikely that you're going to find it number two somewhere before that you probably won't find number two before so there we so let's check and have a look so number two says tropical rainforests offer more possibilities for investigation into natural drugs i didn't read anything about tropical rainforest i don't remember anything about chocolate rainforest so therefore the answer for number two is not going to be true and it's not going to be false it may be not given but i don't think so now what happens is we finished number two but we don't stop here we actually go to the next um section of questions in this case i think it's question six question six we go down to question six okay question six says the challenges of bioprospecting are numerous now when it's a question which is fill in the gaps or summary completion the questions are more than likely in order because it's a summary so they will put the questions in order i didn't read anything about bioprospecting did you read anything about bioprospecting no it's not there so it's not going to be and there's not going to be any answers here because the words are in order let me show you that again so we've got the word bioprospecting there's nothing about bioprospecting in this paragraph so there's no answer and there's nothing in here because question seven will not be before question six it's in order okay now we don't stop there we don't stop there we move to the next section and we have a look at the next group of questions now the next group of questions is actually um matching so you're matching somebody it says match each each statement with the correct person and there are three people here we've got cassandra quave dr julia kubanek and dr angela ziltener did you read anything about those people julia angelo or cassandra i didn't but now i kind of remember some names to look for so what what happens is we have looked at the reading passage we've looked at the questions and what we've done is we've gone through focusing only on paragraph one we this is the same technique every time it doesn't matter if the paragraph if it's matching paragraph headings it doesn't matter if it's yes no not given it doesn't matter if it's true false not given or multiple choice every time it's the same technique and this is probably very new for you but i promise you that your accuracy will go up okay now we have looked at all the questions in this section so we're down to question 12. therefore it's not number nine because we don't know any of these people so therefore it's not number 10 11 or 12 either we go back to the top and we go back to number and paragraph number two okay and we're going to look at only paragraph two tropical rainforests are treasure troves of biodiversity and possibility but there are many other underexplored biomes worth investigating for natural pharmaceuticals says cassandra quave from emory university who spent her early career looking at uses of plants in the peruvian jungle now i'm probably going to stop there because i you don't have to read a lot yeah and it's really important that you just focus on certain pieces of information and the more you do this technique the more you can read in one section we've re we've read this paragraph and the first thing that jumps out to me is the word tropical rainforest because i kind of remember that from one of the questions and also this person called cassandra okay and so what i need to do is go back and really focus on what that what that text said sometimes you have to read a couple of times that's okay but what i don't want you to do is to do this skimming and scanning and looking from um details because it's not going to be very helpful for you you do have to kind of understand the main ideas but you don't need to understand the really difficult words words like biomes that's not an important word but you might find it as a clue or it might be an answer to something right also by the way if this is really new for you it takes time it takes time to practice but i promise you the method is going to help you and if you like this video please do me a favor and give this video a big thumbs up a like on the channel and i promise you it will improve your reading score let's go and have a look again so the question on the left are the text on the left i'm just going to read it again tropical rainforests are treasure troves of bio device diversity and possibility but there are many other underexplored biomes worth investigating for natural pharmaceuticals there are many other says cassandra crave from emory university who spent her early career looking at uses of plants in the peruvian juggle so number two tropical rainforests offer more possibilities for investigation into natural drugs tropical rainforests offer more possibilities for investigation international inter natural drugs they are treasured tropes of biodiversity and possibility so what do we think there let's put your question or your answer in number two what do you think is the um it's it's more about more possibilities where does it say more possibilities could you have a look um and give me your answer in the chat so for number two what do you think let's see what people say so we've got some people for number two two saying false um hmm so i've got a few people coming through now um sogdiana says false um harini says true jack williams says not given zero point is all it says not given so this is an example where many of you now are split on your ideas some of you are saying true some of you are saying false and some of you are saying not given okay um let's have a look hide your chat sorry tropical rainforest offer more possibilities for investigation international natural drugs and and the question says tropical rainforests are treasure terms of biodiversity diverse diversity and possibility so they offer more possibilities it says they are um a treasure trove of of biodiversity and possibility and i feel like this one doesn't