IELTS - Writing Skills - Task 1 - Processes

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you you hey guys welcome to another week another week's gone another 168th exciting hours I hope that you've had a great week and I hope that you've I've done some amazing things with aisles the reading the right in the listening but not only that I hope that you've had a good week I hope that something special has happened for you and that you're feeling better about what's going to happen Monday is just around the corner most people and well I hope you're sitting there and you're comfortable now you may have seen something slightly strange to happen earlier this evening we had we tried to do the broadcast earlier and the internet well the internet was having a terrible day it just wasn't happy at all we couldn't get a good nice stable connection we tried connecting again and again and again and we could only figure it out maybe it's something to do with Valentine's Day yep believe it or not it's another year ladies and gentlemen it's another 365 days and in front of us we have Valentine's Days so I have to say happy Valentine's Day to you all okay it's such an important time it's a time where girlfriends say to boyfriends and boyfriends say to girlfriends to know how special that week has specially a month from the year has been and I want to say a big shout-out to my little boy Nathan no happy Valentine's Day darling my little monkey I love you and my wife who's also well before he's sleeping right now but as a happy Valentine's Day and in about a month's time we're going to get a very a really special gift I'm going to be a father again I'm going to have a little girl this time and you know we just couldn't wish for a happier gift this is the best thing in the world okay so what connected this we've also during the week we quite a few emails and quite a few messages and you know all of us positive you know we're loving what we're hearing and we're loving what we're reading on the comments on on the chats on the websites and all these other things okay and we just wanna say thank you really guys thank you thank you thank you thank you very much it's good to hear this okay we do try to apply to just about every email we get every message we get anything like this but because it's been a very very busy week for us and be going to make sure the baby's okay they add make sure that everything is fine and we're looking forward to our delivery of this noodle angel in about a month time or so so if you haven't received a reply from us then please accept our apologies really sorry it's not I thought it's just the way it's happened we do try to help everybody who asks us that's a very important part of the policy of the school so if you're still waiting for a reply be patience we will get back to you okay maybe not June the next hour hour and a half because we're well for casting but we know we tend to reply as quickly as possible so be patient if you can thanks very much thanks so my name is Andy you may know me you may not I am the director of a school called Cambridge EAP we are based actually in Cambridge and our purpose is to help students in very specialized areas of English specialised such as the IELTS exam which is what we're talking about today but also areas like a CAE FCE the CPE exams is a big exams we help a lot of masters PhD students as they know work on their core work coursework we help people to exam settings exams to help with their migration the immigration immigration purposes so basically you know if it's something specialised in English that she wants a really professional some really good help for then don't be frightened to ask us okay we need we tend to we tend not to do general English because there are so many schools are ready to do this very very well however if you do have any questions about something I say a bit more generally related then you know you can ask us anyway we can only help us best we can and our purpose is to make sure that you get the best and most honest advice possible now this kind of is very very important because there is a lot of things that go on the Internet there's a lot of model answers and there's lots of advice and yes there are other YouTube channels hi guys other YouTube channels and they all have some great advice but it's really quite hard to know well what's the best advice what's the most appropriate what's the most honest ok what's the most clear because quite often it can be very confusing especially the writing so that's what we're doing that's what that's what we do here using this YouTube channel ok if you're watching now and I can see what a few people who've already assigned it so guys welcome good morning good afternoon good evening oh you know maybe you should be asleep but thanks very much for coming I can see you guys hi ok you know as it is life yeah please ask any comments please leave questions with us during the chats as it is happening live we only try to answer those honestly as we can during the charity if you have any questions if there are any problems then yep also to let us know we can do what we can okay this is the second time I've done this this evening hopefully this time will be more successful so for those who are watching please keep your fingers crossed please it's really for this costs okay I hope that the Internet is going to be nice to us today we can only assume that maybe is failing because so many people were sending their little they're doing their shopping online getting their chocolates and their roses their champagne and all that lovely sexy underwear for people for their partners so maybe that's the reason we've had so many problems okay so far we have in this in a series of our YouTube videos we focused on the academic part of the IELTS exam so that's the writing task one the writing task 2 in terms of writing task 2 we've looked at the different types of questions that come up we've looked at the structures that we see and how to structure and organize our answer we've looked at the introductions how to do a good introduction for the agree/disagree style question we focus on this one because the majority of questions that you're facing exam will be the agree/disagree although we tend to say the thesis question type and we've also looked at in the show last week body paragraphs what's a good body paragraph come here and see making sure that one paragraph only has one idea okay and in terms of writing task 1 we've gone through we've looked at the data tasks at the bar charts line charts pie chart and table we've actually given you some advice about how to structure a great simple direct introduction which hopefully you can write in about 1 minute or so we've looked at as a charge of time and that was I believe a line chart how to organize here - how to structure how to identify features how to write those features and also we looked at charts without time that was a pie chart how we focus parallel some similarities and differences so we're going through what I what I would argue are the more important I wouldn't say basically simple but the more fundamental skills that you need to get past this test okay so hopefully if any that's been useful then like the videos subscribe leave comments ask questions we check every day many times okay it's for you it's if he is with you to watch and as for you to get something from okay we believe that good advice should be available for everybody so that's what we're doing here okay this YouTube channel it's our home and okay and it's a see YouTube channel it's our home and at the same and you're welcome to it so come in get a nice glass of coffee or tea or juice or water and something to eat put your feet up and to relax for the next hour or so take your shoes off and just relax you know share your thoughts and if we can help we will okay just have a quick message from a person called Amir okay and these are severe actually it's a really good question I've never actually I never thought of this question so let's ask this question they limit he asked you know this person is asking about whether it's okay to use British or American spelling and the writing and the answer is it doesn't matter you can use just American spelling or you just finish spelling we don't mind either one okay but I think it's important to say that if you choose to spell the word in the British way a very popular one is the word color so see olor then that's the way you always spell the word in your writing so don't don't so don't say Co Nell who you are at one time and then Co lor the next time and because the examine something that's a bit strange we in theory have only one lexical resource now lexical resource actually means dictionary basically is it's a very high-tech posh way of saying it but we only have one of these dictionaries in our mind so either we spell it this way the American spelling co lor or the European British C and you are it doesn't matter the main point is being consistent okay enough spelling and if either variations are spelled correctly then well you know good job make sure you spell it correctly and that's the only thing we care about okay guys so a mere hopefully that answers your question but greater ask it often simple things matter very much okay so hopefully that hopefully that gives you some help right guys so so what about today well today we've actually okay today we're actually going to look at something that doesn't happen so often in the IELTS writing test but it does happen enough it happens enough for me to spend almost a week or so just try to plan and get out the right ideas you know think about how how the best to actually have actually best represented to you guys watching on the internet now okay and we're going to be looking at processes okay this were just here process now it's a processes actually okay so you set me your work up love you thanks for watching the show can stay tuned for more now back to the back to the points process yep okay processes so we've had a lot of the press about processes because they do happen from time to time in one year approximately one year of the writing task 1 task twos we would say about 20 to 30 percent of the writing