IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Generating Band 9 Ideas

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you from beautiful victoria here on the west coast of canada i hope everybody has had a good week and is looking forward to healthy and productive weekend welcome kyber hi gineal in this class everyone we are looking at task two writing how to get those band nine ideas for your essay going through a new task 2 essay question with some steps for planning while we wait for some more members this is a lesson that is presented to you by for academic ielts success check us out there for the general ielts visit us at g i e l t s help dot com that's general i'll help on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you get ready for the exam both with the communication and english elements welcome carolina our moderator good to see you in the class hi rashika rahul bahrat get to see lots of you all right everyone this is our academic ielts website here with the blue background um it's uh a one-time payment for lifetime access all you have to do is click that big red button to join we are a british council ielts registration center and certified agents for the general ielts it's the green background and you can click that big red button to join us there again lots and lots of practice exams videos original contents we are world leaders when it comes to preparation for the ielts exam all right everyone um if you'd like to get our apps you can certainly do so uh just look for academic ielts help and general ielts help in your app stores and if you have questions send me an email to adrian of course you have writing and speaking help on our websites and you can get our exam books from amazon as well okay everyone so today we have some tasks to writing and then we have listening parts three and four that's a continuation from yesterday uh that will be an all chat class okay all right kyber i see that you did a mock exam i'm happy about that those are important hope that went well tomorrow we'll have a few more classes of course and right now let's get into our task to writing question so um for the writing section of the ielts exam you have one hour and uh 40 minutes of that two-thirds of that time is your task two you should do it after your task one it's worth two-thirds of your total mark so it's weighed with uh twice the value as task one okay all right uh welcome rajvir um hi david um all right uh so first step when we're looking at a task two questions just to really read the question carefully you have to remind yourself that this is not the reading section so um you should not rush through the question you should not rush reading it it's an unfortunate common mistake that students read the task two question really quickly and then they start writing and too late they realize that they've been writing off topic because they rushed reading the question so do not rush reading the question be really careful with it all right here we go everyone so ielts task to writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task online education is rapidly increasing in popularity what has led to this development what are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to in class instructions provide examples and explanations write at least 250 words all right um so let's um let's paraphrase this so first of all let's make sure that we clearly understand this question and let's see how many synonyms and antonym negatives and definitions we can come up with to clearly and accurately paraphrase this question paraphrasing means to restate the same question using different words now this isn't necessarily your introduction okay your introduction should be a little bit more than just a simple paraphrase of the question but definitely it's a good way to start you should always do this at home when you're practicing task two because it will give you clarity on the question and it will help you to generate ideas so it's a it's a key part of that uh step to having band nine content okay yeah kyber so um you're saying that it took a lot of time to plan uh task two um you're planning kyber should not take you more than five minutes so if you're taking more than five minutes in the planning then you're not doing something right you're writing too much information down in the official exam kyber the critical thinking part of it happens in your head you don't write it down you don't have time for that okay so you shouldn't be spending more than five minutes on the planning in your actual official exam okay so um in response to kyber saying that planning takes too much time or takes a lot of time in your so let me let me kind of step back here when you are practicing task two at home your planning and developing ideas should take 20 to 30 minutes and you should write it all down okay during your official ielts exam your task to planning must not take more than five minutes you should only write down the paraphrase of the question and your thesis okay and likely these will already be an element of your essay okay so uh that's that's the difference all right so when you're planning practicing at home that's what you're you should be thinking for the planning part because you're writing down each step of the planning so your topic you're controlling ideas but during your exam your task to planning must not take more than five minutes you need 35 minutes write the essay okay hopefully that's clear for everyone now all right so uh let's jump back to paraphrasing this question i'm going to paraphrase and then you paraphrase and we'll compare and see what we can come up with so all right there's my paraphrase uh to this question i see that lots of members have also paraphrased which is great all right uh rajvir says nowadays online learning has become trendy what are the reasons of this phenomenon what are the pros and cons of studying courses online rather than classroom instructions that's great rajveer nice nice paraphrasing okay rahul says web learning is getting more attention nowadays rahul nowadays is one word okay what are the factors contributing to this what are the positives and negatives of web learning as compared to traditional classroom teaching very nice rahul um notice all the different paraphrasing for online learning uh and even traditional or in-class learning rajvir and rahul have absolutely come up with good terms for that as well okay kyber says online education is becoming popular quickly as the support and affection towards distance learning has become a trend what has caused this change it's not necessarily an improvement