IELTS Live - Task 2 Writing - Band 9 Essay Flow

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ielts class welcome moani welcome nishant nice to see you in class on time my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you live from beautiful hungry here in central europe i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend in this class we are finishing a task two essay we will review the question go over the introduction and then we will write the body paragraphs and the conclusion today for that nice high band nine score this lesson is presented to you by for academic ielts success definitely check us out there for the general alts visit us at g on both of our websites we have lots and lots of fantastic materials for you this is the academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join us there and this is our general version of the website for general ielts again you can click that big red button to join us there we are british council ielts registration center partners if you're in saudi arabia you can even register for your ielts exam through contacting us we're happy to help you we're here for you and you can of course ask us questions about the exam if you have questions about ielts or our products just send me an email adrian ae help dot com pops though long time no see i'm happy you're in the class hi hassan hi lubna rajvir nice to see you all in here welcome david all right everyone you can also order our practice exams from amazon just search for a helps academic outs or ge helps uh general ielts so task two right now followed by a listening part 3 part 4 class that everybody will be able to join in for the chat and then tomorrow we will have a question and answer session for members so um lots going on in the world of ielts today especially with covid interfering with the regular uh functioning of the exam so i'm sure many people have questions i will do my best to give you answers we're always finding out new information as well so tomorrow members get ready for some q a and uh of course we'll follow that up with some speaking part two for everyone okay let's get into it um members get your introductory paragraphs ready i will be asking for that in just a moment so if you have to open that file on your phone or computer get that ready we will be sharing that in the chat very very soon i will first just go over the question so that everybody is up to par with us um so this was the question that we looked at yesterday al's task 2 writing you should spend about 40 minutes on this task these days more and more people are giving money as a gift on special occasions why is this do you think this is a positive or negative development include explanations and examples from your own experience okay so that's very important here as well now we did some really clever planning yesterday to identify what is a gift why people give gifts how they give gifts and we realize that really gift giving is about showing others that we care about them we're thinking about them they are special to us and we realize that money isn't always the best way to convey or communicate this information okay so money isn't the most thoughtful present that we can give to another person that we care about especially someone that we care about uh deeply so how did we come up with that while we thought about our own context and students uh we didn't get into this yesterday but when the question says include explanations and examples from your own experience it's a good idea to think about your experiences when you're planning the essay so we thought about that yesterday but i didn't connect it to the question okay so the question kind of hints towards that now i know bec john that that you didn't send me that but that's a part of this question and here uh we thought about that so um is money the best gift that i've ever received is it the most memorable gift that i've ever got as money and we've we came to the conclusion that it's not so we came up with our thesis statement okay uh we realized that money is the not the best form of a gift it's not a positive trend because it doesn't show caring and thoughtfulness it lacks sentimental value and we also realize that the reason people often give money is because it's convenient okay so here was the thesis okay uh for everybody watching the thesis statement in any academic essay but any good essay is the sentence which tells your reader the direction of your essay and your argument it's the last sentence of your introductory paragraph most students maybe all students in canadian american british australian schools learn how to write thesis statements effectively in grade 10 11 and 12. okay i still remember very clearly uh doing lots of exercises in my grade 10 and 11 english class where we were just focusing the whole class on writing thesis statements identifying thesis statements discussing thesis statements i'm not sure how much that's a part of other education systems in india in russia in spain and france and in argentina but that's definitely a part of the education system in english class english literature in the us in canada in the uk okay so practicing writing thesis statements so you have to be able to write a good thesis statement and again one of the big mistakes many many students make on the ielts is they have very very weak thesis statements like this essay will discuss the following okay that's like an introduction to thesis statements you definitely want to do more than that okay so this was our thesis statement here the primary reason that many people opt to give money as a gift is because it is convenient however since cash lacks sentimental value this is a negative trend as it defies the fundamental concept behind giving presence okay so for dave says now i don't think we have any thesis statement practice in our literature classes yeah so it's a different education system right for dogs so that's why i think a lot of students have trouble in ielts task too is because they don't have the same kind of lessons for essay writing um and um of course for the ielts people especially the academic they don't care about that they just want to see that