IELTS Live - Reading Section - How to Achieve Band 9?

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hi students and welcome to today's live ielts class my name is adrian i'm streaming to you from beautiful budapest here i hope everybody has had a great week and is looking forward to a fantastic weekend hi carolina hi berendra amrit rashika nikhil good to see many of our members gagan shubharat mashaya sarbapreet nice to see koal nice to see many of our regular members in the class students we are practicing al's reading today we're going to talk about how to achieve a band 9 score in the reading section a couple of really important points to pay attention to and these materials are presented to you by ae for academic ielts success please check us out there for the general ielts please visit us at g ielts help that's general on both of our websites we have lots and lots of materials to help you improve for the reading section as well as other parts of the ielts test just quickly show you that this is the academic web portal here at with the blue background click that big red button to join there and for the general ielts it's the green background uh same kind of layout click that big red button to join us there of course we have apps to support our websites that have our materials also so you can learn on the go academic isles help from your google play or apple app stores link it to your web account a help dot com or general ielts help app will link to your gl's help dot com account if you have questions just send me an email adrian at if you want to get our exam books get them from amazon search amazon for a helps academic academic ielts or g helps general ielts tiger world glad to see you in class as well thanks for the shout out okay everyone so reading today tomorrow members we will have a task one and then we'll have a speaking part three for everyone today we're going to read this passage here causes of the american economic crisis so maybe the last big crisis before the current covid crisis was the economic crisis some of you probably remember back in 2008 and of course that domino started with the economic crisis in the u.s uh we even have this picture here um what is this picture about what is this picture and this title telling us here what will happen here maurya says it's the recession of 2008. um anybody what do we remember about that some of you might have been quite young at that time but it definitely affected your parents and a lot of people abhishek says stock prices yeah this is a stock price table here from some stock exchange there was a lot of unemployment more yeah that's right a lot of people lost their jobs of course uh the market shares crashed yeah kowal i'm not sure what you mean by that it's unfamiliar to me yeah romaine says it was the subprime crisis yeah that's exactly what it was romain so when you read the title of a passage and you look at a picture you should think as much as possible about that topic so that you can collect information that you have as much as possible if you don't have a lot of information that's okay but to get a high band score to get a band 9 you can only make one mistake out of all of the 40 questions okay anas it's not the great depression that would be jumping back to the 1930s okay so it's not the great depression that's a different uh economic crisis in the world all right um what caused it anybody remember what the cause of that crisis was what was the biggest uh reason or what started that crisis globally that dragged the american dollar and then of course a lot of the other economies around the world followed what actually led to that some of you probably remember i guess so what was the root cause of this it wasn't the world trade center it wasn't the corona effect yeah abhishek says it was bank loans yeah so money wasn't paid back a lot of loans were given out so the banks gave a lot of loans and those loans were not paid back because there was no ability to pay back uh those loans yeah exactly okay so that was a big reason and then the banks got into trouble and the banks failed right okay so uh before we read the questions or look at the questions and the passage more uh just a couple of important notes on what's important to score a band nine so you know some students are like i want to get a band nine on ielts i think i can i have good english i think i can get a band nine okay so what's important for getting a bad nine um okay well simply put one of the first steps that's important is use correct strategies for fluent active reading okay so that's that's kind of the big answer right so read fluently read actively okay um and for a lot of people who are not sure about this have to read the whole passage to get a band nine i can basically say it's impossible to get a band nine unless it's like winning the lottery where um you just get super super lucky but nobody ever sits an exam the same way that you play the lottery so you have to read the whole passage to get a bad nine and to get a bad nine you need to understand at least 90 of the passage okay that is really really important as well okay so you do have to have a lot of understanding of the passage so to get a bad nine those are all kind of important steps okay and of course you must be able to interpret the passage meaning digest the information and use good critical thinking to analyze questions okay so you have to be good at all of these all right muhammad if you can't read the whole passage it's very unlikely that you can get a band nine or even a band eight okay so i'm just you know really honestly students um you might be able to get a band seven if you don't read the whole passage uh you very unlikely will get anything higher than that if you don't read the whole passage and again teachers who teach ielts i promise you that if they sit the ielts exam they will