task ones are actually based on processes so they don't happen very much which is great news but when they do happen it's either I love it processes or I hate it's one thing or the other there's a love-hate relationship okay so the question is well why do why do people have this feeling about it well from our experience there tends to be for Ariel its force for kind of problem areas that are people get in their process writing so we're going to look at those and we're going to go through an example we're going to actually explain many points of example and shows where we can actually help and find some answers to those questions okay so problems problem areas well the first one is quite an important one and this is the active okay active or passive tense okay so active or passive tense this one actually matters a lot because Prosis writing you can so many here's to say I said Emily tofu my apologies if my pronunciation is bad but it is a good question to ask from experience for anybody's watching this give you some advices to simple advice you may spend a lot of time focusing on learning complex grammar or complex vocabulary where you those things matter but often examiner's are after good clear maybe sometimes simple language and this means the fundamentals so whether we just use the American spelling or the British that's okay we don't mind but as long as we consistent we don't change if we keep changing for one type of spreading to the other then well it gives the the examiner a headache and trust me you really don't want the examiner watching reading your writing and a headache at the same time is okay right back onto the processes okay guys so I checked back in the chat a bit later to see what other questions are coming up I won't ignore anybody I promise that so active tense or passive tense well that's a big one now for the fully data talks like the line chart and the pie charts whatever we don't really use passive tense very much it has been very much active tense may be very may be a few variations of that sense but yeah generally it's just you know active tense but processes we definitely definitely have to use passive tense which we're going to go through the basics in a moment okay another problem that people go through is length now this may be a bit of a strange one but 150 words or hundred 50 words or well her of course or more that my as a teacher in the classroom both Here I am at the moment but also back in Cambridge where we were based where we do this kind of process writing the first few times that students do it in the classroom they find it really really hard to get over 150 words and we're going to look at this in much more detail later but it's definitely a problem area and as we know for all the writing tasks ones we have to make sure that we do we do really we do really get at that minimum number of words okay there are there are many reasons to pick our score down but making one haven't been too short oh that's that's okay right so active tense or passive tense problem the length making sure it's long enough problem another one which is really important is structure and organization luckily this one is actually not the biggest problem because with a process usually how we organize it is actually quite obvious it takes a bit of practice of course it's not like the charts the data charts where we have so many different choices to make and we're always worried about no it's just the right place it's at the right place to actually put actually put a you know a new paragraph lot but the key point here for process quieting is that well yes we must still have paragraphs we we really shouldn't write it in just one on paragraph we would put in two sections but its paragraphs because that concepts and language of one paragraph being one idea two paragraphs two ideas and so on okay the last problem is about this one we will in process where I think we have to use the vocabulary given of course we do because quite often these processes are actually things that maybe we've never thought about before but the problem is is that we can't we we have the use of vocabulary given we can't let say this so we can't let loose a carbon copy it now a carbon copy is an expression that means exact copy we just can't exactly copy we can't exactly copy you and here we're more concerned about the grammar of course the words we can use again because the process is well it's so unique but the vocabulary we've got to try and do a few things to it to change it around a bit just to make sure that the Chile examiner we can do it remember your your processes your watching task ones your task to you is your vital tasks you know everything that is the bar charts it's all really a demonstration it's a communication test we have so we see something we've got to communicate what it is on paper and we need to show that we understand it understanding matters especially for those who going on to higher education studies the masters and PhDs this manipulating and changing around to the grammar is a really important skill to have and it's definitely here in writing task 1 in fact is so important is what I'm actually mentioning and talking about it in today's session because it matters guys listen the it matters don't carve and copy exactly what the grammar is going to change it around a bit ok so the four points the tenses the length the structure and the vocabulary these are the problems that we have to deal with well let's let's move on to the first first you know area ok and let's talk about this one that's a first question we have is well you know passive ok passive tense or active tips or even more importantly well why do we have passive and active in the first place but what's the point well for me to best explain the situation let's let's introduce you to my terrible absolutely oMG that's got drawing habits okay seven so let's let's just do this ok it's ok you can I will try to make it as a beautiful as possible but okay yep that works ok I think actually the first time I did this was actually better so okay it's a sheep if you can't recognize it's a sheep okay and it's a happy sheep because nothing bad is going to happen to the shape we have here okay so we have a box and a box has a question mark and at the end of the box what do we have it's not food okay it's say the Sheep is still happy we have here a sweater okay now in the US you say sweater in the UK we say jumper not quite sure why we say jumper maybe because the sheep used to jump before if the only ideas let me know I would like to know wise got a jumper but it's a very simple process where we have a sheep something happens to the sheep and then we have a sweater or jumper and we need some vocabulary and this is we call this world okay it's not here it's actually fur so it's the fur that she sticks onto the animal skin so if we try to write this process if we actually try to put it out on paper we would have we would have to do something like this so we have this strange paint machine and then we say let's say turns turns the jumper I used to British this time used American the first time jumper so it turns the look whatever is white it sense the as it is at the wall was at the wall into a jumper into a jumper now sentence is fine it was a simple sentence but it's a good sentence the problem with this sentence is the first word fat does anybody know what that is was it magic Harry Potter no is it somebody is it like a man or will just quickly listen something don't know for me a machine but the problem is we don't know this because of this knowledge because whatever the name that machine is we don't know what it is we can't write it but that's okay that's fine this is so this is the problem where we deal with active tense so this is okay so this is our active tense sentence active okay this thing here the subject we don't know what it is and if we don't know what it is we can't write it but as I said that's fine now why is it fine because there's a solution to the problem and the solution as we're talking about tenses is clearly a tense itself okay if we want to divide the sentence another way because we could actually say this we could say that the word is turned into a jumper like this so it will it turn into a jumper okay so and that's our solution so suddenly this thing here that question work oh it's gone there's a matter it never matters okay instead we have a solution just hit is turnt okay just in now this is the passive tits this is this is the passive structure okay and suddenly the Machine that box that by something I can I can I can write it in okay so you see where would be there were two there was a black and like whistle paying okay so it's putting brackets by the box the question mark which would go in here we actually don't need it and this is the great thing about passive tense if we're not sure about something then we can actually change it around use the passive tense and suddenly it's no longer a problem so passive tense is very very very important if you're going to the UK if your studies will take you there or probably to Australia as well then we'd like to see passive tense in our papers so it has a very very important part of writing task 2 and if there's enough questions if there's left demands then yeah we would certainly do a lesson maybe if you writing to us - about different tenses and the grammar structures that we could be used in writing tasks - it doesn't matter the main point here is that because this process is a process that you don't know about you don't have to be an expert about it so relax you know take a deep breath we know the examiners the signers they know that you're not expert in this process so they're hoping that you're going to use the passive tense as a way of getting around these problems of these names of these machines we don't know okay so in technical terms if you want to look at active tense and passive tense we have this thing called it's called the doer which is a very very weird name - doer some grammar books will actually say is called an agent but in this case the agent or the doer is actually unknown we don't know what it is okay so this thing here the box or the question mark this is this is the