say whether it offers more possibilities whether it says that um sometimes in the test this this question i think i i put in here beca and i think there might be something missing then um let's say for example than the uh c let's let's put this in here because one of the one of the biggest um piece tips for you in the true false not given you will often have comparisons and these will often be key um areas for you to focus on when something says there are more possibilities than something else or something is faster than something else now if it didn't say more if it didn't say more than the c let's just say let's just remove than the sea if it said tropical rainforests offer more possibilities it actually says that they are treasure troves they have many um treasures in them so they do offer more possibilities so the logical answer here would be true if it says more than something else more than the c it doesn't say that it so it's not given so if you notice the difference between those two um you should be um be aware that this would be if it was uh more possibilities it says true and if it was a comparison and and it said than the c that would be not given okay and that's an important tip for you to to notice that you should be looking for those key words okay um now what did cassandra what's her name cassandra quave what did she say she said um but there are many other on an underexplored biomes worth investigating for natural pharmaceuticals so there are other places to look now we don't stop here because we should always go when we find an answer we should always go to the next question and that means going to question three let's have a look at question three question three says and humans have only recently started utilizing the power of the sea for medical treatments um where does it say anything about only just started using the c for medical treatments can we find that i don't think that's in the air uh i don't think that's in the um part that we've just read we only read to here we've only read the part in gray so just please focus on the part in gray so we don't stop there now it says the challenges of bio prospecting now it's easy because i don't remember bio-prospecting at all so therefore we should um we should know that bio-prospecting is not there let's move on to the next part and now we've got cassandra quave and this is this is one when we have to match people we do have to read every question and we say yes or no yes or no so what we've just read which was the bio um that the there are other places available that cassandra said let's have a look understanding the genetic components of animals we didn't read anything about understanding the genetic components of animals marine life is an area of increased public interest i don't remember anything about public interest the sea is an area which provides area for further research hmm further research let's go back and have a look and it says um there are many other undis um underexplored biomes worth investigating for natural pharmaceuticals it doesn't say there anything about the sea does it it doesn't say anything about the sea yet it doesn't say anything about the sea yet but i'm wondering whether this person will actually start talking about the sea let's can let's continue closely watching marine creatures is an important tool we didn't read anything about marine creatures so what we do now is we go back and we finish the last little part of that paragraph because maybe there's some hidden clue or hidden answer in there all right let's have a look at the second part it says with marine environments still relatively underexplored medicine from the ocean is at the frontier of drug development now all we do now is go back and look at these questions humans have only recently started utilizing the power of the sea for medical treatments it doesn't really talk about humans it says that they are under explored but it doesn't really say that they have only recently i wouldn't say that it's not given just yet so we can move on to the next part bioprospecting we haven't read anything about bioprospecting and i'm always going to remember that word and it's going to jump out to me sometime later in the text now let's have a look at these ones here understanding the genetic components of animals we didn't read anything about that marine life is an area of increased public interest it doesn't say anything really about marine life and public interest the sea is an area which provides area for further research let's have a look it says with marine environments the sea is still relatively underexplored medicine from the ocean is at the frontier of drug development so it's at the frontier it's moving forward it's got lots more research to do so i'm thinking that number 11 i'm thinking that number 11 is definitely going to be cassandra quave i think that's um pretty easy or we're we're pretty confident that that's going to be the answer there so i think that's going to be cassandra quave a i hope you all agree with me so there therefore we finished paragraph two and what you will notice the first time you do this i promise it will take a little bit longer and when we're talking about this today it's going to take longer but what i do want to kind of hit home to you and push is to make sure that you adopt this strategy because i promise you your accuracy will go up paragraph three paragraph three um we'll just do half of paragraph three and we always go back to the top marine bio as it's known may be a relatively new area of science but the ocean has long been given up for its riches has has long been giving up its riches for use in traditional medicine so i'm just going to stop at that sentence actually because something has jumped out at me and i'm kind of thinking that might be two answers in here marine bioprospecting as it's known may be a relatively new area of science but the ocean has long been giving up its riches for use in traditional