read the whole passage before they give the answers even if they teach students to just skim and scan i don't think any teacher will ever actually just skim and scan the passage in the aisle so one of the important points that we believe in when we teach our students and this includes all of our lessons in a and is we never tell students to use strategies that the teacher would not use okay and i don't think any ielts teacher would honestly tell you that they would sit the ielts exam and do the reading passage by just skimming and scanning for answers and if they do i don't think that teacher would get a banned nine okay all right that's just the reality of it all right so i wouldn't teach you to drive a car in a way that i don't believe in driving a car uh just the same i wouldn't teach you to do ielts in a way that i wouldn't do aisles okay all right uh district daughter says you won't have enough time to read the whole passage yes you will students again talking about time this passage if we look at it it's close to two pages this passage for an average um upper intermediate english level student shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to read maximum okay you have 20 minutes for each passage if it takes you 18 minutes or 15 minutes to read a passage like this you have to improve your reading speed in english it's that simple because you will not be able to do professional work or school university college if it takes you 15 minutes to read two pages keep in mind that the average university student okay so i'll make a note of this so you're aware the average student yeah full-time universities canada uk us is expected to read 120 to 180 pages each week and you're not just expected to read the 120 to 150 pages each week um but also uh you are expected to be tested on that okay just give me a second i'll try to adjust the sound okay um if my uh voice is still cracking let me know i just adjusted that okay if there's still a sound problem just let me know and i'll uh and i'll adjust it okay i'm looking at what you're telling me okay all right um so again you're expected to read 120 to 150 pages each week just do the math if you're reading let's say 150 pages and your average speed is 7 minutes per page you are reading for 1050 minutes that's too much okay so in a week okay in one week all right so uh if it takes you that long then you need to improve your uh speed of reading remember students we're focusing on how to get a band 9 here all right and so without you know badgering you too much about this okay um yeah always in university at least half a book per week at least half a book per week in the us uk for universities canada as well i remember my university days like they were yesterday five courses uh one chapter per course per week each chapter averaged 30 minutes oh and by the way the pages on unit in university books are much larger than these pages okay um so it's almost like two of these pages i don't it's not to scare you it's just to give you a snapshot of reality okay all right um so we read the title let's get back to this so causes of the american economic crisis we think about as much information as we can so we have the stock markets here obviously there's something about the losing of money maybe something about banks people losing money okay so then we go all right well i have a little bit of an idea so i'm gonna go look at the questions see if any questions can help me understand this passage uh a little bit more okay so we look at the yes no not given and we go okay so here i don't know which one of these is a no i don't know which one of these is a not given so i don't read that okay that's a waste of time to read it before the passage all right then i have a complete each sentence with the correct ending a to f so i look here and i see okay there's three questions and i have six choices that means half of these are wrong so i don't read the choices but i know that this information is in the text so banks have responsibility keywords banks responsibility so something about banks responsibility is in the passage okay each bank is responsible for okay i have bank and responsible again so obviously this is an important point in the passage and then recession is started when okay recession that's important hopefully i know the meaning of the word recession okay hopefully all right okay so banks responsibility recession those are some good tips to help me let's see if we have some more questions ah great here we have a summary using the list of words i don't worry about the list of words but i'm going to look at the summary because that's going to help me the title of the summary is the american government's role okay so i see something about banks and now something about governments okay so banks and governments are going to be important here all right okay so i'm going to read this quickly i'm not going to try to understand every word or pronounce every word i'm just going to read it quickly read with me this is a reading class student so make sure to read with me and if you can read aloud read so you can hear yourself okay all right here we go it is the american government which is arguably most responsible for the economic crisis in order to properly people must be sheltered from possible problems created by regulation is required in any society in order to coerce people into acting for the benefit of government is in place to serve its citizens and in this case it has failed apologists will say that the recession is just that on the radar of american supremacy while others say that such bumps on the road are serious uh problems of serious problems regulation is the solution to the problem but the american of independence and small government will be very difficult to crack okay and then i have question 40 multiple choice i don't worry about the answers because