agent this is the doer what is it no idea does it matter no it doesn't matter seriously it doesn't matter at all so using the passive tense is a very very useful skill to have and it's one that's very very important inside you know this kind of writing so this is passive tense here passive okay now so that's the passive tense okay so just to quickly talk about how to make the passive tense okay because there are grammar books out there and I really hope that you check these grammar books and kind of actually get some details about it but if the passive tense is actually made of two parts so let's let's give it a school to quit title so this is called construction construction is how we make a tense and construction is actually two parts so the two parts here first thing we have the verb to be to be or not to be that is the question Shakespeare Shakespeare school and we have what's called a pee-pee okay now pee-pee actually means past participa and you're thinking well what is a past participle well where we have a verb a verb actually has three verb essentially three versions of the verb so if we go for the Ferb eat so we could say so to eat in the past simple that will become 8 and that will become eaten like this okay and this is the past participants the third version of the verb okay now the tricky thing here is that some of these verbs are called irregular verbs and an irregular verb any good any good Cambridge or Oxford or Webster's or Macmillan dictionary will tell you this but irregular verbs changed there's no pattern to it which is a little bit of bad news okay we have here a regular verb let's give this one here that's a tab so regular okay so regular verb will be example okay to turn and then turned Edie which is the past simple and then turned again for the past participle and this verb is called a regular verb okay so an irregular in regular verbs but it's this past participants this version of the verb here that we need to use okay so okay be careful make sure that you're when you're learning new vocabulary you're actually learning their past participative any new verbs that come up they may become useful now the last thing to talk about in terms of the grammar because I don't want to focus on grammar too much there's many more exciting things to do okay is that is actually time the verb to be here the verb to be in a passive process is going to be either is something or are something now the reason is that when it comes to process writing very some good news here for those who worry about grammar is that it's always present tense so this is the reason being is that when you see a process they're not going to say back in 1999 or in 2005 or whatever it's good to be practice and it's going to be the present tense so you got a choice of is or are when you actually can make the passive tense okay so here the world is turned for example present tense that being said be careful sometimes only sometimes like once or twice we've actually seen a process a writing task 1 where they have a process in the past and the process in the present and you have to write about the process and also how it's changed so if you see time something before word now in a process then yes of course you'd have to use the past simple ok the past tenses but this doesn't happen it's very very very unusual ok so passive tense very useful very important ok if you're not sure about it then get into a dictionary to learn about it ok here came JP we do grammar classes and kind of an achievement I think our grammar class is actually quite exciting and interesting but whatever when you learn grammar and make sure you know about the passive tense without it your process where I think I'm sorry to say guys you just can't do it ok so you go it make sure you know it's ok and you have any questions of course asking the chat we'll do everything we can right so that's the first thing done Lester grab the passive or the active tense ok we have the other problems we have the length making sure we're over 150 words we have the structured organization how many paragraphs did we do it and also how do we use the vocabulary given and that's the biggest one how do we and how do we avoid repeating things so often ok well the best way to deal about those is to look at a model answer and we love the model answers now I need to talk about model answers very very quickly and for briefly you have to be very very careful with those model answers because they probably have very good writings to look at and I'm sure that they can help you a lot but at the same time be careful with model answers we have a policy here at Cambridge aap that we don't actually give any model answers unless we have a teacher to explain it because there may be small things small details that the candidates could not be aware of and we don't want them to copy things without understanding model answers are incredible things and if they're written really well then they are can be very very very useful but and the reason I mention it is that we've had a few me emails asking for model answers I'm sorry we can't give model answers unless we've got a teacher to explain it or in this case you watch our YouTube video where we've got it actually happening so just just be careful about this we're not saying notes we mean people we do a lot to be try as much as possible but model answers are great if there's somebody to explain how it works and why it works the theory at least the idea is that you should be able to read a model answer and have some questions why did they make this choice why do they write it that way what's the meaning of this what's the purpose of that so if you're reading a model answer ask those questions to yourself ask those questions to a teacher okay get someone help because they can be very useful but you but we want to make sure that you get the right kind of help from it that's fine this one because we're girls look at a model answer to actually help pry this and what I have thought about what what kind of model answer can we do it's close to Valentine's Day guys don't forget Valentine's Day and ladies don't forget we could do a process about flowers no thank you we could do a process about champagne champagne is great Valentine's Day or what matter a person about dating how to date somebody well often simple things are better and I think maybe the best process that we talked about this chocolate Clarins hands day chocolate chocolate Valentine's Day it's almost like the synonyms they mean the same thing Wow how cool is that so let's talk about process about chocolates okay Sisk and here we have one we've made earlier so let's just put onto the whiteboard now okay so hopefully you can see that okay right and this to everyone side penny from space right so here we have this is a process okay just there it says the illustration illustrations below show how chocolate is produced it doesn't show you how it doesn't show how you eat it or how you give it to your you know your lovers of Valentine's Day well I'm pretty sure you figure that out the interesting thing about a process is this the instructions now if you've seen my videos before or maybe eventually I've seen them in a cambridge book or other websites the instructions never change they're always the same instructions summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevance it's always the same thing but I did a stress one words this time and it's the word here reporting reporting means very simple in a process and I'll put it here so hopefully you guys will actually understand it say so if you if you can't if you can't see it don't write it underline it twice it's that important if you can't see it don't write it but doesn't matter well as a bar chart a line chart or a process you've got your job is reporting describing what you see don't add anything and I don't mean anything that you don't know for sure you can see in here now this may sound a bit limiting and in some ways it is but it also means that you don't you don't need any specialist knowledge you may be I don't know you could be an expert chocolate grow up or more likely like myself from my wife and a lot of people I know expert chocolate eaters we love chocolate dark chocolate thank you you know if anybody was to see me dark chocolate fan intense day I put my interests send it to me to be so happy it doesn't matter though because the point is in in a process you can have all the knowledge in the world you are only allowed to write to what you see in the pictures that's it nothing else if you start at something that you may know a specialist knowledge then the exam is going to say well where did that come from you're not reporting it may be true but you're not allowed to do it okay so hopefully this is some good news it means that you don't have to spend half an hour or a few days reading and learning about a process of making chocolate on Wikipedia or some other website it doesn't matter it doesn't matter at all okay so the lights follow the instructions and remember this if you can't see it don't write it if you see it right it don't see it don't write it no no no right in your hand if you wait to remember icon or droid what I cannot see okay really matters so we have here a process just making a bit larger but we're going to be spending some time on this okay we have we see that we have 10 steps 10 steps 1 to 10 is good news now not always do we get 10 steps often a process could have 8 steps so have 6 some even have less okay but hopefully if you follow some of the advice we're given tonight or this morning or this afternoon depends where you're watching then it should be a problem okay but we have our 10 steps here in our first step we have what I call cook these pods that these pods are growing on trees and the trees are in South America Africa Indonesia then we see here the pods have been taken off the tree they've been harvested or white cocoa beans then I put into a box and the box has the white cocoa beans then in this fourth step we have this other shape and they're put under the Suns make it dry after that finds they're actually put into large sacks and somebody's doing this the next step we have here is that they are taken by I mean