level of writing or that type of writing okay all right um so let's get into the introduction let's do this and then we'll tackle the body paragraphs and the conclusion so give me your hook statements everyone so the hook is a simple 8 to 12 word statement that includes the topic of your essay that catches the reader's attention ok moroccan welcome to our group of members send me an email so i can hook you up in muratgon um zenger make sure to jump in and join the chat okay all right um muksud for the hook says nowadays gifting money has become more popular than ever before yeah okay moksu i think that works that's i think the reason we have come up with this essay question in the first place so i think it's good it's simple it's to the point it's ielts you don't need to overthink it your goal is to get a high band score right you can write provocative masterpieces in university where you can change the way the world thinks but on the ielts just concentrate on getting a high band score and muksu that will suffice that's enough okay for dave says gifts create save proof millions of relationships every day okay uh gifts create save and um prove i don't know if proof for dobbs maybe i would use prove prov um millions of relationships each day i would say strengthen for dogs gifts create save and strengthen millions of relationships every day i think that's the most natural way for dogs strengthen and strengthen millions of relationships okay it's creative for dogs just make sure not to make mistakes okay all right uh rajvir says nowadays people have more options to choose gifts than ever before that's a really clever thesis statement rajvir yeah it's another nice way to look at it is we have a lot of choices for gift giving so why give cash right you're rajiv yours is clever because you're already making the reader think about the concept of why give cash or why give money when you have more choices of gifts than ever before in history using online shopping and so forth absolutely okay all right uh hassan says the gift is a unique quality and can vary from ten dollars to thousands of dollars okay hassan i think it's a bit kind of off um the topic you're making me think about the value of a gift especially the monetary value so you're going to have to be careful with that victor says these days millions of people give gifts in order to improve relationships that's a good one victor i like it boom nicely done rashika it's looking a bit long many individuals prefer to receive durable items as gifts there are various kinds of prizes that we receive in our lifetime lifetime one word rashika people protect their special prizes throughout their lifetimes uh um yeah i think rashik it's it's it's a bit off okay i would rewrite that i i see where you're going with it but i don't think you're going in the right direction okay and i think you have more than the hook there you have also some of the background um moni says gifting is a sentimental tradition since ages ago moni uh sentimental s not c not sentimental with a c but with an s sentimental like sentiment okay not like centimeter but sentiment uh tradition since ages ago moni a go okay ago in the past all right abhishek uh everyone adores uh getting presents having presents um getting presents yeah abhishek it's good i would change having to getting it's not a critical mistake but i think getting is better everyone adores getting or receiving presents um yeah i think that'll catch the reader's attention it's simple it's elegant i like it abhishek right okay simple is beautiful all right uh sammy that's looking long presenting gifts makes people very happy that's a good hook these presentations are different types like giving articles events ideas everyone has their own choice of giving gifts to either loved ones or friends many individuals believe that giving money as a gift has many advantages however i think the negative impacts outweigh the positives sammy that's your full introduction it's okay okay it's not bad i would say sammy that that is um altogether like a band six point five seven uh no i would say seven sammy it's it's a seven you get a seven for that introduction okay um you could make it better sammy uh one way for example is just write a direct thesis sammy so however i think the impacts outweigh the negative impacts outweigh the positives where are you going with it it's it's unclear for me tell me what are the negatives so i however i think the negative impacts of not being sentimental outweigh the positives of convenience something like that sam so give me direction as a reader otherwise it's kind of like ah now i have to read more to even get an idea of what you're saying okay lubna says gifts are always a symbol of love and affection i like it lubna i think that's good okay and then lubna continues um hassan rajvir everybody else go ahead and include your background now and your thesis as well so let's see the rest of it and i'll let you know how you're doing okay just like sami and lubnar are doing here so lubna says every everyone has different ways of gifting some people prefer to give valuable objects while others give cash these presents have a significant impact on the recipients and hence must be thought of carefully very nice lubna you will see lubna that your background is quite similar to mine when i show it to you so lubna if you have a good thesis because i don't see your thesis but with your hook and your background lubna you are on path for a solid band 8 essay maybe even more if you do a good job on the rest of the essay okay so that's a good hook background lube now you're gonna see that yours is quite synonymous with mine all right uh joseph says the art of gifting has changed a lot uh in the last decade um yeah joseph i would say the last decades uh so not just in the last 10 years but in the last 40 50 years so maybe even the art of uh gifting has changed a lot in the last half century i think since the 1970s people really since consumerism became much more prevalent it has changed a lot okay all right janmai oh that's super cool john mai i really appreciate that wow janmai thank you uh you just put a smile on my face and i really