IELTS Reading | SUPER METHODS #2 with Jay!

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cool thanks for coming along this is IELTS reading super skills by e2 language my name is Jay I'm one of the expert teachers why am I an expert teach what makes me an expert well I've taken the IELTS actually and I got a 9 in IELTS reading I've also got a background in linguistics and languages and so have the other teachers here at e2 language we sort of we'd like to think that we stand out from the crowd a little bit let's do a warm-up one of the one of the the key things about IELTS reading is your ability to identify synonyms because in question prompt and in the passage we use different words they want they won't use the exact same words they'll use synonyms so let's warm up I want you to find the synonyms in this passage here just as a hint number one will be at the top of the passage number 13 will be at the bottom of the passage will follow a sequence you [Music] do it quickly do it quickly I don't care if you make a mistake I want you to move quickly not too carefully [Music] [Music] faster-faster-faster [Music] [Music] good Suresh well done good a dose go to nada 30 seconds left you need to move fast 30 seconds starting now you good uh Bonet well done that's a good one reciprocate okey-dokey let's have a look at the answers here all right as I said my health reading is all about synonyms here you can imagine that you're going to get your question and here is the passage now the question will mention something about tops then in the passage it's going to not mention the same word it's going to have a synonyms of rainforest and I'll have a synonym obtained and we'll have a synonym find the answer to here's the question for example it will have a synonym in the passage your ability to look at the question identify keyword and find the synonym in the passage is basically the key to IELTS reading let's look at the answers so tops higher reach of rainforests tropical let me disappear rainforests tropical forests obtained come by find the answer to solve intimate closed so you can imagine that in the question it says something about the intimate relationship and here it says relationships that involve close intimate close these are synonyms give provide in the question will say something like what do the plants give to the ants and here it says the plants provide blah blah blah stock supply reciprocate return the favor that's a difficult one but that's what reciprocity means to reciprocate means to return the favor so when the questioner might say something about the ants reciprocating and in the text in the passage it will say the ants return the favor plant food fertilizer and poo fecal matter disintegrates break down here we have a verb here we have a phrasal verb two-part phrasal verb understandings insights and here's a bit of a trick 13 is biotic adaptation and here's biotic adaptation you should remember that sometimes you cannot have a synonym some words there are no synonyms for example evolution there are no similar synonyms for evolution or biotic adaptation for example so sometimes in the question same identical word will be used in the passage but 99% of the time will be a synonym let's continue with this synonym practice before we do our mock test I want you to find the synonym for jump I'm going to show you a whole paragraph I'm only going to give you I don't know 20 seconds to find the synonym for jump your time starts now jump did you find it good a bit Moline a dress well done ten seconds left three two one stop cool so what's the synonym for jump what about leap leap and jump so the question says jump you quickly scan your eyes over the text and you see the word leap it's a synonym you know that you must read in this section here let's do it again find the synonym for runaway from runaway from in 20 seconds your time starts now ten seconds [Music] and stop that's 20 seconds cool so we're looking for a synonym for the phrase run away from and we look here we go fish no looking at the main words I mean scanning our eyes and we whoa what's this one escape run away from escape synonyms find the synonym for the word hostile hostile starting now hostile you you good aegis not quite address good address that's better good Joe Murray hostile I'll give you a bit more time for this one hostile you you you you cool alright stop there let's we're looking for the word hostile hostile hostile hmm what's this enemy filled enemy Phil maybe the question says something about a hostile environment for example a hostile environment that's a collocation or an enemy filled hostile enemy filmed they are synonyms cool let's do another warm-up skill before we do our mock test I want you to scan read the paragraph to find the main idea fast what I mean by this is I'm going to show you a paragraph I want you to quickly read it quickly read it then I'm going to give you four answer options that contains what the main idea of the paragraph is and you have to choose the best one so quickly scan read what the scan read mean well does it read does it mean that you read carefully every word because you want to absorb all the information in all the details no there's not enough time in IELTS read carefully and deeply it's not a relaxing Sunday afternoon what you have to do is scan read that means that you just quickly scan your eyes over looking at all the key words like nouns verbs and adjectives ignoring the grammar e words to pick out the main idea I wanted to scan read this paragraph in 30 seconds starting now 20 seconds left cool okay let's just quickly look at this it says male domestic fowl hmm it's a type of chicken it's not a chicken I believe it's called a rooster a rooster rooster male male fowl cool now I want you to read these answer options and