train or lorry to some location next step that step 7 we actually are taking so we actually arrive at a factory where clearly lots of work happens then they are roasted at a very high temperature about 350 degrees yeah and then a crushed we see that the outer shell is removed and finally there's thinner parts these parts here a squash and the juice comes out it's actually the chocolate how cool is that how do they ever figure that out I always wondered where that came from it was the same as how do we know where didn't we discover we could treatment milk must be a very strange relationship between a human and a cow moving on organization when we organize into a process into paragraphs it must be a logical paragraph and if I'm looking at these first steps of step 1 2 3 4 5 6 I would I'm having a guess of whatever's happening it's actually happening outside okay so for pictures for pictures here 1 2 6 outside and then they work with the factory and we've seen the factory more things happen to those beans so I would say here that these are happening inside somewhere another location so here pictures here with 7 through to 10 and that means we put a light in here and this becomes body paragraph one and this one becomes buddy pair of love to okay now simple things of course it is simple things but simple things as I've said before with the American or the British spelling simple things can make a big difference and here is definitely a good example where we do a process writing whatever you do don't mix them up step number one is always the first so we always start with step number one and we finish with step number here's the last one this is where we finish please whatever you do with your processes don't mix them around at all or you know don't try to you know do something funny or complicated keep it simple we start at the start and we finish at the finish okay and what we're doing here by organizing the paragraphs is that we're showing understanding and that's a good thing that examiner's like to see we are showing understanding is a very key point usually showing understanding okay okay right okay right okay say I've got an old student hi Anita lovely to see you but it's a bit late okay but hopefully you got some nice warm cup of tea or coffee there okay so lovely to see you okay right showing understanding is really important okay so simple things can get a begin make a big impression on what the examiner sees okay so organization in process not always the easiest but spend a few minutes actually before you do your writing and actually put them into steps now in a previous video I would have mentioned these things to you there's actually four things that matter okay and I'll just quickly run through McGann for those who maybe it missed it okay why have you missed it watch my videos T o W and F okay T meaning think oh it means organize W means right and the F doesn't mean fall asleep or forget about is a flyaway it means fix which means we fix our mistakes our grammar mistakes we're looking at the first two steps thinking organizing now this is what we're doing right now we're thinking and we're organizing we read through everything we make sure we got some paragraphs here and we should spend maybe about four minutes thinking and organizing do all of this now because later when you're writing well later when you're writing you should just be writing that's it nothing more okay so think about what you're doing organize into paragraphs and then the writing about 10 11 12 minutes if you practice practice matters and fix means those mistakes you're not going to see every single mistake in the world that's that's okay don't worry about it but if you see some mistakes that's gonna make a difference between five point five and a six six point five and a seven sorry button me everything matters everything matters at all okay right so on - okay so on to the main part okay right so remember we have here orders vocabulary and I said before remember to use okay all would have vocabulary given to you okay why does this matter partly it's a very specialized process and if we miss had vocabulary we may be missing out an important idea secondly as some of you may already know doing 150 words or more is a challenge so we miss out a word that also would we love juice the main point I think just talked about here is that processes are quite specialized they're not messing around the processes that you get in IELTS may be simple versions of what we see at universities but there's still real things so if we drop our vocabulary but the examiners say well why did you do that do you know if it's important or not important and that's a really hard thing to answer so very important put it here so you use all the vocabulary given it says but in big big capital as they use all the vocabulary okay don't forget they use every word okay so that's so organization is done we've got two paragraphs we know that we need to do paragraphs so we show our understanding and lastly we need that we should show all of our vocabulary as well so that's all a good thing that all matters right oh what's what's next well let's look at the examples because it's actually inside these pictures that we find that we have the opportunity to write many many more words and you'll be surprised what hopefully you'll be surprised how many words that you can actually write so let's move on so we're gonna zoom out and we're going to go to the first picture okay so this one here okay hopefully you can see it at all yep yep good so what do we know about this picture well we know we know a few things about it okay and we know that it's in cocoa trees okay and is it one tree or maybe is it going to be many trees so already we know that we can change it we can actually say so cacao trees we add the s the showed examiner that we're talking about many trees not just one okay now we have ripe red pots let's do the now let's talk about this for a moment so ripe red pots right red pots we have to change this we can't copy that phrase but the question is well how do we change it what can we do well this is where our grammar and I'm sorry to say this is where our grammar actually comes in two things a bit more ok so grammar is an important point okay we know that okay so let's go through we know that spots is this and down so let's put and now on here okay what becomes before it down and down here is going to be an adjective and read okay and before an adjective we could have either an adjective or an adverb now adverbs usually have ly it has that quickly beautifully wonderfully lovely big nice Valentine's words remember lovely Valentine's words but here it's wipe so it's an adjective as well so so how do we change it well we do this so we can we'll say this with let's put word pods at the very beginning and then we're going to say pots what what about pots so we can say pods so which are so so ripe and wet or you could say the red pots red pods or so so which or don't suppose they go back so which are ripe okay or we can say so ripe pods so so which are okay so say your red in color all of these are fine and we're using the same words the question so the circle T's works okay so we have words like pods okay red and ripe red pods ripe white pods which are read okay we're using the same language and this is called a grammatical paraphrase we've changed the grammar around but we haven't changed the words because we shouldn't change the words if you change those words you may change the meaning and if you change the meaning the examples will go AHA you don't understand this is something that we don't want the examiner to know so change the grammar but not the words and here we're demonstrating this one which are and this is called a relative clause relative relative clauses are a great way of adding information to something and in this case we're adding we're adding this information wipe and read to the noun pots and we should examine that we can do this okay so relative clauses are very important we have other things of their picture so what else we are told about they're grown in South America Africa and Indonesia what can we say about this we can't change the world South America we can't change Africa we can't change Indonesia then names of places we don't change this but we can say that these are areas or we can say these are regions or we can even say these are places okay so okay so areas regions places any of those things if I okay so we're showing that we understand okay so I think we have enough information here to actually write a sentence and this let's just have a look we've got one two three four five six seven eight don't say okay so we have ten words so if we are to write this sentence how many words do you think we're going to get just ten well hopefully more than that hopefully much more than this okay so let's listen listen look and let me show you an example sentence for this one we can say that so this so this begins this begins okay when associate so when so right pots white pots okay so why pause okay so which are red in color okay say so someone said what here grown so grown so on and the name for trees so cacao trees so ca ca oh I always get a spelling one hey I'm a teacher as well ah cocoa trees okay what about this cocoa trees okay so another one is better so that are grown okay so that are grown on cocoa trees that are quote so I've got the word grown twice and this is gonna be a problem so we can't say grown and grown two times so I'm gonna change the first one I'm gonna change it to another word so and I'm gonna say the word found that I found on Days they're good solution self easy-peasy when a grown okay in so areas such as and we have the locations such as South America South America and was it a Africa and Indonesia so that's our new sentence okay so remember we have ten words how many words do we have now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Oh 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 words so that's not bad I'm so happy to do a smiley face yeah 26 words so what are we done here well the first thing we can do okay when we do a writer task one like this okay where we've gotten this and essentially the ripe red pods that