appreciate that so john mai patel just made a super chat donation uh 40 rupees and says i got band 7 overall thank you so much uh janmai you're super welcome gemma if you send me an email i would love to put your testimonial on our website so thanks for coming back and sharing it's fantastic okay all right um so let's take a look at these backgrounds for dobbs says people give items and services to others without expectation of payment in return for special events like birthdays weddings and other celebrations to show love friendship solidarity and gratitude for doves it's a nice background again it's good that you're pushing yourself in these classes to test yourself in the real aisle to make sure you stick to sentences and words that you're 100 sure are used well in context okay for doves don't use the word anything remember i said avoid words using thing like something anything thing so those are very low quality words without the expectation of payment or compensation in return okay so anything it's kind of like what thing i mean i expect a smile when i give somebody a gift so i know we say that in everyday colloquial language for dogs but in writing we want to be as professional as possible so we stay away from words like anything okay all right uh rajvir says they opt to give objects events ideas and money as presents to their loved ones to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays anniversaries and festivals this is a crucial decision for gift givers to express their true care and consideration for the recipients beautiful background writing regime that's how you get an eight to nine band okay so that's definitely in the eight to nine band category as long as you keep going with that level of vocabulary coherence information that's what it takes okay all right you're welcome lubna okay victor says gifts are objects events and services that are given to a loved individual without expecting any compensation period we don't need in return because compensation we know victor is that good victor uh you're smart you're using the planning right so we have the information from the planning yesterday to write the background so we don't have to overthink this all right abhishek says these days taking and giving gifts has become a common practice around the world to show concerns emotions through gifts abhishek i don't think it's just these days i think we've been giving gifts for thousands of years to show concerns emotions so careful with content okay um even though a lot of people offer presents as cash to save time and energy i believe that this is a negative impact on the recipient because it lacks sentimental value abhishek good abhishek be really careful even though together with however it's dangerous so abhishek although you have good word use because of the confusing grammar even though with however and the confusing content of these days gift giving is common uh as opposed to what not common in the past this kind of writing would be no more than a band six okay so if you fix those you can get seven five if you don't fix those you're down at a six all right so it's quite quite tight it's quite strict at those higher band levels right david says since receivers may feel attracted to many uh items around them gifters in many cases prefer to avoid taking time to decide what can be suitable for them okay david i think you're more into the explanation of body paragraph one okay you're explaining convenience so i think um you're a little bit too far down the essay david okay all right so here's my introduction and then let's get cracking on those uh body paragraphs now for the body paragraphs i'll move around uh reading um your comments so try to be fast okay i'll pick out different people at different times but i'd really like to get through the body paragraphs and get to the conclusion today so lots of feedback on the introduction because in the introduction is key members if you have a good introduction then you are on path to a great essay if your introduction is weak it's really hard to save the essay okay it's like a race if you start really badly in a race it's really hard to save i guess a good way to to explain this is like gymnastics okay everybody knows what gymnastics gymnastics when people are doing flips and cartwheels and all different kinds of elegant and extravagant moves or a dance competition or ice skating figure skating competition if the figure skating competitors fall at the very beginning or the dancers make a a bad move or fall at the very beginning of the dance it's really hard to save their show and and the points so you have to have a good start okay just like in an essay so the introduction is super important okay so here is my introduction uh the hook the tradition of gift giving has been a part of humanity for millennia okay it's kind of like if you're reading a book on the traditions of gift giving right so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 words in this case so the tradition of gift giving has been a part of humanity for millennia now notice here i'm showing the examiner right away along with my hook that i'm able to use the present perfect as well has been a part of okay all right and then the background the altruistic presentation of an object remember this word altruistic it means to give without wanting compensation right so all of that information is in here the altruistic presentation of an object event or an idea to show caring for others is an essential ritual among relationships especially on unique occasions like anniversaries and birthdays each gift has a unique impact on the recipient's thinking and feeling so that's my importance of this question right why are we talking about this because when you give a gift you create an effect on the recipient's emotions and thoughts how did i think about that well i thought about myself when somebody gives me a gift i get some kind of a feeling i'm happy i'm super happy i'm so happy i start crying i'm kind of upset i'm insulted so there are feelings that are created um and also thoughts like wow this person really considered my likes and dislikes or wow this person really remembered what i was