i don't know which one is correct which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of reading passage three so this is reading passage three it's virtually impossible to skim here i'm reminded about that so this question is asking about the main aim so the main goal of this passage you cannot answer this kind of question by just skimming the passage okay you can't explain what the main aim of a passage is by quickly skimming through it very difficult anyway okay all right um so now we have a little more of an idea so let's read this passage and then we will answer the questions and i'll show you a good strategy to follow while you're reading so that you can have the best chance to give correct answers and this is practicing active reading okay so we're going to start with paragraph one and for each paragraph we're going to summarize and visualize the main point of the paragraph okay so this is a skill that you need to practice all the time all right so here we go read with me causes of the american economic crisis when discussing the causes of the late 2000's american subprime mortgage crisis it is easy to lay all the blame on the banks but it is incorrect to claim innocent the individual home buyers involved as well as the american government as a whole very important okay so banks individual home buyers and american government that's really important here there are many instances in the years leading up to the crisis where moral obligations failed to be met for the home buyers it is a case of ignoring a scenario which was upon deeper inspection too good to be true for the bankers it was falling prey to their own laissez-faire loaning policies lending without giving much interest to the mandates required of the borrower for the government it was instituting such a lazy affair system in the first place free of regulatory checks and balances what is this paragraph about so here reading actively i would visualize that i'm the one who wants to buy a house i'm in the united states it's 2006 and uh i've got an okay job but i want a really nice house on the beach in california cost me a million dollars uh i go to the bank and i say hey john i need a million bucks for this house and i i have an okay job i work as a mechanic i make 50 bucks an hour uh can i buy this house and he goes yeah sure here's the million bucks no problem okay and uh then uh suddenly i lose the house i lose the money and it's game over okay so what is it about koala says who is responsible yeah so the responsibility for the economic crisis that's right okay so anas says who's to blame and who's not to blame for the economic crisis oh it's very good determining responsibility of the crisis really nice concise answer take a look at what os says always says determine the responsibility for the crisis perfect regiver says responsibility for the crisis that's it so now you're visualizing this was it my fault was it the bank was it the government whose fault it is it that i bought my million dollar home on the beach in california and i couldn't afford to pay okay so whose fault is it mine the banks or the governments let's keep reading so that's what it's going to be about and i'm sure it's going to explain that i'm sure it's going to explain the person and then the bank and then the government because that's a logical way to write the essay from small to big small the individual the person medium-sized the bank the big the big fish the government right organizing the essay in this way makes sense okay so think about it ielts uh test creators they're professional writers they write in a an effective standard way so you can predict uh the essay structure if you think like they think okay all right here we go read with me if a person falls prey to an email scam the blame is deservedly placed on the hapless person society feels pity for them but nobody feels the government should reimburse the individual for their lack of caution the person in this scenario has affected no one but themself if a person falls prey to a too good to be true subprime mortgage and ends up bankrupt he or she is not just hurting themselves they are also hurting society because that debt inevitably rests with the populace thus while a person has no social responsibility to act a certain way in the case of the email scam a person does have a social obligation when it comes to actions that can hurt society such as taking on a subprime mortgage the counter argument here is that people perceive banks as possessing a certain level of trustworthiness and that it is unreasonable to expect people to have their too good to be true radar active when dealing with banks nevertheless people do have an ethical obligation to be aware of pitfalls and being told it's okay by trustworthy institutions is simply not a sufficient excuse okay so what is this paragraph about if you had to summarize this in a few words what would you say in this case i'm visualizing myself borrowing a million dollars for my california beach home and when i don't pay the bank back my neighbor loses their job my neighbor john my good friend who works with me at the same mechanic shop as i do now they lost their job too why because the business had to close because there's not enough money for the bank to support the business that we work for so fennel says it's the responsibility of the individual yeah and fennel maybe just one more step further okay uh sam says uh samkhan katnoria says whom to trust yeah very good so rajvir says it's a person's actions impacting society yeah carolina your responsibility with a situation that's too good to be true where you impact society yeah mahi very good so mahi says it's the responsibility of an individual for society yeah so when we borrow a million dollars from the bank and we don't pay that back we're not just hurting ourselves i think a lot of people feel that