I want you to find the answer option best summarizes this paragraph you have 30 seconds starting now okay hmm people writing see I'm not quite sure let me read this male domesticated fowl or roosters are less aggressive towards related males than to unrelated males when competing for females this suggests that domestic fowl can recognize the kin among individuals in a group and that their behavior is different towards kin and non-kin now what's the main idea of this paragraph hens behave strangely around roosters no roosters are nicer to their relatives hmm possibly they're less aggressive towards related males and here it says their behavior is different towards kin and non-kin that's possible see roosters compete for females well they're doing this when they compete for females so that's not the main idea of the paragraph that's a little part of it but the main part is that they're less aggressive towards related males chickens are usually unaggressive incorrect the answer is B roosters and nicer to their relatives so if we were to summarize this into a single sentence it would be B let's try it again the scan read the paragraph to find the main idea fast read it again okay now is it a B C or D if we summarize this if we boil this down into a single sentence which answer option best captures the main idea cool let's have a look at the answer let me read the paragraph it says it long been associated with anger and coarseness but profanity or swearing can have another more positive connotation psychologists have learned people who frequently curse are more honest now we've got some synonyms swear curse swearing cursing swearing cursing okay fine people who swear are less likely to curse okay people who frequently curse are more honest hmm they say the same thing but in different words that's a good thing swearing can have positive effects well not really it doesn't say that psychologists believe swearing can have positive mental effects yeah not really people who swear are usually angrier definitely not the best summary of this paragraph is a people who swear are less likely to lie people who frequently curse are more honest these two things say the same things but the same thing but in different a lot of IELTS in finding the right answers when the question and the passage say the same thing but in different words that's a lot of IELTS reading right so we're going to do an IELTS reading mock test but we're going to do it a little bit differently I'm going to give you two tests okay the first quick I'm going to show you a question type and the first question type I show you will be dead simple it'll be so simple that you'll just go does it B or a or C right and the idea is that I want you to understand the question type because I think the hardest thing in IELTS reading is not understanding the passage but understanding the format of the question because some of them are truly confusing and if you can understand the question type and you know what it's asking you then you can concentrate more on understanding the passage so we're going to do a dead simple one so you can get the concept of the question then we're going to do a more complex one all that will change will be the content of the passage in the question I want you to understand the format before we do that I want you to write down on a piece of paper one two three four five six seven eight nine this will be your answer sheet and when we do the IELTS the the mock test the real one the hard one I want you to write your answer beside the number on your answer sheet so please copy this down just write the numbers 1 to 9 in a vertical vertical line place I'll just give you 10 seconds to do that then we'll start you [Music] [Music] okey-dokey now with the civil ones don't write it on your answer sheets just practice okay all right so we're going to do first of all multiple-choice simple multiple-choice simple this is what it looks like on test day this is what the question looks like and it can be confusing so this is question question 1 & 2 says choose the appropriate answer a B C or D a B C or D write your answer four questions one to two on your answer sheet don't write it on your answer sheet this is just a practice what color is Jay's car from whom did J purchase his car let me disappear answer these two questions please [Music] [Music] good so deep back the answer will be not the words but the letters remember it says here choose the appropriate a B C or D so we're writing the letter not the word good let's have a look this is dead simple dead simple what color is Jay's car it's red C 1 C J has a red car from whom from who or whom did J purchase his car rattle smoke J or Tim the answer is D Tim he bought his car off his uncle Tim so if you had C and D well done let's apply that understanding to a multiple choice but a real one with difficult difficult reading now I'll give you a few minutes to enter this one and write this one on your answer sheet [Music] you you you you you you you see you check your number too you Nizar check your number too Fenne - engine check your number two our bid to kill number two you you you good 30 seconds left 10 seconds Oh keoki rights let's have a look at the answers here let me disappear I'm going to quickly read the paragraph when you look to be honest when I did my IELTS I didn't actually read the passages from beginning to end there's not enough time I just went to the question looked at the question went back to the passage quickly sped scan read the passage to find the corresponding keyword read for it got the answer moved on to the next month there's not enough time to begin and lazily read through passage then go back to the questions start with the question move to the passage move through as you go nevertheless I'm going to read this just for