is my main point of this picture we can do what's called a grammatical paraphrase we are paraphrasing we are keeping the same idea and in this time we're using the keeping the same words but we're changing the grammar around because we what we can and we want to show the examiner we can do this so a grammatical paraphrase this is one way that we actually get more information from the picture okay and like I said to you before don't change the vocabulary because if you change the vocabulary you may change the idea and you change the idea basically and unfortunately you're just going to show the examiner that there's something you don't understand we don't want to do this okay so don't change the vocabulary a grammatical paraphrase is great and if you please practice this so when you see these expressions in ask yourself what's a noun what's an adjective was an adverb can I use those words in another way how can I rearrange them okay and definitely practice this the more you practice this the better you become and it's a great skill to have not just for now for the process but in task twos you're speaking and of course the main purpose of you learning English is actually for your future studies alright guys let's move on right so good radical paraphrasing one thing to do let's move on to the next picture it's just here right so the second picture I'm gonna have a drink because it's cold where I am and this is hot I like hot what is good I hope wherever you are right now you're warmer than me here it's freezing but at in Cambridge it's more freezing freezing okay okay so why do I show in this picture what's special about it says pots harvested white cocoa beans five words just five words OMG again five words that's not a lot what can we do with five words well another skill that I'd like you to think about is this okay we have a stage but one stage doesn't mean just one thing at one stage may have more than one action and that means that there may be more than one thing happening in the picture if we can and I've told you before that if we cannot see it we cannot write it but but on the other hand if we can see it we can write it so let's try to write it what do we say here well we have a few things happening the first thing okay and I would actually and I mean actually made this picture up here signing some space you're gonna see some more of my terrible drawing skills again okay so wait so listen let's do this so the first thing we have is our pods just here okay it's not an American football it's a pod I promise you okay the next thing is we can see here that they're open they're cut you know something's happened so let's draw destroy that's in okay so do that okay and do this one oh and yes they are really horrible drawings I'm so sorry I did it quickly and please don't talk about my drawing skills I know they're bad okay so that's how that's the first thing that's happened and this is the second thing that's happened and there's a third thing okay so the third thing is we have these white cocoa beans they they're coming out so I'll just do this okay wait okay and they're coming out here and that's the third thing to do okay so actually there are three things we can say about this not one or two we have the word harvested but there's more than just harvesting happening we can see it so what can it be right well first thing we can say in the first picture is that the pods the pods are harvested and we're not copying exactly we we put in the word are in here art comes from the verb to be and like I said before we use in the present tense so harvested harvested is a pretty unique word so let's not change it we can use harvest it but we just added the grammar where the grammar correct and examiner's are happy as my beautiful son says you know three years old is learning good job daddy so good job students right on to the second step well the second one is this they must be open their cut somehow and we can say that so we can say here although it's not written it's still shown there so we could say here the pods the pods are good say broken apart we're gonna parts like this okay we can say they are maybe split open okay we don't split closed we all split open something okay or we could even say the pods are cut and okay opened okay now a quick grammar point just here for anybody who's watching cut and split they are irregular verbs so where we do the passive tense they don't change okay right and so step one the pods are harvested jumped from the tree second one cue they are cut and we have the third step and what's happening in the third step well it's a question is well why do we actually do why do we cut it open there must be a reason and so we can say the word so or we can say the word in or said expression in order to now these are very important because when we're writing when we're writing we have to connect all our ideas together and these ones here how these are linking phrases but these are thinking phrases are not just any normal linking phrases okay so shows the result of something and in order to shows the purpose of something and if you look at the diagram you can see that's three of these white cocoa beans they clearly have to come out and that's why we're doing it so we can say here that's you know these beans come out we could say we could use the words remove or we could say extract or we could say takeout but that's that's why we're doing it that's the whole reason for us to cut it open to take these white cocoa beans out so now we can write the sentence okay now remember I said we have five words here well can we improve in five words can we make it any longer let's find out so I've got some space so let's write it okay so let's give the sentence that we say we say after so after the pods so are harvested harvested okay from the trees and we say the trees because this is what happened the trees are the trees that we mentioned before and the other paragraph using the links the two together so the reader knows is to save trees we say so they say oh okay they say they said let's say they are let's say split open so split open that's our second step okay and why do we do that we use our linking phrase just there in order to so in order to and we have here whoever move so they say the word we move move the okay so cocoa beans see so cocoa cocoa beans like this okay what about this cocoa beans well we told their whites of which are white which which are whites does it get white like this okay so when we had five words how many words do we have now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 to it what 23 was 23 words we saw we had five words in the picture we now have 23 words yeah I'm gonna get myself another smile yeah I think I get another smart for that okay so soon what do we learned here well go back to the main point said this wasn't any my text a bit that's my space back that works I don't want that okay and again you get all these notes in the download later in the screenshots okay okay what it what's the point about this well the main or the main point about this is what I said at the very beginning of this part of this picture okay let's go back and I put it to highlight it in big red pens and make sure you're clear about this okay one stage may have more than one action this very very very very very important okay so this is why you have to stop and think and organize before you write it okay because you if you if you're under in test conditions and you're under stress and you've got practice there's the danger there very real danger unfortunately that you made us see the extra steps and then suddenly you're writing may be shorter than it should be so make sure you look carefully at these pictures one stage more than how order one thing and also as if we're creating more steps inside think about how good's linking it together using things such as so or in order to as well as the relative clauses is another great way to add information and join it together okay all these things can impress the exam are quite a lot yeah so for massacre paraphrasing and one stage may have more than one action what's next well let's move on to this okay let's get a bit bigger we're getting wet so steps three and step four well we still have not many words okay so so not as many words so cat one two three four five six seven so there's seven words hips seven words is still not very much how can we write more okay so well like I've told you you cannot write what you cannot see but what you can do is this record it's visual information if you can see it you can write it but now we are talking about a more difficult skill this is not an easy skill this is one that you do have the practice and I've got to tell you you've got a promise on your heart if you not sure about how to add this information in your process where I think don't do it please don't because you don't think you like I said a few times though you don't want to show the examiner something you don't know remember this so our pretty records here tricky tricky a lovely British word it means difficult or not easy okay but you can't really use it in academic writing what visual information can we see here well let's look at the first page of step three step three we can see that it's actually in a box box or we can say container but any of this is fine okay what else can we see that we can see well the box must be there before they put the white cocoa beans in so we know that it must have been prepared and we know also that you can see here just underneath these strange-looking things are leaves early a ves their leaves at the bottom of the box I don't know why and they're promised me that in your writing you don't say why because we don't know okay but they definitely leaves them okay what about in the picture number four in picture number four we can see that it's a train okay your tray is like this okay a tray is like a box but it's very very very very thin like this okay so maybe some of you are planning to surprise your partners on Valentine's Day with orange juice and toast some romantic poem protect those flowers and you'll carry everything in a tray into the bedroom or into the dining room or a kitchen or somewhere well that's called