IELTS Live - Task 1 Writing - Bar Chart Band 9 Sample

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today's live ielts class my name is adrian and i'm streaming to you live from beautiful budapest here in central europe i hope everybody has had a good week has been productive staying healthy and looking forward to an excellent weekend this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch to become a member just click the join button beside the subscribe button if you don't see that you can send me an email if you have any other questions my email is adrian at ae help dot com of course as usual this class is presented to you by ae help com for academic ielts success please visit us there and for general ielts please check us out at g on both of our websites we have loads and loads of great help for you in this class we're looking at task 1 writing for bar charts a band 9 example and this is for academic ielts specifically so if you're a general ad student i mean you still get some good listening practice and so forth but your task one is quite different okay you can also get our apps academic ielts help link it to for a great learning experience and general aisles help for gl' hi jay neil all right students so our um academic web portal looks like this at you can click that big red button to join the premium package and our general ielts portal looks like this at with the green background you can click that big red button to join the premium package there okay so task one today we'll get going here in just a second and then uh speaking part two cue card for everyone coming up in about 90 minutes hi parmar i'm doing fantastic thank you for asking i hope you're doing well also okay here we go let's get into this so we're looking at a bar chart today uh bar charts are fairly popular in the academic ielts sometimes students ask like you know what's the chance to get a bar chart or pie chart it or a diagram um it's kind of a lucky draw i think they're all roughly equal chance so it's a good idea to understand all of these what they're used for and practice all of them before your exam you probably won't be able to guess what you get and of course oftentimes you'll get a combination of a bar chart with a line graph or something like that okay so let's look at this bar chart here we go so this is a task one again for academic read with me you should spend about 20 minutes on the following task the graph below shows the literacy rates in india for several years report the main features and make comparisons were relevant right at least 150 words and that's what we shall do we're going to write at least 150 words and then here is our bar chart hopefully that's fairly clear and visible to all of you we don't really need to see the numbers right away just kind of looking at the features of the chart it says literacy levels in india and then here we have 2013 2015 and 2017 and then we noticed that of course it goes from zero to a hundred uh probably assuming that this is percents it doesn't give you that but we can assume that here we're talking about percentage of people and then here we have rural males rural female urban male urban female so that's the information that we're given here and that's what we have to work with okay um so let's get going with this let's write the overview again the overview is the introduction it's all one you don't have to separate it i really find it strange when students are writing these really tiny like one sentence paragraphs and separating the overview from the introduction i think it's quite awkward to be honest with you i'm not sure who started giving examples like that hopefully not cambridge anyway let's start the overview so for the overview again remember it's two parts okay the overview equals and the overview is also aka the introduction okay and the overview equals two parts number one is paraphrase uh so let's do it like this a uh paraphrase the question with added details from the graph plus b give the most observable feature which is not necessarily the most and least okay so to really work for that kind of band 9 mark that's what you have to remember for the overview for the introduction okay this is an expository essay you have to paraphrase the question give some more details it shows that you understand the question and that you get the idea of the graph that's already leading into those main features and then you also give the main feature the most observable feature and that is your overview that's your overview aka the introduction overview and introduction are not different okay if you think about it the word overview is synonymous it's a synonym of the word introduction i hope that makes sense okay when we use words like overall or the overview or the introduction we're basically saying the same ideas okay all right so uh let's do this so here's um again the original question the graph below shows the literacy rates in india uh for several years report the main features make comparisons were relevant i'll give you a head start again here we have the graph it's showing literacy rates as percentages for males and females in rural and urban areas for 2013 2015 and 2017 okay so i'm gonna start my overview uh with the paraphrase and then uh you do the same and we'll see how we all do okay we'll compare and see if we're kind of on the same page okay so here's my overview please don't write overview in the official ielts this is just for record for you okay so you all right so that is my uh paraphrase of the question with more detail i see that becjon did the same so beck john says the given column graph depicts literacy levels ranging from zero to a hundred percent in terms of gender and location in india for three years 2013 2015 and 2017 very good beck john i like it it works it's good it's a solid band-aid start okay for dav says the bar chart illustrates the literacy percentages of indian people uh dividing them into two categories urban and rural in three given years 2013 15 and 17. yeah and for dobbs uh the this colon is okay after years but you don't really need it you can just use a comma and i would put an and after 2015 it's just more natural okay so you do want to kind of sound very human like in your um expository essay okay so you're translating data into human language hassan says the bar graph envisages uh the education levels in