way but we're actually hurting society because that money is taken from other parts of society right very good okay um let's keep going here we go banks have a responsibility to protect their customers and to look out for the general economic health of not just their company but of the entire industry the american banks failed in these considerations in each of these regards first they offered mortgages to millions of ill qualified buyers who were clearly not going to be able to fulfill the requirements of the mortgage to make the loans viable individual lenders acted selfishly exploiting very relaxed lending policies to benefit their own finances second banks failed to look after the health of their own companies this is not a failure of individual bankers but a failure of those in management positions many u.s companies that need a multi-billion dollar bailout are an unmitigated disaster although this failure falls more in line with the email scam that is to say a failure which is not a social failure but a business failure the social failure lies in the bank's obligation to the entire industry and the economy as a whole each bank is responsible for a small piece of the economic pie if one bank fails it appears as a blip on the radar however with each individual failure the threshold for failure for the remaining companies is lowered it is in this sense that companies have a moral obligation to do good business because if they do not they raise the chances of bankruptcy for each of their competitors and the economy as a whole eventually the threshold of failure is so low that almost all lending has to cease and a recession is ignited hmm okay so what is this paragraph about so uh now i'm kind of uh thinking about myself at the bank talking to my banker and my bank are going yeah of course here's that million dollars take it and hey tell your friend tim to come in too i got another million for them as well so afulabi says it's the bank's responsibility and obligation towards the economy yes fennel says it's the lending and loan of different banks lacking yep there's some there as well i'm still looking for the best answer dimita very good so dimita david says is the obligation of the bank to the industry and the customer right so that would be this paragraph summarized as the responsibility of the bank to the industry to the customer and its failure in the american economic crisis for these right yeah krishna very good banks negligence with customers and the banking industry so krishna chetri if you add and the industry or the finance industry you've got the perfect summary bank's negligence with customers and the finance industry okay all right um let's do this so let's um read the next one i'm guessing it's going to be about the governments so here we go in this investigation of blame placing arguably the body who holds the most responsibility is the american government the truth is that if people are not protected from themselves by the government society cannot function well the holy free market is akin to an economic version of hobbes's state of nature people acting like tigers and bears trying to get at each other's money society does not work optimally when it pays overwhelming dividends for people to act selfishly it takes regulation and economic policy to force people into acting in society's best interest one of the duties of a government is to protect its citizens from each other and in this case the american government has failed catastrophically defenders of the free market will claim that this recession is simply a temporary bump in the road for what is arguably the greatest economic power in world history they will claim that the free market is in the best interest of everyone despite its rather unsightly undercarriage in response it can be argued that the bumps in the road are symptomatic of a system in need of healing by means of regulation unfortunately american culture is such that any regulation is seen as government interference in private affairs and such intervention conflicts with american ideals economics is not the only arena where this belief system is played out americans continue to allow their poorest citizens to live without proper health care and they put the burden of the cost of higher education directly on students many european countries fully subsidize higher education until this distaste for government intervention is cast aside events like the subprime mortgage crisis will continue to occur whether they are merely bumps on the economic road or signs of forthcoming systemic collapse in both cases the government has failed to fulfill their role to save the citizens from themselves in regard to subprime mortgages regulation of banking is like an insurance policy for the economy it may lower profits insurance policies cost money but it smooths out the bumps in the road as long as the american government continues to turn a blind eye to these insurance policies they will continue to put the social well-being of its citizens at risk long paragraph lots to follow there about the government but if you visualize if you picture it and take it step by step you can create a clear picture of what this paragraph is really saying okay so fennel says it's the strict regulation of governments on the banking system fennel not quite but you have the right sphere of idea okay learn english you should have to read more you have to work on your reading fluency read regularly okay uh alex says it's the government's u.s government so i'm going to read that because it was looking good alex i just have to find it again let me see it uh alex says it's the u.s government's intervention in the private sector and its after effects in the economy uh yeah alex one missing word the lack the lack of u.s government intervention in the private sector and its effects in the economy yeah that