medicine let's have a look humans have only recently started utilizing the power of the sea for medical treatments now we've got the word on the left traditional medicine and the word on the right medical treatments we've got the word humans and then we've got um oh we don't have anything on the left but i'm i know that humans are using medical and the c for medical reasons what do you think is the answer for question three and don't forget put your question number in the chat put it um so that we can see which question you're answering what do you think is the answer for question three by the way you don't need to repeat your answer if you put it in the chat you can just put it in there once so ibrahim one of our suit one of our members says three is false um saisuri says three is false prissy says not given hashit says false three prissy says not given okay um some of you are saying um penny says false some of you are saying not given a few of you are saying not given some of you are saying false i think this answer is pretty clearly in the text we'll have a look at what it says there and in the text it says number it says but the ocean has long been giving up its riches for use in traditional medicine that one there is definitely it's been doing it for a long time and number three says that they have only recently so this one is definitely false definitely definitely definitely false remember that the um the way to know that and lots of you struggle with this by the way the way to notice the difference between true false and not given true means that the text and the question are synonymous they use synonymous language whatever is said in the question is paraphrased in and has the same meaning in the text okay so basically um a is a in the in the false questions um a cannot be be okay so it's the it's it's the contradiction it's the opposite so if it says that um the um let's give you an example a recent space project was the most expensive space project ever in the history of um mankind and in the question it might say something like um there was another project which cost more than this space project so it basically says something in a different way but it's contradictory this one says that it's the most expensive and the question says that there's another project which is more expensive and that thing is contradictory they're not the same what the other project is more expensive and so therefore it would definitely be false it has to be contradictory not given questions are usually questions which are completely irrelevant to the topic okay and um lots of you struggle with the difference between not given and false the main difference is that for false questions it has to be contradictory you have to be able to justify your answer and say actually here it says something and in the text it says something which is the opposite okay so in this particular question it says that they have long been giving up its riches and in the question it says they have only recently and this idea of something's been happening for a long time and recently they're not the same they're the opposites so therefore this would be false but remember we don't stop here we don't stop here we look at the next question the next question is some countries are more successful in finding cures from marine sources we didn't read anything about countries in that particular small section um the challenges of bioprospecting are numerous okay let's look at the question of the text forgive me and it doesn't say in this small sentence that we've read there's nothing about the challenges or the problems with marine bioprospecting so we can pretty much stop there um number nine understanding the genetic components of animals no mention marine life is an area with increased public interest not mentioned closely watching marine creatures is an important tool not mentioned we stopped there and now we go back to the second part of this um paragraph let's go back in the ajadean islands locals connect collect the fresh leaves of neptune grass from the seabed and use them as compressed to treat hemorrhoids meanwhile sea horses are used in traditional medicine around the world particularly in china say sarah foster research associate in the project seahorse large-scale consumption has also been documented in indonesia and vietnam so some countries are more successful in finding cures for marine sources i don't think there was anything there about success particularly for marine creatures so we can stop there um the challenges of bioprospecting i didn't read anything about the challenges of biodysbio prospecting um we had the lady on the left which was sarah foster but sarah foster is not mentioned in here so we can pretty much not read any further there was no mention of cassandra julia or angela good let's read this paragraph marine pharmaceuticals first emerged in the 1950s with a shallow water sponge that grows in the caribbean sea with no scales or high to protect itself nor teeth claws or spines to defend itself this sedentary species relies instead on an unseen chemical arsenal two substances were isolated from the plant by scientists and used in the development of antiviral and anti-cancer drugs right we go back and we look at this and we say some countries are more successful in finding cures than from marine sources no mention about success so we can stop there the challenges of buying prospecting are numerous is there any mention there of any challenges i don't see any challenges there is there anything about cassandra crave julia kubanek or angela zil tanner no mention about those three people in this paragraph so we can stop and we can move back to the first section again and move down the um text 70 years on this field of research has expanded rapidly today diverse forms of undersea life from coral to cone snails provide the basis for pharmaceuticals and materials that can host a huge can treat a host of human health conditions some