kyber write the benefits and deficits of e-learning compared to face-to-face learning yeah so even more paraphrasing right e-learning very good kyber and distance learning that's another way that we kind of call internet studies these days as well absolutely very nice so look at all the different great vocabulary that we're gathering to use for our essay um gino another way virtual pedagogy is drastically increasing in popularity what are the reasons for this development what are the pros and cons of online learning compared to face to face very good mahi says the popularity of virtual learning has has been increasing very nice use of present perfect what are the reasons behind this advancement what are the positives and negatives of learning as compared to physical classes very good okay nicely done rashika the preference for remote learning is rising quickly what is the reason for this development were the benefits and negatives of online learning in comparison to face-to-face learning give examples very nice pre-t says online classes are continuously uh taking a bigger role in education what are the causes of this change what are the benefits and deficits of online education compared to manual classes instructions um compared to physical class instructions pretty compared to physical class instructions okay backroad e-learning is uh on a rise quickly throughout the world what has uh guided this development what are the merits and demerits of online learning instead of offline classes uh very nice baccarat give examples and support kashirsha says schooling from home is getting popular these days what has accelerated this phenomenon what are the pros and cons of this trend give examples and explanations very nice hi andre okay great so lots of great paraphrasing uh that's fantastic so clearly we're on the right track this is what i wrote online education is rapidly increasing in popularity what has led to this development and i wrote learning via the internet is quickly becoming mainstream among pupils uh what are the motivating factors behind this change uh what are the positives and negatives of remote learning via in uh in-person study um sorry that meant to say verses there let's make that correction okay so what are the positives and negatives of remote learning versus in-person study give examples and explanations okay and i use the word mainstream instead of popularity or popular mainstream okay and pupils instead of students okay good um so what's the topic here members what are we talking about what's in discussion okay so when you think about the topic you simply need to ask yourself what is in discussion here and even if it's absolutely crystal clear you should still directly ask and answer this question just to make sure that you know you're thinking about it and you're thinking about it in depth online learning says cashier so we're talking about online learning yeah absolutely so online education very good and what are the controlling ideas so um yeah everybody's got online learning that's great okay um priti says we're talking about the popularity of online learning uh yeah i think in this case we're talking specifically about online learning if we think about the controlling ideas as well so um what are the controlling ideas okay so carolina says the advantages and disadvantages okay i think there's a little bit more before that carolina so okay advantages disadvantages all right and there's another question there yeah very good so kyber says um the question is also asking what has caused this change okay and the benefits and deficits okay so bacharach says the causes for it yep yeah exactly so it's yeah that would be all of the controlling ideas so the reasons for its popularity and the advantages and disadvantages of online learning okay absolutely so that's what we're talking about those are the controlling ideas okay so now we do some critical thinking right so let's do this uh before we do that quick question here members um what is the voice of this essay so as some of you know some of you might not um there are three voices in writing generally speaking there are more subcategories but there are three main voices of the author it's called first second and third person voice first person voice is when the author is speaking directly from their own subjective opinion so in my opinion i believe second person voice is when you speak directly to your reader or your audience like you should follow these steps and third person voice is when we are objectively seeking the truth so we do not use i me or my or you uh we simply say people believe that okay and rajvir khyber janual abhishek andrey preeti karolina all say this is a third person essay yeah absolutely because this essay does not ask for your personal opinion so you can see in the question that it doesn't say and you should always look at the original question so yeah in the original question you do not see uh the uh request for your opinion so it doesn't say what do you believe or give explanations from your own opinion or your own experiences so you're using the third person voice here which means no i me my you anywhere in the essay okay that's very important in this case most academic essays are third person voice because most academic essays seek a general truth not the opinion or personal opinion of the author okay so this is a third person essay and by just looking at this question what kind of grammar structure do you think is going to be required in this essay so by looking at this question um there's definitely a type of grammar that i feel will be frequently coming up in this essay can anybody tell me what that is and so again if you look at um the original question uh you can kind of see this so what what grammar structure okay and you should again recognize this from the question also yeah so pretty says present and present perfect yeah the present perfect for sure so absolutely take notice of that in the question so what has led to this development right so um online learning it's an achievement it's a continuous change in society so um those ele it's an experience right that we emphasize uh it's an expectation so all of those reasons that we use the present perfect expectation change over time achievement those concepts are heavily contained in this question and response so definitely the present perfect simple present too but present perfect for sure okay so just like with uh part two cue card you can kind of recognize what structure should appear okay so you should be thinking present perfect passive present perfect present perfect continuous those should