india in uh three different years 2013 2015 and 2017 according to gender and locations with percentage from zero to one hundred okay uh envisages i'm not even sure if i'm pronouncing that right hassan that's a new word for me i can kind of guess what it might mean but i don't i'm not familiar with it so it's a new one for me i'll have to check if that makes sense in context later okay uh it's okay to try words like that hassan but do definitely do make sure that it's sensible okay i can't tell you i'm not familiar with that word all right okay uh here's my uh paraphrase of the question with details so the provided bar chart gives information about the percent of people who can read in india okay um yeah and we might say read and write okay but read is okay uh literacy of course means the ability to read if somebody is literate it means they can read oftentimes we'll say they can read and write and then so it's nice to show that you understand the concept of literacy as reading okay the segments segments is a nice synonym for the word variables given are according to both gender and rural versus urban demographics okay so gender and location that's a part of what's called demographics so when we're talking about people's age people's gender people's living economic status that all belongs to a group of data or statistics that we call demographics okay uh the data is given as percentages biannually biannually means every two years okay by of course means two in english right so biannually you can use that in other contexts as well like bi-weekly so at my job i get paid bi-weekly or bi-monthly as well is okay okay so bi-annually for 2013 2015 and 2017. and notice how i've actually written uh three sentences here for this just totally fine okay now again it's the overview slash introduction right janeille says the given bar chart illustrates the percentage of ability for reading uh and speaking in indian people divided by rural and urban areas in three different years yeah um speaking is not literacy geneal so careful speaking is not considered uh part of literacy literacy is reading so not speaking janil just reading okay reading the ability to read all right so let's take a look at this graph one more time and let's uh see what is the main feature that we can observe so when we look at this bar chart and we kind of take a five second 10 second look at it what is the most observable uh kind of information that immediately jumps out at us and please don't say um urban males are the most literate in india because i don't think that's i think there's something more interesting yeah geneal writing is a part of literacy but of course they go hand in hand so reading and writing go hand in hand most people who can read can also write because you have to recognize characters and then it's just a matter of writing them so literacy is reading writing but you don't have to say writing we just say reading okay um all right so what's the most observable kind of main feature what do you see beck john what do you see hassan and or other members for dogs who are in here um yeah there's kind of growth we can see that overall there's definitely growth in literacy that's okay so there's definitely all of these are increasing right year by year that's a good one so um there is growth okay in all domains okay any other piece of information yeah so hassan says in urban areas it's higher than rural areas right so urban is higher than rural okay i agree that's a that's another good one okay and uh what else do we see so yeah i agree so far with these two and there's one more that i noticed as well without having to think too much yeah so again urban areas literacy is higher than rural areas i agree that's definitely observable very quickly also there's growth that's also observable very quickly and there's one more piece of information that i think is very quickly observable as well what what what else do we see right away by looking at this so look at that third variable that we talked about in the previous sentence if you look at this group and this group versus this group and this group yeah so gender and location so male higher than female right okay uh this double line means it's the same word as above okay all right so those are the three and it's okay if you mention all three in your overview for me those three are all very evident so when i look at this for a moment i can see that there's an increase every two years in the rate of literacy also it's clear that urban areas have higher rates of literacy than rural areas and clearly males have relatively higher rates of literacy than female in the given locations right so let's write that uh for the main feature in the overview okay and then we're going to get into more details about it sure and that's actually really nice because that will become the thesis of this essay and then of course all we need to do for the analysis is just get a little bit more technical and dig a little bit deeper into those um analyses and explanations so give me that sentence students i'm going to do the same here so immediately and then uh you write as well and i'll write as well okay so immediately okay so that is the overview and that will bring you towards that band 9 mark okay that's the level of analysis and language that you want to master using to approximate band 9 what's called the expert user of the english language all right hassan says men and women in rural areas are equal in literacy level opposite in the rural area there there's a higher difference i didn't quite see that hassan maybe i missed something there that might be something for the body paragraph okay so here's my full overview the provided bar chart gives information about the percent of people who can read in india the segments given are according to both gender and rural versus urban demographics the data is given as percentages biannually for 2013 2015 and 2017. immediately it is observable that the latest rate of literacy increases in all aspects every two years furthermore the rates of literacy are generally higher in urban areas than rural areas and also higher for males than females in their respective localities okay all right let's remember that comma after starting the sentence with furthermore all right back john says at first glance it is evident that the figure for male and urban inhabitants is