would be a very good way to say it okay but it's not the us government's intervention it's the lack of intervention okay rajvir says it's the government's failure in handling monetary policies yeah absolutely that's what it's about okay so now i have a pretty good idea okay so in the beginning the introduction told me about who's responsible individual bank government and then in body one two three it basically explained to me why the individual is responsible why the bank is responsible and how and why the government should be responsible okay so hopefully i got that information and now i can answer the questions with some good strategies so here we have yes no not given it's a yes if the statement agrees with the writer it's a no if the statement is opposite of what the writer is saying and it's not given if we can't really tell if the writer would agree or disagree with that statement okay that's how you have to think about it all right now there's some really logical steps to yes no not given and true false not given first you have to figure out is it given or is it not given okay so don't try to figure out if it's not given true or false or yes or no but first just try to figure out if it's given or if it's not given the way to do that is to figure out if this information belongs in the passage or does not belong in the passage the way to do that is to think about it as is it important for the passage or not tiger world is saying that yeah one way the 700 words right so is it important for this topic for this essay okay so those that fall for common scams deserve to be compensated by society so is it important to know that people who fall for everyday scams tricks and lose their money deserve to get money back from society always says it's not important now remember os we're talking about individual [Music] responsibility so this is dealing with the controlling idea of individual responsibility so it is important right because the passage talks about individual responsibility so does the author think that a person who falls for an everyday scam or a trick deserves to be compensated so it's given because it's dealing with individual responsibility okay and romaine says no the author says they shouldn't be remember the email scam so that was very visual somebody says you won the lottery just send us 50 and we'll send you 2 million oh great ok my neighbor should give me back the 50 because i was foolish and i sent it to this company no the the the odds won't lie so if you don't think it's true the author won't think it's true the answer is no okay does that make sense so i read this i figured out if it's given or not given i realize that this information is dealing with individual responsibility and then i realized that no it's not true because the author says that you know society doesn't have to repay a person who loses their money because they go into a casino and put all their money on uh black eight okay all right uh number 28 many homeowners are too young and irresponsible so again i want to figure out given or not given so is it important to know the age so the focus is too young so it's the age of people who buy the home given or not given is it important to know the age of the people who are buying their house so abhishek says it's not important it's too much detail plus it doesn't really matter if i buy a house for a million dollars when i'm 60 or if i buy it when i'm 20 and i can't pay back the money it doesn't really matter right so why would the author talk about that so this one is not given okay so far so good so here i don't even need to go to the is it true is it not true in fact a lot of students find the not givens really difficult and challenging ironically when you figure out how to answer the not given questions they're one of the easiest questions because they're quick you don't have to search you don't have to read you just figure out that it's not given you don't have to think about is it true or is it not true you just write not given and then you can move on okay uh karen can you please switch to english in the chat so i don't have to put you on time out english class right let's use english okay especially in ielts which is intermediate to advanced english okay so let's use english all right don't distract other students it's probably not fair right okay so number 29 society trusts the banking system okay again given or not given is it important to know about the trust for the banking system this has to do with banks responsibility right so yeah absolutely abhishek absolutely rajvir it's important right so this is going to be important so it's important so here we have to figure out whether it's true or not so it's given so the second step is true or false or in this case yes or no okay so does society trust the banking system do you trust the banking system if you have money in the bank i hope you do so if if you don't have money in the bank maybe you don't but anybody who has money in the bank hopefully you trust the banking system if you don't take your money out that's my suggestion right invest it somewhere else so um yeah society trust the banking system so this would be a yes okay all right rohan says i have money in the bank and i don't isn't that weird i think many of us rohan would agree with you we have money in the bank but we don't trust the bank how does that make sense um all right let's keep going home buyers have an ethical obligation to be aware of trustworthy institutions so again is this given or is it not given is this dealing with individual bank or government responsibility is it dealing with that yeah absolutely it is uh this question is also dealing with individual responsibility home buyers are individuals ethical obligations are responsibility okay so from that i can figure out that it's going to be given okay and home buyers have an ethical