all be coming to mind okay all right so let's brainstorm so when we plan for a band 9 essay when we want to create band 9 content then we need to have good ideas and so we need to think critically about the topic and controlling ideas so what is online education okay so give me a definition for that so what comes to mind for you um when when you think about this okay yeah kyber absolutely it's a good idea to identify the dominant tenses in your response so abhishek says it's an education that takes place by pupils over the internet without the need for a physical classroom okay abhishek that's i think a good fairly good definition let's see what some of your classmates come up with and it's interesting because we're doing online education right now rajvir says a platform where students use technological tools to acquire knowledge okay mahi says it's learning throughout through the world wide web okay kyber says online education is a form of learning which is delivered and administered using the internet okay uh amanda way says it is remote learning amanda maybe be a little bit more specific in your answer to this topic question janil says sitting at home and learning on the internet okay rahul says online education is something that is available live or in recorded medium through the internet okay all right um i would say that online education is remote learning through the use of computers and the internet whereby students and teachers are separated by space and or time okay um so this would be my specific uh response uh to this question so what is online education it's remote learning through the use of computers and the internet whereby students and teachers are separated by space and or time so right now we are in real time almost right we're separated by about a five second six second uh leg in time okay um but of course if it's pre-recorded it can be separated by much uh more than that okay all right so again really uh so here's a question um how did i come up with this definition so what do you think um led me to this answer for what is online education what had to happen as a mental process for me to just right now on the fly come up with this okay yeah very good uh kyber absolutely carolina yeah i visualized it so i saw myself sitting at the computer thinking about my own online learning and i thought about okay what do i need for this so i visualized myself in the context and i thought about the question what do i need for this and i thought okay well i need a computer i need an internet connection i need a teacher the teacher is not necessarily here and they're not necessarily necessarily teaching me in real time right so pretty says it helps because i'm doing it right now yes you're right priti that certainly does help to give that level of detail okay um so what's my next question okay instead of the answer i want to give this question i want to give this question uh to you so what would you ask next about the topic so of course it's a why question that's coming up right our system of questions are what why and how what is the full why question here so after asking what is online education what would be a good why question all right let's see if you come up with it so rajvir says we can ask why has online learning become trendy uh kyber says why is there online education which is kind of the same as what regime is asking kyber you're asking about the reasons for it right sure so why is online education popular and here basically we're also in essence asking what are the advantages of online learning okay so it's important to recognize that you're answering both questions here because the reasons for its popularity are clearly a result of its advantages in this case okay so why is online education popular what has led to its popularity what do you think okay what are some of the the answers for this question and you're all asking the same question in different ways nico says why should we learn through the internet um again it's what are the advantages why is it popular so uh all roads lead to rome in this case right okay okay so kashirsha says accessibility um amanda says the reduced cost of commuting um what do you mean amanda by cost in that context okay so it is more accessible okay uh rashika says it's convenient um yeah so it takes less time right there's no commute you don't have to get into a car okay you don't necessarily have to get dressed up uh to go to an online class especially if you're not uh visible through a camera so maybe some of you are still in pajamas right now or you've just gotten into pajamas and you're getting ready for sleep and it doesn't matter right so abhishek says no geographical boundaries okay so more access that's more accessible so accessible means no restrictions of distance or borders yeah okay you don't need a student visa to learn in my class that's for sure okay all right um okay so um rahul says you can get more expert teachers so uh yeah more accessible convenient options right so there's more options options for teachers and for content right absolutely that's true okay um and yeah it's cheaper right not always but can be okay i have a feeling that's gonna change with time but um sure okay so those are some great answers so it's accessible it's convenient it's instead of cheaper what would be the right word here i don't know if anybody used it so let's try to focus on having parallel grammar and i highly recommend especially those of you who are now practicing this regularly you're feeling confident um let's have some nice uh parallel grammar among our words so accessible convenient and let's change uh first cheaper and then um we're going to change options as well very good carolina that's the word i'm looking for affordable yeah very nice janelle got it too good all right so now we've got parallel grammar affordable convenient accessible and how about options okay what would be a better word uh than options to have nice parallel grammar between convenient accessible and affordable okay economical is good as well um [Music] rajvir says alternatives i don't think that's parallel grammar yeah uh diverse kashirosha i think is a better word accessible convenient diverse and affordable okay instead of alternatives so diverse i think is a better word very good okay all right so accessible convenient diverse and affordable those are all great reasons all right so how does it work how does it work okay i'm going to give you the one answer that i think everybody will think of quickly through the use of a computer and the internet and here you want to think of some details as well okay um so when you think