a tray okay this tray we know is we know that it's flat okay which is obvious to say but we so say it's flat like this the line and we know it's very slow very deep so we say it's quite shallow we can see these things and this is why I've said to you this is a bit more difficult if we can't see it then we shouldn't write about it if we're not sure that we don't put it because like I said you don't want to show it example of something that you're not sure about your writing you're planning your organization or one of these things got to be planned through first okay so if it's in the picture you can write about it if it's not in the picture don't say it so we can now write another sentence okay so the sentence we can write here and it's white if we can say the word next next like this okay so these okay these now these what is these well we know that is everything we're doing is about the white cocoa beans okay but we don't want to repeat it so don't repeat it these means the cocoa beans these is a lovely way of actually avoiding repeating these those it's this that a simple way but really effective as the whole thing is by the cocoa beans but the reader this case the examiner is really quite familiar about what it is that were writing about so don't repeat that main point is pretty obvious okay so let's move on okay so these okay so next these okay so these are so so placed placed okay so into let's say let's say a box contain up as a matter that sets it into a box okay which has okay sir so which has been prepared and how do we prepare it well we prepare to get something ready and then we're getting ready here we say we've leaves say on the base which means the bottom but this is the base at the bottom or something okay now has been prepared is the perfect tense it's the perfect passive tense here in fact okay and we use the perfect tense here in the passive form because we want to show that this has been done before okay it's not happening right at the time but it's happened at some point before and it's emphasizing that we've this box has been prepared and we've got it ready we put the leaves on there at some point before we put the white cocoa beans up so let's move on okay so I have prepared it leaves on the base now why do we do this okay was it says fermented so we have to say that so that so that they can be a beer so fermented okay so that's the first picture done okay and be fermented is also passive tense okay okay and then we put the word in before now before is a linking word and when we use the word before then next word will be a verb and it must be a verb ing so before being moved okay so just markets up so season so before is our link between picture 1 and picture too and it's our ing so this is my picture 1 so ok so that's step 3 here and that's step 4 here before being moved okay and we know we know where to be moved to move to K so to a flat shallow tray so so flat shallow tray and those ones you've done as well a flat shallow tray so that we simply supposing so that we showed that before so we're going to use another linking word here - okay - okay - here's the purpose okay to be dried that shadow okay very white fracture a tray to be dried in the Sun okay and you can see here we said spread in the Sun to dry here you'll be saying to be dried in the Sun so we've gotta flee paraphrased it okay we have all that visual information those words okay and I'll highlight those for you so into a box it's being prepared there were leaves on there there's a flat shadow trade to be moved okay we have our linking phrases we have our passive tense and we've written all of that because of visual information so like I said if you can see it you can write about it okay we had our seven words but now how many words do we have well I think the elegant is more than 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 oh my goodness that's pretty good now 36 words you we get 36 words I will give myself another smile I'm girl oh my gosh so good okay so 37 36 words come from seven words certainly grammatically paraphrasing something that's the first thing we looked at and then we looked at early in the video if you missed it we tuned in turn back and watch this the second thing we looked at was that one picture maybe a few things happening and now we have here visual information visual information means that we can actually if we can see it then we can describe it is but we have to know the vocabulary for it and if we're not sure as I said before don't say it's because we really don't want to show the examiners something we're not sure of that so anything else hmm one more thing one more thing what today's video and this one is important so let's move it along okay so we have this one here the beans are roasted okay okay it's really here okay so what can we do in this one well we know there's a few things we know it's beans we don't know roasted but so we can you can say that we have we know they're beans we know they are roasted roasted must beans heated at a temperature but we know as a temperature because it says 350 degrees C said us are heated okay and you know I know I was writing people often ask this you can say either degree C or you actually write degrees degrees Celsius either one is fine we don't mind which one it is right oh okay three people questions if there any more we can say we there must be something else because we've got two words two words we're gonna say more than two words well the final thing that we're going to look about today in this in this little group our YouTube video is this and it's a difficult one again but it can be very effective we call definitions and definitions it means essentially what does the word mean now I've said before that we can't add things that we can't see but we also know that if we can see it we can write about it and we can explain it and we can also if we know what the word means we can define it we can explain what it means and the word we're looking at here is the word roast it that's actually a very important work okay so we want to know about the definition of the word to roast we have to look at this word because well the other one is beans and I think I think by now we know what beans are so we shouldn't define that okay so roast is a word we can use maybe roast can tell us something and if we just look down here I've prepared a here for the moment okay so this is what we find this is from the Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary hopefully you've got a good dictionary I always recommend my students to buy one this one is great it gives us a lot of definitions and examples but why do we want to look at it well it says roast it's a verb we have the British and the American pronunciation not so important today we are we let's lipid here we're told to roast something is to cook food especially meat well that's true without liquid because if we have liquid in something it's usually boiling in an oven or other fire to be cooked in this way something there's actually very important so when we roast something and our higher this is in and other in and other now that matters because that is a location okay we have two locations or over a five now if we look at the picture we see a box and would go back in a second the box must be other it's not a fire does a fire usually has flames like that's what kind of thing I did it's my son you thinks I'm strange so we know that it's in an oven so we've got a location so let's go back okay and this is we had before we're beings roasted through fifties ah now you know we can say this we can say it's data we have a location you could say it's as in an oven because the word roasted so if we know if we know the definition of a word then we can write it don't spend two or three sentences writing this in an oven is a very simple things simple definition to exploit but it makes a big difference and you're showing the examiner that you know these words you know what they mean and now you're explaining you're showing a whole range of skills here this is a really good one to do we don't don't give yourself too much pressure we we don't really want a but complex definition that doesn't matter just do a simple quick definition as an amazing impact on your score and something I know was the fact that we wink wink wink a fact that examiner's love to see okay we'd love definitions okay what one more thing now I'm gonna put this into brackets because some people are not so confident about this but we have time because it's roasted now we don't know how much time it is it could be tense it could be a second it could be 20,000 million years we don't know but we must it must happen for some time so whatever this process is of roasting it takes time takes some time now like I said if you're not sure if you don't feel confident about this you don't have to write it but you can if you want to because these things do take time we don't know but suppose if we say some time there is a very safe way of saying that we don't know but it must take some time okay so we have now we have much more information we have all of this that we can now write into a sentence and remember when we actually started this particular step this picture we only had two words just two that's it not fearful but one but two words so now we can actually make it much longer okay so let's talk about it let's actually make this sentence for you okay and okay leave some space where can I do it okay I can do it there yep that's good right remember this is a liver this is all streamed in hd-quality so you can zoom in and see it hopefully you'll see all the detail but like I said after we finish if you're very very patient ten minutes patience it's because then we'll provide you with screenshots of all of this so you can look at again at your own leisure okay so let's go away let's write the sentence and is so we can say that they again the beans I'm not gonna say beans beans beans just say they said they are placed so in an oven so we know I know it's an oven okay and heat it heat it okay so I heat it at so at a temperature of 350 degrees C that's us get us that's quite hot okay for a for a period of time for a period of time it means some time that's