obligation to be aware of trustworthy institutions is it true so should we be kind of like uh you're gonna give me a million dollars even though i can't pay you back i should be a little bit careful about that right you're gonna give me a credit card with twenty thousand dollars at twenty percent interest when i can't pay back that interest i should be a little bit careful so it's given right is it true yeah absolutely right when a deal seems too good to be true you should always think about that twice you should always think ah maybe that's not it's not right okay so no not given yes yes those are the answers okay logic and reading the passage is the way to answer yes no not given quickly skimming and scanning is very slow and very inaccurate for yes no not given questions you simply cannot skim read for not given right um it's not possible you end up reading the passage like four times i i in all honesty students uh many um candidates who take the ielts exam and tell me that they don't have enough time to read the passage when i'm seeing how they do the test i actually see that they skim read each passage like three times and then i ask them like hey you know if you didn't skim read the passage two or three times searching for the answers are you sure you couldn't read the passage just once normally and then skim read less and many students are like oh yeah maybe yeah maybe if i don't skim read for 10 minutes over and over and over again i could just read the passage right maybe maybe um try it if you're one of those people that's panicking and skim reading all over the place try reading it okay you might be surprised all right um okay dimita i just did so maybe you joined late okay check it out all right so here let's try uh to answer these so the way to do this kind of finishing with the correct sentence ending is to finish on your own and then to figure out the perfect match or the closest match okay all right so that's the way to do it all right um so here number 31 banks have a responsibility too what do banks have a responsibility too from reading the passage what do we have what what do banks have a responsibility to okay carolina says to protect their customers that's one i remember that so they have a responsibility to protect their customers what else kawasa's check customer info uh yeah kind of so os says protect the customers yeah and there's another big one that they're talking about fennel says to make sure that their loans are viable yeah follow lending policy burendra says personal data i don't know if there's much about that berendra i think you're confusing it with last class yeah very good so rajvir says to safeguard other banks yeah so what i got from reading this is that banks have a responsibility for their customers and for other banks right for their neighbors for their other banks okay um okay so let's see if there's something that matches now pay attention to these prepositions okay and uh words that are joining because that will help to figure out the right one okay so banks have a pr uh responsibility to the breathing room nope to the breathing room doesn't make sense banks have a responsibility to reassure the people that it is okay to borrow money maybe doesn't seem to match information in the passage but maybe banks have a responsibility to instructing their employees to lend no definitely not banks have a responsibility to their small part of the nope to their small part of the nope uh banks have a responsibility to protect the industry they are a part of that looks really good banks have a responsibility to the banks have to receive no okay so these kinds of questions they have to make grammatical sense and they have to have they have to be a correct sentence when they're put together so because of that i know that this uh and this are impossible okay um so um this is awkward writing as well so this one this one this one and logically this one's kind of weird um this one's kind of weird as well e is the best match it has the best uh grammatical match as well so e is going to be my correct answer here okay and i can see that many of you gave that okay that was very clear so to the other banks osu so os is asking can i just use grammar to find the correct answer probably not os um there will usually be at least two that will grammatically match okay uh so you can't use just grammar but you can use uh grammar to um at least eliminate a couple of the answers okay all right so uh e yeah let's go to the next one 32 each bank is responsible for uh what is each bank responsible for they're responsible for their customers make sure this for the safety of the money sure okay uh note freelancer we definitely read the passage that was key to getting these answers okay all right rashika says it's b so awful lobby says responsibly for other banks yeah okay i think that works so for other banks or for the economy okay um and uh i can read these again for the breathing room for failure no for reassure the people doesn't make grammatical sense for instructing their employees to lend to in ill-qualified buyers that's really strange that's probably not going to be an answer for anything for their small part of the big economic picture so banks are responsible for their small part of the big economic picture that looks really good for the banks have to receive a bailout that doesn't make sense d definitely looks like the right answer so i'm going to go with d okay and then number 33 a recession is started when okay um anybody remember when a recession is started okay so when is a recession started how does a recession start so how what happens when money suddenly loses value and people lose their jobs how does that happen how does recession usually start it was very clear in the passage uh moira says when banks loan to ill-qualified buyers that's possible um yeah mukbal says when there's