talking about last month when we were in that shopping mall right so i'm thinking about these okay and then comes the thesis the primary reason that many people opt to give money as a gift is because it is convenient however since cash lacks sentimental value this is a negative trend as it defies the fundamental concept behind giving presence okay so that's my introduction of course i can always make it better even this isn't perfect but it would definitely get me that bad nine in the essay okay so my body paragraph one now is the reason that cash is given okay so here i get into my details and i already have lots of information for this okay so body one starts of course with the topic sentence the topic sentence is a deeper definition of my thesis point 0.1 and my thesis point one in this case is the convenience of giving cash or the reason cash is given is because of its convenience okay so here write your topic sentences okay and again this shouldn't be too difficult because uh we already discussed what we mean by this convenience okay so that would be my topic sentence okay again try to be nice and fast okay let's see what you've come up with and then uh we'll compare okay all right looks like some of you are preparing that's fantastic okay so david um here if i reread what you wrote notice it almost works for your topic sentence since receivers may feel attracted to many items around them gifters in many cases prefer to avoid taking the time to decide what can be suitable for the receiver right david so if i reread i think that was your background correct me if i'm wrong but if i reread that it actually fits quite well for the topic sentence in this case do you notice that david so when you write essays when you practice them at home it's a good way to think about what you're doing asking yourself would this actually be better for my topic sentence and sometimes you realize that yeah yeah no this sentence is better for my topic sentence i'm missing something here right um so for doves says it is vital uh as nowadays people have weaker relationships due to hectic schedules okay for dobbs um a little bit confusing on um the message but uh i i kind of get what you're saying just rephrase it i like how you wrote that quickly though okay that's good rajvira says providing money as a gift is arguably a smart choice as it saves time and energy yeah instead of the word smart choice rajvir i would say it's a practical practical choice okay so i would use um i would use this collocation instead practical decision or practical choice okay it's kind of like a logical and simple decision okay so that's what i would go with practical victor says many people try to give money as a present for others in order to save their time and energy good victor don't repeat the word people instead use the word others right so avoid word repetition okay good um lubna says due to overwhelming schedules individuals often find it easier to give away cash as a present as it does not require much thinking and effort very good lubna okay very good um all right nicely done uh fantastic let's go on to the explanation okay now explanation always think about okay how why and quantitative information okay so numbers all right um so again numbers okay so think numbers all right i'm gonna write my explanation start writing your explanations and then again i'll try to catch different people uh so that we can compare and come up with some really great uh content for our body paragraphs here okay you okay so here is my explanation hopefully some of you have come up with a similar idea okay again if you're thinking about this you will come up with this all right so here's mine i'll read mine first this time and then read yours so throughout the year people are tasked with finding presents for dozens of occasions like birthdays graduations and new years to name a few it can take many hours to consider each person's uh let's take that yeah each person's needs and wants and then procure procure means to go and buy the gifts from physical or online stores all of this trouble can be avoided by simply putting a hundred dollars in an envelope with a nice congratulation card okay all right um so clearly this is a major motivation for people to gift money okay so again tying back to the original question right what are the reasons people give money all right okay um so let's see what you have sammy says people can just donate cash as gifts to recipients without going shopping and searching for different items selecting gifts may not satisfy neither the giver or the taker not only that but it also saves time sammy good ideas add some numbers right so people can just donate a hundred dollars as a gift to the recipient without going shopping for 10 hours and searching for different items notice how sami i just added couple numbers hundred dollars going shopping for 10 hours and it's making the essay sound so much better right it has such a stronger impact on the reader because we can all um familiarize ourselves with numbers okay so i just added two numbers to what you wrote hundred dollars and ten hours shopping just added two numbers and and i bumped up your score by half a band okay so make sure to do that maybe even more than half a band okay quantitative is very powerful all right jyoti there you are gifting cash as a gift also enables the recipients to buy their needed items okay jyoti review the video you have some good ideas review the videos to see where we're going with this essay okay david says in order to save time and energy simply gifting a hundred dollars is the most convenient solution rather than going to the store with that hundred dollars and buying a microwave and then carrying it uh to the wedding as a gift so david something like that right almost going into an example here all right ferdov says working 12 hours a day and being tired most people opt to give a hundred dollars as it prevents them from spending three to four hours in shopping centers and their batteries are safe energy okay so and so prevents them from spending three to four hours in shopping centers and using their last bit of energy using their last bit of energy okay victor