you when people are listening to music their emotional reactions to the music are reflected in changes in their pupil size both the emotional content of the music and the listeners personal involvement with music influence pupil dilation researchers are using pupil size measurement to probe listeners reactions to music that's all we need to know so pupil size naturally adjusts to the volume of the music doesn't mention volume here know the beat of the music does it mention the beat know the emotion conveyed by the music hmm when people are listening to music are the emotional content of the muse influences pupil dilation so we've got C says it here pupil size naturally adjust to the emotion conveyed by the music the emotional content of the music influences pupil dilation fine what about to why our pupil size is being emitted let says here researchers are using pupil size measurement there's your keyword corresponding statement in the paragraph to pro listeners reactions to music to improve musical reactions no to gauge reactions to music hmm sounds good to modulate thoughts not to solve complex problems no the answer is here why our pupil size is being measured by the researchers well researchers are using pupil size measurement to probe listeners reactions to music to gauge probe reactions to music these two say the same thing but in different words also if you had C and B please write that on your answer sheet number one C number two B will move on to true/false and not given simple we're going to do a dead simple first so you understand the concept okay right what you need to do is basically you look at the statement it says J owns a green car you look at the text it says J has a red car is this true does it agree is it false does it contradict or say something completely different or not given is there no information about the color of my car I want you to go through and answer these questions very quickly you have one minute a Juris check your number three please ten seconds good all right well done that's one minute right let's look at the answers okay so J owns a green car is this true false or not given let's read the test it says J has a red car so this is false this says J has a red car this is J owns a green car they are contradictory they say the opposite not the opposite they say contradictory things okay this is not true my car is red not green so it's false what about J's car is old okay let's keep breeding J has a red car he bought it bought his car off his uncle Tim for $400 so it's cheap is it Albert well we don't know it rattles and it smokes okay so it's it doesn't it's broken down it's not a good quality car but is it old well I don't know it depends it doesn't say it rattles and it smokes but it still works so it's reliable but is it old it does not say in this text if I car is old there is no way to know I cannot know from this text all I know is that my car is red it's cheap 400 bucks and it's got some mechanical problems it could be new it could be red I bought it from Tim because he's really rich and he said just give me $400 I'm assuming something if I assume something I can't assume anything this is not given it's not given it does not say in the text if my car is old and I cannot assume anything therefore I must write not given so the answer to Question 4 is not given what about question 5 gerrant J owns a red car well yes J owns a red car J has a red car he bought it off his uncle yes this is true so false not given and true dead simple now we're going to apply true false not given to some real content I'm going to give you a few minutes to answer these questions you [Music] you you you that was not my phone [Music] thirty seconds left [Music] cool alright let's look at the answers here let's quickly read the text is the boy or is the girl four baby sea turtles it's not that cut and dry because they the baby sea turtles don't have an X or Y chromosome baby sea turtles sex is defined during development by the incubation environment the nests thermal environment determines whether an embryo will develop as a male or female warmest sand temperatures produce more females and coolers and images produce more males to make things even more complicated in some species of sea turtles their sexual anatomy is not physically apparent until about a decade or so when they approach sexual maturity so three sea turtle sex is determined by chromosomal changes they don't have an X or Y chromosome it says here their sex is defined during development by the incubation environment this is contradictory this is false it cut this statement contradicts or says something opposite or other than this statement here what about this one fluctuating sand temperatures effect turtle lifespans hmm well it says warmer sound temperatures produce more females and cooler sand temperatures produce more males okay doesn't say maybe but we can't assume anything we can't assume anything therefore it's going to be not given what about number five sea turtle sexual anatomy is only visible after approximately 10 years well let's go back one okay and it's this last sentence here to make things even more complicated in some species of sea turtles their sexual anatomy is not physically apparent sea turtle sexual anatomy is only visible physically apparent until about a decade or so after approximately 10 years this is true number five is true so three is false four is not given and five is true so on your answer sheet you would write false not given and true for three four and five cool how did you go just give me a smiley face in the chat if you got that one smiley face good nice good well spotted there Maria um did I agree a few actually good nice you got it great work cool let's move on let's do this one here this is also a complicated question type in IELTS