no liquidity in the bank okay yeah so when the bank is no longer able to loan money okay everything in the channel we're using our exam book one so academic ielts help exam book one okay so here the breathing room for failure is so low that lending has to stop if we stop lending recession is started so the correct answer is a if we don't if banks are no longer able to loan money that leads to recession because that means we have to use the money that we have and that devalues money very quickly okay all right very good nicely done all right so now we have this uh filling in the blanks same way we try to figure out or think of the answer on our own and then we find the match okay these are actually quite fast so this type of question can be a lot faster than true false not given or this matching the sentence ending okay all right here we go so it is the american government which is arguably most responsible for the economic crisis in order to something properly people must be sheltered from possible problems created by so in order to what properly what do you think would go in there in this passage so in order to something properly uh people must be sheltered maurya says function properly yeah i think function or um work properly something like that yeah absolutely let's see if there's a word like that in there um is function in there yeah so in order to function properly i would agree work or function work and function are kind of synonyms you won't see both in the choices uh which one is it okay it's in there if you have the perfect match go with it okay don't choose anything different so in order to function properly yep people must be sheltered from possible problems created by something okay what is it created by so what are the problems created by okay so what's creating the problem with this passage in mind so problems created by banks maybe by the recession that could be possible as well if you're not sure read the next sentence so regulation is required in any society in order to coerce people into acting for the benefit of so people must be sheltered from possible problems created by maybe society okay so banks society something like that here we go everyone popularity blip desires signs borrow themselves culture function government which one do you think makes the most sense is the closest i don't think culture creates the problems okay so let's say you say okay it could be d themselves could be f culture could be j government okay or it could be uh g desires okay you're not sure uh put them all in try them all out okay so themselves culture desire governments so in order to function properly people must be sheltered from possible problems created by themselves by culture that's kind of weird by governments uh people must be sheltered from possible problems created by governments maybe um now you could put governments and themselves in there for now so you could say okay i'm gonna put themselves and governments desires is a bit awkward so i'm going to go with themselves and governments for now so d and j okay and then i'm going to keep going and if one of these fits better into another one of these spaces then i can remove that and i can figure out which one is accurate okay so i can deduce that all right now remember it's a summary for the american government's role okay so another way i can figure this out is i can go back to that paragraph and i can check so people must be sheltered or protected right so if i'm a fast reader what i can do at this point is i can go back to that paragraph and look for what people must be protected or sheltered from okay so the truth is if that people are not protected from themselves by the government okay so now i know that the answer is definitely from themselves because this question is a summary of this paragraph right so that's another way that i can do it and that's another way i can build confidence that i have the correct answer right so if people are not protected from themselves right so themselves is d so i'm going to keep d okay does that make sense okay don't forget this is not a summary of the whole passage it's a summary of the american government's role all right okay all right everyone uh so i'm gonna leave the rest of this to you so 36 37 38 39 figure that out on your own uh here are the choices here's question 40. this is a nice challenge for everybody to work on until tomorrow okay so which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of the reading passage there are the choices answer that on your own and then when you think you've got the right answers uh send them to my email and i'll give you the answer key with a special discount to our uh premium package online course so my email is adrian ae help dot com and you can check out our courses and materials at for academic aisles that's where this material was from and for general and i again i'll give you the answer key so okay so if you send me uh your answers i'll let you know what the correct answers were for those last five questions uh keep up the good studies everyone tomorrow i'll have a couple more live alt classes for you you're very welcome alex and rajvir all right uh berendra you won't have a passage quite like this one in the general okay but your reading section three in the general is similar in the format it just won't be as academic of topic okay you're very welcome mahi very welcome er fun have a wonderful rest of your day a great start to your weekend everyone sweet dreams if it's late in your country much love to all of you i'm adrian signing out from budapest for now bye you
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 7,492
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Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: dmJJjp6Q8WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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