of the computer and the internet yes okay that's the basic but you want to think of software video audio camera mic okay so you want to think about those as well through the use of computer and the internet okay um more choices is not parallel grammar students call deep pre-t careful with that just a quick kind of reflection on the previous okay good uh so now we want to ask uh one more uh question here and um what is that so before we start uh putting together our thesis statement we want to ask one more question what is one more question that we need to ask so that we can come up with our band nine content yeah so rejevia says the deficits of online learning so the negatives right the drawbacks there has to be some there's usually two sides to every story let's stick with the y form of the question why can online education be disadvantageous compared to in-class learning okay so what um what are your answers for this okay so rajvir says uh distractions okay or another way we could say that on the other side is less focused all right kyber says requires time management skills i think that's uh too specific abhishek says uh it there could be technological issues so um yeah technical problems sure okay all right preeti says no discussion with peer groups and teachers so i would say lower quality of socialization with peers and teachers okay all right ferdav says it can lead to obesity uh cardiovascular disease and uh laziness okay um for dogs i think you're going a little bit extreme but i do think you have a good point there can you uh summarize that in a little bit simpler way okay rashika says no group activities i don't know about that rashika that's a hard sell because uh we do have group activities um even here in our classroom we have kind of group activities but certainly there's group activities in online learning as well okay so pretty says laziness yeah so lack of physical yeah if we work from home we learn from home we do everything from home through the internet it's definitely reducing our physical movement so there is a benefit to having to walk to work or riding a bike to work as well okay all right um good so those are the deficits okay all right everyone so now we have a lot of good information and now we want to come up with our thesis statement so you should be now able to compose your thesis statement which is the points for discussion and persuasion in your essay okay uh usually one sentence doesn't have to be now you need to be careful here hint hint because uh you have 250 words minimum uh maximum about 350 and um you must give details so you might not be able to write about all of this information that we've discussed so make sure to choose wisely okay kyber the what has caused this phenomenon i believe is already contained in the advantages okay and of course today it's being rapidly accelerated just a quick kind of bonus question this is of course that quick clever critical thinking what has accelerated online learning nowadays this is kind of a bonus question but you have to be careful not to digress into this too much digress means don't get too lost in this idea you might be able to weave this cleverly into your essay but of course just in recent times online learning has been greatly accelerated what has led to that yeah andre says the pandemic yeah when it's actually dangerous for people to interact with each other so yeah so another advantage of course of online learning that we didn't talk about is people can do it even when they're sick right so even when people have health problems or maybe some people have mobility problems um they're not able to walk for some reason they can still learn online right okay but again be careful not to digress into that too much because you can lose focus and your essay can fall apart so you have you do have to be very very very careful of how you mention that okay all right um so let's stick to the thesis all right what's the thesis so what's the main points for discussion think about whether or not you want to leave your reader on a positive or negative note okay natalie definitely saving time i think is key okay so i'll write the thesis and then you write the thesis um and we'll compare all right okay so you okay there we go uh so uh let's see what you have okay i'm not sure what's going on with your comments cole deep um check your connection okay uh rajvir says there are various reasons for the popularity of online education the benefits of this development are diversity and affordability and its deficits are lack of focus and movement so rajveer it seems like you're going to be discussing the popularity and the benefits first in your essay and then you're going to be discussing the negatives that's okay if that's the direction you want to go just make sure that that is in fact the direction that you want to take in your essay or the structure the organization that you want to take in your essay rashika says the benefits of learning online are convenience and affordability however the negatives are distractions and technical problems are distractions and instead of technical problems try to say that in one word rashika you have to have parallel grammar okay all right mahi says although a major deficit of online education is that it leads to social isolation its benefits include uh cost effectiveness and easy accessibility of time and place mahi keep it simple when you can okay so notice my thesis statement some negatives of remote learning are more distractions and less socialization let's fix that okay so notice the parallel grammar students more distractions less socialization okay and i'm writing about the negative first while the main reasons for virtual learnings rise in popularity and its benefits are convenience affordability and diversity okay so clearly i'm putting a lot more emphasis here and that's my second point okay um don't overthink it students especially if you've come up with these nice words in your planning use that in your thesis okay so many of you came up with these words but now you're not using them in your thesis don't do that really nice thesis points in most cases are one word okay we've never really talked about that but in fact when you look at well-written university and college essays in the thesis the main points for argument in most cases the writer is strive the author is striving for one word one word points okay and if you can't do it in one word then do it in two words like more distractions less socialization is is that clear so the more concise uh you can keep your thesis points the better okay and really good journal articles really good