higher than their counterparts who are female and in the countryside nice use of the word countryside bikchan hassan says overall in terms of location urban areas have higher literacy levels than rural while in terms of gender rural has equal proportions for both genders a rural part has significant differences um okay let's have a look at that hassan because i i can see that you're really so if we look at urban females they're definitely a bit lower than urban males and rural females are significantly lower so um i i see what you're saying hassan that the difference between rural females and males is greater than genders in urban areas i think i would save that for the body paragraph i think that's a little bit more than what we see at first glance okay so i see where you're coming from hassan but again more for the analysis okay for dav says at first glance it is clear that the percentages of women's literacy in urban areas or more than rural and the same can be seen in terms of males okay sure all right um so let's uh have a look at um let's have a look at uh the graph and then we'll go through this okay so um let's uh let's go through this step by step so when you have an overview like this okay remember that just like in a persuasive essay where you have a thesis you have a thesis in an expository essay just the same so when you have this kind of a thesis right furthermore so right away sorry here immediately so when you give the main feature your main feature uh is basically the start of your thesis so here it is your thesis right especially when you have this kind of detail so here we're saying immediately it's observable that the late of rate of literacy increases in all aspects every two years okay so it makes sense in my analysis to make that point number one all right and that was very clever by whoever said that that's the most observable feature and then we say furthermore the rate of literacy are generally higher in urban areas than rural areas so that's what i would do as number two and then higher for males than females that's what i would do for my third point so it makes sense to now give more detailed information about each of these okay so go into more detail that's going to get you a good band score so let's see what that is so first let's talk about the increase in the rate of literacy does that make sense everyone so hassan begjan for doves jainil does it make sense how this becomes the thesis of my essay and i'm following this for my body paragraph analyses okay it will make even more sense in just a minute when we dig a bit deeper okay yeah daniel i can use the present tense here because i'm referring to the graph it's not clear whether i'm referring to the graph for the years so increased is okay increases is acceptable here also all right okay so my body paragraph here of course is the analysis or analyses and uh let's take a look at this so here uh we have at first we're looking at the rate of increase right every two years so what can we say about the rate of increase now please don't go into these percentages like we can see that it's 70 77 but there are a lot of percentages here in fact there's 12 of them so if you start to talk about these percents um we're going to really get lost and run out of time before we write a good essay so we have to make sense of these in a much more clever kind of way so what can we say about the increase every two years what's some interesting information here so if we're comparing contrasting giving some good information what can we say what are some interesting points to say about um the increase here what do you think so how would you start this first sentence of your body paragraph what would you mention for it it's a really nice bar graph because i think the information is quite clear when you look at it i wouldn't even really compare year by year just because every two years there's clearly an increase um so becca says the people in urban areas increased by 20 um i don't think so so here you have uh 81 here you have 86 and then you have 88 right here you have 64 72 79 i think there's something much more interesting in the rates of increase here don't worry about all those decimals so again when we look at this data carefully i think we can learn some really interesting facts so hassan says they increased gradually i don't think i agree with that hassan completely again keep in mind this element urban and the gender element male versus female okay so dig deep here we already told the the reader that in all three years it's immediately observable that there's an increase now let's talk about that increase we only want to mention the percents maybe once or twice okay um welcome hasn't to our group of members that was kind of a surprise whoa there's a green in the chat all of a sudden um yeah okay so for dave says very good for dobs so for dave says that we can see that in rural areas the um rate of increase is more significant so there's greater rates of increase every two years in the rural areas than in the urban areas very good what else do you notice so what else do you notice so beck john look at good but um good background but for dobbs had a a little bit better it's better to look at it from this perspective than the this perspective okay we can get into that after when we detail that but it's good to start here what else do we notice look at these differences here and these differences here okay welcome vishal a couple of new members okay good um so new members make sure to send me an email so i can hook you up with those exclusive videos and join in on the chat okay just get right in there with your answers so um the most significant increase or more significant increase in literacy rates were in rural areas and we can also see if you're looking at these percentages carefully that females increased more than males so uh here there's 16 11 um here there's a bit of a jump but overall we go from 30 up to 57 here we go from 57 to 77 so here this jump is 20 okay this jump is 20 almost 28 almost 30 percent okay and also so again band nine level analysis right so here we go from 81 to 88 so it's 7 percent and here we go from 64 to 69 so it's 15 percent right it's a double of men in urban areas so now put that information together okay so now put that information together that's kind of the analysis that you're looking at to get those