countries are more successful no mention it takes time and considerable effort to achieve desired bioprospecting results no mention nothing about the challenges of bioprospecting and there's no mention of these three people here so we can go and continue with the next paragraph you'll notice now that that as we start to remember ideas as we start to remember questions the reading gets faster and i i promise you it seems like it's going slowly today and it is going slowly because i'm talking a lot about it but when you do it in practice and when you apply this particular strategy it will get faster and faster and faster and it will make your life a lot more um easy in the test please make sure that you like this video if you do think it's a good method for reading next we'll go to the next paragraph tapping the ocean for its medicinal bounty has been a slow process not least because of the nature of the environment itself the capability to reach observe and explore the underwater world has only been fulfilled in recent decades with the advent of scuba equipment and remotely operated vehicles but the tides are changing various factors are now providing a real impetus for marine bioprospecting so there are a few problems in there so i'm thinking that maybe there might be an answer in there let's have a look some countries are more successful no mention it takes time and considerable effort to achieve desired bioprospecting results let's have a look again it says tapping the ocean for its medicinal bounty has been a slow process yeah it says um i think it says clearly there that that it's a slow process and it's this whole paragraph is relating to bioprospecting you can see there and on the left we've got bioprospecting um not least because of the nature environment it's been a slow process i think that gives us the answer to question five that's true and what i want to show you now is if you have found an answer for question three which we have if you have found an answer for question five which we have we know that the answer to question four is going to be between those two um sections in the text if you can't find it that's a really good indication that it's not given between question three and question five in the text you will find question four we can't find it so therefore we know that question four is not given and that makes our life really easy and as i've said to you 99 of all true false not given questions are in order so you can use this method and say okay i found question three i found question five later we shouldn't spend time doing it but i'm gonna go back and make sure that question four is not somewhere between those two questions in the text good so we finished we finished all of the true false not given questions which is wonderful now um we don't stop there we have to look at this one it says firstly there is a need for new drugs since something to antibiotics i don't think we read anything about antibiotics in this particular section on the left did we there was nothing about antibiotics there so we can move on and i don't think that we read anything about these three people which is great so we can go back to the um text and this is something that i should really hammer home to you don't spend time looking for answers if you can't find an answer on the first go don't worry just continue reading answer all the questions that you can and then in the sec in the space that you have at the end because your speeding your reading speed has improved you can go back and look for that particular question alrighty good first there's a pressing need for new pharmaceuticals accelerating antibiotic resistance is considered by the world health health organization to be a severe threat to global well-being now you can see on the question on the left it says firstly and in the text it says first which sometimes will be a good clue what do you think is the answer for question six have you got an answer to question six what do you think it is have a go see what you think try question 6. lots of you are surprised by the by the um strategy for true false not given so this will be for 99 of the answers so you will continue reading and if you can't find an answer just go back and check it later it will be between three and five there are some very very very occasional times when the last question in the true false not given maybe is not in order maybe you'll find it in the beginning but for most of the questions in true false not given they are in order so lots of you are giving your answer now margaret says amazing strategy thanks margaret um pani says resistance and windbreaker says resistance remembrance says acceleration i don't think that's even in the text sorry pearl says resistance lena says resistance oh sorry i hid the uh text sorry with your chat i wanted to see all your chat i'll turn off the chat now there we go my fault forgive me and this is an example where you should be really careful that you spell the word correctly and um be careful if you're doing the paper-based test i want you to write in capital letters please if you're doing it by hand spelling is really critical in the test and so therefore write in capital letters for listening and for reading always and lots of you are coming back with um hashit says resistance and loads of you coming in resistance i don't see any spelling mistakes which is great lots of you coming with good answers thank you so we've got the um the correct answer which is resistance to antibiotics resistance excellent super super super well done to you all now we don't stop there remember that we when we read a small section we don't stop there we have to look at the next question because maybe we'll find the next question in there um resistant antibiotics is posing a serious issue as noted by the world health organization another problem relates to blank which occurs when marine resources are stolen did we read anything in the text here about something which