because it has lots of parts match sentence endings let's do a dead simple super easy ones super easy so get the idea right this is what it looks like on test day okay you'll see something that looks like this it says you need to complete each sentence with the correct ending a to see from the box below okay here's the box below anyway forget the instructions they're too confusing let me explain it to you here is the first part of the sentence J's uncle Tim now you need to find the part of the sentence well J's uncle Tim still runs it's grammatically possible J's uncle Tim sold him the car for 400 bucks J's uncle Tim is read all of these are possible but only one will be correct according to the text so is it going to be 6a 6b or 6c now do the rest of [Music] ten and seconds left you you cool let's have a look at this dead simple example so Jay's uncle Tim he bought his car off he uncle Tim for $400 Jays uncle Tim sold him the car for $400 good six B so you would write B on your answer sheet what about number seven though the car rattles it still runs is red hmm it rattles and it smokes but it still works it still runs cool 7a though the car rattles it still runs an eight J's car is red J has a red car cool it so easy let's try match sentence endings for real I'll disappear and give you a few minutes to do this one here you you [Music] you you you [Music] - easy 30 seconds left if you're watching on YouTube please give a thumbs up for e2 language like this video alright let's have a look at the answers here alright so we know this text we've read this passage now now we can really just start to use key words so increase and temperatures now we remembered that the sound temperature bit was around here okay says warmest and temperatures produce more females so increased sand temperatures so warmer down temperatures produce more females so we've got increase and temperatures and we're looking for that other half produce more females produce more yield higher numbers of females interesting so 6c increase and temperatures yield higher numbers of females says the same thing as this sentence here warmer centimetres produce more females what about number seven the sex of baby sea turtles hmm is determined by the temperature of the nest are the result while it can't be the sexes are the result it can't be this one grammatically so 7b is impossible the sex of baby sea turtles is reached after about ten years and well no so we're going to go with 7a and it also says it here the nests thermal environment or heat or the temperature determines whether an embryo will develop as a male or female the sex of baby sea turtles is determined by the temperature of the nest this 7a says the same thing as this sentence here a higher number of males hmm is reached after about 10 years now a higher number a higher number a high number of males this is actually grammatically wrong this is my fault should be is the results are the results so it must be 8b a higher a high number of males are the result of coldest and cool the sand temperatures produce more males a B I'm sorry 8b says the same thing as this sentence here finally the sexual maturity of Turtles is reached after about 10 years 9 d sea turtles a decade or so when they approach sexual maturity cool well done well done so these are the answers to the questions and this is what your answer sheet will look like when you take the Isles so it was 1 C 2 B 3 false for not given 5 true 6 c 7 a 8 b + 9 d what was your score out of 9 and just please type into the chat 8 out of 9 for deep back all correct for Benny Joey 9 8 9 9 9 8 8 9 5 all incorrect for da ville' 9 9 6 6 7 9 8 colored arm 8 Sarika unarmed got 8 out of 9 Roth got 9 amid got 7 cool good stuff even if you got 9 or 8 or 7 or even if you got 0 you probably still need to practice while I've got you here I'm going to talk about why you should upgrade your e to language package why should you do that why should you spend money on ET language calm whoo there are a few important reason by first is that you depending on your package will receive a study plan where you can meet a teacher like me who has taken the ions before and we will talk to you about what you need to do to pass the test unlike all the other junk on YouTube we have methods like what you saw tonight we have methods for writing task 1 writing task 2 speaking reading all question types and listening we give you methods we simplify it we build your skills we also have quality practice materials we give you feedback on your speaking and writing we offer as part of your package one-on-one tutorials with expert teachers live classes every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday as well as constant motivation if you want to succeed on your IELTS test then upgrading to e to language comm is a damn good idea cool ah let's go to Q&A because we've got some interesting questions here Shiva says excellent class I'm glad Thank You Shiva Deepak question do we always have all three options in the answer or is a pablor that could be multiple true and no false not given okay good Deepak so Deepak is asking in true false not given let's say there are three true false not given but always have one true one false and not one not given no they may be all true they may all be false they all may be not given or it might be true true false or it might be true not give not given so you have to be prepared it depends on the text a beard huh it was much tougher in the actual IELTS test than this one to be honest well maybe you've just gotten better nazar is that enough for me to go to the exam right now don't do that please don't take the exam without preparing properly because well I see hundreds hundreds of people a TT language calm who try the exam try it again try it again and then by their third or