says instead of going to shops purchasing gifts for birthdays weddings and festivals people give cash as a gift it helps them to save their valuable time and energy which are important for their own problems okay victor that's a good topic sentence but it doesn't explain the how does that happen so how do we save time okay hassan says individuals can give money as a gift and this saves hours of thinking when people want to buy presents as well as what types of gifts or surprise they have prepared for the recipients while gifting money can take only a fraction of minutes to decide the amount they want to gift very good hassan nice writing okay lubna good writing all right an example okay so here give an example now again everyone remember that for a great example so again to go for a high band so a band 9 you really have to think carefully about your example so the original question says uh include explanations and examples from your own experience so here um you should take some experience that you had either giving or receiving money which saved time quite possibly giving here might be the better choice when you gave somebody some money okay and then think about how this example may also be useful in your next body paragraph so body paragraph two uh where we explain that this is a negative trend because it doesn't have sentimental value um so think about that and think about how you might be able to come up with an example that you can also use um in your next body paragraph okay because having a good example that's used in both paragraphs will also help create coherence your essay will flow better and you'll have more connection okay so do that and of course you can just uh come up with it it can be uh completely from your imagination it doesn't have to be a real situation that you experienced okay uh rather it's more important that it's something you can use in both of your body paragraphs okay so um so i'm going to write my example you write yours and then we'll um compare it okay so all right uh so here's my example so for my brother's last birthday i simply had no time to do shopping so i transferred him 200 as a gift instead and this only took me three this only and this only took uh three minutes of my time okay all right now i'm going to finish this with a connecting sentence okay okay although this was convenient i was not satisfied with my choice okay so that's how i'm going to connect to my next body paragraph all right i see some other examples came up rajvir says i recently transferred 2 000 rupees to my close friend rahul's bank account as a diwali gift in just 50 seconds using my smartphone okay rajvir good so you're thinking very similarly to me all right david says last year my wife and i received mostly money for our wedding which i think was the most feasible solution for most of the attendees okay david good i can see where you're going with that right and i bet you're going to come up with a special gift that someone got you for your wedding which was a lot more memorable so very good okay you're on the right track so stay with the wedding good sammy says last friday my friend got married i just donated a couple of rupees as a gift through this i could avoid going to shopping during covid which was safe and saved a lot of time and energy okay sammy good all right i like how you're being very original bringing a little bit of covid in there as well and i'm curious to see where you're going to go with this maybe you'll realize that although i could have thought more about what he needed and stayed safe at home and ordered a special vacuum cleaner uh through online and had it delivered to them right so you can avoid uh covet and shopping malls and still give people gifts with online shopping okay so but i can see where you're going with it very good all right nice i can see some more sentences coming up rajvir finishes the paragraph by writing however this way of gift giving does not reflect the true essence of the giving culture sure rajr that works or you can even be specific rajvir to your example you can say however my choice of gift giving does not reflect my genuine connection to my friend okay so you can do it like that okay moroccan there you are awesome so for example setting out to buy a gift in a shopping mall teaming with people could be an unsurmountable burden especially ones whose job is fully to require being an emergency service or taking care okay murad khan i'm not exactly sure where you're going with it try to have more clarity okay the other important point moroccan is you don't have to write for example okay if you have a good example that connects to the information that's relatable you don't actually need to write for example notice how a lot of the students and myself included i don't write for example i just write for my brother's last birthday this example in brackets just so you see where the explanation is separated okay but when you have a good example you don't need to write for example or for instance okay because the example itself clearly connects okay so clearly this is a major motivation for people to gift money for my brother's last birthday i simply had no time to do shopping so i transferred him 200 this and this connects very strongly doesn't require for instance or for example good writing won't need that kind of wordiness okay but great we're kind of happy that you're on board and you're in the lesson that's fantastic okay all right everyone so um oh boy these classes sure move quickly okay so i'm going to just start typing my body to and my conclusion here we've got about let's say 10 minutes 12 minutes to go here right so i'm going to write the body and the conclusion in that time do the same okay so just start typing as best as you can topic sentence background conclusion and i'll uh and i'll reflect on the chat and i'll try to catch as much as i can and give feedback while competing or completing the essay okay so remember topic sentence it's a negative trend okay so you okay let's see what you're coming up with um rajvir says there's an absence of caring and thoughtfulness when money is given by individuals as a present on special occasions good