is stolen no i don't think that's um that came up so boasting a repertoire of unusual compounds marine species offer myriad possibilities in the search for chemicals that could lead to the development of drugs then there's a 2014 international agreement which aims to ensure that the benefits arising from research into genetic plant and animal material are fairly shared it also strengthens it also strengthens the sovereignty of countries over their own biodiversity making biopiracy taking resources without permission more difficult so we've got this section here and let me know if you find an answer for question seven by the way we didn't check question 11 10 11 12 because we didn't see the names of those three people so we should we can avoid that question we've already finished the true false not given and we should be thinking about the end of the question which is those three people who is going to give me the correct answer mafus says no spelling mistakes thanks to the samsung keyboard mafus unfortunately in the test you don't have your your spelling uh your spell checker or your phone with you so you do have to be make sure that you copy those words in the real test but yes you're right today um says biopiracy pani says biopiracy and dakshita says biopiracy windberger says biopiracy jaden says biopiracy loads of you coming through with the correct answer this time and hopefully you will see there that we've got um lots of the answer is lots of the answers are correct here because we have taken those two words which mean the same thing if we look at the text we can say that another prop which occurs when marine resources are stolen wonderful and then on the on the left we've got taking resources without permission and this is one thing that i will um say to you in the reading test the answer will sometimes be a word which you don't know okay because like for the word biopiracy you don't know that word it's not a common word most native speakers won't use that word but what you can do is you can say that all the words around it like the word stolen and taken all of those words you know so those will always be words so very occasionally the answer to the question is sometimes really difficult to because it's a word that you don't know but what i'm saying to you is don't worry if you're reading your text and you find words that you don't know that's not a bad thing you don't need to understand them because they will never be used to find the answer they may be the answer but they will not be used to find the answer so you don't have to have a high level knowledge of specialized words in medical research or science or technology or engineering you don't need to be um you don't you don't need to have a high level knowledge of those things but you may use one of their high-level words as an answer so it's really important this is a good example biopiracy you don't need to know the word itself but you need to know it as an answer because you've used the word stolen and you've used the word taken and you've matched those up together and it becomes easy to guess so i'm going to show you that that would be the answer would be biopiracy don't forget as well to copy it just like it is in the text if i can see my keyboard i can't see my keyboard oh my god my spelling is terrible today there we go there's biopiracy and we found that somewhere over here and we've just matched those up and again if you if you like this strategy please please please give this video a like i hope that when you when you use it in reality in the test it will really improve your accuracy and again i this is a warning warning warning the first time the second time the third time that you do this strategy it may take you a little bit longer but the more you do it the more you will get accustomed to it the more it become natural and the easier it becomes and your accuracy will improve now did we read anything about those three women in here no we didn't so we don't have to go any further and then it says lastly we see the depletion of something which are often included in smartphones and green technologies did we read anything about smartphones technology anything like that no we didn't so we know that the answer is not here the technologies are depleted eyes are turning to the c no c as a potential new source but deep sea species are little known fragile um and can have limited distributions so there's our um finally can you tell me what the answer for question um eight is and don't forget that you should read the question which says no more than one word from the passage and remember in the reading test you should never change the word from the um text the reading will never rely on you to change the word like for example the word develop you will never need to know the word development it will always just be the word develop if it's coming from the text so you don't need to change words it should be exactly like you find it in the text good and who's going to come to me with the answer hashit says minerals loads of you coming with the right minerals there which is nice um car and mila says distributions not the right answer and it says here um if we look at the text um here we go it says lastly we see the depletion of something which are there's a really big clue there i should always um point out that when you're doing the reading and if it's a summary completion or if it's a short answer question it's really useful to look at the verb and to see whether it matches so it says that something is we would never say minerals is so that wouldn't be the correct answer but in this case it says something r r is plural rule so therefore we know that it has to be in the plural form and minerals would match here and again we wouldn't we wouldn't change the word to match the question we would simply take it from the text and put it in the question so the answer here would be minerals and that's a good way to check whether you have the right answer