it okay so two words how many words now one two three four five six seventeen words so from two words to 17 words yay another smile lots of smiles lots of smiles it must be Valentine's Day yeah smiles happiness yeah right seven would it be covered we've covered pressing doing grammatical paraphrasing keeping the words changing the same structure we've taken one step and found many actions inside it we have looked to have visual information looking at the picture describing what's in the picture but be careful remember and also definitions okay defining what the word means so here for example we chose the word to roasts okay all of this can actually help the writing become much longer and on top of that we're using the passive tense so maybe some of you actually understand and then wipe some people hate processes and why they love them I personally love processes my book my reason because I work with I'm a lazy teacher apparently is that you don't choose you don't choose which steps you have to write every step so that makes it for many people including myself much much much much much easier okay guys so let's move on and okay so let's move on we want to the actual okay so it really matter K so to remind yourself this is what it was when we started okay just like this and in this example demonstration we look to have step one step two step three step four and step eight okay and in step one two three four and eight we found already just so you know about 145 words which is great okay so the words are there it doesn't matter whether got three pictures or six or in this case 1010 is great of course but the words are available these skills are there you have to show the examiner of those skills because those skills those ways of handing the vocabulary looking carefully analyzing it breaking things into more steps it's so important for you know higher education studies okay right so that's the job that's the process what about the model let's have a look I want to just quickly look at the first first sentence of this okay looks like that okay because all all process all processes have the same thing and it's the same as writing task 1 for a bar chart or a line chart okay your introduction is going to be just one sentence okay like with a bar chart line chart one sentence this one also one sentence you don't want to spend too much time writing introductions they to be done quickly because you have the body paragraphs to do later so one sentence and in this example here says the process shown illustrates the major steps we set the major steps you could say ten steps if you wanted you don't have to and these steps are required in the production of liquid chocolate now liquid chocolate that was the last step step number ten from a row of vegetative States this is me showing off some vocabulary that's our first step so the liquid chocolate that's our last step and the role of vegetative state that's our first and we're making something from something else okay so that's our introduction and it's an overview for the entire chart that's all we need to do okay so let's actually look at the writing itself so intercept example it has a bit more detail of course then what you've seen in the steps we've gone through but that's fine it's available to you look at Slater things that we should understand about this because it is a process we have to use a certain words these words are called sequence words this begins means first then we say after then we say then they're before of the ing following this and subsequently and a quick point is subsequently subsequently is okay whatever you do do not absolutely do not write the word consequently consequently is not a step consequently the same as so thus okay a lot of people get this one so subsequently is fine consequently not so good in the next paragraph afterward when once and finally okay so again more steps so sequence words what we never see them Swift's okay so the key thing here is don't repeat them I know this is tough and I know that some of you are going to find problems of this but if you said the word next don't say it again if you say then those things again here use for those who are watching look at these sequence words look at how they are working if you learn these then this is all you need to know for a process I don't know many processes that have more than 10 steps for example okay inside our writing we also have our linking phrases so with words - we have in order to as this and then we have so that so and that's the next paragraph and which results in so these are linking phrases and to example is telling us a purpose in order to it's also telling us a purpose as this okay this is given a reason okay so that is given a result and also which results in obviously is giving us another result okay inside we have we have our structure we have our two body paragraphs as mentioned at the start of this game across so this one going back nine this is body paragraph 1 which is happening outside and this one body paragraph 2 just happening inside so we have our organization as well okay we have inside our writing and Ionis take a bit of time but we have many examples of the passive tense things like are harvested are typically grown have been removed they are broken apart which are extracted inside okay has been prepared to remember the box with the leaves on it okay so being spread out is the continuous passive tense okay then we have here they are placed okay and then loaded let's also passive tense into the next paragraph we say they are removed and placed has been heated they have been taken out so use a lot of the perfect tense here they are put put is a irregular verb it doesn't change can be removed is our passive tense okay is pressed is another one so you see that the passive tense oh wow so many of these examples really importance just remember that everything you've learned in active tense you need to kind of learn again in past tense and like I've said if you're not sure didn't ask us mean we can certainly help you with grammar and I promise with trial make it interesting as well but it does matter I can't stress it enough it really does matter at all okay so do we have a conclusion this is often a question I get asked that a lot there is you see there's this there's a space at the bottom no conclusion no conclusions a bit strange way no conclusion well the advice the is it's not actually necessary if you want to include a conclusion you can't do that but you need to remember something it's a writing task 1 it's 20 minutes it's about 150 to 180 words this example you're looking at now it is 3200 words this is a long example we can say something one time and we should only really say one time don't say it twice or three times or four times because you're repeating the question is if you put something into your conclusion it signal to say it's something which you haven't said before we know that we're making liquid chocolate we know that this is ten steps we know that it starts with the cocoa these red pots these why prevent pots so if we put a conclusion it's only going to say basically what the introduction says so maybe it's not necessary examiner's are very very cautious about this because when they say conclusion they're going to make sure that it doesn't repeat what you said before so if you want to do a conclusion that's fine I said here's not necessary but if you do do it to make my advice here is make sure okay you don't copy what's said before so what's what's said before submission okay try and say another way if you can but if you don't think that you can't that's that's really okay that that's fine okay process don't offer neat conclusions so it's not really a big deal in this case but if you do do it don't kind of repeat exactly we said before because if you repeat exactly we said before that the examiners would give that a penalty and they would actually reduce the number of words they can reduce your total and that can change of seven to a 6.5 or a 7.5 through seven these are quite big things okay so think about this and if you're not sure don't worry about it okay so guys that's that's passiveness that's the process you know these are the major points which I really hope oh I really really hope that they can help your lots okay these are things I teach in the classroom and these are the skills which a lot of students could do very well will and I hope for you it also works out okay remember the key points that we've covered in here okay and I put them just here just to remind everybody okay so remember it's remember to practice your passive tense passive or active understand how you can go between the two passive to active tense also think about you know practice your grammatical paraphrases it's a grammatical paraphrasing this is absurd is it this is a very nice skill to have it says read pods which are ripe is it drive pods which are read okay how do we do that for example think about okay so one one stage one stage is to be more okay more than one action more than one action that matters a lot as well think about think about here of visual information if you can see it you can write it but like I've said before be very very careful about this because you don't want to show the examiners something you're not sure about and you could make mistakes but visual information is perfectly possible in this accept and it accepted way of making a writing longer okay okay also visual information here is lasting today is dictionary definitions okay you can put definitions explain what the word means make sure you know the definition and also make sure that it's short and it's to the point okay don't make it too long and make sure that we do a definition it's right of course as well okay just add another question here okay for me a Crimea another question Jake it's actually you so he says here if it's necessary to repeat something in the conclusion to achieve hundred fifty words what is your opinion it's actually a really really good question and let's give you some advice about this I've had in here quiet on quite a few occasions that and that students that have come to me on the Monday after the exam being a missed bit upset and me being a little bit