fourth attempt when some cases ten twelve fourteen the highest number we're seeing is sixteen attempts before the person went to get some help in preparation don't do that that is seriously thousands of dollars that you'll spend on taking the test when you could just prepare improve your English pass the test and feel good about yourself Maria I'm confused between choosing IELTS or Pte I watched your video on practice and articles - okay Pte or ions which one well Pte is more difficult for speaking and IELTS is more difficult for writing so if you're a good writer and a bad seeker do IELTS if you're a good speaker and a bad writer do Pte that's the simple answer to that one cool cool cool cool cool what else we got we'll do next week and on will do sentence completion so please come back next Thursday for the next one or do the other question time slowly we'll work through them all it Sam do you have any other classes for speaking writing and listening to study IELTS yes yes we've got it all and we have some really cool not cool we have some really effective methods for speaking for writing and for learning if you want to check out a video on YouTube go to our Channel and watch the latest IELTS speaking strategy video it's very very interesting Samiha last exam I got seven but I thought I had higher that's a understand completely Samia I'm mostly taking the IELTS academic again because I wanted to get a nine in everything but I couldn't I got all I got a hundred percent in the Pte for everything I took the IELTS and I did not get a hundred percent I'm too embarrassed to tell you my score I'll tell you next week whether I get a nine Nizza what part of the questions is the easiest to start with the exam multiple-choice is the easiest what's the most difficult question type probably true false not given Shahana match matching is also hard ah will do mate might do that next week Shahana so please come back IMed Express package amount allows me to the live classes yes okay so into language comm has just launched an express package so if you're worried about money we do have a cheap one that does not have any tutorials or no study plan but you do get access to all of the methods all of the practice materials and you can join the live classes so that might be money well spent Lucas I'm a bit worried about my speed yes scan reading and reading quickly is a real key for IELTS reading abbien I'm preparing for the PT this time I got speaking 8 did too did okay fine de nada I have two months but I don't feel confident register with e to builds your confidence do this properly but still hey J my exam is on the 5th of may what plan can you suggest I take from each language well you've got whoa what's you've got one month so in fact you could take any plan so it just depends on how much help you want deepak will might do complete person sent in what's a called sentence completion sentence completion next week Maria interesting Maria says 50 in PT speaking is the same as 7 in IELTS speaking yeah I would agree it's about difficult a dose is it possible to get at least 8 or 7.5 with upper intermediate level Oh nope truly IELTS is the way IELTS mock writing is crazy I have to say I have to say the way they make my writing is crazy but the way that PT e marks speaking is also crazy so there you go ruff how much time I will take to study IELTS very good well depends on your current level of English Sarika my exam is on the 29th of April what plan do I need to take you take the first or you could take the Express the first or the second I think Shiva I'm preparing for is general please guide me to do best yes we have IELTS general as well we have IELTS general and academic toughie cool I'm sitting before once for IELTS it's not up to mark so I need more improvement from my reading writing or speaking yes e to language my man e to language we'll do that one next week Nizar cool what else we got Lucas what time is the class Nick the same time Lucas so it's 9 p.m. Melbourne time Vasile but still please email hello at e2 language or I totally recommend is going to the website right now and choosing a package and upgrading if you change your mind you can always go up in packages as well Salomon my examination is on the 13th of May what package should I go for that means you've got about 6 weeks so you can in fact choose any of them Salomon it depends if you're confident choose a cheaper package if you're not confident choose the more expensive ones because it means you get more one-on-one tutorial help and feedback and everything you need if you're unsure about the package you can upgrade between packages so you can start on tip 1 and upgrade to the next or you can email hello Eddie to language comm please check out into language comm other than that thanks very much for coming I totally enjoyed this one I hope you enjoyed it I hope you learn from it ion's can actually be made simple there is a way to do it and to make it and to build your confidence please come again next week because I'll do this again and we'll do different question types with different skills so pleasure teaching you I'll see you soon I'm going to just disappear you
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: e2, e2 ielts, ielts e2, e2 ielts reading, ielts reading e2, ielts reading e2 language,, e2 language, e2 language ielts reading, IELTS Reading, ielts question reading, e2 ielts general, ielts reading tips, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing task 1, ielts academic reading, ielts mock test, e2 ielts mock test, ielts reading preparation, ielts reading practice test, e2language ielts reading, ielts exam preparation, ielts practice questions, ielts e2 tips, e2ielts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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