high band scores okay all right so let's write that let's write that information of the rural so the increase in these years and looking at that in more detail okay here we go so i'm going to write you right and then we'll compare okay you you let me get you back on screen here i heard that i just lost you there there we go in just a moment i was busy typing away i hope you're doing the same describing these and again remember your goal here is to interpret not just to uh report numbers okay all right okay if i remember correctly that was it or maybe was it seven it was yeah roughly seven yeah it's good enough all right so that's my analysis thinking everybody uh see that clearly let me just try to get my feedback screen going here a little bit okay there we go all right okay so let's see what you have uh vishal says rural females have had the greatest increase yeah vishal that becomes evident from this writing so we say that there's a greater increase in rural areas than urban areas and there's a greater increase for women than for men which of course implies that the greatest increase in the rate of literacy was for rural women okay so that's definitely implied here okay all right ferdav says it is interesting to see that in rural areas literacy levels grew faster than urban areas for both men and women by the way in the two segments it can be seen that women's literacy improved more than men um yeah i wouldn't use by the way by the way for doves is a little bit better for verbal communication so in speaking instead of by the way i would write in addition okay urban area for both men and women don't use a colon there i don't know for dogs if that's a typo in addition in the two segments it can be seen that women's literacy improved more than men very good hassan says in the three given years so let's go back to the chart here so everybody can kind of see this what we're talking about so hassan says in the three given years okay so three given years uh the countryside areas show rapid increase uh for literacy rates higher than urban areas yeah so the increase is definitely higher period i would put a period there hassan furthermore a male and female education levels increased by 20 in the countryside um yeah okay 20 for men for sure uh it's 27 for women but let's say in the 20 sure okay uh conversely it is lower in the cities yeah so uh like i said we only have about seven eight percent here and we have about 15 percent here all right uh this is what i wrote so when looking at the rate of increase in these three years in more detail it is interesting to note that improvements in literacy were more significant in rural areas than urban areas both men and women living in the countryside gained 20 percent or more in literacy from 2013 to 2017 while in the cities this was on average just half of that also the increase in women's literacy was significantly greater than that of males roughly by seven percent in both rural and urban areas right so that makes sense because as i showed you here uh the improvement was 20 here it was 27 roughly so the difference here is seven percent um here the improvement was roughly seven or eight percent roughly okay and here the improvement was 15 again a difference of 7 percent so more for females so females on average in rural and in urban areas improved their literacy rates by seven percent more than men okay all right so far so good we're doing a good job here so making some good use of the data all right again academic ielts to get those really high band scores you have to do a lot more than just simply report the data that you see it's much easier to get high band scores that way than just simply reporting okay okay so again we're going back to the uh thesis of our introduction all right so here we can also say that furthermore the rates of literacy are generally higher in urban areas than rural areas okay so higher in urban areas than rural areas well by how much and we can also say that it's higher for men than women so um here we have 80 86 and let's say 89 i'm just rounding okay again 64 72 80 and then here we have 58 71 77 31 46 58 okay so it's fair to compare this group that makes sense which are urban males to rural males and then compare rural females to urban males that's a good comparison to make when you agree for the next point because then we can compare those second points of the thesis of rural to urban plus male to female right so what's the comparison here okay well we can see that in urban areas uh even in 2000 more men were literate than in 2017 in rural areas right so there's definitely a big difference in these years okay it's a difference of 22 for this year okay 22 and then for this final year it's a difference of 12 so the gap is smaller but there's definitely still a lot more so the gap becomes smaller and smaller this is 16 but it's still very obvious okay and then here um it's double so urban females that are literate in 2013 is twice that a little bit more than twice that okay so the difference is 31 percent or double okay and then in 19 or sorry in 2017 it's uh 58 to 80 so it's 22 percent okay just kind of giving you some ideas now we don't all have to write the same information but what i'm really trying to emphasize here is the analysis to get you some really good information so you can get a high band score okay does that make sense so for dubs hasanah beg john i know i'm kind of going off on a tangent here jainil um our new members too please keep writing okay i'd love to see some more so uh vishal i saw that one sentence from you the rural females shot up more than any other demographic it's not graph demographic vishal so i'd love to see more of your sentences vishal okay keep writing hashna muhammad same thing let's see some sentences okay all right so let's write that okay let's write those differences okay so furthermore men in urban areas were more literate in each year than in rural locations although this gap gradually decreased from 22 percent in 2013 to just what was it uh 11 roughly to 11 in 2017. the same trend is visible among or between because it's two groups urban um and rural uh women in 2013 twice as many women could read in cities than the countryside at 64 percent but by 2017 this number had shrunk to just 79 compared to 58 is 21 shrunk to 21 percent as women in rural regions reached 50. uh eight percent