essays uh have this quality that they keep their thesis points to single words in most cases okay and i think that's a great idea for the ielts because in the outs you have 250 word minimum so it's a short essay so you really want to be that concise if it's possible okay all right kyber carolina good all right so you're picking that up yeah so really really really strive for these one-word thesis points and by the way these kinds of words like convenience affordability diversity you're picking up lexical resource marks that's what the examiner is looking for when they're thinking hey this person has good lexical resource because they can use that single accurate word to define that concept okay so strive for that all right okay it's not always possible sometimes you have to use more words but whenever you can strive for that one word okay so let's do the introduction so the introduction now is [Music] the hook the background and the thesis so start writing this members and then i'll keep looking up at the board and uh we'll um kind of compare amongst ourselves and i will try to give some feedback as well so we got five minutes for this as well okay all right so here we go um kyber i'll read everyone's as much as i can while keeping the lesson going okay because we have only about five minutes left to get this introduction done um for dob says online education is thriving these days all right i'm going with this one certainly the revolution of online education is well underway worldwide okay so revolution i think it's a great word here because it is a revolution in the education system so for centuries and centuries of course humans have learned in person in classrooms or in groups physically present teachers and students and now the world is definitely transforming with the advancement of technology whereby uh there's this shift to online education so certainly the revolution of online education is well underway worldwide we see this in most parts of the world now yeah so bahrain says e-learning is spreading um all over the world with more knowledge um yeah i don't know about the more knowledge part i think that's kind of going into a different argument bakrat but the beginning is good okay uh kyber nowadays knowledge can be gained in various ways is too broad remember kyber remember students that your hook should contain your topic the topic here is online learning so your hook should contain the topic okay and then the definition so you okay um so uh here is my background um so the definition and the importance all kind of rolled into one sentence modern technology namely the computer and the internet has enabled billions of people to learn from the comfort of their homes and this has led and this has had a massive impact on education systems notice that right away i'm reflecting that present perfect so uh the computer and the internet has enabled billions of people and this has had a massive impact on education systems okay all right rahul says internet learning has gradually shifted the focus from classroom uh teaching with computers and the internet a student can learn from expert teachers from anywhere in the world okay rahul good so you have your hook and your background there very nice okay uh fordov says it is a pivotal tool during uh continuing pandemic like nowadays for dobbs again i would maybe stay away from that as i mentioned that could be an interesting point at some part of the essay i would say maybe the conclusion or near the end and the advantages but i wouldn't introduce that right away okay online learning was already quite popular before the pandemic the pandemic is just accelerating this of course okay all right rajvir says pupils have been using hardware and software to gain knowledge from the comfort of their homes and it this has revolutionized the education system good rajvir regivir don't use the word tools hardware and software it's enough all right okay and then i just simply take my thesis and then at the end of the uh introductory paragraphs so this is now my uh band nine introduction uh let me review it to make sure i don't have any critical mistakes certainly the revolution of online education is well underway worldwide modern technology namely the computer and the internet has enabled billions of people to learn from the comfort of their homes and this has had a massive impact on education systems there's a little mistake there it's not a major but let's correct it take out that s some negatives of remote learning are more distractions and less socialization while the main reasons for virtual learning reasons for virtual uh i don't like the word learnings so i'm going to say educations or pedagogies rise in popularity there we go now i like my word choice a little bit more so some negatives of remote learning are more distractions and less socialization while the main reason for virtual pedagogies rise in popularity and its benefits are convenience affordability and diversity okay great so i'm happy with that introduction my essay now has clear direction and it seems to have that band nine content okay members really nice participation today i i love seeing how um both your thinking and your writing is really improving so many of those students who have been with me now regularly for months and months and are coming class after class i can definitely see your improvement and i hope that you can see it too without a shadow of a doubt um you are improving uh called the pedagogy is just a synonym for education okay if you look up pedagogy you'll find the word education okay it's professional education all right um so that's it for now i will be back in about 30 minutes with listening parts three and four where everybody will be able to join the chat members will finish this essay tomorrow so keep thinking about it maybe uh do a couple practice runs uh if you have some time today and for everybody watching to see all of our hd videos on writing and the other sections of the ielts exam join us at ae help dot com for academic outs and for general outs you will find some outstanding online learning material for the ielts exam there it's a one-time payment for lifetime access you're very welcome everyone thank you carolina to our moderator thank you members hopefully i will see you all tomorrow to finish this sn hopefully i'll see you in 30 minutes to finish the listening section that we started yesterday i'm adrian bye for now hopefully see you soon you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: _xB_r4CAHX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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