i hope that is useful for you there are um lots and lots and lots of other sample reading questions just short ones which you can find here on the ielts daily website it's excuse me um and if you want to do the reading quizzes which you'll find here lots of them you can choose the type of question that you want to do we post new ones on social media very often i just want to talk about something which um it came up in a reading homework we posted yesterday and lots of people said why is this not the answer why why why why why one thing that's really important when you're doing your um when you're giving your answer if you have to fill a gap a gap fill or a summary completion a completion exercise you shouldn't you should not repeat ideas because they're trying to trick you the ielts exam is written in such a way that it tries to trick you let me try and get the answer the question that i did yesterday i made um a question yesterday and this was um a good example where we had repeated ideas on the screen now you should be able to see this um question and i'll make it a bit bigger actually so that you guys can see it um give me one second here we go so i'll just make it bigger and hopefully you can see that on the screen now wonderful um let me zoom in now this particular question said um number one it said uh the question one the something that a child learns in has an effect on their iq score the something that a child learns in now if i show you the answer and this is a really important point we shouldn't be repeating ideas you can see that the answer is environment the and that's the environment now many students looked at the text and they found something called in the text it said educational environment we'll have a look at that now and you can see that on the screen it says right there it says educational environment can you can you all see that um educational environment here the problem is that the question says um if we look it says the environment that a child learns in this idea of learning in the learning part relates to education and educational so what you shouldn't be doing if if i said the educational environment that a child learns in is a repetition of ideas and i don't want you to do that in the test i want you to just focus on the most important word which was environment the environment that a child learns in and the learning in relates to the educational and this is a trick that the ielts test will use very often it's repetition of ideas and we don't want to see repetition of ideas because um that's going to be a trick that they're they're kind of trying to catch you out on i hope that was useful gosh we've been going for an hour i know we only did one of these today but i talked through it a lot and i hope that this reading strategy was something that you will benefit from don't forget if you like this video please give the video a thumbs up so that we can share it share it with your friends if you're in an ielts class in your city or if you're going to an academy or if you're going to a school and you know other people who are preparing for the test make sure that you share this video with them it's a really important strategy the more you do it the easier it will become the faster that you will be able to do it and i hope your reading score will improve quickly now then if you are a superstar member you can join this channel as i mentioned before i'll show you on here you can join and become a member if you want to become a member all you need to do is come over to the ielts daily channel there is a button here called join and you will see there that it says want to join this channel you can join and become a member you can become a starter member or a superstar member the benefits of that is that um if you're a starter member you get access to all our live old live videos which are members only if you want to become a superstar member it's really cheap and you get two pieces of writing feedback every month and it will give you um detailed feedback on how you can improve now um just to let you know also every wednesday after this class if you're a superstar member you get invited to a special zoom class with me and we will answer questions related to things that you might have on your mind so if you want to become a zoom superstar member i highly recommend it you can have a class after this with me so if you are a superstar member you know where the link is you know how to register and i will see you right after this class otherwise thank you very much for coming along today i thoroughly hope that you enjoyed this class and that you're able to learn something if you did give the video a like and i'll come and say goodbye to you all now where are you all let me see where you all are there you all are hello um really good to have you all in class i really hope that you um enjoy this lesson and um somebody says t tt nang says the strategy is effective um welcome to fong he's just joined as an ielts starter thank you very much fong you're welcome to join this you'll get access all our old videos margaret says you'd like to give a thousand thumbs up well just share it with your friends margaret if you if you think that's a good strategy to share it with your friends thank you very much for all of your time today karini just become became a starter welcome karini nice to see you all um and we will all i will see you all next um wednesday every wednesday we have this live class take care of your
Channel: IELTS Daily
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Keywords: ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts lesson, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts listening, ielts online class, ielts course, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, ielts mock exam, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course
Id: i7YMyqnoz9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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