literacy i believe 50 yep eight percent literacy all right so um there we have lots of information i mean i'm probably at like 180 200 words at this point so i could go into more details if i have more time but if i'm running out of time if i notice that i'm getting close to that 20 minute mark i only have a couple of minutes left then all i want to do now is just write a summary okay and before i do that um [Music] i'll take a look at what all of you are writing as well so uh beck john says furthermore male indians who live in urban areas are more literate by 22 percent and this became narrower to just 12 percent uh four years later right 2013-2017 it's four years back john okay but you're on the right track um you can say narrower narrower became narrower okay all right um hassan says men's literacy rates in the countryside grew from 58 in 2013 to 82 in 2017 while in urban areas the same figures grew from 81 to 87 um hassan that's okay but um what i have to do there as your reader or as your listener in a presentation is figure out that oh okay so what you mean is that the difference between men in the countryside and men in urban areas became significantly less instead of having your reader hassan or your listener deduce or interpret the data do that for them okay hassan you'll get a way better band score and of course you'll get a way better response in university or business presentations so do the interpretation instead of your audience your audience can see the percentages in a presentation maybe not on the outs but do the interpretation instead okay not opinion but interpretation that's what will get you into a much better position okay hassan all right ferdav says comparing women who live in urban and rural areas it is obvious that urban female literacy levels uh were twice as high however the gap between men was less just 12 percent in 2017. um yeah for dogs i think you mean 2013 maybe for the end of that sentence okay all right um so uh let me write my summary here and then i'll task you with the job of finishing this on your own at home or trying it again okay in summary literacy improved in both genders and locations in india and the greatest rate of improvement was among women living in the countryside from 2013 to 2017. okay so that would be my summary and i think um this is what vishal was saying earlier um i would save that for my summary okay uh you might get a little bit fancy and say uh while literacy in urban areas remained higher overall okay that would be maybe a little bit even better okay all right so here again is the full essay so let me read it for you and i will post it on our youtube community board as well so the provided bar chart gives information about the percent of people who can read in india the segments given are according to both gender gender and rural versus urban demographics the data is given as percentages biannually for 2013 15 and 17. immediately it is observable that the rate of literacy increases in all aspects every two years furthermore the rates of literacy are generally higher in urban areas than rural areas and also higher for males than females in their respective localities when looking at the rate of increase in these three years in more detail it is interesting to note that improvements in literacy were more significant in rural than urban areas both men and women living in the countryside gained 20 percent or more in literacy from 2013 to 2017 while in the cities this was an average of just half of that also the increase in women's literacy was significantly greater than that of males by roughly seven percent in both rural and urban areas furthermore men in urban areas were more literate in each year than in rural locations although this gap gradually decreased from 22 percent in 2013 to just 11 in 2017 the same trend is visible between urban and rural women in 2013 twice as many women could read in cities than the countryside at 64 percent but by 2017 this number had shrunk to just 21 as women in rural regions reached 58 literacy in summary literacy improved in both genders and locations in india and the greatest rate of improvement was among women living in the countryside from 2013 to 2017 while literacy in urban areas remained higher overall all right so that would be your band 9 uh expert level um essay in that 20 minute period does it mean you have to do this no but you should try for this in university this is eventually the level of writing and analysis that you will be expected to do so work towards it okay uh beck john says this is the case for females as well however it is much more significant by almost twice for 2013 and 22 percent for 2017. pradov says to sum up for dobbs not in sum up to sum up literacy had increased for four years significantly in both regions and for genders for doves in india okay bec john you're very welcome again i'll post this student so you can kind of chew on it and go over it a few times remember one of the important tips here is uh don't get lost in small numbers look for interesting comparisons look for interpreting the information from the graph okay essays that interpret the data and the information accurately clearly in a good order in a good structure will definitely get the higher band scores even if you make some grammar mistakes some vocabulary mistakes as long as you have good information good interpretation you can get some really high band scores okay all right everyone uh coming up in about 30 minutes i will be back with speaking part two the cue card so make sure to stay tuned for that again i will post this in the video will be up later much love to all of you uh stay tuned come back in 30 minutes for some speaking bye for now
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 5,025
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Keywords: IELTS writing task 1, diagram, pie chart, line graph, bar chart, flow-chart, IELTS descriptions, International English Language Testing System, English examination, writing for graphs, writing for charts, writing for tables, IELTS task 1, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Lessons, Learning, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS task 1 explain, IELTS task 1 learning, IELTS task 1 descriptions
Id: B0yeDIFYzmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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