hassan says the negative side of giving money as a gift is that it lacks sentimental value for both the giver and the receiver very nice hassan okay i'm going to keep going so keep going students i told you i'm going to take a look you you you okay uh so let's see what you have uh abhishek says nevertheless i believe providing gifts without caring and sentimental value um does not strengthen the bond of relationships good abhishek a little correction at the end there david says conversely gifting a selected object directly reflects the sentimental liaison between individuals very nice use of the word liaison david liaison is the quality of the relationship between two parties right so very good use of the word liaison david david says even though choosing the perfect present can take a long time this is an effort that givers decide to make because they want to offer the best possible gift very nice david very nice writing there fantastic okay um of course there are presents that are per durable in time going back to my wedding last year the most relevant present that i received was a simple computer that i wished to have previously my friend mike knew it and decided to make it a reality very nice david yeah a computer for the family that you and your wife can use brilliant okay that's that would be a very thoughtful present absolutely okay um so uh this is what i wrote for my second body paragraph simply put giving money to others does not satisfy the true intent of presence for special occasions as cash does not reflect thoughtfulness or caring towards the recipient money is simply a tool used to buy objects and services and people know that little effort goes into the process of giving a hundred dollars on a special occasion especially when compared to a thoughtful item where the giver has considered the personality and conversations they have had with the recipient and take a few hours to search for that perfect gift in fact i after seeing in fact let's make correction here review and revise after seeing the disappointment on my brother's face for simply giving him money for his birthday i decided that i would go out and buy him a nice apple watch that he had had his eye on for quite some time okay now the conclusion so conclusion in conclusion you you okay so this is my conclusion here uh in conclusion giving money is an easy and quick solution towards giving presents to others but it is a bad trend because it does not create the desired results of this ritual therefore i think that people should take a few hours out of their busy schedules to consider the right gift and then buy and present it at the end of the day relationships matter much more than a few dollars in an envelope okay so that's my conclusion um let's see uh what you've come up with okay so again lots of visualization there uh lubna says most people are aware of the fact that money which comes in the form of presence is just given to complete the formality and most of them are not happy with it very nice lubna that could fit really well in your second body paragraph where that could actually fit well in your conclusion as well lubna okay sammy says giving cash as a gift affects individuals uh sentimentally because the recipient recipient feels that money is mechanical and it does not show true love and affection very good sammy okay don't use contractions sammy doesn't does not okay victor says giving money for special occasions is not memorable for recipients and after some period of time uh people forget this gift yeah it's very true victor most of us just forget about money people go oh yeah that guy gave me 50 bucks on my birthday once i remember now um yeah but we usually forget those it's not the same as having a nice candle holder or something sitting on your shelf and you go oh yeah i remember who gave that to me okay um all right hassan says after that i felt my brother's disappointment for the money that i had given i decided to buy him a new ps game that he was always talking about when i gave him the game my brother was over the moon very good hassan exactly yeah way to get the over the moon idiom in there okay victor says in conclusion people gift money as a gift to save their time and effort however this is a bad idea to do because it does not show caring i strongly believe that individuals have to spend their time to express their affections towards others very nice victor that'll work good job victor you're really improving and you've really you're you've come a long ways since you've joined these classes so good for you okay all right welcome aboard new members um that's it for today we got it done uh roughly 300 words i think from the top uh that's uh all we need now again i would review revise this uh before my final version always at home take uh an hour to go over your essay fix mistakes change information as needed and just make it really perfect so when you get into the real ielts then you can produce these high quality essays quickly okay all right everyone for academic ielts lots of essay examples there and lots of help with writing from professionals as well as speaking practice exams for general ielts and i will be back in 30 minutes with listening parts uh 3 and 4 some practice and some strategy for that so hopefully everybody will join me that will be an all chat class everybody can join the chat there you're very welcome muksud good job rajvir in the class good job sami victor abhishek nicely done murat khan thank you for joining make sure to send me an email so i can hook you up with your perks have a fantastic break and see you soon you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2, writing, essay, paragraphs, sentences, vocabulary, introduction paragraph, band 9, body paragraphs, conclusion, IELTS description, English examination, writing IELTS, writing for task two, second part of writing, writing strategies, IELTS task 2, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 2 explain, IELTS task 2 learning, IELTS task 2 explanations, plan, planning, understand, skills, strategies
Id: vlKdW80EfBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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