confused and the reason I'm confused is that these people are really good writers and I said well you're great writers did you not finish your writing task 1 your task 2 no I didn't and they panic bit and I safe them what don't worry and the reason I say don't worry is the examiners are humans strange thing but true to say they know if you're a good writer they're Norka if your writing is less than 150 words you may not get much reduction in your score they are they want to see your good writing and if it's two or three words I think it's about 5% shorter than the total 5 to 10 no it's 5% 5% if it's 5% shorter then it should be there should be no impact on your score so if you finding that you're getting to the end of a process and you're saying well I want to write something do I should I repeat what I said before it's up to you okay examiner's are going to be very aware of that you're repeating something you said maybe three paragraphs ago two paragraphs ago my advices to you about this is that if you really want to write a conclusion try to make sure that you if you have to use the same words that do the grammatical paraphrase and try to use those words another way I had a lot of students that have not finished their task 1 task 2 because the conclusions don't being finished but they've got very high scores so it's shown that examiner's do appreciate good quality writing they really do they really do care about their grammar and you know the grammar the structure the organization that logic the skills that you're trying to demonstrate these things have much more impact if you didn't you can get exactly 150 words it's not the worst thing in the world okay but I'm pretty confident also that if you try these things like them the grammatical paraphrasing and finding many pictures many parts in one step and visual information definitions I'm pretty confident at 150 words should be no problem at all I always advise my students to aim for about 180 words but 160 180 which they often do achieve with practice so Amir this is what I suggest to you as well okay hopefully hundred fifty words won't be a problem the main points that you need to consider and this is a bit more generous for everybody here is that if you're practicing for future studies at University you're going to be writing thousands and thousands and thousands of words and I would argue that you're going to be actually 250 words not very much so you should always be aiming to do more in the exam also you wouldn't you want to be comfortable you want to know that you're doing enough words you don't want to finish and then worried that it's too short and the count of the words because that takes time so I'd recommend that you try to focus on the strategy more practice if you can to increase that to find where you can say more so the situation never happens if a writing is too short and this is where everybody again and you have lots of grammar mistakes the suspending mistakes or other things as well then the fact that is too short and you have these other mistakes is going to have a much more significant impact hopefully that's obvious and like I've said to many of my students in class so that I'm fairly sick he's saying this but I do say often it's it's really a case of quality not quantity get the quality right okay take time a good question that actually was asked to be in class and one I do often to mention it in class is this in the writing task 1 or task to the say task 1 and you have 4 minutes left before you have to change do you spend 4 minutes writing your conclusion or do you spend the 4 minutes checking your grammar and your spelling the question is which one is going to have a bigger impact on your score the answer is well you should check your grammar and your spelling because if you go ahead and write to the conclusion in that 4 minutes there may be still grammar mistakes in the spell in another structure in your conclusion and also your body paragraphs before so the conclusion is right in the four minutes may show yet more mistakes however if you stop and say okay okay okay time management maybe not so good but I'm going to check my grandma's spelling you go back to the top you check your grammar your spelling that could make a big difference that can make a five point five point five or six a six point five a seven so we would always recommend to quality rather than quantity okay but hopefully a mere that answers your question it's not always a simple answer okay I'm sorry to say my main advice for you is the first thing number one step get above 150 get into 170 words okay by using hopefully some of the skills that you've learned from today's stream hope hopefully that works okay but you know leave don't leave comments or you can email us or contact details and let us know what happens okay yeah so thanks for the question hopefully I hopefully are in today let me know if I haven't okay so I'm still looking at the class then the very last thing I want to just remind people about is this last one these are the instructions for a writing task 1 and the question doesn't matter the instructions for task 1 are always the same thanks to me really happy to help you you know stay inside should we do more stuff and never and this is for all of you including Aamir never never never be frightened to ask question ok that every question is important teachers like myself we'd love questions we need to think in a pattern ok so always ask those great stuff back to this the instructions the instructions matter and I just want to stress again to everybody because this is the most common mistake I see in process writing if you cannot see it you cannot write it remember this can't see it can't write it can't see it can't write it any kind of task one and just includes the maps we will look at in the future and the the charts people said before you're always reporting it's such an important skill for those of you who are doing the test at least going off to university where in the UK or USA or wherever what you have to learn to be objective I can see it I can write about it that's objective if I cannot see it I and I don't know why it's happening I should not say it and that matters for me that's really important that's something that you guys are going to have to take off to university or you know maybe you're not maybe you're studying IELTS for Migration purposes okay maybe you're going to use the language after in a job in a short course but in the future all of that matters okay so guys thank you very much many many many apologies if he watched a stream earlier today it was a complete disaster the internet fails there are too many boyfriends and girlfriends or dream there famine tines gifts or something so really sorry about that but hopefully I've made it worthwhile and it's been better the second time you know I've been practicing if you have any questions I've been I'm looking at little chat right now I look at a chat for a few more moments got a question type it in quickly remember this remember to stay in touch okay stay in touch and use if we have any contact display any of our contact details okay then we have to hear where contact at came JP comm we go through the website we're on Facebook or Twitter okay we're very connected I mean my wife is really amazed I'm so connected our school is so connected consider I'm such an old man true and if you you know if if you're interested if you think we can help you these YouTube broadcasts we cover important fundamental basic information but of course there are more things to do and if you want help then do get in touch with all the clients that come to us we do it we do a free assessment we do give them a free demonstration class you can be anywhere in the world i absolutely promise you that we can do this anywhere and it's perfect it's great we get so many good feedback about this but yeah lovely lovely lovely to see you all guys thank you for the question okay so for all those in the chat so you know thanks for staying with me and being patient that's been fantastic okay I mean I said the next time the type of next section well it should be 11:30 GMT and I'll put it in I put into the about a part of our description but it's every Sunday 11:30 UK time so I'm not sure where that is where you are right now I'm not exactly in the UK because I said I'm here with my wife gonna have if birth my son okay but we are 8 hours in front so we always focus on UK time and as I say at 11:30 GMT time I'm not sure where it is where you are but you know put it in your Diaries don't worry about it if you subscribe then the moment we start broadcasting you'll get an email saying that we're broadcasting an ear if you miss the section that's fine it's always recorded and kept on there for you to catch up on okay so guys thank you very much lovely to see you and hope you have a really good February 14th remember Valentine's Day say thank you to hey crazy idea you can even save give a Valentine's flower to your mum to your dad because as a parent I love my son so incredibly much and I think the best thing maybe is the same mom dad I love you okay guys so hit the subscribe hit the like got any comments please let us know about it look forward to seeing you at 11:30 GMT next Sunday in the meantime keep on practicing keep up the great work we're so proud of you and thank you for sharing some time with us today okay take care all of you and be safe
Channel: Cambridge EAP
Views: 4,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Academic, Task 1, Writing, Exam, Cambridge, Introduction, Advice, Help, Lesson, Live, Stream, Structure, Grammar, Organisation, Chart, Bar, Pie, Line, Table, Map, Process, Diagram, Task 2, Agree, Disagree, Evaluation, Cause, Effect, Problem, Solution, Andi, EAP, Andrew, Argument, body, paragraph, sentence, grammar, vocabulary, lexical, resources, Conclusion, Technique, Coherency, Cohesion, features, example, 3 parts, thesis statement, repetition, topic, paraphrasing, link, linking, information, sequence, passive tense
Id: AKIXueMqlnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 19sec (6259 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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